Thanks for the tips guy, but sadly it didn't go through. I'll show you what I mean...
First off, I spent most of my day cleaning, chilling, running 2 miles, and writing Thank You cards to those that sent me graduation money.
Now I would count today as 1 win, 2 losses. Losses first, this is the
text conversation I had with HB Katelynn. She's the one that was supposed to come over and swim today:
Me: How late can you be out?
Me much later: Ok then
Her: Sorry I'm sore af (as f***)
Me: That's why i wanted to see if you want to come for a night swim
Her: I'm to sore like I needed today to rest a night swim wouldn't help
Me: How bout tomorrow after my workout?
Her: I have work at 6! And baseball game b4 that & mall
Me: Youre a lame
Her: And Ur a hornball u just want some that's y I'm busy sorrry go find another girl toy
Me: Is this how you treat every guy youve had sex with?
Her: No its not just ones who's intentions r only sex I'm not looking for just that sorry Ur a goodlookin smart guy but Ur a dog that's just looking for satisfaction
Me: I wont apologize for what i want. But it's not like its the only thing i want. Sorry you feel that way
Her: I do feel that way but ok
This next loss is HB Amanda from way back early in my journal. I hit her up for kicks just to see if I could have SOMEBODY over to swim. And this is just for your entertainment:
Me: Yoo
Her: What
Me: Come swim
Her: No
Me: Y
Her: You disgust me
Me: Again, y
Her: You are a pig. All you're expecting from me is sex
Me: I expect to hang out and swim in the pool. Is that too much for you or somethin?
Her: Hah. Last time you hit Me up you want se
Her: Sex
Me: Well i mean of course i think about it. Youre pretty sexy. But its not like ill die if i dont get it
Me again later: Cmon stop being lame
I'll leave these conversations up for you to analyze. And here's the win with HB Jordyn:
Me yesterday: Just got the pool radio working
Her today: Yayy reallyy?!
Me: Yep. By the way i still need to approve

(I wanted to get a pic of her in her bikini to "approve" what she would wear to my house on Thursday. This was on Saturday, and she forgot)
Her: Oh yeahh I forgot

Me: I hope youre not gonna make me wait too much longer. Its killin me on the inside
Her: I can send you a pic of me what I wore to the concert on Saturday?

Me: Depends. Does it look like that black pageant bikini you said you were gonna show me?
Her: No but its an actual out that's pretty cute?
Me: Awwwww i wanted to get a peek at the beach body id be seeing on thursday

Her: Ill keep you in suspense with that

hahaha but guesss what!
Her: PIC (not bikini)
Me: Sexy

and what?
Her: I'm a finalllist for miss Pennsylvania teen USA

(Ironic right? First HB Kaitlin and now HB Jordyn)
Me: Congrats. I can see it

Her: Thannks (; I was just in the miss Philadelphia pageant too

and I have another miss Pennsylvania in August!
Me: Sorry beauty queen. My pool doesnt come with a runway

Her: Aww damnn its okay I don't need one

Me: Ooh la la. Hey any idea how long the drive is gonna be?
Her: I think around an hour
Me: Wow...ill make it worth the trip

Her: You needa send me your address again! I've been beating the s*** of my car lately so I hope she makes it(;
Me: (my address) i hope she makes it too...dyin to see that bikini

Her: ill make sure she gets there(;
Me: Good. Talk to ya later gorgeous

Her: Okayy cutiee
Excuse all the smilies, I'll probably have to come back and edit some of them out due to the smiley limit.
But that's about it, peace.