The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Day 33

Still NC.

I reactivated FB a while back to try Tinder out. I had a feeling that FB was going to be a headache and should have known better. (But I'm having luck with Tinder)

Anyways I found out yesterday through a mutual FB friend that she blocked me. Thats a good thing because we can't creep on each other, but it through me for a bit of a loop. I know it shouldn't bother me but it did. Not a ton, like scale of 1-10 maybe a 3-4.
Of course the mind races, is it because she's seeing someone? Is it because she's having a tough time, too? Probably the latter. It doesn't matter.

I guess its just that is another nail in the coffin that was our relationship. I suppose I was (am?) still hopeful that some time apart could lead to us getting back together. I need to squash that sh1t. I think thats contributing to why my feelings are dragging out.

My weekend didn't pan out the way I'd planned and I ended up with too much free time and I didn't use it as productively as I could have. I'll do better today.

I suspect that my having a tough time getting over her is largely due to some other factors in my life that I'm dealing with, and not her per say.

As I'd posted, I've been dating some women and one has really latched on (after 3 dates?!) and I'm trying to cool her. I'm not sure that dating was the greatest idea because on top of everything, I now need to dump her and deal with that.

The Nice Guys book has been helpful so far.

I'm doing OK, healing isn't happening as fast as I'd hoped.



Don Juan
Jun 21, 2015
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Day0.. I'm starting from behind (again)

Yesterday my girl went to the hospital, nothing serious but I had to go check on her, as you all know we've been contacting a little in the past few days, even though we didn't really get back together.. you also should know that we didn't end our relationship because of something someone did, but our circumstances at this time are different and the breakup is something we had to do, even though none of us really wanted it..

Maintaining NC for the past 7 days was the hardest thing I've done, the pain can't be fit into words, you guys should know.. especially that I don't hate her, and I don't want to hate her.. she was the best gf anyone can ever have..

Anyway, after I checked on her in the hospital, we had a small conversation, I decided to move on after that, this decision is killing me but I don't know what else to do.. I already miss her like no one will ever know..
Sleeping is the best part of the day, I wish I can sleep 24 hrs and just do nothing.. everything reminds me of her even my cell phone, I want to replace it, or replace my life,..


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
CJ and Jared thanks for your kind words.

CJ- I'd join the cold turkey club- leave women alone for a few months. Focus on you and get your head straight. While you're healing you don't need the complications of new women.

Don't beat yourself up- you're doing well. We all have low days and the weekend is the hardest as you have time on your hands.


I know it's tough mate but NC helps that. You soon put things in perspective.

"She was the best gf anyone can ever have" -NO!!!!!

Get out of this mindset now!


New Member
Jun 28, 2015
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Hey ive always just butchered post breakups. so im hear today after being dumped then she wanted to try again and 2 weeks later dumped again to try a different tactic. So 6/28/2015 im starting the NC challenge and this is going to be a challenge and a half for me.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

I agree with the others. I sat down and made a list of faults, future problems, bad times, etc and I refer to it from time to time.

I didn't think the list would be very long but once started, I saw a lot.

If you keep her on a pedestal you'll always miss her and regret.

As the others said you cannot think this way.

Wanting to sleep 24x7 could be considered a sign of depression. I suggest you get some exercise it should help pick you up.

Get a new phone if you have to.

All the best.



Don Juan
May 24, 2015
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Day 45

With what was posted above, I'm pretty sure I'm just suffering from depression now. She was a pretty big thing for a while but now I'm thinking it has nothing to do with her anymore. Like all people who suffer from depression the love was literally numbing out your depression from before. So instead of letting myself wallow, I'm starting a new workout plan tomorrow and am going to make myself better. Still no urges to contact her, found out she downgraded to a guy I used to hangout with. (No future, quite a loser). This makes me laugh a bit to see. I've been keeping busy with working on cars, but now I need to fix my sleep schedule and try to make myself exhausted by the time I get in bed so I have no free time to my thoughts. Wish me luck guys, I'm moving on to really trying to heal :)



Don Juan
May 24, 2015
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Insideout - you really have to stick to this NC thing now. I know you had a good reason to break it last time. Make it permanent this time, it will help you heal and become more of the person you're destined to be!



Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
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Lozboss - Thanks man. I had a really good day today, great motorcycle ride and gym time.

I am taking your advice. I shut down my OLD profiles, got rid of Tinder and Facebook. I really hate Facebook.

I'm going ghost on my plates, except for the attached one, I'll have to actually dump her, she deserves the courtesy of communication. Not looking forward to the conversation itself, but I'm actually excited about being alone.

Oh and I read this:

I realized I'd been a serial LTR guy all along and women (even now) are sapping all my time which could be better invested in gym, hobbies and courses.
I'm setting some ambitious goals that will really help my career.


Lozboss said:
CJ and Jared thanks for your kind words.

CJ- I'd join the cold turkey club- leave women alone for a few months. Focus on you and get your head straight. While you're healing you don't need the complications of new women.

Don't beat yourself up- you're doing well. We all have low days and the weekend is the hardest as you have time on your hands.


I know it's tough mate but NC helps that. You soon put things in perspective.

"She was the best gf anyone can ever have" -NO!!!!!

Get out of this mindset now!


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2015
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Cejay, Wisconsin144, Lozboss and Allin.. Thank you all guys, you're the best..

Day1 (over 7)..
It felt much better I don't exactly know why.. I was able for the first time to think about something else and focus on myself, I kept myself busy doing what I like to do in an attempt to forget her.. well I think it's too soon for me to forget her yet, but at least I think I'm doing well.. I'm not tempted to contact her now.


Cejay - I hate facebook, I deactivated mine and I'm not planning on reacitvating it anytime soon,.. and since she blocked you I would definitely say she's having a hard time or trying to convey and idea that she's fine without you, but you see, the blocking itself says the exact opposite, if she has moved on she wouldn't have to block you..
I finally got that nice guy book cuz I feel like I need it the most, let us know how it helps you..

Wisconsin144 - you're doing great bro, keep it up!
Since you don't feel the urge to contact her now, it makes it a lot easier for you and they say it gets easier from here, good luck!

Allin - You did a great thing by resisting the temptation to contact and congratulate her, I'm just glad my girl's birthday is 11 months away.. it's hard not to contact on such occasions.
as for me, I deactivated my facebook altogether, but I don't think I can block her from other apps just yet, my imagination will torture me, at least now I know she isn't texting and that's enough for me not to initiate anything with her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Walker22 said:
Hey ive always just butchered post breakups. so im hear today after being dumped then she wanted to try again and 2 weeks later dumped again to try a different tactic. So 6/28/2015 im starting the NC challenge and this is going to be a challenge and a half for me.

Good man. Welcome and good luck- remember NC is cold turkey- IT HURTs but it's the only way to rid yourself of the addiction.

Just remember - Harder in the short term but MUCH less pain in the long term.

Use it to improve yourself.

Jared- keep it up mate- get into new good habits and use them to better yourself.


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
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So it's been 3 months after being with her for 6 years... It was a pretty insane relationship where we would break up once or 2x a year and either I would beg or she would beg and we would end up back together. It seemed that we were perfect for each other but then I would find her texting someone else or she would cheat.. Not to say I didn't do the same. Them for the next 6 months she would play the I love you so much and do her best to prove how much she loved me.. Including her getting a tattoo of my initials above her genitals ( which were covered 2 years after) and we stayed together for 3 years after. So she started to get distant about 4 months back and I didn't think anything of it and then she hit me with it saying it's over. She went 0-100 and demanded everything from my house and she was coming with her dad to get it all. I didn't allow it and sent it to her that week. She blocked me from all contact as I begged for her back but none of it worked. I contacted her from time to time and she told me she was so much happier and she's dating multiple guys. So I gave up and stopped contacting her. About a month after she unblocked me from social media but no contact.. Just a message from a mutual friend telling me that I should enjoy life and how we should hang out and get drinks which I'm hesitant about. I tend to look at her social media and see her hanging out with all the girls I introduced her to through my friends and it really irks me to see her having a blast. I think about contacting her all the time but I pretty much know the outcome of her telling me to move on.. I do want her back or to at least hear from her.. Any advice?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Jfm1988 said:
So it's been 3 months after being with her for 6 years... It was a pretty insane relationship where we would break up once or 2x a year and either I would beg or she would beg and we would end up back together. It seemed that we were perfect for each other but then I would find her texting someone else or she would cheat.. Not to say I didn't do the same. Them for the next 6 months she would play the I love you so much and do her best to prove how much she loved me.. Including her getting a tattoo of my initials above her genitals ( which were covered 2 years after) and we stayed together for 3 years after. So she started to get distant about 4 months back and I didn't think anything of it and then she hit me with it saying it's over. She went 0-100 and demanded everything from my house and she was coming with her dad to get it all. I didn't allow it and sent it to her that week. She blocked me from all contact as I begged for her back but none of it worked. I contacted her from time to time and she told me she was so much happier and she's dating multiple guys. So I gave up and stopped contacting her. About a month after she unblocked me from social media but no contact.. Just a message from a mutual friend telling me that I should enjoy life and how we should hang out and get drinks which I'm hesitant about. I tend to look at her social media and see her hanging out with all the girls I introduced her to through my friends and it really irks me to see her having a blast. I think about contacting her all the time but I pretty much know the outcome of her telling me to move on.. I do want her back or to at least hear from her.. Any advice?
You need to move on. She's toxic.

It's NOT going to work a second time around- sorry. The above story told me that.

You two aren't going to work.

STOP concentrating on what she is doing and focus on you. I understand if you dislike someone it hurts you to see them having fun but she is doing what you need to be doing- having fun.

Get on with your life- find someone new who is BETTER and who deserves you. Your ex does not.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score

Thanks, its great to have you guys confirming what I am thinking. It may be selfish but it feels better to think that she's also having a hard time. I don't wish her misery or anything but its nice to think I meant a lot to her as she did to me.

Good for you on finishing up Day 1. I wouldn't worry too much about forgetting her, just work on not thinking about her on a regular bases. She's part of your past, thats all.

I was married for 11 years and it ended with her cheating, I loved her but I'm not trying to forget her either. That was part of my life and who I am today but its over and never going to "be" again, and thats ok. You dig?

Hope Day 2 goes well for you. Staying busy really helps me.


Insidout said:
Cejay, Wisconsin144, Lozboss and Allin.. Thank you all guys, you're the best..

Day1 (over 7)..
It felt much better I don't exactly know why.. I was able for the first time to think about something else and focus on myself, I kept myself busy doing what I like to do in an attempt to forget her.. well I think it's too soon for me to forget her yet, but at least I think I'm doing well.. I'm not tempted to contact her now.


Cejay - I hate facebook, I deactivated mine and I'm not planning on reacitvating it anytime soon,.. and since she blocked you I would definitely say she's having a hard time or trying to convey and idea that she's fine without you, but you see, the blocking itself says the exact opposite, if she has moved on she wouldn't have to block you..
I finally got that nice guy book cuz I feel like I need it the most, let us know how it helps you..


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Day 34

Well I just let the clingy plate go. 3 dates and we only communicated via text so I felt justified in ending via text. Many would go ghost but that didn't feel right, we hadn't had sex yet so I went with the text.

I told her the truth, that something personal had come up and I'd decided to stop dating while I deal with it. She understood.

Maybe that makes me an a$$ but I'm done with the nice guy thing. I'm not going to be caliced with her feelings but I am going to be more selfish.

I did that for me. She smothered me with texts. I couldn't take it. I fell a little bad but like a 3/10. I also feel relief. It was way too early to start dating. I'm looking forward to some serious monk mode time sculpting a new CJ.

Anyways, I have a few more plates or primed plates who aren't as clingy. I'm just going to go ghost them. I really have lost interest in women. I know it will come back but right now my focus is CJ.

Yesterday was a good day and today is going to be, too. I started to address some personal problems and I feel good, hopeful.

For me its like climbing a long hill that you don't see the crest of, but then it just kind of crests and you feel way better.

I hope y'all are doing well today. Its a tough row to hoe as they say but it does get better.



Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Well done CJ- Good choice. I think plate spinning can be damaging during NC. Especially when you're emotionally fragile (rejections hit harder etc)

Best of Lucky doing you. I want you to share your goals if you will with us? It's important you write them down anyway and follow them. We will support you and push you to achieve them.

My Goal is to lose a Stone. I've wanted to do it for ages to get back to 10% Bodyfat and feel better.

Allin - stick in there buddy, get that issue sorted then don't speak to her for good.

I'm feeling a bit sh*tty today- depressed and a tough day at work. First day of the diet too I guess so that doesn't help. Tomorrow is a new day.


Don Juan
May 24, 2015
Reaction score
Allin said:
Let's do that. My goals :
1) to find a job that I actually like.
This is the most important thing for me and 50% of why I'm not happy with myself. Had two interviews recently, things are looking good.
2) to resume my training program for my upcoming 21k run in September.
I stopped after my breakup due to the fact that I lost so much weigh after it that it actually was dangerous for me to run too much.
3) eat a sh*it load of proteins and lift weighs regularly.
I'm skinny and just before breaking up, ex said that I have to work out and not only run. Well, it's time. I subscribed to a gym and started doing bodylifting at home
Good luck buddy, I'm starting my working out and bettering myself now too. I'm done moping and being upset over something so petty. Let's become the men we were all destined to be! We will all support each other and be happier in the long run.



Don Juan
May 24, 2015
Reaction score
Goodbye Facebook :)

Deactivated Facebook. Something I never saw myself doing, I actually feel better than usual from this!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Well going on 2 weeks now of no contacting the cute girl in my class. Damn it's killing me, but the afc must die. I've maintained my reality just being cordial with the usual hello, but that's it. I did say a Happy belated Birthday since I overheard her birthday was on sunday.

Tried to focus my mind on my goals so that women such as her are no longer the priority, but a leftover thought:

1. Finish planning for fall recruitment.
2. Finish reading Book of Pook and the Seduction manual and begin the DJ Bootcamp.
3. Continue working on my identity starting with fashion and attitude.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is going through this agonizing crap!


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Allin: Good Luck in your goals- remember goals are achieved by a step each day- NOT overnight.
I'm currently waiting to hand my notice in (2.5 weeks till i do!) and I start a Full time MBA in September- CAN'T WAIT!

Jared- Good work man. Focus on you now. Women will be there in 4/5 months time. Far better to spend the time working on discovering you again.

My Update:

Diet progressing well. Doing my training and focussed on finally getting back in shape.

Otherwise it's been a tough start to the week- feeling quite low and although it no doubt helps not hearing from the ex I kind of expected to. I guess it just hurts that it doesn't mean enough for her to pick up her phone and send a message.

I'm confident the decision to give women a break is key to achieving my goals. Never before have I realized how much they take from you without giving.


Don Juan
May 24, 2015
Reaction score
My biggest problem right now is people keep bringing up the drama going on in her life to me. I get she's having a ****ty life but I honestly don't want to hear about it lol. How do I tell these people nicely to stop bringing it up?