The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


New Member
Aug 2, 2015
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i am trying not to not talk to her i am kinda talking to her rn but just 3 texts a day.
i think she might be seeing someone else but as of right now i don't want to be with her.
i just don't want her to be just a memory she is more to me than that.
she is my bestfriend and i am seeing other people kind of.
just want her to know i ain't just saying she my bestfriend a lot of guys who wanted to be with her said that.
i might go NC after i feel comfortable enough but probably not.
for me giving up is a no go not looking to be together.
i can't go without having her in my life.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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Man I'm concerned for you. I suggest you seek some professional guidance.

My most recent ex was my best friend too, so was my ex wife so I know. It makes it real hard to move on.

Read my posts too, I was a mess.

NC shows her you are strong. Constantly texting her and contacting her is NOT going to help you get her back.



New Member
Aug 2, 2015
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i noticed i tried making a joke but got no response after that.
but i guess NC would probably be good right now.
i just miss her and don't want her to go on and forget i ever existed.
i love her more than she loves me.
i am trying to be not needy and clingy.
i am gonna try NC again but ill probably just miss her in a week again


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
You need some space.

You can be friends in the future but being friends now is damaging. Allin in right.

Get some space and heal- then when you don't have your Oneitis you can judge the situation.

I don't think you can ever be Platonic friends with someone you were intimate with- it just doesn't work.

You'll soon find someone else- you need to learn to be happy by yourself. It seems you have some serious issues around self esteem and self worth you need to work through. Your ex should not be a crutch (and this most likely led to you two breaking up).


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Day 14

My story is long but my hopes are high.

I dated a girl for 18 months. She is 32 and I am 30. She moved away for a fellowship program for the next year. During our relationship, there were plenty of bad times. But, regardless of that, I felt like our personalities and interests were a foundation for long term success. About half way through I realized she had more image, confidence, and self esteem issues that I had known. Quickly, I became responsible for keeping us both happy in the relationship. Her expectations were extremely high, and her demands of my time were unreasonable.

She has anger and anxiety issues. And she can lose control at a moments notice. I tried to break up with her as a defense mechanism before she moved away. She had nobody, so I offered to help her move. 2 weeks prior to moving, we played house on a big group vacation with our friends. She had an episode on that trip and I thought I can't do this anymore. Even her gfs were wondering why I hadn't ended it yet.

We return, and she begs and pleas with me. I decide to help her move. We play house the entire trip. Everything was great. Except how can I trust this loose cannon when she lives 1000 miles away. So I explain I can't do long distance. We talk a lot the first few weeks. I start to think that I can't live without her. And out of nowhere she asks me for no contact. A week goes by, I start dating every night to get my mind off of it. I've been seeing someone new now for 3 weeks. And she is amazing.

However. I still miss this girl. Despite all the crazy. We talked on the phone 14 days ago, a week after her initial no contact request. She sent me a package with some of my things and a hand written card. That caused me to ask for a phone call. A few minutes of pleasant small talk. I apologized for some of my shortcomings (acting out of fear, not giving to a chance, and not prioritizing her in my life.) I told her I'd do whatever it takes to make it work. She said were incompatible. So I said ok, I'm not going to beg you. I love you and I'll talk to you when I talk to you.

14 days later I stumble on this forum. I think this will be really helpful. I still battle with knowing whether she'll call or text and if so when. This girl is impulsive. And her clock is ticking, so she's more inclined to settle. All that aside, in starting to rationalize that I deserve more.

Do you think she'll text? Do you think I can pursue friendship one day? (I wouldn't normally do that. But we had a family with our dogs and we both miss each other's immensely I'm sure.) what now?

Emotionally - I'm doing well. I still have a little anxiety. But life is going quite well. I'm seeing gains in the gym. Women are quick and interested to date me. Work is going well. Just hung up on some of the permanence and forever that comes with a break up. I still want to be with her and would do anything to make it work. ... Which is dangerous.

Thanks for the forum. This is a healthy means to handle my thoughts. I encourage others to try it!


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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Parts of your story were like mine. In reading this I can't help but wonder if you have enough options.

I suspect you need to get some plates.

I made a long list of "bad things" and incompatibilities with my last Ex and that helped. I read it when I thought about her. Give that a try?



Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Day 14.2

I hear you. I have a giant list in my phone. When I get anxious I read that. When I get angry I read a short motivational. I've got my mechanisms in place. The problem is that from a character profile were very compatible. The issue is when either of insecurities get in the way, which hers did often. She needed constant affirmation. Wanted all of me all of the time. Very dependent and needy. She was suffocating and would be at my place even when I wasn't there. She gets in to relationships, starts to get uncomfortable and then sinks her teeth in and clings for dear life. If she was secure in herself she would be an amazing person to spend my life with. But I deserve more than that.

The list includes:

Selfish, indulgent, artificial, vane, rude, entitled, unaware ...

And then I think about the numerous 'episodes'. Details I have written down as well. It was overwhelming. Right now I want her in my life as a friend. And I want to see her get better, but I'm also afraid that if she gets better she'll have no need for me. So... I am not going to be a crutch. If she comes around there will need to be a come to Jesus discussion.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
You need to accept you can't be friends just now- maybe down the line but I'd advise no- you are too invested and friendship with her won't allow you to move on.

You aren't compatible- you are kidding yourself. We all go through that stage.

It sounds like she needs to sort her sh*t out before having a relationship with anyone.

Go live your life, be thankful for the good times but realise you need to heal and make room for a new great person In your life.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Day 14.3

Maybe you're right. It's possible we're not compatible. Are there any good reads on men falling for sociopaths? Lol. Maybe I'm beta and "wanted" love. I don't know. Maybe it was that I fell in love with the idea of a family and having our dogs together every day really hurt the seperation.

Also. Any good reads on self love? I was killing it in the gym, but I took a week off last week. And now I need to get back at it today. Fitness, work, and maybe a girl or 2 to keep me occupied for the next 45 days.

Thanks for the thoughts fellas!


New Member
Aug 2, 2015
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thanks for the reply guys i i still feel like ass but hey iam still alive.
i am just trying day by day now there is no intentional NC or whatever.
just trying to see how far i can go with talking to her.
the missing her part gets tougher everyday.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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A bunch of us read "No more mr nice guy." It helped me a lot.

I also read Corey Wayne's 3% man and am reading "The 48 laws of power" right now.



Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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I totally understand. It will be like that for a while and then it will very suddenly get a lot better.



Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
CJ is right


The Rational Male (key first read)
No more Mr nice guy
Corey Wayne's 3% man

48 rules of power I can't say but it's Defo on my reading list

Boys- cling to NC like a lift raft, it will be crappy riding the waves but it will take you to a much better place.

Remember: you have loved and been loved, you will be again.

I suggest everyone takes the first 30 days at least from dating full stop. Focussing on themselves and realising that in the end it's about YOU!


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Each day I think I'm getting better. And then a terrible pain hits me from nowhere. Tonight it's at the gym. Nobody balling up here, so I'm just shooting around. Listening to music. And of course, getting in my head. Can't bring myself to lift right now. Sitting down to recenter myself.


New Member
Aug 2, 2015
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my ex is apparently seeig someone else and blocked me from instagram.
the only social media i had of her i didnt even talk to her or anything.
oh well guess i can put being friends with her out of the picture.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Masi- it's for the best. You need to move on. Cut her from your life.

My update

So I'm 6 weeks in or 42 days.

I've just really restarted my fitness regime now I have a few weeks off work. That is all part of me investing in myself and making me the best person I can be.

I've got two plates but not looking to add any more. Taking a break for at least another month if not 2.

not going to lie, it's still tough and the temptation to reach out is always there. I've found Corey Wayne's videos on YouTube a help during this time.

I've realised I wasnt happy, wasn't getting anything from the relationship and despite the pain it's getting better.

There are times when I miss the deeper aspects of having a companion and there are times when I miss the person she used to be (that person wasn't present when we re-dated)

But this has taught me that I must truly find happiness by myself again and when I do find a special someone to continue to be responsible for my own happiness.

In the end I look at this as a gift, whilst I'm sad it didn't work out- it has led me to this community and was instrumental in me swallowing the red pill and reassessing some aspects of my life.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2015
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Day 15

This **** sucks!

We are all victims of our own doing. I keep reflecting on the red flags and wondering why I waited around for this to happen. Great lesson, sometimes waiting for genuine is better than settling for any companion. So. I only blame myself for letting someone treat me so poorly. I reuse to be the victim of someone else's actions. ... Thinks back to Dennis green nfl rant. "We let em off the hook!"

As each day progresses I'm more confident that she'll return one day with rather an apology or seeking reconciliation. That's out of my own confidence and not a delusion. This girl didn't deserve my best. Once I return to my best, she'll be sorry is what I'm getting at. Last night I wrote a final goodbye letter that I don't intend to send. It made me realize all of the shortcomings I adopted and how I got too comfortable being a pillow. A lot of the letter had pieces of hate, but then my compassionate side came out. I feel sorry for her because I realize she will never be capable of true love, because she doesn't love herself. I forgot to love me because I was too busy loving her. And even all of my love wasn't enough to defeat her insecurities and falseness.

This is truly a gift for each of us. It's silly to think that as strong and confident as I was in the beginning, I slowly eroded into a shell of a man. Survive gentleman! Better days are ahead. Focus on being the best you and life will fulfill you!

Another thought. She left town and stores a bunch of stuff at my place. My roommates suggested burning it. I said lets just hold on to it. They said we should mail it back, but it's a few heavy boxes. I don't want to pay for that. What do I do? I also am not sure I ever want to hear from her again. It's causing me too much pain to realize I loved such a terrible person. She has good intentions, but doesn't realize how selfish and vane she is. ... She is far worse off than me. Maybe not in the present. But those insecurities will destroy her. If I wasn't enough then she'll never have enough.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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I completely relate to what you're saying/going through. I had the same realization re: Happiness. I've shifted to working on fixing my happy, too, but its a long journey.

I still think of my ex in pretty much the same way you are. It just takes time.
Your posts help me not even attempt to re-initiate dating with this one because I know it won't work.

Keep tough and keep going.


Lozboss said:
Masi- it's for the best. You need to move on. Cut her from your life.

My update

So I'm 6 weeks in or 42 days.

I've just really restarted my fitness regime now I have a few weeks off work. That is all part of me investing in myself and making me the best person I can be.

I've got two plates but not looking to add any more. Taking a break for at least another month if not 2.

not going to lie, it's still tough and the temptation to reach out is always there. I've found Corey Wayne's videos on YouTube a help during this time.

I've realised I wasnt happy, wasn't getting anything from the relationship and despite the pain it's getting better.

There are times when I miss the deeper aspects of having a companion and there are times when I miss the person she used to be (that person wasn't present when we re-dated)

But this has taught me that I must truly find happiness by myself again and when I do find a special someone to continue to be responsible for my own happiness.

In the end I look at this as a gift, whilst I'm sad it didn't work out- it has led me to this community and was instrumental in me swallowing the red pill and reassessing some aspects of my life.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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Definitely for the best.

It sucked when I found my ex blocked me on FB but it helped too. I don't even have it anymore. Didn't add anything positive to my life.


Masi said:
my ex is apparently seeig someone else and blocked me from instagram.
the only social media i had of her i didnt even talk to her or anything.
oh well guess i can put being friends with her out of the picture.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

Really solid post/thoughts. Destroy that letter.

My advice: Don't destroy her stuff. Be a class act - the bigger man if you will. When you do then you are winning. (in my mind)

I suggest you cover it with a tarp or something out of the way. I think its reasonable to give a little time before contacting her. A week? 2? If seeing it reminds you of her then it needs to be un seen or gone. Does she have any relatives or friends that you know? You could contact them and drop it off, and then let her know.

Another option is coldly, curtly, contact her (via email or text) and let her know that you have her stuff and you would like it removed by XX (set a reasonable amount of time) and if it isn't, it will be dropped off at "good will" or similar.

In my case, my ex had a few things (bikes, clothes) and every time I saw her damned bike I thought about her. I gave it maybe 5 days then texted that I wanted it out, I offered to drop it off somewhere for her. She wanted to come get it and we set a day/time. I was tempted to be here but instead felt it was best to just leave it in my back yard. She came and got it and then texted when she was gone. I didn't even reply. That was the last time we spoke.
