The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
See in Bold

Please separate your paragraphs for god's sake!

Solvents said:
Hey everyone. Ive been lurking here for a couple of days, and felt that it was time to come forward and tell my story. It is incredibly long, and I'm sure this thread isnt intended for the epic that I'm about to unfold, but i feel that I need to get it out, and this is the best way to do it, so here it goes..
Welcome the community. I suggest you start your reading- PM me for a few books to get you started on if you are TRULY interested in making a change

So my ex and I have known each other off and on since high school (roughly 11 years) which is when we first started dating. When we first met, she was the one that made the initial approach about dating, and we did for roughly 2 years. Inbetween that time we had a very intimate, but rocky relationship. In all honesty it was me that was making the mistakes that caused the relationship on a downward spiral.

It started with another girl that was basically obsessed with me, told me how much she wanted me, and I eventually caved and we slept together. It was just days before my ex and I started dating, and that event followed and corroded our relationship for almost the entirety of our time together.

I did lie about this girl and I sleeping together, and I told her that I only loved and wanted to be with my ex. Even through all of the turmoil that it caused, we still had plans to get a place together after high school, get married, have kids etc. At the time I was pretty outgoing and spent quite a bit of time with my friends, and the days she wanted to see me, I would usually either blow it off (sometimes unintentionally) and see my friends instead of her.

On new years eve of 2005, i decided to spend it with my friends, and that was the last straw. She came over a couple of days later and broke up with me. It was pretty mutual, and she expressed how she tried and tried, and i kept showing a lack of dedication. From that point, she had persued someone else,and we only spoke a couple of times throughout the next few months. I called and wish her a happy birthday (roughly 4 months later) and she thanked me and told me that she would like to meet up sometime after a trip that she was taking (which was with her boyfriend, but she didn't tell me that). After that, we only saw each other 3 times over the course of the next 9 years.

The first time was when she came to visit at my work. She was with an old highschool mutual friend (not the boyfriend) and I took a break have a short conversation with them. She was very touchy feely, and brought up our past quite a few times. I blew it off, said goodbye, and we didn't speak again for maybe a year. The second time was with the same friend, only this time she was also with her boyfriend, and them and her friend meet up with me to just talk. She stayed in the car with him while the friend talked to me, and I eventually saw her staring at me, then making out with her boyfriend.

I'm sure it was an attempt to make me jealous, but I tried not to focus on it, and after about 15 minutes we went our separate ways. The final time was at another job, which was roughly another year later. She knew where I worked, and had a different boyfriend with her. She basically just said hello, and left. She eventually got married to him and had two children with him.

After many years, she finds me on facebook, adds me, and between 2013-2014 we start talking off and on for about a year.

She tells me that her husband had neglected her many times through the marriage, and she basically stopped caring about him 2 years ago. They got a divorce in 2012, and she had only been with a handful of men since then. In very early January, we start talking heavily about what we've been doing in the past, and she says that she never got over me. She said she wished I would have faught for her, and things could have been different. That being said, we met up for the first time in years, went back to her place, and I told her everything.

I confessed that I lied to her, and that it was a big mistake. She started crying and I held her telling her that what happened is in the past. After she calmed down she told me aslong as it stays there it will be ok. After a few minutes, she grabs me and we start making out.

From that point, we officially start dating again. We of course go through the puppy love stages, and express our undying love for each other constantly. She sleeps over at my place a few times, I sleep over at hers, and we can't keep our hands off of each other. Not even a month goes by, and she wants me to move in, so I do!.. That might have been the biggest mistake that I made. I gave in too soon, and got comfortable too soon. For the first 3 months we talked heavily about getting engaged, marriage, and basically the same thing that we talked about in high school.

Everything was great.. Then something happened..

I made the stupid mistake of texting my other ex that I had broken it off with months before my highschool ex and I got back together. I texted that I loved her, not intimately, but just in a way that I care about her well being. I texted her that I'm with someone else, and that this girl is very important to me. Well, around March, we talk about my ex a few times, and I pull the horrible mistake of lying and told her that I never speak to her. Sure, it was very seldom, but I still texted her a few times. I made the foolish mistake of putting in my password on my phone with her watching, so one night she felt that I was hiding something, and checked my texts. She told me about it the next day, and I told her it ment nothing. I told her she is the only one for me, and I am completely in love with her.

We were still very intimate throughout the next two months or so, but after that day, something about us did indeed changed. I also started getting lazy and stopped as much attention to her. I was also taking medication for anxiety at the time, and I strongly believe that it was making me simply not care as much about the things around me. She tried for a while to get my attention, asked me to go places etc. I did off and on, and at the end of the day I still kissed her goodnight, and kiss her goodbye in the morning before work. Around may, she started becoming distant. It was after a fight that we had one night and we had a long talk about how we feel for each other. She told me that things were going downhill and that she isn't sure if she wants to marry me anymore.

Basically, we stopped being intimate altogether about 2 weeks before she asked me to move out. We dated for about a week after, and she called me and said that we needed to take a break. We were both in tears, and she said that she would always love me, and even said that the breakup wouldn't last forever. She just wants me to get on my feet, and remain friends with her until things change.

It has now been nearly 3 months since the break up. We've been talking briefly at least once a week, and occasionally meet up for about an hour once every two weeks. We keep it civil and we then hug and go our separate ways. I bring us up every now and then, and mention us getting back together and how I can patch things up. She tells me that we have already talked about it, and that I'm just pushing her farther away by talking about it.

No matter what though, she stills ends up calling once a week, and we still meet. However, after 2 weeks of not mentioning us, I caved and called her one night, and did it again.. This time she said if I keep bringing it up, she may not pick up the phone anymore. We talked about it for 30 minutes, and she told her it was putting alot of stress on her. She said that with her kids, she barely has any time to do anything, and that shes basically done fighting for people (friends as well) because they always neglect her.. So she suddenly said she had to go, and that was it. We haven't spoken in 3 days, and I'm now going no contact.

She has never brought up being with someone, and I'm pretty sure she hasn't started dating again. She has never once said that we would never get back together as well.

So here I am, in shambles, but ready to take it with a grain of salt and move on.

I thank everyone that decided to read this incredibly long story, and I appreciate any and all input that is given to me. I am still deeply in love with her, and hardly find the interest to see anyone else yet. With time, who knows what will happen..
Ok my honest opinion- you need to leave her in the past. She needs to be dead to you from now on.

You were a d*ck no doubt- you have some seriously intimacy or loyalty issues that I suggest you work out before you date anybody again- that would be responsible thing to do.

It's tough- of course it is. But no contact is the only way to go. Block on FB, Block on Phone. Don't have her in your life AT ALL.

You need to go through at least three months of just focussing on yourself, not dating and just fixing yourself mentally and improving physically.

A fresh start is what you need- only you can effect this.

There will be moments of weakness- we all have them, DONT cave. There is nothing but hurt that comes from contact.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
Day 33

Doing fine. I had a date on Saturday that didn't go all that well, but that's okay.

I read something on here somewhere that was like, "I have loved and been loved before. It will be so again.". Acceptance is here, and I'm okay with it.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Day 35

Today sucks big time. It marks two months ago when I moved her across the country. And she's officially in a new relationship according to my roommates. Thanks guys, I needed to know that! I'm so worried that all of that will work out and I'll have to deal not only with my failure in the relationship, but also her success in the next one. How quickly I was replaced!

I'm freaking out. I still want to be with this scum of a sloot. She really treated me that poorly and moved on that fast. Just shows that she's self serving. But d*** it sucks. I need some ears today bros.

Am I really going to emerge from all of this stronger? Will I really meet someone better that will treat me right? Is there any world where we end up together and she isn't a s***y person? Why am I hung up on someone that could treat people like this and that doesn't love herself?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

I've been following your posts. I think we have quite a bit in common. I recovered the way you are, and it took a long time.

It will get better. I don't know anything about you getting stronger, but you will feel better.

For me, it sucked at pretty much the same level, until around 30 days and my thoughts of her dropped off significantly. Say by 40%. Then things stayed the same and there was another big drop. Then I broke NC around 75 days and there was a huge rise in thoughts of her, followed by a huge huge drop off (very recent).

I wrote about it but I haven't posted it, it was very different than the others and the post is so long IDK if anyone will even read it but anyways...

My suggestions:

I posted some articles a while back, read them. There is one in particular that has you think about the void in your life, left by her and what she brought to you. I think you should think about that and what is "missing."

Ask your roommates to stop giving you updates. You DO NOT want to know.

Ask your roommates to deck you if you bring her up again.

DO avoid alcohol & drugs

Don't bother with plates right now, you sound "not ready." Declare a pvssy moratorium for 30-60 days.

I'm not sure you're busy enough. Get busier.

What are your improvement goals?

Make a list of her faults and why it didn't work

Make a new list of your perfect woman


It does get a lot better man. I went through what you did, its all in this thread. Today I'm dating a woman who's everything my ex wasn't and its great but it took time to get here.



Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Thanks CJ. I know it takes time. How long did it take for you to build this healthy new relationship? And would you ever consider going back to your ex? Also, I realize that for some it will take more time than others. I do want to stay up to date with her eventually but I'm not ready. I want to be able to stay in touch so we can see our dogs. It's sad they aren't in our lives anymore. Maybe in a year or maybe that's denial?

You're right. I need to declare an absence from poon. I've hung out with one plate so much that it already feels like we're in a relationship. I'm not digging it.

Drop 15 lbs. PR squat, deadlift and bench. My deadlift PR is now officially 325. Hit that yesterday raw with no chalk, belt, or straps.
I'd like to sell off my house in 18 months.
I want to travel abroad solo this winter (December) and again in late spring. December I'm debating Southern Hemisphere locations and spring I'd like to do Germany.

Maybe I could use some more goals?

All this still has me wondering, why would I want to go back to her. She wasn't a terrible person. She wasn't good either... But she was just insecure. She has to be in a relationship. 2 months go by and she's already official on FB with somebody. It reeks of low self worth and need for validation. I don't want that in my life. I don't want to have to validate someone for the rest of my days.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

Those goals are a good start but you need more goals that take your time and attention every day.

Are there projects around the house you could start on to get it ready for sale?

What are you learning? Start a business ?

You get where I'm going with this...

If you have her email address and a few mutual friends you can get in touch with her any time in the future.

So after the Ex I jumped into plates pretty quick. Gave up briefly and fell back into plates. Dropped them all for a while and got all new ones. With my current GF after a few dates we decided to go exclusive, she asked and I agreed because I was having a hard time keeping them all straight and wanted to concentrate on things other than women. (Furthering my education and weights) I also saw a good, possible future with this one.

I wasn't ready most of the time, and then I just sort of "was" but that wasn't for more than 60 days.

As to the "why would you go back to her?" question. Is she on a pedestal? She may represent something you don't have right now, maybe you're comparing comfortable/honeymoon time with her to "new time" with one or more of your current plates.
She probably brought pleasure to your life, in reassurance and sexual pleasure. Your "lizard brain" will naturally try to direct you to anything that brought pleasure.

My ex moved on quicker than I did, too, she was the dumper so she had a head start. Her actions also <> her words. She was less interested than her words indicated.

IDK. My ex still pops into my head and I push her out with a "self-WTF?!". My GF is 10x what the ex was in terms of fit for my life, what I am looking for, etc. Our heads play tricks on us.



Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Update Day 60.

I'd like to make my final update post (happy to help others but for me this part of the journey is over)

So I've healed, not completely but no longer do I feel a depression about the situation.

During my 60 days I've struggled with depression, hatred and becoming Jaded with women in general. In this time I wasn't contacted by my Ex once- perhaps a blessing.

My best advise: throw yourself into hobbies and the gym,

DON'T date. I tried it and it actually slowed the healing as each unsuccessful date or flake would hit me VERY hard.

NEVER go back- I tried to make it work with the Ex and it made it 10x worse when it finally ended.

I've had some sex during this time and I've realized that Sex REALLY isn't that special (important for a relationship but not the be all and end all!)

I'll probably take another month or two off to focus on me.

In the end I look at the breakup like a gift- it's made me a new Man. It led me to this community, led to be wholly taking the red pill and finally growing emotionally.

I'll like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me on my journey, in particular: CJ,Jared, MonkeyKing, Daddylongshanks, Mauser, PK and others.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Lozboss said:
Update Day 60.

I'd like to make my final update post (happy to help others but for me this part of the journey is over)

So I've healed, not completely but no longer do I feel a depression about the situation.

During my 60 days I've struggled with depression, hatred and becoming Jaded with women in general. In this time I wasn't contacted by my Ex once- perhaps a blessing.

My best advise: throw yourself into hobbies and the gym,

DON'T date. I tried it and it actually slowed the healing as each unsuccessful date or flake would hit me VERY hard.

NEVER go back- I tried to make it work with the Ex and it made it 10x worse when it finally ended.

I've had some sex during this time and I've realized that Sex REALLY isn't that special (important for a relationship but not the be all and end all!)

I'll probably take another month or two off to focus on me.

In the end I look at the breakup like a gift- it's made me a new Man. It led me to this community, led to be wholly taking the red pill and finally growing emotionally.

I'll like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me on my journey, in particular: CJ,Jared, MonkeyKing, Daddylongshanks, Mauser, PK and others.

From experience I can tell you that not being contacted by your ex makes the process far less difficult.

Once you get past the initial period (cold turkey) it's so much easier. Well done mate!


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
What will happen if your ex is never apart of your life again?

Finding the answer to that question is what honestly made acceptance click for me. There will be little to no consequences to my life if my ex never comes back. I might miss the way she made me feel, but I won't die; I won't starve; I won't go homeless. I will continue to live. I will do so the best way I can for me and not for anyone else.

Sure she gave me a short term fix to my unhappiness, but it wasn't a solution. Depending on her to make me happy was probably what ultimately led me to drive her away. Lesson learned. Who wants the pressure of being crutch to someone else's life? All of us already have enough to worry about with our own lives.

I'm happy to have met her and to learned more about myself. There will be many more chances for love in the future. I will continue to do my thing and maybe along the way I'll find a cool chick to complement my lifestyle.

Thanks guys.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Day 37

Still feels like years ago when she asked for no contact. I know she wants to be friends one day, but I'm still obviously not ready. I'm doing much better. I've begun to approach my issues. I'm handling my anxiety, working on my patience, and dealing with my demons. I think about her dog and I lose control. I know that I can't ever see her again, and that kills me. If I saw her it would hurt more than if I just compartmentalize the loss. It's the second time I've been in a relationship where I attach to the girl and the dog.

I hate that moving her had this impact. Had I not moved her away I wouldn't be in as bad shape as I am. I took her for granted, and she took me for granted. Still many days ahead before this is resolved. I'm going to focus on enjoying those days and focusing on bettering myself. My belt went to the next notch today, so there's that.

I'm doing better. But I am not enjoying my happiness bc I know it will result in a drop off afterward. I was really happy after a work meeting today, and then after lunch I'm feeling like crap again. Positive self talk! That helps.
Aug 28, 2015
Reaction score
Day 1
I have not been able to sleep well for the past few nights.
I came back from out of town from an internship and when I came back to my side girl we pretty much seemed done before I left and she was ignoring me anyways. So, I told her to peace out and then, she flipped out and acted worried and texted me a bunch. Then, found my Facebook and was messaging me like crazy. I felt creeped out and I think she wanted to sabotage my current girl.
Which she did because everything seemed fine but then yesterday she posts this on her facebook.

"Good morning FB. Been doing a great deal of thinking here lately. A few red flags have been shown/brought to my attention. At first I was ignoring them but maybe I should stop that and face them head on. I just refuse to repeat the things that I encountered in the past. Some ppl tell me that I'm too cautious and observant but I call it defense mode. At least in this case, I won't be surprised.
Anyways time to eat breakfast and get a lil studying in before I start this work day.
— feeling bummed."

She told me she wanted to talk later and she said

"I was gonna call but I don't wanna deal with the anger or drama. I've been noticing the
things that you've said and stated. To be honest with you, I don't think you and i are on the same
level. There's so many things were don't see eye to eye on. You're still dealing with your past issues
and I'm tired of having to be nice when I should just be me and just be honest. I should have stuck
my gun last month when I wanted to call it quit. And I dont have the time or energy to see if you're
gonna get there. Its been fun but its time to call it quits."

I wanted reasons why she said

"I'm a realist....I'm not only thinking about here and now.... I'm thinking about the future
as well. I observe ppl and their actions and words. I've been telling myself for a while that it'd not
going to work but I kept convincing myself that you were my yang (opposite) and that it was gonna
work but its not. I doubt we're ever gonna be on the same level when it comes to our independence.
And its not fair that I have to explain my rhyme's and reasons (so to speak) because your ex's
****ed you over. You say this happen weeks ago but all this (the straw that broke the camel's back)
has been brought to the fore front in the last week."

"you still lean and depend on daddy to do everything for u.
At 33 I basically and am independent & take care of everything in my life. U can't expect someone
like me to be okay with that fact. You have to be a man and stand on your own two feet. That's one
of the main things we don't see eye to eye about. I'd hate to break it to u but u still have some
growing up to do. There's still certain things that you're sort of immature about. Sadly that has
nothing to do with your age. Its just your outlook on things."

And I just don't understand and it stings. I feel like she was cool in the beginning with just chill and having sex and now since I opened up to her and told her my problems which she seemed fine with now this has happend and I don't understand why it would matter when we aren't really in a relationship and I have not seen her for 3 weeks and wanted to hangout and have sex she told me I am the best at giving oral to her why would she not want that anymore? I am having trouble understanding. She knows I worked an internship at the bar for 2 weeks and I told her I got accepted into school for which I am going and she still tries to argue with me and is acting like I need my stuff together now which she was fine with it before how I am and now she isn't? I don't get it and it hurts. I feel like I had the frame right in the beginning being cool and ****y and I feel like I lost the frame when I told her I liked her because I felt and thought she was different and could open up to her and I am lost and I feel that is what she meant by the Yang. I feel like I need to restart my life and also delete my Facebook and change my number as well and I cannot trust or open up to people I just need help on how to interact with women socially by just being a fun guy and staying guarded no matter what and not becoming vulnerable and opening up even though some people tell me to. I could use everyone's support and help/advice on here thank you.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Good morning buddy

I'm almost 40 days in and I still have certain problems I'm dealing with. My advice, read up on addiction, scarcity vs abundance, and other elements of psychology and romance.

I come from addictive genes. Alcoholism runs in my family, and luckily I've never had a huge interest in it. Maybe bc I saw what it does to people at a young age. But, I do believe in true love and built a big sense of oneitis. I think this is my addictive gene finding its drug of choice. Romance opens the same neuropathways as a cocaine high. Really scary stuff when you see how that kills people. The healthy route, in my non-professional opinion, is to read up on that. Study addiction, study romance, and become ok with your issue. Know that you have to protect yourself from this drug, by learning to practice abundance. There are billions of women on the planet, enjoy them. If they aren't interested, they're doing you a favor, it wouldn't work out with them anyway. I'd rather know today than after 18 months of my addictive build up.

Determine what you want romantically out of life. Learn to be self validating. I'm not saying that you need to avoid all women or people. I'm just saying that what you do and say has to make you happy... You can't please everybody. So validate yourself, challenge yourself, and most importantly love yourself. No one person is more important than the next.

For me, I also have terrible anxiety. I never did, but this girl I dated did. She is in an official relationship 45 days after asking for no contact. She isn't self validating. And you have to ask yourself, do I really want to be responsible for someone else's happiness? That's a lot of pressure. I told her that I felt that way when we were together, and it never sank in. I could tell, she doesn't listen. She hears, but doesn't listen.

Keep studying. Study human psychology. Abundance. Self validation. Self love. Addiction. Anxiety. Study it all. I am confident that when you get to the heart of the problem, you'll see there is some insecurity in you that is preventing you from being happy in a codependent relationship. Love isn't about codependency, it's about two confident people that share a common interest and from that interest love will grow.

My problem. Whenever I find a girl with many shared interests, I'm quick to dive in. You should really take your time. It's hard, and for me there were a lot of red flags early on in my relationship. But I was going through the addiction cycle and that made it impossible to quit her. I don't think either of us is a bad person, I do think she has a sense of entitlement and fear from her age (3 years older than me). Her biological clock is ticking, and she is terrified of not having children. Again, do I really want to be with this woman bc she 'needs' my seed? Hell no!

One last time. Read! Read everything you can. And don't read how to win her back, read about improving yourself. Ignore her, and if it's meant to be, and you live in the now, it'll all come back to you one day. If not, only greener pastures buddy!


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
One other thing. Be vulnerable. If you like business books, there's a great one about vulnerability. 'Getting Naked' by Patrick Lencioni. It's a quick read and I really enjoyed it. A lot of the lessons apply to all facets of life. ... A key part of abundance is vulnerability. If you hide from your pain and are afraid to approach women, you'll naturally be inclined to over value each interaction with the opposite sex. So practice vulnerability. (Don't be a wet rag of a man pouring his heart out about this nothing girl. Be a fun confident man. Talk about what you love, and if they find it interesting that's a good sign.) good luck brother! You got this!


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

What you are going through sucks, sorry man.

I had to learn a lot of this the hard way, too. I was not brought up to properly deal with women. I was lied to. I thought women were my friends to confide in, I thought they wanted a nice beta guy, just like many of the other fellas in this forum.

Shootin4Dreams said:
And I just don't understand and it stings. I feel like she was cool in the beginning with just chill and having sex and now since I opened up to her and told her my problems which she seemed fine with now this has happend and I don't understand why it would matter when we aren't really in a relationship
This is your problem right here.

Your girlfriend is not repeat - not your "friend." No matter how much of that crap you read in women's mags or see on Dr Phil it is NOT what they want. I love the quote someone else had, here, that said "The only woman that cares about your feelings is your mom."

When you did this (and likley some other things to do with your father/family and how you handle things) you removed any remaining Alpha perception and fvcked up your frame. If you want to talk about your problems do it with men. Your buddies, dad, brother, shoe shine guy, bartender.

I suggest you take some time off, go NC with her while you read the DJ bible, read around here, Rationale Male, maybe 3% man, no more mr nice guy are all a good start.



Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

Glad you made it man and great closing thoughts. You helped me as much as I did, you.

Aug 28, 2015
Reaction score
Day 2
Still hurting but feeling optimistic. Deleted her off facebook and attempting to move on. If she ever texts or messages me how would i go about it just in case? Ignore her of course but, how and when would i reply?


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
She will bait you soon. Ignore her for the complete 60 days. Do not contact her. After 60-90-120 days, if you still feel like she holds a place in your life write her a letter. Just tell her that you ignored her to heal yourself and that you're hopeful you can be friends. Believe me, you have to ignore her!

She asked me for no contact. Mailed me my personal belongings. Then I over reacted, lost my frame and called her. I haven't talked to her since (38 days.) at about 30 days she texted me to see if I was doing ok. Shortly after she became FB official with a new guy (thanks roomies for the update.) and tbh, it all just shows that I'm better off. Someone that can replace anyone that fast in their late 20s or early 30s really isnt handling their emotional fallout and insecurities well.

She is broken and damaged. Do you really want that?

Just focus on you brother. Trust me, life will turn around. As long as you commit to bettering yourself, you will find a better situation in life. A better career, a better wifey, more happiness. You name it!


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Update. Day 38. I'm doing much better. It helps that her friends are my friends. She moved away. She is already in a relationship. everything adds up to her being unstable, manipulative, and a giant waste of my time.

Most of us on here attract terds bc we're insecure or beta. Don't get in to pickup. Get in to inner game. Focus on bettering yourself and being conscious of your emotions and mind.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Last thing. (I get in to these series of posts.)

I'm convinced we're all here for a reason. We're here because we are good people that want the best of what life offers. Others have projected their issues into us. We've showcased our own insecurities. Etc. focus on conquering those issues, and the woman of your dreams will come around. As well as a bunch of other life benefits.