1/4/13 - 1/11/13 Week 21 Cont.
Alright so let's jump into these parties...
Thursday night was a regular club night. Sandbar was the place to be, and while there it's usually free before 11 and has little to no line that early in the night, tonight it was PACKED. It wrapped around the corner and was halfway down the strip of storefronts.
Luckily Brett, two girls he brought, and myself all got our free wristbands. Thomas, Fahmi, and some other people were pregaming at an apartment. Some of the new girls in our dorm were there that night but I don't remember if the hot ones were present. I think I got through about 4 or 5 beers before we decided to go to Sandbar because if we left later we probably wouldn't be able to get in...seeing as they were over capacity at one point.
We get in there and it's just wall-to-wall gorgeous chicks and is more packed than I had ever seen it. Despite this, I couldn't really get in the groove. I remember dancing with a few girls, but didn't get any makeouts or numbers or anything and just had some fun with my friends since it was obvious I wasn't going to be bringing a girl back tonight.
Saw HB Ashley from Cape Fear, and while she still refuses to dance she said she would hit me up, hasn't so far. I ended up deleting a whole bunch of girls' numbers that I wanted to bang but weren't doing a good job replying. She was one of them, along with HB Kelsi, HB TaylorO, among others.
Also...Miles was making out with Krystina, a new girl that is really nice but pretty damn ugly in the face, and I can't understand it...
Friday night was better.
My friend Jon was going to move out of Clay's apartment on Clear Run, so we decided to throw him a going away party. Went out shopping with him and Stephen and picked up a beer bong and funnel, some black lights, solo cups, and ping pong balls. I invited several of the new hot girls from the dorm and we had high hopes for this party. Stephen told me he was going to get the place together and that I was in charge of bringing people.
We got together some beer and bottles of vodka and brought the girls and everybody over to the apartment. The vodka was dry, there was no loud music or place to dance, and Jon, Stephen, and Fahmi were wildly drunk already.
After a little while one of the new guys, Matt, told me that there was a party in a neighboring apartment that was much bigger and let them in just like that. We returned and told everybody and brought the beer over. Jon and Stephen were kind of pissed off that I would take people away from his going away party, but all the girls we brought, including HB Meagan, were sitting around, sipping on a beer, mingling in a little circle.
So we brought them all over, I put a playlist on, and proceeded to get drunk to the best of my ability. The girls weren't all that, and HB Meagan had both Thomas and Matt all over her trying to win her over while I just made sure the people I was with were having fun. Nobody was dancing and the lights were still on, so all there really was to do was drink and mingle, and that wasn't really my thing, so I just looked after the others.
Oh, but I did get the number of the apartment owner for future parties at her place. She's nice.
Eventually a cop showed up and we all slowly walked out past him and headed back to the dorms. I walked with Thomas, Matt, and HB Meagan, and had Krystina and her friend following us a ways back. It was so painful listening to Thomas and Matt put this girl on a pedestal. I would f*** her in a heartbeat but these guys are talking about how her beauty is beyond compare, and how they would change for her, and how great she would look in a bikini tomorrow...I don't understand...and you'll find out later what I mean.
Oh I almost got hit by a car as I was crossing the street. Might have been a drunk driver but I jumped back and landed on my @$$ with the tires like a foot away from my legs, while the driver stopped and apologized for not seeing me. Gave everyone a good scare, was kinda cool.
Got back and some people wanted to hang out and watch a movie and I was cool with that. There was a friend of HB Meagan named HB Lauren that I was interested in, so we had a little
text conversation, and I told her to join me on a bed in the back of the TV lounge, and she told me she had a boyfriend...so now she's on the wayside.
Saturday was one of the most perfect days and nights I've ever had.
It started with some good breakfast at the dining hall with a bunch of the guys from last night and was followed by a trip to the beach in this beautiful 78 degree weather over here in North Carolina.
Traveled with Thomas, Phil, Jared, HB Lauren, and HB Meagan. We got stuck in traffic that lasted an hour while we listened to music, just chatted, and messed with other drivers moving as slow as we were.
We set up at the beach, took a quick dive into the freezing cold water, and played some football on the beach. Thomas went with HB Meagan for a long walk along the beach to the pier while I lead the big group of new international kids to the same spot for some time. After that we went back and got some food at the dining hall. The ride was hilarious...kept messing with Phil and getting on the girls' good side. Ladies like a funny man...
Now onto the night...I was the BOSS!
So my friend Alex in ATO invited me to the pledge initiation party tonight and told me I was welcome to free alcohol and could bring whoever I wanted. So I got LITERALLY 16 people together from my dorm and some other friends, along with all the hot notable girls; HB Meagan, HB Lauren, and about another 6 or 7 girls. I met them all, invited them all, they all accepted...like a BOSS!
I had Brett pick up 36 beers in case there wasn't enough alcohol at the party for all the people I was bringing, along with 2 bottles of wine for the girls. Didn't really end up needing it...
Had to take 3 taxi cabs of people over to the house and proceeded to get HAMMERED as soon as we all got into the house. Alex and Kelvin saw me roll in with everyone, including the hottest girl in the party; HB Meagan, and started talking to his boys about how I'm a huge stud.
Got all my people cups for PJ, showed them to the keg, got Alex and Kelvin to fill my cup with some quality champagne when they started popping bottles. Brett and Chris were running the beer pong table while I was flirting a little bit with a girl or two that I found worthwhile. The playlist was booming and I introduced my friends and the girls to the fraternity guys, including the owner of the house...god...I was just so on point!
My 36 beers were gone instantly and Krystina was able to almost down an entire bottle of wine by herself. The ATO guys brought out an ice luge to take shots of whiskey and coke...I went over for two and I could not have gulped another drop of that whiskey or I would have puked. Everybody I was with got as drunk as I had ever seen them...including myself.
Stephen's birthday was today and I got them to play the 2Chainz song. I had this girl, HB Lizzy all over me as well. She had sex with Alex a few months ago, but I always thought she was hot and I was so gone so we start making out, and I get a lull in the action so I go over to Alex and make sure he knows what's going on, and he's totally cool and tells me to go for it...this guy's awesome, more concerned about getting me to break my dry spell than who I would break it with.
We makeout a lot and I tell her how I'm going to f*** the s*** out of her. We go outside for a bit so she can get a smoke and then end up on the couch next to Clayton and Fahmi, and are just making out when I get c***blocked. That was the only thing that sucked...
Gene and Annie thought that HB Lizzy was too drunk and should go home...there are about 3 things f***ed up about this part:
1. Gene is an ATO brother that I'm pretty cool with. One of the first guys that I met and always a nice dude...so that surprised me.
2. Annie is a girl I had eaten dinner with a few times along with HB Lizzy, and claimed to not want relationships and that she was a free girl and stuff. Also my friend...so that was messed up...not gonna forget that one.
3. I was WAY more smashed than this girl. I was falling around, almost tripping on everything, and didn't remember anything she really said to me aside from something about a hospital...
So that sucked.
Continued having fun and drinking. All my boys are smashed and dancing on some girls. All my girls are dancing with a guy or drinking and laughing with their friends. Success!
But a cop shows up, and I know the way out, so I get most of the people I came with and exit through the window and start to walk back to the dorms. The walk itself was hilarious. We all had our stories, and were falling all over the place and making jokes about the stupidest crap. Dear god it was hilarious...
I think I just plopped onto my bed and went into deep sleep until I was woken up to get some more breakfast the next morning and hit the beach again.
Now what's weird is that Thomas was once again all over HB Meagan. What was different was that this time they made out and apparently had sex later that night when they got back. He was a little nervous the next day because she had a boyfriend somewhere and wasn't sure what he did was right.
I don't understand how he had sex with this pretty attractive girl, while playing the role of an AFC that puts her on a pedestal.
I don't know, I was cool with everything that happened that night, and had never been so drunk before. It was awesome. According to Alex and Kelvin the next day, the cop left after just telling them to quiet down a little big, but most of the people left when they heard there was a cop so it died down not too long after (3AM ish)...