Society and Sexual Distortion

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
It simply comes down to money. With all the billion dollar industries, the media, hell anyone making big money has an effect on this. When america started to expand, men became less masculine. WHY? Because we no longer do masculine things, the more we "advance", the less masculine we are. We have screwed up the balance of nature and its only going to get worst. This selfishness and one-up manship is the cause plain and simple. Dont even get me started on these new advances in medicine where they are cloning and having babies without males. Sooner or later we'll be obsolete. This is just a step in the cycle.

Why are there so many AFC's?
Because there are more young men without fathers than you think. If the mother teaches that kid growing up how to be a man and what to do with women, what the hell you think is going to happen.

My theory:

Industrial revloution: Men get lazier, more spoiled(gradually). Women lose some subconcious interest.

Porn revolution(it has more of an impact than you think): Sexual imagination becomes greater, men start to cheat more. Pimps and hos become popular. Men leave they're wives.

Feminist revolution: Women are more confused than ever now. IMO this is where the lines between masculinity/femininity get blurred big time.

Digital revoultion: By the time this roles around all of the bastard children have reached puberty, these kids are the future of the world and are terribly distorted. That is a start of the new trend you see now. Teenage pregnancy, sensless murders, disease and low standards.

IMO these are the 3 big events that have affect on our society today.
Last edited:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
Also from most of the gays/lesbians i know, they are not on some covert mission to infiltrate mainstream society. They want what we all want, to be accepted instead of persecuted.

Bottom line, I dont judge any of these people, nor do I believe that they are on some secret quest to take over mainstream society (althught the Feminists certainly give that impression). I think that these “agenda groups” are really just a symptom of something deeper...Your paranoia seems misplaced to me. Once again you seem to really believe that Mr. Faggyman is out to get us! Ultimately I do agree that the media has played their part in the distortion of human nature. You and I simply disagree on what is “natural”
No, ‘Fingers’, I’m not paranoid or delusional (a little crazy, maybe) nor am I God to ‘judge’ everyone’s actions (except my own). I make statements of reality and not judgments. Focus on my overall message…and not my terminology of ‘natural’ vs. ‘unnatural’ forces – this is what “I” call it and not demanding that you do the same. See my explanation below.

I take it you are 20-something years old, I don’t know. I’ve been following this issue for over 20 years, and my ‘observation’ has nothing to do with my stance on ‘homosexuality. This an ‘overt’ and not a covert mission, because homosexuals have stated that their whole goal was to be embraced by the mainstream and seek all its’ benefits derived from such. This was known and blatantly stated over 30 years ago, and the sole purpose of why they organized!

All this talk about changing laws and marriage and seeking health benefits, and influencing the masses by taking a hold of the media to push their agenda – this was told to us over 30 years ago, it is just now coming into fruition. There are many documentaries stating from homos that this is ‘their mission’ and exact ‘goal’. It has absolutely nothing to do with my thinking or so-called paranoia. This is the REALITY of things! No one can argue that this is not so, if they did their home-work

I’m simply stating the known and the obvious. And the ‘media’ is not an inanimate object, as people seem to refer to it as, there are ‘thinking people’ that make decisions of what to program on the airwaves, and it many times, has nothing to do with profits but an agenda.

My main focus in my second post was on the unnatural forces (hors, homos, feminists) behind the agenda in the media because this is the ‘ROOT” and immediate catalyst of why men and women, en masse, have changed their thinking (outlook) and thus their behavior, in the last 20 years. Do you really believe that you would have 10’s of millions of people thinking alike (chump behavior is only one example) and share a common trait and thinking if it wasn’t for mass ‘programming’ (literally and figuratively speaking) and consumption. I am not so naïve to think that mass communication was and is solely used for profit, and not for political, social, economical, educational ‘agenda’ setting Of course it is.

This SoSuave forum proves the case. We can instantly talk about many common interests we share and occurrences that just took place yesterday, although we live continents apart. How did we get these ‘common’ interests and ‘instant’ common experiences, if not through ‘mass’ media? This would be impossible and it was until the most few recent decades. The TV airwaves have been the main instrument of influence, because of the great impact of pictorial and voice communication, when combined (as opposed to radio or just print media).

100’s of millions of people around the world are now mimicking American culture in their dress, eating, music, thinking, behavior, as well as topics of discussion at the dinner table (political or social) and in many other ways. Some of this is done out of profit (purpose of advertising) but a good portion of the ‘content’ of the shows is programmed to form a ‘common’ social, cultural, or political or patriotic mindset, whether this is the ‘intended’ or ‘accidental’ consequences is not the issue, the important issue is that it does have a influence in our thinking and behavior, en masse!

So these ‘unnatural’ agenda-setting groups knew this 30 years ago and they have been successful with getting their message to the masses, have they not? Have you looked at all the positive press and commentary and shows that portray and gives ‘press’ to a man solely on the basis that he enjoys putting his penis in another man’s ass and how ‘proud’ he is to be judged as such a man. And other’s who find this as a perversion are suppose to accept his behavior and judge him as acceptable solely on this abominable act because those in the mass media tell us to? Huh??

And now homos want others to accept and respect them ‘solely’ on the foundation that he likes to kiss other men and put his penis in his ass!! Huh? I’m dumbfounded!! What such a narrow and perverted definition to judge a person by – I just don’t get it! This is insane at the root!!! And the masses are slowly accepting this sick message! And now they have advertising spots or ‘public announcements’ that advocate homos are diverse and we should embrace diversity! There are laws now that we should respect those who are so narrowly defined or else we are labeled as ‘haters’ or ‘homophobes’ or ‘criminals’, and we are committing a crime if we call them what they are.. Mr. Fingers, the ‘faggyman’ isn’t coming after us, he is already here and has us!!

To legitimatize their ill behavior and their so-called struggle, Homosexuals always try to crate a link between themselves and Black peoples’ torment and suffering in slavery and beyond, as if their cause has the same mistreatment and valor. Blacks had to go on national TV and make a statement to homos that they should immediately stop equating their sick conduct to the suffering of Blacks and that this juxtaposition was degrading to Blacks and diminishing the horribleness of their suffering and affliction. The gall of homos is limitless!!

Do you notice the distorted language fags use, “Sexual Preference”, “Sexual Orientation” and other dribble to try to create a legitimate image? I’m a “Homosapien”, how can I possibly be a “homophobe”. From changing the word ‘fag’ to ‘gay’, they have not only distorted our thinking but also our language! Gay use to mean, and still does, happy and gregarious. Do you see how they bastardized the language so that you can think of them in a good light and change your thinking of who they truly are. Fags try to make you think that you are a hater by asking themselves “how can anyone go against an individual for being happy and gregarious and being what we were naturally born with, it is our God-given orientation?” This is blasphemous talk is tiresome to hear.

For what purpose would they do this? You ask. They do this to make the ‘male’ seem to have a ‘female nature’ deep within them, a duality if you will, And that they are in touch with this softer side of their so-called manliness and encourage others to do the same. I have never seen so many men cry on TV and showing their ‘softer’ side, in the last year, than all the years past! This is done on purpose to show that men do have feminine features and it’s ok to express them. This weaker looking male portrayed on TV in the last decades has legitimized homos as if they are in their natural state (albeit more feminine than most men) and thus this is a natural condition that they are born with. So now it’s OK for men to embrace their feminine side since we have a dual male/female nature

This is a large portion of why you are starting to see effeminateness and AFC’ness become the norm and they (mass media) have now created another name for non-homosexuals who care and adorn themselves at the same expense and spend the same amount of time as their women counterparts – METROSEXUAL. ( notice the word ‘sexual’). Now we have “Queer eye for the straight guy” TV show being pushed and advertised everywhere. You think this is accident? You are very mistaken, my Latino friend! There is an ‘agenda’ at work here! You cannot change ‘mass consciousness’ without ‘mass appeal’. We must look at those who are at the ‘ROOT’ of changing this consciousness. Read my second post on this thread for further clarification!.

For us, the masses, to accept their ill-behavior and perverted lifestyle!!! They knew that only through ‘mass media’ can you change the thinking of the masses! They didn’t have this option 50 years ago and that is why 50 years and for thousands of years before that, the masses never accepted or embraced such a sick lifestyle with open arms as our youth today. Yes, homosexuality was around for thousands of years, but they never tried to persuade other that their conduct was good and natural. Only when the technology of TV come about did they realize that they had an attainable mission. And because TV has magnificent power to convey a message, hors and feminists have jumped on the bandwagon, and the result of this bombardment and onslaught of programming strong female/weak male portrayals and messages of the like, is that we now have our youth exhibiting ‘unnatural’ AFC and effeminate sexualized behavior!

We use to, and I still do, call them “effeminates”. Neither AFC or FAG behavior is ‘natural’. They both go against what nature intended; however fags are to the extreme!
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Senor Fingers states…”To me, AFC behavior is more unnatural than homosexuality”.
Not to dwell in the philosophical realm of what is ‘natural’ vs. ‘unnatural’, let’s just say we differ on that outlook regarding the issue of homosexuality. But speaking of natural vs unnatural regarding the homosexual act, I do want to comment that the anus was not designed for any objects to ‘intrude’ it’s quarters (this is obvious), but it was NATURALLY designed and functioned ONLY for objects to ‘protrude’ from it’s cavity! So a penis (a relatively large object at that) to be inserted into the opposite direction for which the anus was designed and to function is a totally ‘unnatural’ and a forceful act and not a naturally occurring act! Do you also notice that there is no lubrication within its’ cavity, unlike the vagina which was designed for such penetration…and do you also realize the smallness and it’s extremely limited expansion capability? hmmm, I wonder why?

I have no idea why people think that this is a natural act, when it is so painstakingly obvious (no pun intended) that it is wholly unnatural…When something so ‘unnatural’ is being pushed (yes I use the term ‘push’) upon the masses, its’ only and ultimate purpose for the Agents of this ‘unnatural’ act, is to find ‘acceptance’ of their ill behavior and conduct!! I’m not fooled!

To me homosexuals are worst than AFC's because they have corrupted their own masculine nature to a greater degree!

Regarding your stance on 'dominance' and 'submissiveness' - yes, there are many situations where you can play either role, but in the 'overall' matter of things ‘within’ the male/female union, the male is dominant! When 'he' is submissive, we call him AFC, amongst other things!
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Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
Reaction score
Just a thought -- not original, though, just thought I'd toss it into the mix:

I heard where a male owl of a certain variety will go out hunting and the female will produce a number chicks based on the number of mice he brings back.

That would be Nature adjusting the procreative powers of a creature or species to its environment.

We humans probably have the same forces shaping us.

So, according to theory, AFC-ness and metrosexuality (I'm not sure I know what that is, except, perhaps, a marketing term or a term coined for selling someone's book) could be a means whereby the procreative energies are turned off (sublimated, to use an older euphemism) or given a touch on the break by nature.

Women have their own breaks on fertility in such environments, I would imagine.

Anyway, that's just playing with an idea. Some ways of procreative adjustments are more brutal than others--overpopulation and rampant disease is one form, education and low birthrate would be a counter-example.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by DankNuggs
People presume im some dirty hippy with long hair and a joint hanging out of his mouth, listening to Bob Marley and staring at walls...too funny...
For some reason I pictured you more as a grower, with a room full of lamps, hydroponic gear and test tubes and your hair all frazzled from weeks of insomnia, a mad scientist working day and night to achieve the highest levels of Dankness possible!
Originally posted by DankNuggs
To tell you the truth, I picture Senor Frog as a little mexican with the big hat and mustache...Like you'd see in cancun
Yeah. I shaved the stash off years ago. But girls love the hat!
Originally posted by DankNuggs
B9 - Quoting/ referencing or any use of Georgo Gordon to either make a point, or provide backup for a point will render sed point null and void....
The epic battle of words between you and GG was quite entertaining. Never seen you get so worked up before. I remember thinking maybe you had run out of weed that day. :p

Originally posted by LouieVaton Don
My theory:

Industrial revloution: Men get lazier, more spoiled(gradually). Women lose some subconcious interest.

Porn revolution(it has more of an impact than you think): Sexual imagination becomes greater, men start to cheat more. Pimps and hos become popular. Men leave they're wives.

Feminist revolution: Women are more confused than ever now. IMO this is where the lines between masculinity/femininity get blurred big time.

Digital revoultion: By the time this roles around all of the bastard children have reached puberty, these kids are the future of the world and are terribly distorted. That is a start of the new trend you see now. Teenage pregnancy, sensless murders, disease and low standards.

IMO these are the 3 big events that have affect on our society today.
I like your breakdown. Perhaps there is a little narcissism involved because it closely resembles my own theory.. (which is still a work in progress since you guys keep giving me food for thought.)

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Focus on my overall message…and not my terminology of ‘natural’ vs. ‘unnatural’ forces – this is what “I” call it and not demanding that you do the same.
Agreed. Semantic agruments are a waste of time.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
All this talk about changing laws and marriage and seeking health benefits, and influencing the masses by taking a hold of the media to push their agenda – this was told to us over 30 years ago, it is just now coming into fruition. There are many documentaries stating from homos that this is ‘their mission’ and exact ‘goal’. It has absolutely nothing to do with my thinking or so-called paranoia. This is the REALITY of things! No one can argue that this is not so, if they did their home-work
I am beginning to see where you are coming from PRL. I think we need to draw the distinction between your average homosexuals and what I will hereby call “FaggoNazis” It is one thing to enjoy an alternative lifestyle (A debateable subject all its own) but it is another to IMPOSE your lifestyle on everyone else. None of my gay friends are like this. They have never tried to “convert” me or anyone else. But I have met some gay dudes who believe that all men are gay deep down and it is their personal fantasy/mission to get them to “switch teams”
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I am not so naïve to think that mass communication was and is solely used for profit, and not for political, social, economical, educational ‘agenda’ setting Of course it is.
In this light I totally agree with what you are saying. You have all these different groups imposing their morals on a very impressionable public through the media. To me this is the most unnatural act of all. The need to control society and have the rest of the world conform to your mind.

Hmm... Glad I pushed your buttons PRL, you just set off a few chain reactions in my head!
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I’m simply stating the known and the obvious. And the ‘media’ is not an inanimate object, as people seem to refer to it as, there are ‘thinking people’ that make decisions of what to program on the airwaves, and it many times, has nothing to do with profits but an agenda.
One hand washes the other. The fanatics get an outlet to push their ideals and the fatcats get to hone in on an untapped market! Its a win-win situation for everyone!...well everyone except for the majority of the population who base their own morals and perceptions from the TV, or as I like to call it, the Thought Virus.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
100’s of millions of people around the world are now mimicking American culture in their dress, eating, music, thinking, behavior, as well as topics of discussion at the dinner table (political or social) and in many other ways. Some of this is done out of profit (purpose of advertising) but a good portion of the ‘content’ of the shows is programmed to form a ‘common’ social, cultural, or political or patriotic mindset, whether this is the ‘intended’ or ‘accidental’ consequences is not the issue, the important issue is that it does have a influence in our thinking and behavior, en masse!
Yeh, there is a reason they call it television PROGRAMMING.

I guess the purpose of this post is to reach beyond the different masks of this aberration, be it homosexuality, horism, AFCism, etc and find out WHY exactly this phenomena is taking place. In order to defeat an adversary, you must truly understand them! The same goes for our own fears and hangups.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Have you looked at all the positive press and commentary and shows that portray and gives ‘press’ to a man solely on the basis that he enjoys putting his penis in another man’s ass and how ‘proud’ he is to be judged as such a man. And other’s who find this as a perversion are suppose to accept his behavior and judge him as acceptable solely on this abominable act because those in the mass media tell us to? Huh??
I agree this is fuct up. Reminds me of the whole affirmative action controversy. Why should anyone be given or denied acceptance solely based on their race or sexual preference?
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
the ‘faggyman’ isn’t coming after us, he is already here and has us!!

Fags try to make you think that you are a hater by asking themselves “how can anyone go against an individual for being happy and gregarious and being what we were naturally born with, it is our God-given orientation?” This is blasphemous talk is tiresome to hear. This weaker looking male portrayed on TV in the last decades has legitimized homos as if they are in their natural state (albeit more feminine than most men) and thus this is a natural condition that they are born with.
I already posted my views on the whole genetic debate, if you scroll back up you will see that we agree more than you think...
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
We use to, and I still do, call them “effeminates”. Neither AFC or FAG behavior is ‘natural’. They both go against what nature intended; however fags are to the extreme!
Okay. I can accept your views on this, though on this small point I disagree..

Let me pose another question to you though, because Tesuque Red touches on another issue in his post....

Originally posted by TesuqueRed
So, according to theory, AFC-ness and metrosexuality (I'm not sure I know what that is, except, perhaps, a marketing term or a term coined for selling someone's book) could be a means whereby the procreative energies are turned off (sublimated, to use an older euphemism) or given a touch on the break by nature.

Anyway, that's just playing with an idea. Some ways of procreative adjustments are more brutal than others--overpopulation and rampant disease is one form, education and low birthrate would be a counter-example.
I have pondered this as well. We often hear about what nature “intended” but notice that this reference to nature is in the PAST tense. Which raises the question:

Does the intent of nature change over time?

I think that the very nature of nature is change, so I would tentatively agree that it does, but more importantly....

Despite the perpetually dynamic forces at play, what is Natures UNBENDING intent?

I believe that the one rule Nature always follows is the rule of balance

Now this is just idle speculation talking, but perhaps during the era of mans struggle against the elements, there was less homosexuality because the survival of the species depended on as much procreation as possible. But now that we are beyond plentiful, Nature has shifted its intent and is counteracting the imbalance in its own way. Pretty powerful implications if you stop to think that perhaps homosexuality is not the only method by which Nature seeks the equilibrium. Makes me wonder...

Do we have a sort of "self-destruct" switch in our genes to keep us in check? Is the AFC phenomena more natural than I have believed?

Hmm....more food for thought, but I need a break today. My head is full.

Time for a nice bike ride!


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
For some reason I pictured you more as a grower, with a room full of lamps, hydroponic gear and test tubes and your hair all frazzled from weeks of insomnia, a mad scientist working day and night to achieve the highest levels of Dankness possible!
Thats funny...pretty decent stereotype out of you...Pook seems to have had a laugh at his as well...

Originally posted by Señor Fingers

The epic battle of words between you and GG was quite entertaining. Never seen you get so worked up before. I remember thinking maybe you had run out of weed that day. :p

I had two big issues with GG!, or whatever you want to call him/

1.) It is extremely distracting and unproductive to have people concentrate on vague sociological 'theories' that explain women, men, feminitity, and masculinity in concrete, indelible terms. PS talks about 'keyboard jockeying', well talking about theory is about the same as playing dungeons and dragons or chutes and ladders or whatever...People just hiding, pretending there is nothing to hide from...(notice how long this thread is, or most of the marathon threads...useless drivel about 'theory')

2.) It was very clear from the tone of his posts that his message was one of narcissism and self glorification...This was thinly veiled in arguments void of true substance or of any real conclusions, lessons/messages to take from the post.

People talk about the 'good ol' days' being gone....And these very same people are upset because there aren't 'true DJ's' leading them down the 'path'

WALK YOUR OWN PATH...make this place better by improving, not waiting for others to come and solve your problems...

I am very thankful for this site help me realize that life and love isn't about getting as many people as possible to like/love you. Its about loving and respecting yourself, your goals, your dreams, and making it HAPPEN...

I will continue to lend insight/experience when I can. This site sends a very clear message, a very malleable one at that. It is important that the message not be blurred by every chump with a soapbox that wants his 3 seconds of fame...

That is all....


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
To me, AFC behavior is more unnatural than homosexuality.

Whatever your stance is on homosexuality (homophobia - PRL) You can at least respect that fact that being aggressive and going after what you want is paramount no matter what it is you 'want'.

Homosexuality has existed since the dawn of procreation...AFC behavior is the basis for Darwinism...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by DankNuggs

Homosexuality has existed since the dawn of procreation...AFC behavior is the basis for Darwinism...
Yup, homosexuality really helps promote survival of the species.



Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by squirrels
Yup, homosexuality really helps promote survival of the species.

I used 'darwinism' somewhat loosely/metaphorically...'survival of the fittest' will decide who succeeds and who fails...No need to be confused...

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Senor here some more food for thought. CHICKEN, me and my cousin disscussed this a few weeks ago. We were talking about how females development has changed in contrast to decades ago. They are far more developed, and also they do this quite early. It isnt uncommon to find a full-figured girl at age 12. Countless times I've been sarging and saw girls who could easily be considered legal and to find out they are from 12-15.

What could have caused this? The hormones and stuff they put in the chicken to make them bigger, could be affecting our systems. Im willing to bet that ths also has had adverse affects on our society. Especially in males. Doesnt it seem also like the hotter than girl is the more masculine qualities they have. They are more aggressive and often have some sort of mental issue.

And this is just one thing thats been tampered with. Don't get me started on vegetables.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Misguided Newman,

They are many things that don't change with the passage of time. One of them is the genetically designed 'innate' makeup of a man. ‘Minds’ may change but the 'inner core' of what makes a man a man stays the same. - this is called MASCULINITY. Maybe you heard of this trait before?

Based on your effeminate stance on many issues, surely your mind is not in sync with your inner core of what nature intended. Why? You ask. Because your 'mind' has been corrupted with the passage of time. And thus your mind has overridden what is ‘natural’ and this has corrupted your manhood!! When it comes to ‘manhood’, there is no ‘living in the past’ or ‘future advancement’as you claim, time has no impact on the genetic make up of a man’s masculinity. Only fools think otherwise!

With time, the mind of man can change but his inner core (masculinity) will always remain the same!! There has been a ‘disconnect’ in recent years, particularly in the last 30,between the ‘being’ of a man and his ‘mind’. Read my posts on this thread to understand why. You, not me, are living in a time warp and are in need of guidance.

The modern world, as it relates to the roles of the male and female, has not advanced as you claim, but rather has worsen and fallen into a deep abyss, as evidenced by the poor condition and greater mistreatment of women today (particularly in the American culture).

Do you know what the word ‘bigot’ means? Yes, I am a bigot, I am strongly partial to the side of ‘masculinity’ in the male, and I am intolerant of those who differ and try to mislead others by stating otherwise. Men are not feminine just because your corrupt thinking tries to make it so. You are a bigot for homosexuals. I am a bigot for men. You are on the wrong side!! I pity you and those who have your state of mind. I am here to correct such sick and misguided thinking!!

Newman, you are a perfect example of the effeminate man in this day and age, that I speak of in my posts. You have embraced this unnatural state of mind and wish to further the agenda of the homosexual lifestyle and of the weak-male thinking, for reasons I suspect that is close to your heart.

Sorry kid, this is a man's site and not designed for effeminates and hors to push their unnatural thinking and agenda. Your comment about a ‘free’ society is more dribble. You try to equate ‘homosexuality’ with ‘race’ and ‘religion’ and other worthy matters whereby men should not be persecuted. Homos have never been persecuted you idiot, they have been the ones doing the persecuting!!! How in the hell can you persecute those, en masse , who are not identifiable??? Do they have a penis in their ass so that we know who they are???

That is what the term. “In the closet meant”. They were hidden in society until they wanted to be recognized and accepted for being a fag and now they are disproportionately represented in the mass media to push their sick thinking on men. You are a fool for spewing forth that homo propaganda that has no foundation or merit.

You saw my profile on yahoo, so you obviously know I have no problems with the opposite sex. I'm single at my age by choice and turned many women down, because I value intelligence and values in a woman and not solely her vagina, as many on this site prefer. Women love me and I must walk around with barriers around me so that they don’t smother me to death. On the other hand, Hors hate me, because I put them in their proper place!

I date woman from 18 to 27 and I'm 41 - you know why? Because I can! They value my masculinity and know that it is a rare trait nowadays. I am very particular with the company I keep and have stringent requirements on her attitude and behavior. I don't tolerate aggressive masculine woman who don't know their proper place as a woman in a relationship. I dismiss them readily.

I throw hors away, the same way I discard garbage, with no remorse and without consequences! You can have my leftovers!


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Not everything can fit into a nice labelled box.

All this talk abut groups, corporations, agenda's, medi etc. etc. etc.

We all have our own agenda - and we all have our own opinions.

No one is forcing you to watch TV - you can turn the channel over - or switch it off.

Your in control.

There will always be certain types of people who try and force their will onto you - whether straight, gay, black, white, rich or poor. But your not forced to listen or follow. You've a brain, use it.

To me, part of the problem are people like PRL - who are just as bad as the feminists. PRL's lot are biggot's - plain and simple. I see know difference to his crying out that woman should not have sex before marrage (and the reason that they are not wh#re's after they are married is because of some religions, outdated bull sh#t piece of paper - according to PRL that is. To me, if she's a wh#re for sleeping with you before she's married, it makes her a wh#re afterwards) and that they should "Serve" men's needs. So what's the difference between feminists and PRL's group? not much except PRL's lot came before feminists - so that makes him somehow better than them.

Hey, I'm not saying were all equal - far from it. But rights are rights. Whether your homo, lesbian, black, yellow, white, fat or thin, rich or poor - you have the right to live a good life. That's the premise of the USA - thats why it came about - to avoid persecution.

Look how far we have come - Technology wise - in the last 100 yrs.

it's amazing. I feel entremely lucky to live in this time (and I'm sure people thought the same in the 1800's, 1950's etc) - but technology really had surged an advanced us as a people.

I guess the point to all of this is the following:-

Live life the way you want to live it. Fight for what you believe in. But also realise that not everything can or should be explained.

We are all evolving - and our evolution will not stop. Opportunities are abound - and the fact that there are efeminate men out there - AFC's, chumps or whatever you want to label them as - is only a good thing for us.

Only the strong survive. Only the Alpha's get the goods.

Not everyone can be top dog.

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
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The american dream, and all that other freedom drivel is garbage. Everyone knows this country was founded by criminals but thats another story. Newman you say these people have a choice but they dont slavery is still present in america. Ever heard of MENTAL SLAVERY? You dont have a choice especially the youth, who arent good enough to know whats wrong or right for them. Hell, theres still grown ups who dont make good decsions. These "forces" if you will, prey on our human nature and use it agaisnt us. Obviously your one of those enslaved because you are totally oblivious.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
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Camp Pendleton, Ca
Originally posted by LouieVaton Don
The american dream, and all that other freedom drivel is garbage. Everyone knows this country was founded by criminals but thats another story. Newman you say these people have a choice but they dont slavery is still present in america. Ever heard of MENTAL SLAVERY? You dont have a choice especially the youth, who arent good enough to know whats wrong or right for them. Hell, theres still grown ups who dont make good decsions. These "forces" if you will, prey on our human nature and use it agaisnt us. Obviously your one of those enslaved because you are totally oblivious.
What a hot, steamy, rancid load. To suggest Mental Slavery is to deny Free Will which exhonnerates any guilt for thought or action (as subject to that thought) by the 'slave'.

Are there people pushing their agendas all over the place as forcefully as possible? Sure, its called politics, perhaps you've heard of it. But no one votes for you, buys for you, works your job and collects your paycheck, or decides to continue your education for you. The best any one else can do is make suggestions. If you don't learn from your mistakes and learn to recognize when someone's trying to sway you hither and yon then you deserve what you get.


P.s.: Oh yeah, and if by 'criminals' you mean in the sense that they were tax-dodgers who refused to submit to the will of their government at the time then I can accept that designation. Somehow I doubt that's where you were going with it though.

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
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Well then how else would you describe our mindless youth today?
They have no real influences or role models so they try to fit into the mainstream. Everybody wants to be "cool", what the hell is cool anyway? Everybody wants to be accepted and sometimes instincts are more powerful than decesion making(see unwanted pregnacy). So you are going to tell me the media and other factors dont influence the descisions we make? Besides when did accountablity have anything to do with the topic.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
While I was eating dinner yesterday, I turn on the TV and lo and behold there is an episode on “That 70’s Show”, that is based on the so-called ‘Women’s liberation movement”. This show is about teenagers (16-17 y/o) growing up in the 1970’s era (my age and teenage era) and the ‘show’ fictionally takes place in my home town!

The audience was jeering and hissing, and booing every time the ‘man’ made an affirmative statement to his manhood, and they were applauding and laughing every time the woman made an affirmative reaction to the cause of the “feminist” movement. This issue was popular during the 1970’s when women were beginning to take on the ‘masculine’ persona while at the same time downgrading and trying to emasculate the male.

This episode was a deliberate attempt to discourage and shame men for their masculine stance and thinking and to encourage and upgrade the strong ‘image’ of the female.

This episode was one of many reaffirming my point on the role of the writers in the media trying to influence wrongly the thinking of the masses (especially our youth).

Their message was….Strong aggressive women = good…... Strong aggressive men = bad’......Weak submissive women = bad....... Weak submissive men = Good!

WHAT A MIND JOB! Don't anyone tell me this isn't deliberate and the "AGENDA"! It is reality and not my viewpoint!

I'm sure everyone here has many examples of this message that they have personally seen on TV, movies and elsewhere in the media at large.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
Originally posted by LouieVaton Don
Well then how else would you describe our mindless youth today?
They have no real influences or role models so they try to fit into the mainstream. Everybody wants to be "cool", what the hell is cool anyway? Everybody wants to be accepted and sometimes instincts are more powerful than decesion making(see unwanted pregnacy). So you are going to tell me the media and other factors dont influence the descisions we make? Besides when did accountablity have anything to do with the topic.
First of all I'd like to point out the irony in this anti-mainstream statement coming from a person who's chosen moniker is that of a 'chic' designer label.

Secondly, what do you mean 'our mindless youth today?' Can you refer me to any time in history that people haven't wanted to feel accepted and fit in with their peers? This is not a new development. The only difference in this regard between now and a hundred years ago is that since avenues of communication or entertainment are more widespread, there are many more examples to choose from when deciding what is and is not cool.

Thirdly accountability is always inherent when blame is assesed. I do not, nor have I denied efforts to manipulate audiences through an apeal to their insecurities and the power of suggestion. Hell I saw a scott's lawn feed commercial aimed at middle-aged men posing the question," Does having a nice lawn make me a better person? I think it does." According to your logic every man in america who saw this commercial should be using scott's, yet scott's does not dominate the market, and why? Because people make their own decisions based on what's important to them.

You declare that youth are mental slaves and do what they are told, so where does the buck stop? With the Teenager? With the Media? With the Parents who weren't there because they were too busy working? Point as many fingers as you want, but eventually the power of choice is exercised by the individual alone. Everyone has the right to say 'no', and this debate has been going on for a while. If NWA tells me 'fvck tha police" and I go out and shoot the next cop I see, who goes to jail? I don't care how cool a commercial or a package is. Crap in a cool box is still crap, and you'll have a hard time concvincing people otherwise.

But while we're on the subject of mental slavery, who was your influence (or what brought this to your attention) and have you even seriously challenged these notions or did you just immediately accept them as fact because they look good on the surface?

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
First of all I'd like to point out the irony in this anti-mainstream statement coming from a person who's chosen moniker is that of a 'chic' designer label.

(Hey it sounds catchy IMO, its not like I'd ever buy any of that overpriced stuff.)

Secondly, what do you mean 'our mindless youth today?' Can you refer me to any time in history that people haven't wanted to feel accepted and fit in with their peers? This is not a new development. The only difference in this regard between now and a hundred years ago is that since avenues of communication or entertainment are more widespread, there are many more examples to choose from when deciding what is and is not cool.

(When I say mindless youth, I mean easily influenced. So what if there are more avenues of communiction? All that means is more opportunity for this BS to continue. Thats what im trying to say, we've been exposed to too much.)

Thirdly accountability is always inherent when blame is assesed. I do not, nor have I denied efforts to manipulate audiences through an apeal to their insecurities and the power of suggestion. Hell I saw a scott's lawn feed commercial aimed at middle-aged men posing the question," Does having a nice lawn make me a better person? I think it does." According to your logic every man in america who saw this commercial should be using scott's, yet scott's does not dominate the market, and why? Because people make their own decisions based on what's important to them.

(Well thats just you, but that doesnt speak for everyone. Also you say it like its a good thing. Accountability isn't always inherent either, how many serial killers have been caught over the decades that still believe they are innocent? To the average women nowadaze accountabilty is a word that doesnt exist. Furthermore I'd like to state that we are talking about the youth, not middle-aged men here. Im talking about something thats happening now, young minds that are being fed this crap. And your right people do make descisions based on whats important to them, but even you can recall a time when you thought something was important but it actually wasn't.)

You declare that youth are mental slaves and do what they are told, so where does the buck stop? With the Teenager? With the Media? With the Parents who weren't there because they were too busy working? Point as many fingers as you want, but eventually the power of choice is exercised by the individual alone. Everyone has the right to say 'no', and this debate has been going on for a while. If NWA tells me 'fvck tha police" and I go out and shoot the next cop I see, who goes to jail? I don't care how cool a commercial or a package is. Crap in a cool box is still crap, and you'll have a hard time concvincing people otherwise.

(I dont want to sound like im anti-media, anti-tv, im just saying theres alot of BS being pumped out, just like PRL said with that 70's show. It affects the impressionable people, there are lots of them. I see loads of people with low self esteem from day-to-day, I rarely meet someone who is generally confident. They are sprinkled here and there. You said "Crap in a cool box is still crap, and you'll have a hard tim convincing people otherwise". Well what do you call newports?)

But while we're on the subject of mental slavery, who was your influence (or what brought this to your attention) and have you even seriously challenged these notions or did you just immediately accept them as fact because they look good on the surface?

(Im a young man(22), but I've always hung around with older folks growing up, people often tell me I have an old soul. I was schooled by old heads people who have spent some time here on earth, people from a different walks of life. What really brought this to my attention is that I am enslaved. I am not truly free yet but I am getting there.)
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
In the thread, "bicurious trends among white chicks" by Genghis Juan - DJ's are voicing the media's role in the unnatural relationships that are taking place in today's American/British society, and are trying to make it seem as 'normal' desires and promoting this effeminate/masculine thinking around the world!

Senor Fingers, I am not on a crusade, it is "The Crusade" of making effiminate thinking amongst men seem 'natural' that I'm against.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
My take on it (again)

I'm not a homophobe, and personally think for the most part is I think biologically you're born into your sexual preference.

What I don't get about all this bi-curious stuff is perfectly sound heteros "experimenting" with this stuff when their natural desires say otherwise. They've bought into it because of what society is dictating them.

Too many people watching Hef's mansion parties and girls gone wild (and stupid) have twisted all these beyotches' mind-sets.

You experiment with trying a new food, a new CD, a new ski slope -- you don't f-cking experiment with your sexuality, IMO.

Peace and Quiet

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