Woke up early for the last Honor Society breakfast I'll ever have to do for my school. Nothing to do with girls today.
Went to my grandma's to mow lawns. She isn't as bad as I thought she would be. Didn't eat much, and had a sad sound in her voice, but didn't seem to be devastated by her husband's death.
Mowed her lawn and the lawn of her next door neighbor and will be doing so each weekend. Earned $55 for about an hour of work...great wages right there.
text HB Katelynn to hang out tomorrow.
Went to the mall with my brother for a little bit, but didn't really see any girls. Was going to see The Dictator afterwards but time didn't allow for it.
Didn't really do anything the rest of the night.
Woke up late and planned to hang out with HB Katelynn.
Went to the gym and got in a workout that looks something like this:
Dips 14 12
Chinups 10 6
Pushups 20 16
Inverted Rows 12 12
Hanging Leg Raises 10 10
Back Extensions 17 17
Waited at home and missed The Dictator to try and hang out with HB Katelynn. Didn't happen, and here's the text convo:
Me: Hey gorgeous
Her: Hii
Me: Im gonna go work out in a bit. Afterwards at like 430 or 5 can you chill?
Her: I'm going to workout to but idk
Me: When do you think youll be done?
He: Like 6
Me: When are you going to workout? maybe we could hang out before you go
Her: Ymca
Me: No i mean when are you going?
Her: Now
Me: Oh ok. Text me when youre done
Her: Ok
Me: Finished?
Me: Guess not
Her: Sry I got studying to do I told u i like u and all but I'm not just something to f***
Me: I was gonna go bowling with you
Her: Well someone shoulda said that then but its a lil late now if u wanna do it next weekend then sure ill to
Me: I just said we could hang out. You never asked what we would do
Her: Oh...I'm salty
Me: But yeah. Next weekend
Her: Ok cool
Not sure if she's gonna be harder to lay again because of these "values", but ok.
Nothing else really important, so peace.