//The Chronicles of BPH\\


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I won't be posting here after I go to college. I might drop in to read a couple journals but I think I'll find a new college forum to keep a journal for the next year. I'll hit you up on facebook with where I'll be posting.

I will try to have sex before I leave for school.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I read that thread. You seem pessimistic, like ndj said. Also you're more concerned with getting laid than making friends. Girls come and go, the male and female FRIENDS you make matter a lot more. Also girls will place you on their social ladder based on who your friends are, so make the right friends.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
LearningSlowly said:
I read that thread. You seem pessimistic, like ndj said. Also you're more concerned with getting laid than making friends. Girls come and go, the male and female FRIENDS you make matter a lot more. Also girls will place you on their social ladder based on who your friends are, so make the right friends.
Thanks for gettin my head straight.

Just wanted to say that it's hard to find time to update this while in college so I may just update as events happen, need to get my laptop first though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Ok, sorry to disappoint some of you but this is just another mini-update...

College is awesome, been to parties almost every day, met a ton of awesome friends, and finally ended my dry spell (only making out, no sex yet) and am having a blast. The girl cheated on her boyfriend with me but I'll put that up later and let you guys judge how bad it was. Anyway I think I'm going to update this weekly because I simply don't have time to get on here much.

But peace anyways.

Also...it seems like a LOT of girls in college have boyfriends...albeit 5 hours away...go figure...


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
^agreed. Too many boyfriends. Went super direct last night only to find out she had a boyfriend. Had to tell her and her friend that I don't mind rejection and still want to see them.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2010
Reaction score
BPH said:
Ok, sorry to disappoint some of you but this is just another mini-update...

College is awesome, been to parties almost every day, met a ton of awesome friends, and finally ended my dry spell (only making out, no sex yet) and am having a blast. The girl cheated on her boyfriend with me but I'll put that up later and let you guys judge how bad it was. Anyway I think I'm going to update this weekly because I simply don't have time to get on here much.

But peace anyways.

Also...it seems like a LOT of girls in college have boyfriends...albeit 5 hours away...go figure...

Good dude! Getting the hang of things...

You'll be suprised how quickly those 5 hour away boyfriends vanish about a month in.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
eastcoast15 said:
Good dude! Getting the hang of things...

You'll be suprised how quickly those 5 hour away boyfriends vanish about a month in.
Yeah a little. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been laid yet, but I'll probably be able to change that soon...

8/14/12 - 8/16/12

Nothing important worth mentioning here aside from some workouts and runs, but I probably won't log those for a while, and if I do I'll probably do it separately from this journal. Mostly getting packed, stressing out, and not being able to see HB Katelynn before I left for school. My laptop would also arrive late.

8/17/12 - 8/24/12 Week 1

I think this is a good format to do my journals from now on. College always has stuff going on so it'll be really hard to find time for individual days, so I'm just going to be updating by the week.

This first week will be mostly about moving in and partying almost every night.

Moving out of my house was kind of a surreal moment, and brought tears to my eyes for the first time in a while. I'll be missing my family, especially my brother, along with my dog because I'm not sure how much longer he'll be around.

First day was spent on a really long road trip where we arrived at my cousin's house and crashed there till I had to move into my dorm the next day.

Moving in took a while, my roommate's name is Shauyl...he's a 25 year old Saudi Arabian...I feel like I kinda got screwed in that aspect. He's nice and easygoing but he prays a lot, doesn't mess with any girls, and speaks a very broken English. Thing is, there's a gay kid down the hall that has Shauyl's name written on it in the standard black ink, while his name is in purple pen on my door...so I think he just didn't want to be with the gay guy.

Got all situated, said bye to my parents, and proceeded to meet people.

Notable friends are Brett and Ryan, but we call Ryan DJ Browneye...don't ask why, we just thought it was funny and it stuck. Very first night we went to this hypnotist performance and later hit up 3 parties. Everything was kinda dry and there weren't many girls to chat up so it was mostly a travel thing.

The next few days were filled with girls' phone numbers, orientation, and parties every night with the exception of 2 nights. Here are more notable people, along with the 2 I mentioned above:

Brett is really chill and has a lot of things in common with me. He's a virgin and believes in the sex after marriage thing, but I would have never guessed had he not told me. His main squeeze is a girl named HB Sarah right now.

Ryan is a DJ with huge speakers and a subwoofer in his room. He DJs for parties and has an awesome room, also really chill.

Miles is like me when it comes to women. He sees them the same way I do and acts the same around them. Aggressively approaches and thinks about getting the lay. The kid had a legendary first night, causing problems at 7AM due to too much partying, and was cited and put on probation...awesome. I also train him when I work out, as he follows my routine.

Andrew is this Egyptian guy that rooms with Miles. He's real cool, apparently rich, and has an ex-girlfriend that he still hooks up with. An awesome wingman, but I'll tell you why later on in here.

Clayton is this huge basketball player that I met at orientation. Real chill and easy to get along with. I used his height as an icebreaker when I was meeting new people during orientation, telling them to guess his height. The guy parties but doesn't drink and plans to play for the school.

Jodi is this almost tomboyish girl my friends and I met after our first day or two. She's funny and we can talk about almost anything. I wouldn't consider her hot, but my friend Miles made out with her and messed around with her this week.

There's a few more people but I'll mention them as they come up, the group above are the people I consider close friends.

Ok so yeah...we went to parties almost every day...frat parties, house parties, we even went to a slip n slide day party because Miles and I met and befriended some of the local girls, named HB ShortMegan and HB Callie, whom Miles also made out with this week. We felt like the cool kids because we were the only freshman that knew about it. Our dorm is International House and is quickly becoming known as something of a party dorm.

I'll admit I'm jealous of one of my floormates. His name is Dan and on one of our first days I walk into his room (he stays with 2 others in a large room for temporary housing) and they're all hanging out with a few girls, the hottest one being HB Kaley. I try to run some game on her but I can see that she's already interested in Dan. Apparently they f*** that same night, and since then have been something of a couple...yeah I'm jealous.

I've met a ton of girls and gotten several numbers, however none of them translated to anything so far. I think it might be because I'm skipping the rapport phase, but at the moment I don't really care.

Ok so the action I've gotten so far stems from this...one of these days I played ultimate frisbee with my friend Brett and RA Greg. As I'm walking back to my dorm this hot blonde stops me and asks for directions. Her name is HB Adri, I get her number, and start texting her. She asks about parties and stuff and I sense some attraction.

At one of the parties I met up with HB Adri along with her friend HB Megan (not HB ShortMegan) and started chatting them up. HB Megan put in a good word for me, I also met her at orientation. So after a few drinks she asks me to dance with her. I oblige and after some awesome grinding I turn her around and try to kiss her. She stops me and tells me she has a boyfriend back home and apologizes for leading me on. Later she keeps talking to me to make sure I'm not mad, while flirting with random other guys and trying to bring me along for the ride.

Eventually Brett's ready to leave and her ride, HB Megan has already left, so I have to bring this girl along and taxi her home.

Nothing else notable happens until a few days later when it's just Andrew, Ryan, and I going out. We pick up his ex, HB Sabrina, and somewhere along the line we end up with HB Adri. We arrive at this one party and just TOTALLY RUN S***! We go straight to the beerpong table, say hi to all of these girls from International House we know, I get my whole crew a beer, and Andrew and I proceed to win our game of beerpong. I chatted up this girl and would probably have gone for the close, but soon after our win we all got kicked out by the host because they had early classes. So we go to this apartment where one of HB Adri's friends has a bottle of gin, and take a shot of that. On our way out I stop HB Adri at the bottom of the stairs and try to kiss her. She puts up plenty of resistance, claiming she doesn't want to cheat on her boyfriend and that I'm bad for making her do this, she's also only been with the guy for a week and they never had sex. But at the same time she's playing with my lanyard, biting her lip, and running her hands along my body. So eventually she caves and we start making out. The whole time Andrew is just chilling in the car with his ex and gives me plenty of time to seal the deal. We get her up and bring her back to her dorm, Andrew offers to have her come sleep with us at our dorm, but we both decline that offer.

We text back and forth a little bit but I'll save some of the other interactions for later...seeing as they were on Saturday.

I also made out with this other girl at a party later this week...maybe on Friday. Her name was Chelsea, but I couldn't tell if she was an HB or not, so I decided against pursuing her any further.

As for classes, I had to move around biology because the teacher was Korean, therefore hard to understand, and because he was a hardass. I looked up the grades he gives and found that the average GPA was a 1.96 for his class...

I've also been keeping up on my workouts and jogging, though I have now increased it to 3 mile jogs with ~2minute rest after each mile.

If I think of anything else worthy of including in this update I'll edit this post later. But for now college has given me some real good friends, parties almost every night, and plenty of girls' phone numbers...albeit many with boyfriends.

So if anybody wants to give some advice on getting the lay early in college, let me know. Because I'm surprised it took me so long to get a mere makeout.

Anyway I believe that's all for now, glad I for the time to update this post, and I hope I have some replies to reach when I come check this later. Until next time, peace.

EDIT: My friend Andrew wants to have a big birthday party on Friday. Assuming we can get HB ShortMegan to let us use her house as a venue, we have awesome plans in mind. Ryan would DJ, we would chip in to get 3 kegs since 2 kegs have always gone dry at parties, and since the place is kinda away from campus, it wouldn't get much cop attention. We would call is the GDI party or Gamma Delta Iota (God Da** Independent) which refers to people who aren't in a frat. Will keep this updated as it develops.
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Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
How many people in your college? It'll happen bro, all I can think of is expand social sircle and befriend girls.Don't try to close everyone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
**** rapport! have had the same problem recently. 2 girls rejected me 'cause i just went for sex without comfort. meh. keep on ur grind


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
8/24/12 - 8/31/12 Week 2

This week was nowhere near as fun or as interesting as my first, and will therefore likely be much shorter.

I haven't met as many people this week. That doesn't mean I haven't met anyone, just that the rate at which I meet people has slowed. When I walk to classes I'm usually in a very objective mode and rarely cold approach these people in an environment where a bad rejection would cause ripples. Not that I really found anyone worth approaching.

This being the first FULL week of school, I had a few longer classes and got my schedule nice and ironed out. I will say that I am behind in a few classes because my parents wanted me to wait to find which books I really need as well as find better prices for them. It's annoying when most of my assignments are online and have specific hour due dates...doesn't help that the online module isn't the easiest to navigate.

But let's see...this week as far as parties:

The week was pretty dry and the only stuff that happened during the week involved a few runs to the beach while I chilled with my friends and they smoked. I don't smoke so these times were kinda boring except for when I went in the water and had some fun in the waves at night. One of these nights involved Miles, Andrew and I going to the beach with HB Megan and HB Adri along with a few of their friends. HB Megan and her friend were in the water in bra and panties and I joined them in my boxers. I just wanted to note that HB Megan has a great body...but I already made out with HB Adri and HB Megan has a boyfriend as well...so not sure if there's anything I can do there.

I'll update the rest of this later, I just don't really feel like it. I'm kinda sick and just want to relax.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
8/24/12 - 8/31/12 Week 2 Cont.

Alright so continuing...

As far as girls:

I met a few, number closed a few, still haven't been able to get one back to my dorm. It goes like this...I met a really hot girl in my biology class named HB Mallory, I could tell me she was interested because she was trying to engage me constantly while I was trying to talk to her friend. So I chat her up a bit and get her number. I text her asking what her plans are tonight and her reply is something along the lines of "sorry I was on Skype with my boyfriend blahblahblah are my plans for tonight".

This whole boyfriend thing is becoming SO annoying. I know that I can push through but it would be a lot of unnecessary bullsh** and drama I'd have to plow through to get the kiss, let alone the lay. HB Adri is proving this to me daily...

I'm still working out, though I have unfortunately missed days due to classes, meals, and workouts all conflicting in regards to timing. I gained a little weight, but don't have as much definition in my 6-pack at the moment. I may or may not revert to the bodyweight routine I used to log.

A couple fun little things happened this labor day weekend, but I'll include that in next week's update.

Right now I'm still dry with girls, I have a good group of friends that parties, and I'm kinda sick which sucks...

I believe that's all for now, peace and wish me luck with these classes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
8/31/12 - 9/7/12 Week 3

Alright guys let's do this again!

I'm sorry to report that my genitals are still inexplicably dry...

School's been going well, I'm starting to catch up on my work and receive my textbook and necessary bits in the mail. Most of my classes don't really have interesting people or hot girls that I'd want to meet...so in one or two of them I'm usually just quiet...maintain an air of "mystery"...just kidding, but yeah some of them are lame and I'm not the loud, fun, obnoxious person I usually am.

Still working out and running 3 miles on non-workout days. I don't really keep track of the weights I use, I just go as heavy as I can on each day that I work a body part. It might be a good idea for me to start taking a log though.

There have been some decent parties this week and some really bad nights...

Thursday night was real good. We all went to this girl HB Maria's birthday party. I went with these girls HB Paige and Mackenzie that Brett and I had met then rode to the beach with. HB Paige and I clicked pretty well so I thought bringing her to this party would be a good idea. There's also this guy Stephen that joined my group of friends that I'll be mentioning later (by the way, the main crew I'll be mentioning consists of Brett, Andrew, and Miles).

So at this birthday party everything is going really well. We had our own booze, I was winning beer pong games, and I had HB Paige playing with me. Then HB Maria comes over and asks what I'm doing, I tell her I'm winning when she grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss. Lip to lip but nothing that could be considered a makeout. So at this point Stephen tells me I should go after HB Maria and forget HB Paige, but that's not what I want tonight.

HB Paige eventually has to leave because she has early classes tomorrow morning, and I consider going with her but decide not to, instead we just make out a little before she leaves. Then I set my sights on HB Maria. I get a kiss from her every so often when I pass her in the house, but she never stays to do anything more than just that.

So we all leave to go to this club, City Limits, because Miles wanted to hook up with this receptionist from our school that we saw at another club and danced with last week. Problem is the girl is dancing with every guy she can, and even motions me to come to her, after that failed she came up and started grinding on me and left after I didn't react. Miles was visibly upset, so after a while of messing around in this foam pit we leave...this foam pit was also the reason my phone got busted from water damage the next day. This was a problem because I was doing a little bit of damage control with HB Paige after she texted me thinking she was just a booty call.

We went to Cook Out for some food after this, and Stephen ditched us at Cook Out. While walking back we all jumped into this huge fountain in front of our school and took a picture I want to put up on Facebook. Brett also smuggled in a road sign while Miles was able to smuggle in a traffic cone...that was a good night.

While this is a Friday-to-Friday type thing I feel like I should start mentioning my weekend. These were 2 party nights that turned out pretty crappy:

Night 1: Miles and I pregamed a little too hard at our room and the girls we were going to the party with had to leave us behind when he and I started falling asleep on the beach sand. This was the closest I had gotten to throwing up. Had to walk back and get a cab to the dorms while Andrew and Stephen took care of us. Stephen's a real d!ck...constantly complaining about how we screwed up his night. Kept reminding him that we never complain about this because we would help each other if the roles were reversed. Not a true friend.

Night 2: I was supposed to be designated driver but almost none of us were able to find enough alcohol to get drunk. Hit up 3 different parties, saw HB Maria at one of them. First party was way overcrowded in a small space. It was here that I saw my old floormate Dan messing with another girl...makes me wonder what he's doing right that I'm not. The guy could probably be considered more attractive than me, but other than that I think I outdo the guy in most social environments. So basically my DD night didn't count because nobody got to drink.

Met this other girl at the beach named HB Jocelyn, trying to hang out with her soon. But the immediate issue came in the form of HB Paige. We had a "date" set up for Saturday that she forgot about because of my lack of a functional phone. So it got rescheduled for Sunday. I won't describe the entire event, because it can be found here:


But basically it came down to the ultimatum of being friends or nothing and I chose friends just to have her around. She doesn't like the fact that I don't want a relationship but still want sex...makes her feel like a wh0re she says. Go ahead and give that thread a read if you want to understand what that's about.

I really don't get why it's so difficult for me to get laid right now. I've stopped trying so hard and am taking a less aggressive approach, but so far the results are the same. The only thing that I can now say is that I've kissed 4 girls since I got to this school.

That's about all for now, peace.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
bradd80 said:
Go to more parties where there's alcohol. Have you thought about joining a frat? Focus on sitting next to hot chicks in your classes, and make lots of friends with guys who seem like party animals or who are very social. Also, what clubs have you joined on campus? Have you started hitting up the gym yet?
I hope you actually read and reply to this because I'm about to answer all of these questions.

Saturday was the first night we went to parties that had run out of alcohol. To be fair we got to the party late. My group is considering chipping in to buy beer and bring it to the party so we don't have to worry about filling up at the keg or paying $5 for a cup.

I have thought about joining a frat but I'm not crazy about the idea of committing so early to something permanent. It's not that big of a thing at my school, with only %10 of the students going Greek. Plus I don't exactly have money to throw around if they require me to afford some new housing.

I sit near random girls and people, but I can't really tell who the party animals are. I'm good at meeting people, just not sure which ones I should meet.

I haven't joined any clubs yet. If I were to join one it would probably be some sort of sport, but I don't have money to throw around on equipment and stuff. I would love to play some flag football or box but I don't know what else I would be interested in.

I go to the gym every day. Whether it is to run my 3 miles or do an hour workout. That is one aspect of my life I have handled.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
You're really unchill and reactive with girls. Try and look at everything that happens as far less important. A small detail in a larger picture. A bad reaction from a girl is just her bad reaction for that moment, it doesn't mean she doesn't like you it means she doesn't like the situation at that time. If you address a girls discomfort most of them will at least think well of you, even if they don't have sex with you.

On the sex with you thing, there's a few reasons it isn't happening. The first is you're trying too much but not trying hard enough. What I mean by that is that you are going for a lot of girls but not committing. If you want to same night pull you have to commit to it. It's something I recently realised but it seems so obvious now. I mean, if you want to **** her that night then obviously you can't plan to do anything else or try to.

But that's not to say don't have fun. Entertain yourself but stay mostly with one girl. Make moments with her. She'll get excited and comfortable from the fun and time together. But instead of ruining all that marvellous sexual tension you're creating (being sexual+ doing what I'm describing=tension) you hold out on kissing. If you want a one night stand you don't exchange numbers either.

a one night stand isn't against the girl. I feel like you are the worst on the forum for this, you seem to act as though it's an us vs. them scenario when you're trying to pull. Girls love sex, they just don't like to be manipulated because of it. So they test you. You have to respond in a way which shows you aren't manipulative, which you will fail if you think you're trying to get something from her.

Lastly, you're creating a bubble. You go up to the hottest girl you see and tell her why you want her. Then you keep going for her and her alone, unless she rejects you. As long as you're still in you keep trying to sleep with her and everyone else is your friend for the night. If you go for other girls, you pop the bubble, she stops feeling special and you don't get any. This will mean you can't make-out with half a dozen girls a night, or finger-bang a couple, but it will mean you will get laid most nights.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I think jaedons about right. Pay more attention to body language, and signals of discomfort. Then learn to address them genuinely and appropriately. You still struggle with the emotional side.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Alright guys I had a pretty good weekend, which I will describe later. But for now I just want to address some of these replies, I appreciate the advice by the way.

@bradd80 I tend to make a lot of friends and aggressively meet people wherever I go. However, I don't do it to the extent where it becomes weird. I sit next to hot girls in my class unless they're really out of the way, and look for girls to sit with at lunch. Socially I think I'm doing better than most freshmen. Parties are covered too, my group of friends and I have somewhere to go Thursday thru Saturday, and sometimes before that during the week.

Clubs I'm not so much a part of. I want to be in a boxing or football club but I don't think my school has anything like that. I have started going to cardio dance classes with my friends. They're fun, difficult, and so far I've been 1 of only 2 guys in the class. I can tell the girls are surprised that I'm here, I had one ask me who dared me to come there.

Gym's fine. I love the gym.

Also, I have a slight oneitis going on. There's a girl, HB Kelly, that I met during the first days of orientation. It all went well but I couldn't number close her because I forgot her name and couldn't call her over when she was about to leave. Now when I see her she always has around 2 or 3 guys orbitting. The girl's a bombshell, but I'm pretty sure she was at least interested when I met her. Let me know how to go about this next time I see her and her orbitters.

@JackWealthy I actually have a story over the weekend that was almost a one-night stand that I'll put up for your analysis later. But it sounds a little like what you're describing is that I should commit to one girl. While I agree that this works in the club (part of the story I'll describe later), but otherwise shouldn't I be playing the number's game?

@LearningSlowly Lately I've been doing ok with the emotional side, I'll post that up later tonight hopefully and you can give it and read and tell me what you think. It was a pretty good week and great weekend.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
BPH said:
@JackWealthy I actually have a story over the weekend that was almost a one-night stand that I'll put up for your analysis later. But it sounds a little like what you're describing is that I should commit to one girl. While I agree that this works in the club (part of the story I'll describe later), but otherwise shouldn't I be playing the number's game?
You analysed my advice without any thought to my context. I've only ever been inside a club once, it didn't go great either. I'm basing that off every time I've had a one night stand with a girl, day or night. At parties it's the best idea, because most girls want sex at the end of the night with someone who not everyone knows they might ****. If you from girl to girl, you lower your chances of being with a girl at the time they most often want to ****. You miss out on having a girl comfortable enough to sleep with you.

If you make-out with her, not only do you break sexual tension but have now announced your intent to everyone. I'm all about being straightforward and direct, but to the girl, not to the world. You're making a bubble for the two of you.

If you have great chemistry (or game...) then you can get around all of the above problems. But if you can make it much easier on yourself, why bother making it hard?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Jack Wealthy said:
You analysed my advice without any thought to my context. I've only ever been inside a club once, it didn't go great either. I'm basing that off every time I've had a one night stand with a girl, day or night. At parties it's the best idea, because most girls want sex at the end of the night with someone who not everyone knows they might ****. If you from girl to girl, you lower your chances of being with a girl at the time they most often want to ****. You miss out on having a girl comfortable enough to sleep with you.

If you make-out with her, not only do you break sexual tension but have now announced your intent to everyone. I'm all about being straightforward and direct, but to the girl, not to the world. You're making a bubble for the two of you.

If you have great chemistry (or game...) then you can get around all of the above problems. But if you can make it much easier on yourself, why bother making it hard?
I THINK I get what you're saying, that creating sexual tension with one girl at a party would be most likely to get me laid. It sounds good, I just wonder if committing to one girl at a party would be more or less helpful than having other options.

But let's try to update this b****!

9/7/12 - 9/14/12 Week 4

This week was actually quite good. I'm pretty sure I got most of my work done in a timely fashion and I've been doing well overall.

Still consistent with my workouts, started going to cardio dance classes. Partly for fun, partly inspired by bradd's post, and partly because I expected to see plenty of girls. Here I met HB Roxy, she'll come up later, maybe in this post if I feel like bleeding into the next week, or maybe not.

Point is dance cardio is hard as hell...I was so sweaty and my legs were so sore at the end of it, I actually considered walking out because the instructor just jumps into the dance and expects you to follow. I was up front right behind the instructor, so if I screwed up people were free to see. HB Roxy invited me to the core class right afterwards, and when that was finished I number closed and told her I'd see her soon.

Did dance cardio again on Sunday, different instructor, much easier. Had my friend Zach come along, he was as bad as I was my first time. Fun stuff though.

But let's talk about the weekend and parties and females...

My fun weekend started Sunday with HB Adri's birthday party. Tonight I was designated driver so I didn't get to really enjoy it, not that there was much to enjoy (that's why I picked this as my DD night haha). Just met some people, played some beer pong, almost got in a fight with a kid after this guy Stephen found that the guy took one of our beers. Now, a little intervention to prevent confusion...

There is HB Megan, who is HB Adri's friend, also has a boyfriend. Then there's Megan, without the HB. She's a good friend, and the party host.

At some point Megan wanted us to leave because it was getting too loud, no harm done. Nobody got it in or got really messed up, it was just a chill semi-private house party.

Now read this next night, Thursday night ended very well...

Thursday night is my crew's appointed club night. So I texted HB Roxy to meet up as the club, but she was at this one called Pravda, and we were intending to go to Liquid Room. So we check out Pravda, it's dead and I don't see HB Roxy so we cut halfway up the line to Liquid Room and go in there. I'm rolling with Andrew, Miles, and Stephen tonight.

We pregamed a bit so as soon as I walk in I start dancing on some girl and get a girl for Stephen. We go through this cycle with a few girls for a little while until I find Andrew dancing with HB Megan and Megan. I ask him to do me a solid and pass HB Megan over and we start dancing pretty hardcore for a while, feeling her up a little and stuff. Now another intervention...

HB Megan is alright with me but didn't like that I made out with HB Adri since I knew she had a boyfriend. So she's on the fence about whether to love or hate me.

Back to the club...eventually she needs to get her keys so we can all go home, but doesn't have them and forgot where her car is. So we ride with Andrew, HB Megan on my lap and Megan on Stephen's lap. They're both pretty drunk and start grinding on our laps. Apparently Stephen already made out with Megan, and at one point HB Megan and Megan make out with each other for a little bit. Miles is winging for me pretty hard, saying that HB Megan should make out with me, to which she obliges.

We take a stop at the beach and I get down to my boxers and HB Megan's topless. We make out some more and get in the water before we head back with Miles and Andrew to the dorm. Stephen actually does some generous stuff and lets me share the room with him while we smash our respective chicks, in addition to giving me a condom when I try to put mine on wrong. This was some pretty good sex, lasted about a half hour and ended my 1-month dry spell. Stephen went on for a LONG time while I cuddled with HB Megan and tried to fall asleep.

The next morning I helped the girls find their car and HB Megan purposely left her panties in my dorm room so she had an excuse to come back. So far she hasn't picked them up, hopefully she will soon so I can repeat.

Friday my friends, with the exception of Miles, went to North Carolina State, so we just had some pretty chill times. Went to the beach with Zach and Miles to have some fun in hurricane-class waves.

Later that night I went with Miles, Chris, and Megan to another club, Sandbar since we had trouble finding parties with all the kids going home for the weekend and the frats doing pledge parties.

At first, the club sucked. Music was too fast to dance to, the girls weren't all that hot, and we still had to pay the same lousy $10 cover charge. But I tried to bring up the fun by picking out some random chicks to dance with me and my boys. I found 2 girls for Miles and Chris and went out to find my own. Short dance. Later I found Chris without a girl so I found a 3 or 4-set and tried to show him how to approach and dance with the girl. His girl rejected him but mine was receptive.

We grinded for a little bit and I escalated fast. We started making out and I brought her over to a corner was we started making out pretty roughly. Felt her up everywhere, but didn't try to finger her on account of her outfit. I kept telling her how I was going to take her home and bang her brains out. Talked to her friends to get their approval, and they were cool with it. But when the time came for me to leave she told me she couldn't leave with me, and instead gave me her number. I texted her later that night about hanging out and she replied with something along the lines of "Maybe, I'll have to see about my options". Name is HB Katherine by the way.

Shows me what kind of girl she was.

I don't feel like bleeding into the rest of the weekend, because frankly I don't feel like writing any more of this. I'll just note some girls:

HB Kelsi. Has a boyfriend but is somewhat flirtatious with her texts. Receptive but keeps reminding me that she has a boyfriend. Says we can be friends if I stop flirting so hard with her. I get the vibe that we'll hook up somewhere down the road.

HB Kelly: The girl I mentioned getting slight oneitis for. Really hot but always has a small troop of orbiters. HPRJ gave me advice on how to deal with this, so I'll let you know how it goes when I try it out.

HB Paige. You guys should already know from last week.

HB Roxy. We messed around today, but I'll save that for my next update.

HB Tabitha. We messed around on Saturday, but I'll save that for the next update too. She kinda scares me...mentioned making me love her as well as something about "castration"...yeah...

HB Lauren. Sorority girl. Looks alright, will be really hot when her complexion clears up. Possibly bang.

Taylor. I think this girl wants my D. She's attractive but not hot. Probably won't hit.

Caroline. I think this girl also wants my D. She may become an HB if her complexion clears up as well. Pretty great body.

I think that's about it for now. I did a good deal of homework tonight as well as spent nearly an hour updating this thing. I hope somebody actually reads it and leaves me some advice or props on the dry spell ending.

Peace guys.