Pair A Dice said:
Great update.
Was your buddy watching you fvck since he gave you a condom when you put yours on wrong?
Haha no he just told me where they were. I got up and got it, he was up on his bed so he didn't see anything.
9/14/12 - 9/21/12 Week 5
Alright so let's talk about this week. But first I need to describe the rest of last weekend.
Saturday kinda sucked because we went to sleep late and spent most our day sleeping. By us I mean Miles and myself. Megan slept over but left earlier in the morning while we slept in till like 2PM. After that we spent our day in the dorm trying to find a ride to the beach and failed miserably. Brett and Andrew were at NC State for the weekend so we just chilled until later that night.
Tonight I think we just hit up a few small parties, nothing really special. Megan got her car towed which was a $100 fee, which couldn't have been fun. But then on my way to the dorms I get some
texts from HB Tabitha asking to hang out and talk. So I meet her and we go outside and she talks about why she's depressed and stuff about her boyfriend...then we start making out. She tells me she wants to sleep with me, like literally SLEEP with me.
We go up to Miles' room and get up in the bed and start making out. But she wanted to have some genuine conversation, and was telling me that the more I talked, the better it would be for me. This girl scares me a little bit...she mentioned being able to have a lot of fun with me and that she could do things that would make me fall in love with her. But then she mentioned "castration", and when I asked her what she said she replied with "nothing". Point being she sucked me off that night, we cuddled and went to sleep, and she was feeling me up in the morning and sucked me off again.
What scares me in addition to the castration thing was that she now texts me weird, emotionally attached saying she missed me, and that it was nice to have a man hold her again, and even called me babe recently...
Sunday was nothing special.
Monday was nothing special.
Tuesday something came up. It was a regular day until I decided to head to the track to do my running. I invited HB Roxy to come along and she obliged, got there after I finished my first mile. Had to run at a slower pace for her while this group of guys was trying to hard to win her attention. Two guys wanted to race us and were doing handstands on this track...after we finished the second mile these guys were in interview mode about HB Roxy and her dance background. During the third mile these guys were calling up to her from the track to talk to her about stuff while I was still running.
Afterwards we headed back to my dorm to chill and get a shower. We kissed before the shower and I think I got DHVed a little because my friend had to get me and let me know there was a girl with nothing but a towel waiting outside my room. We made out and I got her topless but she didn't want me to hook up with her because she was on her period (or so she says). So we made out, sucked on her nips and stuff, she gave me a handy and I can't believe this happened...but this got me off too!!!
THIS NEVER HAPPENS! I don't understand this. The only times I've ever gotten off to a BJ or HJ were when it was my first time receiving them. I'm wondering if this is because I haven't jerked it since I got to this school? I don't know.
Anyway I lent her my boxers and walked her part way to her dorm before saying bye. I'll see her sometime at the cardio dance classes.
The rest of the week was kind of boring. A lot of studying and homework. Scored a 93 on my Psychology exam and an 88 on my Biology exam.
Some stuff happened with HB Kelsi but I'll put that around the end of this post because I want you guys to read that part and give me some advice on what's going on.
But ok so my weekend of fun started Thursday night at Liquid Room club. I wasn't planning to go but this girl HB Keeley, desk receptionist, junior, really hot, seemed to like that I wasn't fawning over her like some of my friends do. She tried to convince me to go to Liquid Room and texted me promising that she would make sure I had a good time. So I go to Liquid Room with Miles, Andrew, his girl Sabrina, and the two Megans; being Megan and HB Megan. HB Megan has been going after this guy that's a virgin because I think she just wants to take somebody's virginity. Her current boyfriend is a virgin that wants to wait until marriage, so that's why she banged me and is now trying to bang this guy.
So we cut the line with these girls and I find HB Keeley is outside, along with my friends Rodrigo, Zach, and Dan. I tell them they can cut the line, so I bring HB Keeley with me to the front, but they don't follow me for whatever reason. We get in and start dancing and I'm with this girl the entire night. I'm making out with her a little bit here and there and feeling her up when we're grinding. Had a good bit of fun, met some of her friends and they were cool girls. Watched a LOT of guys try to dance with them and get rejected, most of them have a weak approach or come in way too strong/drunk.
As the night ends I see Dan get rejected by some girl he tries to dance on, so I see that this guy might not be all I thought he was. HB Keeley tells me that she's leaving and to text her so she can pick me up and we can go to her place. Later she tells me she can't hook up with me and that she can't hang out tonight. So we reschedule for tomorrow, and there was a s*** test in the conversation that I handled very well...went something like this:
Her: I can't hang out tonight so maybe we'll chill some other night?
Me: Tomorrow?
Her: Lol ok eager
Me: Or next month?
Her: Ha ok maybe tomorrow
And that was it for Thursday night. HB Megan stayed at the virgin's house, as far as I know she wasn't successful.
Friday was supposed to be raging night. My crew had our alcohol in our dorm and we were about to pregame hard before heading out to some clubs again. But then HB Keeley is saying we can hang out tonight and that she wanted to keep it low-key tonight. So I agree and begrudgingly leave my friends and wish them a goodnight.
At HB Keeley's she brings me to her bedroom and turns the lights down as we talk about random junk in her room. I motion for her to lay next to me on the bed and she doesn't. So after some more talk I bring myself up to her and we start making out. Lots of making out ensues as I slowly get her naked. She hesitates at first to let me finger her, as well as not letting me get her top off for a while. This entire time HB Kelsi is BLOWING UP my phone! The girl called me 3 times and texted me 6 times saying she was drunk and wanted to meet me in front of the dining hall. HB Keeley saw the texts and was playfully talking about how this girl wants my D and that I would probably have more fun with her. I just stay silent and keep kissing her. She tells me that we probably won't have sex tonight and that I probably won't even get a BJ tonight. I just smile and keep kissing her.
After a little while she's naked and sucking me off...and unfortunately this gets me off AGAIN! Apparently she wanted a heads up, because when I finished she swallowed but said that a general rule is to let the girl know. No harm done though, she's a virgin and wants to wait until marriage, which is the reason her ex-boyfriend and her broke up.
So we just kiss a little bit here and there after that and she asks if she can get me hard again, and I told her it would take some work so that didn't happen. After that HB Kelsi was still hitting me up so I decided to leave and see what was up. HB Keeley's kinda blunt, looked really good naked, but if I can't even have sex with her she won't be a long-term pursuit.
I meet HB Kelsi in front of the dining hall at like 1:30 in the morning and she's visibly tipsy. We sit down and she makes sure there's space between us. She tells me she doesn't know why she wanted me to come here and that she's starting to sober up, I see her looking at my lips while we talk and at one point try to kiss her. She leans back and drunkenly says "". I try to relocate to somewhere less noisy (there's a carpet cleaner running behind us). But she after enough of her indecision I tell her that I'm going to leave and that she should head back to her dorm.
I started IMing NDJ when he told me he thinks I just need to force it a little more. She was complaining about her boyfriend not texting her so I decide to head over to her dorm hall and tell her that I'm waiting outside to come in. She tells me that if she let me in that she would wanna cuddle and that I would try to make moves and stuff. After like a half hour of this back and forth over text I decide to head back.
Went to check on her Facebook to see where her boyfriend goes to school and found out that she removed me. I don't understand this girl...
I get the vibe that we'll hook up sometime this year, but she's indecisive. She tells me that she wants to kiss me so bad when I smile and that it's not fair that I'm so cute, but has not acted on those urges.
Let me know what you think guys.
Went to the beach a few times, HB Megan doesn't seem to want to hook up again, which doesn't make sense to me. On Monday she took me out to the beach with her and we kissed a little bit while she told me she loves how we can hook up and just be cool like this. But at a lunch recently I told her I still had her panties so she should "come get them", but she didn't really look at me and said "no I'll just come by real quick and grab them next time I'm there". Don't really understand that either...
Let me know what you think I should do with HB Kelsi and how to solve this problem of getting off so damn easily.
That's all I think I have for now, peace.