Master Don Juan
I don't even know what happened today, so long ago.
WARNING: Long but interesting read ahead, though very little has to do with pick-up.
Day 1
Alright so we got pulled out of school, I drove us to the airport and we boarded the plane for a long-a** 7 hour flight.
As soon as we got to Amsterdam everything was really weird, starting with all the signs and boards being in Dutch and unreadable as a result. Met up with a friend of my Mom's, Karin, that gave us each 100 euros to spend. Awesome!
We boarded a train and rode to the center of Amsterdam. People there were all on bikes and tiny cars, lots of buses and trolleys. First thing we did was check in to the nearest hotel and sleep off 4 hours of jetlag.
Woke up, went around town, checked out some toy shops, a small grocery store, and some of the prostitutes at the Red Light District...I also picked up a real nice hoodie, t-shirt, and car keychain...as if you care right?
The Red Light District especially killed me, one of these prostitutes was probably the hottest girl I'd ever seen...she was spot-on my type; blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous curves, nice boobs and everything...
Would it have been wrong to lose my virginity to one of these prostitutes? I mean some of these chicks are just too perfect.
Anyway, the highlight of the day was later at night when my Mom took my family and I to a Live SEX Show (yea my parents are pretty cool). During one of the later acts, the woman needed a volunteer, so I went up onstage!
She whispered to me what I had to do at each part. First she sat me down in a chair and took my shirt off (those SS workouts paid off). Then she had me lay down on my back on a towel. Funny thing is that she felt up my pants and found my glasses case in my pocket...haha she thought it was my johnson and motioned to the crowd that it was huge. Next she put lotion on her boobs, then some lotion on my hands, she brought my hands near her boobs, then teased the crowd by pushing my hands back down on my own chest...
Now here's the kicker...
She put a sharpie marker in her p**** and wrote out "Sexy Boy" on my chest with it...That was interesting, and yes I have a picture of it haha.
After that we all walked to the hotel, a lot of the prostitutes were out now, so tempting guys...
Went to sleep, didn't get much rest because the beds coupled with the loud roadwork outside made it very hard to get any shut-eye.
Day 2
Today we started packing our stuff up to go to Scheveningen to check in to the hotel rooms that Karin had bought for us.
BUT, first we went to the Xtra Cold 4D Icebar.
This was a small bar that was kept at -10C and is made almost entirely of ice. We were all given some stylish jackets and gloves to keep us warm too
It was an interesting experience and all, but I wasn't too impressed. The bar area was much smaller than the brochure made it out to be and despite being treated to a 4D movie (4D only because it blew cold wind in our faces) the film itself was rather lame.
It was something cool to do, but I won't be going there next time.
So we arrived in Scheveningen and my oh my was it the nicest hotel I ever stayed in. It was quiet and serene, overlooking a beach and boardwalk, not many people out though, warm but very windy.
The highlight of this hotel was that we were given a separate room from our parents! Our parents were given a one bedroom suite while I was in charge of my siblings in a swanky 3-bedroom.
I must admit, I fantasized a lot about finding a hot Dutch chick and just taking her up there and f***ing the s*** out of her...it just seems like it would be amazing in such a nice and private room.
Unfortunately that wouldn't happen.
Anyway, I went downstairs with my siblings and went swimming in one of the most tranquil pools ever. We all went down in these cool bathrobes and slippers that the hotel provided. The pool itself is indoors and surrounded by cushioned lounge chairs and a sauna room that REQUIRES its user to abandon their bathing suits. Yea, but there weren't many girls, none were anywhere near my age either.
So afterwards I walked the boardwalk with my brother to look around for some girls. I started to notice that, First: there really weren't many hot girls outside of the Red Light District and Second: the hot girls that WERE around always seemed to be outnumbered by 2 or 3 guys in a group. This might sound like a self-limiting belief, but there were some cute girls without satellites, I'll get to that later. A lot of the places along the boardwalk were beachside bars with cushioned chairs and ashtrays for all of Holland's smoking population. Some interesting attractions were a pier that had a bungee jump at the end and a small pool were buyers could get into an air filled bubble and walk around on the water.
Later the same night our family all goes out with Karin to get some dinner. Afterwards I start trying to find out about clubs or bars I'm allowed into. Karin has a good idea, but it's at the next pier over, and one look towards the pier confirmed the distance was simply too much to travel on foot.
So we walk back to the hotel, and find this place called Discotheek, talked to the bartender and found out this place gets fun later at night.
When we finally get back to the hotel, I decide to chill out for a bit when I hear this raging party down at a small pool and clubhouse next to the hotel. It looks like a lot of fun so I go down to check it out with my Dad only to find out it's a closed party. This wouldn't deter me if it weren't for the tuxedoed security guards posted at both entrances to the party.
Since that option died, I decided to head down to the Discotheek at around 1 in the morning. It was the weirdest thing when I got there...the guys were dancing, and the girls were dancing...but they were completely separate. I mean there was not a SINGLE person dancing with somebody of the opposite sex. So I try to vibe it up and bring some girls out to the floor, only to be rejected all 3 times. Unfortunately these were the only hot girls at the bar (it wasn't very packed). So I tried to just dance around a little bit, but the foreign music, lack of hot girls, and tons of secondhand smoke deterred me. So f*** it, I went back to the room and went to bed.
So few cuties man...so few cuties...
I've got to get ready to go back to school tomorrow, it's pissing me off that my acne is still here and that I'm not sure what to do with my hair. Either grow it out, or cut it short again, but right now I'm having to deal with cowlicks.
Anyway, this is only 2 Days of the trip I had so I'll post the rest when I can. Feel free to leave your thoughts and goodnight!
I don't even know what happened today, so long ago.
WARNING: Long but interesting read ahead, though very little has to do with pick-up.
Day 1
Alright so we got pulled out of school, I drove us to the airport and we boarded the plane for a long-a** 7 hour flight.
As soon as we got to Amsterdam everything was really weird, starting with all the signs and boards being in Dutch and unreadable as a result. Met up with a friend of my Mom's, Karin, that gave us each 100 euros to spend. Awesome!
We boarded a train and rode to the center of Amsterdam. People there were all on bikes and tiny cars, lots of buses and trolleys. First thing we did was check in to the nearest hotel and sleep off 4 hours of jetlag.
Woke up, went around town, checked out some toy shops, a small grocery store, and some of the prostitutes at the Red Light District...I also picked up a real nice hoodie, t-shirt, and car keychain...as if you care right?
The Red Light District especially killed me, one of these prostitutes was probably the hottest girl I'd ever seen...she was spot-on my type; blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous curves, nice boobs and everything...
Would it have been wrong to lose my virginity to one of these prostitutes? I mean some of these chicks are just too perfect.
Anyway, the highlight of the day was later at night when my Mom took my family and I to a Live SEX Show (yea my parents are pretty cool). During one of the later acts, the woman needed a volunteer, so I went up onstage!
She whispered to me what I had to do at each part. First she sat me down in a chair and took my shirt off (those SS workouts paid off). Then she had me lay down on my back on a towel. Funny thing is that she felt up my pants and found my glasses case in my pocket...haha she thought it was my johnson and motioned to the crowd that it was huge. Next she put lotion on her boobs, then some lotion on my hands, she brought my hands near her boobs, then teased the crowd by pushing my hands back down on my own chest...
Now here's the kicker...
She put a sharpie marker in her p**** and wrote out "Sexy Boy" on my chest with it...That was interesting, and yes I have a picture of it haha.
After that we all walked to the hotel, a lot of the prostitutes were out now, so tempting guys...
Went to sleep, didn't get much rest because the beds coupled with the loud roadwork outside made it very hard to get any shut-eye.
Day 2
Today we started packing our stuff up to go to Scheveningen to check in to the hotel rooms that Karin had bought for us.
BUT, first we went to the Xtra Cold 4D Icebar.
This was a small bar that was kept at -10C and is made almost entirely of ice. We were all given some stylish jackets and gloves to keep us warm too
It was something cool to do, but I won't be going there next time.
So we arrived in Scheveningen and my oh my was it the nicest hotel I ever stayed in. It was quiet and serene, overlooking a beach and boardwalk, not many people out though, warm but very windy.
The highlight of this hotel was that we were given a separate room from our parents! Our parents were given a one bedroom suite while I was in charge of my siblings in a swanky 3-bedroom.
I must admit, I fantasized a lot about finding a hot Dutch chick and just taking her up there and f***ing the s*** out of her...it just seems like it would be amazing in such a nice and private room.
Unfortunately that wouldn't happen.
Anyway, I went downstairs with my siblings and went swimming in one of the most tranquil pools ever. We all went down in these cool bathrobes and slippers that the hotel provided. The pool itself is indoors and surrounded by cushioned lounge chairs and a sauna room that REQUIRES its user to abandon their bathing suits. Yea, but there weren't many girls, none were anywhere near my age either.
So afterwards I walked the boardwalk with my brother to look around for some girls. I started to notice that, First: there really weren't many hot girls outside of the Red Light District and Second: the hot girls that WERE around always seemed to be outnumbered by 2 or 3 guys in a group. This might sound like a self-limiting belief, but there were some cute girls without satellites, I'll get to that later. A lot of the places along the boardwalk were beachside bars with cushioned chairs and ashtrays for all of Holland's smoking population. Some interesting attractions were a pier that had a bungee jump at the end and a small pool were buyers could get into an air filled bubble and walk around on the water.
Later the same night our family all goes out with Karin to get some dinner. Afterwards I start trying to find out about clubs or bars I'm allowed into. Karin has a good idea, but it's at the next pier over, and one look towards the pier confirmed the distance was simply too much to travel on foot.
So we walk back to the hotel, and find this place called Discotheek, talked to the bartender and found out this place gets fun later at night.
When we finally get back to the hotel, I decide to chill out for a bit when I hear this raging party down at a small pool and clubhouse next to the hotel. It looks like a lot of fun so I go down to check it out with my Dad only to find out it's a closed party. This wouldn't deter me if it weren't for the tuxedoed security guards posted at both entrances to the party.
Since that option died, I decided to head down to the Discotheek at around 1 in the morning. It was the weirdest thing when I got there...the guys were dancing, and the girls were dancing...but they were completely separate. I mean there was not a SINGLE person dancing with somebody of the opposite sex. So I try to vibe it up and bring some girls out to the floor, only to be rejected all 3 times. Unfortunately these were the only hot girls at the bar (it wasn't very packed). So I tried to just dance around a little bit, but the foreign music, lack of hot girls, and tons of secondhand smoke deterred me. So f*** it, I went back to the room and went to bed.
So few cuties man...so few cuties...
I've got to get ready to go back to school tomorrow, it's pissing me off that my acne is still here and that I'm not sure what to do with my hair. Either grow it out, or cut it short again, but right now I'm having to deal with cowlicks.
Anyway, this is only 2 Days of the trip I had so I'll post the rest when I can. Feel free to leave your thoughts and goodnight!