There are no magic pills or miracles to help you get over a break up, but here are some small tips that have been helping me get through my days. I thought I'd share. There are a lot more, but I'll post those in a day or two...
Take some time each day to grieve
Each day, take some private time where you indulge your thoughts about her and let out all those emotions. Cry about it and allow yourself to mourn your loss.
See it as a purging of your sorrow and pain, as you would flush away poison from your body. Think of those great times you had together, how much you will miss her and allow yourself to feel the pain.
In the beginning, you might need a couple of time outs per day, but try to limit it to 30 minutes each session. As the days go by, try to cut down to one time out per day, then gradually reduce the time you spend grieving.
Don't be hard on yourself. This is not a sign of weakness or femininity. It's a natural healing process and everything you are going through is normal. You are going through a time of both grief and trauma. It's not healthy to repress how your feeling or pretend that this doesn't hurt. When you keep pushing it down and carrying it round with you, it builds up and it gets worse. So just let it out!
You will usually find that having these crying sessions will leave you with a sense of relief and allow you to continue your day in a more functional way.
Stop Romanticizing the Relationship and Think Realistically
Basic human psychology indicates that people place more value what they cannot have or that which they fear losing. Therefore people who have just been dumped tend to value the unavailable person more than ever and this is the root of post break up suffering.
It’s common for the person who was dumped to romanticize the lost relationship and place their lost lover on a pedestal. They will keep reflecting on all the good times, all the excitement, the love and affection they felt, the sweet little things and gestures their partner did for them, how beautiful they were and focus on everything they have lost.
However, in reality, no relationship is perfect. It’s not all happy times, romance and love, and the chances are if you have broken up now there was a period of time towards the end of the relationship that wasn’t good at all. Perhaps you were arguing more often, taking each other for granted or you noticed a drop in affection or lack of sex and excitement. This is the reality of your relationship and this is most likely the way it would continue into the future.
So for this exercise, I recommend writing how you would see your relationship 6-12 months from now when the excitement and romance of the “honeymoon” period has worn off. Focus on all the negatives of the relationship, the times you were bored or dissatisfied, the annoyances, when your ex wasn’t making much effort, when she wasn’t looking so attractive, when you felt under pressure or unappreciated. Think about the times you longed for more excitement or found your mind wandering to other women. Use these examples to write a typical day in your life as a couple. Think about getting the groceries, doing chores around the house and the usual mundane things that couples do.
Now have a think about your life once you are over her. Think about dating again, getting to experience a first kiss with a girl, the kind of wild sex that only happens at the beginning of a relationship, and how you would do things differently with all the lessons you have learned from your break up. Think of the extra freedom you have to hang out with mates, enjoy recreational activities and hobbies, and the freedom to choose your own future.
This helps to see the relationship for what it was and what it would become if you continued, and it will give you a very different perspective on moving on without her.
These aren’t miracle cures and in my experience, they are not long term solutions either, but they did help to take the edge off my pain.
EFT is an exercise that involves tapping certain points on the body while saying how you feel. The idea is to try and release the emotion. Here is a useful video to demonstrate. Give it a try and see if it helps:
PSTEC is a less known series of exercises which uses tones and tapping as way of scrambling thoughts in your mind and disassociating them from the emotions they invoke. I have only used the basic free audios and I recommend them.
Sometimes, I get no relief at all, then other times they seem very affective and give me respite from the pain for the rest of the day. If it fails first time, try again.
I will often use this when I start to feel low again and feel myself re-living painful aspects of the break up or thinking about how much I miss her.
Watch the Movie "Swingers" with John Favreau and Vince Vaughn
Such an insightful movie and really helpful to watch during a break up.
Reflect on the Lessons you have learned from your break up
Pay attention to the things that may have contributed to your break up. Were you too available, too accommodating, too "nice" or were did you sulk and throw tantrums when you didn't get your own way?
Did you get complacent? Did you stop proving to be a challenge, stop keeping her on her toes? Did you let her walk over you and not stand up for yourself?
Do some reading on attractive male behaviour or alpha male traits and really think about how you fvkced up. This will serve you really well if ever you decide to reconcile and help you to avoid making the same mistakes again, or it will serve you well in future relationships.
For now, understand that this break up happened for a reason and there's something to be learned from it. It hurts like hell, but this is a good thing, because it will drill those lessons deep into your head and make sure you never do it again!
What's more, this pain will make you stronger and will give you valuable experience for the future. This is all part of your evolution as a man.