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Society and Sexual Distortion

Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA

"Biologically" speaking men are men and women are women! Homosexuals may have a tendency to be attracted to men or may have some feminine characteristics, but I see nothing biological to put your penis in a man's anus. This is an 'unnatural' act - see my post above on why. The anus was not 'naturally' biologically designed for this activity!


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
My conclusion is a bit different, perhaps radically different, from the sum of viewpoints above.

Senor Fingers is asking about the state of sexuality, of how it got distorted, when, where, and why, in all its forms and varieties. Yet, sexuality is very much part of the life cycle. If sexuality is being distorted, even by deliberate means, we must ask ourselves:

Can people war against life?

Deliberately, no. By stealth, always. People do not seek to stab Love in the back, nor poison their life with intellectual toxins from leaves of ‘philosophic’ books. At first I always wondered if there was a problem. But with several trends, most noticeably the decline of birth rate and eventual population decrease, something is obviously amiss.

Since life can not willingly war against itself, what is the acid that is shriveling sexuality up?

It is the rise of a new religion, one not concerned with transcendence but rather politics. Politics has broken outside of its proper sphere and has mutated into a neo-religion that is devouring natural society.

Take gays. The recent ‘gay marriage’ of illegally getting licenses will stop suddenly. Why? Because this is an election year. The gays are not creatures of sexuality, they are pawns of politics. There is a reason why they code all their language using the words ‘civil rights’ and analogies to the civil rights movement. It is because the gay movement is entirely political. Talk to them about sexuality, ask them about ‘big thinkers’ from Aristotle, Plato, and so on, and watch them go berserk with rage. They would much rather make analogies between themselves and political events. And if they are ‘defying the law’ to get married, then why do they need to get their marriage officially recognized? Is their goal marriage or is it political recognition? It is the latter.

We must also consider what I call Shakespeare’s Law on Melancholy: that if someone is depressed and melancholy, an unnatural mindset has taken hold of the person.

Have you ever seen a happy gay person? I’ve seen many that try to appear they are happy, but you can easily see through it. They always seem depressed. There must be a reason why they prefer a symbol of a rainbow and even the adoption of the word ‘gay’ for themselves (as ‘gay’ used to mean ‘happy’).

Have you ever seen a happy feminist? Of course not. Feminism was never about sexuality or about women, it was always about politics in especially of the neo-political religion that is growing out there. Feminism rejects any discussion or inquiry of sexuality, whether it be literature, cultural, or biological. No, they don’t simply reject it, they literally go BESERK! It is like offending someone’s religion, which to these ‘women’, it is. Feminism completely died with the Clinton Impeachment, as these women would betray their ‘beliefs’ for a politician. Why? Because Feminism is about politics, not about sexuality.

Within time, the Gay Movement will collapse just as utterly as Feminism has. I’m guessing two generations. The problem that Feminism had which caused it to collapse inside out was the inability to prove that women enhibited female behavior artificially rather than naturally. The Gay Movement will eventually collapse because of the inability to prove homosexuality (as opposed to gay acts) even exists, for there has been no ‘gay gene’, no known biological difference, no known sociological difference, indeed, there is no evidence of any difference whatsoever except for gay person’s word. In terms of this politico-religion, homosexuality becomes a matter of faith.

There is much respect to the idea of separation of Chuch and State. Indeed, churches should not obtain governmental powers.

But there is a flip side to this. Why is there no concern of the State trying to become a Church in itself? This neo-religion is the fruit of the teachings of Rousseau, who espoused a civic religion as a utopia.

Political fanaticism has become a type of Neo-Religion lately. For these self-styled Antigones, their personal happiness depends on what happens in Washington “(or whatever capitol). Every election is the Battle of Armageddon with these people.

These Antigones are easily found in Law Schools, Journalism Departments, and other assorted arenas. They are not interested in life, but only renaissancing society. If these people would simply renaissance themselves, they would solve their problems. But since their own personal world is broken, unable to be controlled, they thus see the outside world as broken and being controlled by ‘sinister forces’, whether it be media, technology, or something else.

Those who join mass movements, who are always anticipating and looking to progress society, are always those whose personal worlds are broken, shattered, and not being controlled the way they want. Therefore, they perceive the world itself to be broken, shattered, and being controlled by some ‘outside force’ be it shadow governments, corporations, or unnatural conspiracy.

These Antigones operate to a very strict moral code and turn their system into a neo-religion (at least it is that way in the United States and probably more so in Europe).

The President is their Pope. The Senators are their Bishops. The Congressmen are their Priests. The Constitution and Supreme Court Rulings are their Holy Scripture. Citizenship is their Baptism. Sex is their Eucharist. Counseling is their Reconciliation. Feeling guilt is their Confirmation. XXXX is their Marriage (this is unknown as they are defining it now for themselves). Civil Rights are their Holy Orders. Volunteer work is their Good Deeds. Petitions are their Prayers. Protests are their Stations of the Cross. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy are their martyred saints. The capitol is their Church. They place Eternal Faith in the ‘checks and balances’ of the three person branch of the government, the Three That Act As One, their Holy Trinity, of Executive (father), of Legislative (son), and the Judiciary (Holy Spirit).

As absurd as this is, it is precisely how these people think. They will flap their gums of the word that signifies and symbolizes their political religion: Democracy. Yet, if you say to them, “The word ‘Democracy’ does not appear in the Constitution,” they will say it is a historical accident. If you say the pledge of allegiance to them, and come to the words ‘one republic’ they will simply shrug. If you quote the founding fathers such as Madison, John Jay, Hamilton, John Adams, and so on about what they said about ‘democracy’, you will hear, “But that is not the ‘spirit’ of their words.” Well then, what about the dialogue during the Constitutional Convention where the members mocked and made fun of ‘democracy’? “Simply their aristocratic blood talking!” they cry.

But if you really want to have fun with them, tell them that society and government are not one but two, distinct and different, and ought to be thought of as separately, and watch the fireworks! Professors will enter intellectual meltdown. Others will enter blind rage. It is the rage as if their faith was questioned…

To back up what you say, just quote Thomas Paine’s Common Sense where he says, “Some writers have so confused government and society as to think the two are the same, but they are different, and have different purposes.” Point out to them that this is no obscure quote, it is the very first line of Common Sense!

The point of this so far is to show the roots of the Neo-Religion and to point out that it is a matter of faith to them; they cannot defend themselves in the Arena of Ideas. This Neo-Religion keeps growing and growing, and that is why the fruits of it appear such as Feminism Movement or Gay Movement and so on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Sexuality extends well beyond the bedroom. Allan Bloom when he wrote the “Closing of the American Mind” wrote commentary on sexuality and noticed that today’s youth are uni-sexual until they entered the bedroom, became male or female only for intercourse, then resumed uni-sexual status outside.

When you were a kid and looked up ‘sex’ in the dictionary (oh, I know you did this!), you found two definitions of sex: intercourse and gender. It is the belief that this gender and intercourse are two definitions of sex. I find that sex is not two, it is one.

Sexuality includes the differences between male and female. These differences create the beauty of the world: the blossom of flowers, the dances of wildebeests, the songs of birds, the chirping of crickets, the feather of peacocks, and so on. The lack of this beauty within current Human society is what psychologists refer to as the ‘modern crisis’. As the neo-religion grows, so does the ‘modern crisis’ become more severe.

You could even say that sexuality includes the life cycle, as the union and love of your parents created you, raised you, and you go off to continue the cycle with the love taught to you by your parents. This is Nature’s edict, one that creates joy and laughter when followed but an unceasing melancholy and depression when rebelled against. Contrary to our feminist sisters, this edict is not oppressive but very wise as it keeps our species alive and does it with joy.

Let us gather an Antigone from this Neo-Religion to speak for us.

The Antigone appears.

Now, Antigone, tell us what is sexuality?

“Sexuality is lust and is and involves everything in the bedroom!”

But Antigone, what is male and female?

“Artificial social constructs imposed from the culture.”

The Antigone refuses to acknowledge the harmony of male and female as an extension of sexuality. WHAT is preventing her from this easy and simple conclusion? It is her political religion that she pledges her faith to.

“We must legislate ‘maleness’ and ‘femaleness’ out of existence and be truly human!”

That would dehumanize us. But do you see the pattern?

The Antigone has de-attached sexuality from life. To her, it is a bedroom activity and nothing else. To her, advancement of ‘sexuality’ is extending the bedroom into public realms.

“I cheered when I saw Janet Jackson’s Big Boob! I love it when those ‘moral’ people get angry!”

The Big Boob was not an expression of sexuality, it was a political act. We know it was deliberate. It was a big middle finger to all those who do not subscribe to the Neo-Religion. This is why the FCC reacted as it did and why the chairman, Powell, was so furious. There was no sexuality in the act; it was a political mockery towards the censors.

I am PRO-SEXUALITY. I was to see sexuality shine again. It is my contention that sexuality is much more than bedroom maneuvers, but is the wondrous beauty that defines male and female, man and woman along with the fruits of such unions.

Who is attacking this sexuality? It is the Neo-Religion, such as feminists among others. They want to confine sexuality ONLY to the bedroom. I want to set it free!

THEY want sexuality to be outlawed in public, in society, and to be confined only to the definition of the bedroom.

I want sexuality to flow out throughout society, and so gives beauty to every little part of our life. No longer would education be mere doctrination, it would be letting boys become men and girls become women. No longer would white collar jobs be stuck in passive cubicles but aggressive sexualized triumph that we see now only in certain CEOs. No longer would men and women dress and act completely androgynous but would let themselves be what they are (that alone and the world would be so much more pleasant!). No longer would language be artificially squeezed to create ‘gender free’ nouns and verbs but act in accordance to the demands of the natural human expression. What a world that would be!

Their desexualized utopia is my hell. Have you noticed with your own development, of embracing your sexuality that your problems seem to slowly dissolve, but you look about you and see people in a state of… static? It is like they are sleep walking, their ‘philosophies’ putting natural elements of themselves asleep.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Last two posts we see:

1) Political Fanaticism, with all its stale rhetoric of ‘revolutions’ becoming a Neo-Religion
2) The Neo-Religion has created a New Puritanism by confining all sexuality as bedroom behavior and demanding artificial social constructs from male to female, of family, of children, of any of the fruits of sexuality, a literal war against life.

So this third post begs the question, what of sexuality and traditional religion?

I once had this long post that went into sexuality and theology. It won’t be posted as it is not what this site is about, and is more of an academic piece then a forum post.

One thing I can say for certain, traditional religion does not war against sexuality. In fact, the evidence points that traditional religion is one of the greatest advocates of it.

Alas, we are not taught nor do we seek to really inquire within the religions so we never see this. Let us call up a youth of our era.

The youth appears.

Sir, what does religion think of sexuality?

“They are against it!”

This conclusion can only come when we think of sexuality as bedroom maneuvers. When we expand our definition of sexuality to include male and female, along with the fruits of sexuality, does religion become sexuality’s enemy or sexuality’s advocate?

“No premarital sex! Religion is an artificial construct against what is natural!”

What is interesting is that our long engagements are what is unnatural. Remember, people got married much sooner then they did today. And there was much less wait from courtship to marriage.

Before, to be 14 was considered to be an adult. It shows that we’ve been too sheltered. Girls would marry at a very young age, boys probably at an older age once they could get a mean of living.

Also, today people define marriage as a consensual union (whose origins are from Rousseau). Before Rousseau, marriage was seen as two becoming one flesh. There is no inquiry or wonder about this mystery of two becoming one flesh, no, it is easier and lazier to view such union through a political lens rather than the sexual lens. Instead of ‘union of two flesh’, we see marriage as a politico-economic union people vote themselves into through consent. Alas, this ‘democracy’ rhetoric, this neo-religious attitude, has infested quite a lot.

But the profitable thing by not allowing sexual consumption is that it forces sexuality’s other elements to shine. Ever read the Book in the Bible called “Song of Solomon”? It is erotic love glorified. In fact, erotic love has been used by religions as an example of love of the divine.

The Book of Proverbs is advice for young men on how to find good wives.

In Corinthians, we find a definition of marriage. Marriage is not based on ‘love’, as modern people and gay activists would like to believe. Marriage is based entirely on sexuality. “It is no sin” Paul says and he advises that if you are aflame with passion, you better marry. Marriage and sex were not seen as separate.

Yes, there is a sin against lust. But there is also a sin against gluttony. To say that religion is against people having sex is as absurd as to say that religion is against having people eat.

What is fascinating is to hear the Neo-Religion’s criticisms of religion. It is intolerant against gays, it is strict with marriage, with sexual morality, with male priests, with chastity with male priests, so on and so on. Do you see the pattern? All these criticisms have to do with sexuality. No one tells the Church it must update its views on sloth or gluttony.

What! The youth wishes to speak.

“Not all religions are the same.”

And this is true. Modern Islam has shattered into some bizarre strands. Eastern Religion has sexuality in a dualistic mode.

What is more interesting is what they share in common. Did you know that the Dali Lama and the Pope are best pals? When I hear someone say that they want to adopt an Eastern religion so they won’t have to worry about ‘sexual morality’ I laugh. Often, the Eastern religions are more strict than Christianity in sexual matters.

“Let us talk about Christianity! It has taken the female element out of everything. God is male, apostles are male, everything is male.”

God is called LORD because of an aristocratic sense. You would call your king or ruler ‘lord’ long ago. Since God is considered to be ruler of them all, is it not good to have kings and emperors on their knees to refer to a ‘lord’ above them?

“Christianity hates the female element! Look at Eve caused the Fall!”

This issue is solved with Catholicism’s high regard for Mary. Catholicism holds that Mary reverses Eve’s role.

“What about Paganism?”

For an excellent development of civilization with paganism and religion, pick up Rose Wilder Lane’s infamous “The Discovery of Freedom”. People will be amazed at the conclusion of that book.

Now about Paganism. One of the things that is so interesting about Catholicism is that it defeated Paganism by ingeniously absorbing it. The Christian cult adopts the paganistic Roman Hierarchy and so turns the cult into a world religion. After Rome’s fall, all that was left was the Church and the barbarians. So the Church turned that barbarian spirit into crusaders. The Isis cult of woman with child long ago was absorbed with the Mary with child. Greek culture such as Aristotle and Plato were absorbed into the Church through St. Augustine.

Camille Paglia once remarked that Catholics have the most pornographic minds.

“It is because of repressed sexuality!”

If that were true, then why isn’t it the same with other religions that have the same sexual morality? No, the reason why the Catholic girl goes nuts in bed is probably because of the paganism held within Catholicism.

When you look up at the Sistine Chapel and see that glorious ceiling, or all the artwork, it is hard to think the Human body is not glorified and sexuality is not praised.

Paglia’s Beautiful Boy is the sexual persona of both female and male elements, a perfect harmony of sexuality. Those Greek youth statues are all beautiful boys. Adonis was a beautiful boy. Beautiful boys are men but still have that innocent femalish dew on them.

Look at any painting and you will see Jesus turned into a Beautiful Boy (blue eyes, long hair, etc.). In any form of media, when an angel is presented, it is always a Beautiful Boy.

If Christianity glorifies sexuality rather than attacks it, shouldn’t Jesus be concerned entirely with sexuality?

He was. The Son of God gave special attention to the prostitute and so changed the law. Mary Magdalene is a critical part of the Christianity story as she was the first one to reach Jesus’s tomb.

Since the Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” movie is coming out today, let us talk about it.

I always wondered why the movie could create such ‘outrage’ from certain people. It is a movie similar to the Stations of the Cross. What is the conflict? People are not going to hate Jews after this movie. When people watched “The Ten Commandments” did they go attack Egyptians?

If this movie is historically accurate of the Gospels and of religion in general: then I want to make this prediction.

Just as Jesus and angels are depicted as Beautiful Boys, Satan will be depicted not as a ham tin cover of pitchfork and horns.

If my findings on religion and sexuality are correct, then Satan will be depicted as an entirely desexualized being.

A reviewer made me realize why this little movie is being so attacked. “All our progress with tolerance and democracy would be lost!” This is strange language for a movie review, especially one being based on the Gospels. The movie is simply a religious epic. Why the political language? What is their REAL problem?

It is simply this: our political Neo-religion, as absurd as it is, realizes its absurdity when faced with real religion (which explains why there is such hostility towards it). (Not trying to start a religious debate here. But you have to admit, putting one’s faith in the state is so much more absurd than someone putting their faith in a religion.).

We all know how absurd the ‘divine law of kings’ was. Is it not reasonable to suspect the ‘will of the people’ may become as absurd? It has become so preposterous that polls of a few hundred people are elevated to ‘divine signs’ on newscasts. It is funny.

Do you know what will be going through the Antigone’s mind when he/she sees this movie? I think they might be reminded of the most famous incident of the will of the people when they hear the shouts of democracy expressed in the chants “Crucify him! Crucify him!”


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
"If my findings on religion and sexuality are correct, then Satan will be depicted as an entirely desexualized being."

Yes, satan is played in this movie by a woman with a shaved head, and unusually deep voice. Saw a clip on a special about the movie on a Christian TV network. Definitely not what I expected satan to look like in the movie, but it really does make quite a bit of sense.

Could you PM me your post about sexuality and theology?


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.

I have felt for a long while that there is something very wrong with the world.

I've missed all the discussion so I won't bother putting any opinions in on everything that was discussed a while back, but I think the main problem is not just that Sexuality is distorted but it's repression of Body through by purely Aggrandizing mind without taking BODY into account. (Note : that is meant to be mind with a small m)

We Need Balance!

I have come to the personal opinion that it IS possible to have a utopian society, but it must start first and foremost by running with the grain of, and not against human nature.
All human societies attempt to repress or destroy BODY, by making us feel guilty about what we are or indocrinating sterotypes, classifications, repressive laws, osterization etc

In essence all human society is based on the fallacy that human nature is evil and destructive.
This is NOT the case, when Human beings are brought up well-adjusted and have their emotional and mental needs fufilled then the human 'spirit' is neither destructive nor cowardly.

The truly strong and well adjusted alpha male has no need to bully, the truly intelligent person has no need to broadcast it, in the same way the truly charitable person does good deeds from kindness and altruism, not for selfish reasons.

We can NEVER be happy until we accept what we are, by making us feel guilty for the way we act we will never reach our full potential as human beings.

I think the key is education.
As we can see, humans are still Pavlov's dogs that walk on 2 legs to a degree, and we must start with creating a solid foundation of BODY for MIND to then rest upon.

Sosuave.com and the resultant chumpness and exchumpness has gone a long way to annhilating this conditioning that society has placed upon people.

BUT, I am a bit worried that there are some people here who are totally what I would deem 'naturalists' and would aggrandize body at the expense of mind, MIND still comes into the human equation and has a large effect, MIND is what drives the human species for advancement and selfless deeds such as literature, science, poetry, art, love, altruism, morality and compassion.

In order for true happiness, both must be balanced, the human being is a strange combination of animal and supreme being, the fallacy of the fools who would seek to control the world is that both sides of the equation must be balanced for a better world...

I'd like to start a society of the good, enlightened and altruistic to rebalance the power! (half joking / half seriously.)

Great Discussion.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
There will never be an utopian society.

Rules, religion, governments, Police etc. etc. are there for one thing and one things only - to Control society. So that society does not become Anarchy.

Without these rules there would be anarchy - yet these very rules and regulations go against everything human.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Just finished this epic thread.


Things seem a lot more complicated in America and England as opposed to Canada. Man. Reading this thread...I mean....wow. There seems to be a serious shortage of real men in your respective countries. Up here we all do man activities - hockey, fishing, camping, skiing, outdoorsy stuff. Not one guy up here has never been out in the wilderness and not experienced the worry about wild animals etc. and protecting oneself.

We are definitely not as emasculated as you lot. I suggest some of you take a trip up here. Women in large metropolises like Toronto - some are Americanised and they're the ones you tend not to bother with - too flighty and full of games and bs. But there's plenty of traditional type women that are of Italian background, Asian. I mean, who cut your collective nuts off? ****, I'm an admitted AFC, but son of a *****, are things really that bad in the States? Like, take a trip to Montreal some day and feel free to be shocked when a hot Quebecois chick comes up to you and strikes up a convo without the BS. Or a hot East coaster comes up to you and doesn't have all kinds of chick attitude. I suspect Australia is also a lot more like Canada as well. We just don't have as dense a population and aren't littered with urban centres. Shocking.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Originally posted by NewMan
There will never be an utopian society.

Rules, religion, governments, Police etc. etc. are there for one thing and one things only - to Control society. So that society does not become Anarchy.

Without these rules there would be anarchy - yet these very rules and regulations go against everything human.
Assuming that this is true, that its all the artificial controls of society that are preventing the state of utopia, therefore it could be said that a utopia could be attained by going back to nature by removing these artificial controls, and returning to a state of anarchy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Pook writes:

Camille Paglia once remarked that Catholics have the most pornographic minds.

“It is because of repressed sexuality!”

If that were true, then why isn’t it the same with other religions that have the same sexual morality? No, the reason why the Catholic girl goes nuts in bed is probably because of the paganism held within Catholicism.
Hmmm, that's an interesting theory Pook. I always used to think that repression is what makes people go wild once they have a chance, and it's not even about sexuality.

You make me wonder about the notion of repression. I guess if something is repressed, one of two things can happen. Either people will truly accept things as they are expressed and conquer their inner desires, or they will always have the curiosity that makes them wonder what if, and thus makes them wild once the chains of repression are released.

What you're saying is that the subliminal message in the images in church is all about sex, and gets these girls horny subconsciously, which then leads to them becoming wild in bed.

Don't you think that repression works together with this?

That is in church they get bombarded with subliminal messages of sexuality, beautiful boys, etc, and then the teachings say that it is wrong to have sex before marriage. So when they have the chance, they explode in wild sexual energy?

Also I'm struggling to understand your notion of sexuality. I guess I also make the mistake of associating sexuality with intercourse. Maybe I'll re-read your post on embracing sexuality.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by Pook
Why is there no concern of the State trying to become a Church in itself?
Trying? I would say it has succeeded splendidly. The Church would gladly kill for the level of influence and power currently enjoyed by the State.

Originally posted by Pook
The President is their Pope. The Senators are their Bishops. The Congressmen are their Priests. The Constitution and Supreme Court Rulings are their Holy Scripture. Citizenship is their Baptism. Sex is their Eucharist. Feeling guilt is their Confirmation. They place Eternal Faith in the ‘checks and balances’ of the three person branch of the government, the Three That Act As One, their Holy Trinity, of Executive (father), of Legislative (son), and the Judiciary (Holy Spirit).
Very apt analogy! Hehe..I can easily see these political fanatics getting steamed at the very idea that they are just as blindly zealous as the illogical religions they shun.

Originally posted by Pook
One of the things that is so interesting about Catholicism is that it defeated Paganism by ingeniously absorbing it. The Christian cult adopts the paganistic Roman Hierarchy and so turns the cult into a world religion.
What I find interesting about the New Global Cult is the fact that it has done exactly what the Catholic Church did with the Roman Empire. They are absorbing all the religions in their path under the guise of “freedom” to worship however you want.

There is a good reason why the US has become so powerful. It was the first government to break through the barriers of religion with the idea of inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

People like to believe our Founding Fathers invented this idea, but they merely stole a page from Vattel´s Law of Nations Here is a passage..

The general law of that society is, that each individual should do for the others everything which their necessities require, and which he can perform without neglecting the duty that he owes to himself: a law which all men must observe in order to live in a manner consonant to their nature, and conformable to the views of their common Creator,— a law which our own safety, our happiness, our dearest interests, ought to render sacred to every one of us.
Sound familiar?

Of course the supreme irony of it all is that Vattel goes to great lengths in this book to condemn the very idea of world government that the US seems to advocate these days (you are either with or against us). Vattel is most assuredly rolling in his grave.

As a sidenote, you speak of how the Church absorbed paganism, but fail to mention how they demonized sexuality using the imagery of Dionisys to manifest Satan. What are your thoughts on this?

Originally posted by Pook
It is the rise of a new religion, one not concerned with transcendence but rather politics.
I will take it a step further and say that the catalyst of this new religion is Consumerism.

Think about it...

How many Jews, Christians and Muslims enjoy shopping? Indeed, when our nation was under attack and people were still eyeing airplanes suspiciously in the weeks that followed, what were we instructed to do? Pray? Ha! They told us to SHOP!

Originally posted by Pook
I am PRO-SEXUALITY. I was to see sexuality shine again. It is my contention that sexuality is much more than bedroom maneuvers, but is the wondrous beauty that defines male and female, man and woman along with the fruits of such unions.
Existence is a product of seduction which dates back to the instant that the universe seduced something from nothing. Call it a gravitational singularity, God or the Big Bang, but the essence of life thrives on the duality we see around us. Light/dark, male/female, yin/yang, etc.

To me sexuality is the dance that occurs between the two extremes. We think we can isolate it into the act of penetration, but we are just fooling ourselves. There is a huge difference between having intercourse and being sexual!

I think one of the things that has helped me in regards to women is learning to tap into this essence and sex them with my words, my gaze and touch. Even if you do not realize it, from the moment you set your sights on a girl, the foreplay has begun!

Originally posted by Pook
Have you noticed with your own development, of embracing your sexuality that your problems seem to slowly dissolve,
I think that when you embrace your sexuality you accept your birthright as a creative being. I know that there are times that I finish creating a song or piece of art and afterwards I have the same afterglow feeling that is associated with sex.

Among my discjockey friends it is bit of a running joke. Whenever someone plays a really good set we tell him, “Damn you sure busted one hell of a nut there!” The look on his face only makes this statement truer..and funnier!

Originally posted by Pook
...but you look about you and see people in a state of… static? It is like they are sleep walking, their ‘philosophies’ putting natural elements of themselves asleep.
Part of the problem resides in our system of education, which does not foster a creative approach to learning. Instead we are taught to accept philosophies and ideas as FACTS that we must hammer into our memories.

This is only exacerbated by the publics addiction to entertainment. Nothing screams monotony more than millions of people THINKING THE SAME THOUGHTS at the same time! No wonder everyone seems to be asleep! So many people I encounter are just bags of flesh without their own identity. They believe themselves to be autonomous when they are actually running a foreign installation in their minds.

Originally posted by Pook
This issue is solved with Catholicism’s high regard for Mary. Catholicism holds that Mary reverses Eve’s role.
Yes. But think about HOW Mary reverses Eves role! She embodies the asexual female with the Immaculate Conception and maintains her purity by NOT being sexual! The Church has sought to demonize sexuality since the start, so of course they would deify Mary´s chastity. Young girls are encouraged to be as chaste as the Holy Virgin.

Going back to the infamous Fall of Man. Did you know what the Tree of Knowledge is really the Tree of Sex? In biblical times when you had sex with a woman, they would say that you “knew” her. And so Adam came to “know” his wife in the sexual sense and what I find interesting is that this was not the Original Sin. Was it disobedience then? I dont think so. God only expelled them from the Garden when he saw them dressed in fig leaves, cowering in Shame. The original sin of mankind, IMHO.

Originally posted by Pook
God is called LORD because of an aristocratic sense. You would call your king or ruler ‘lord’ long ago. Since God is considered to be ruler of them all, is it not good to have kings and emperors on their knees to refer to a ‘lord’ above them?
Depends on how you define “good”. I prefer not to kneel to anyone, nor have them kneel to me. God is presented in the Bible as a heavenly father so the question that I ask is this, would you kneel before your dad? It just seems like an unnatrual act of submission propagated by the human hierarchy charged on steroids!

But I will run with your analogy for arguments sake. Lets say that Gods maleness was presented to encourage universal submission. How then does this account for the fact that there are no women priests? Why is it that the Holy Trinity is a boys club? Why does Genesis reverse the creative role of the sexes with Adam giving birth to Eve?

To me these are all clear signals of a concentrated effort to strip women of their power and mankind of its sexuality.

Originally posted by Pook
The Son of God gave special attention to the prostitute and so changed the law. Mary Magdalene is a critical part of the Christianity story as she was the first one to reach Jesus’s tomb.
There are scores of Gospels that never made it into the final edition of the New Testament. It is documented in numerous accounts from other disciples that Mary Magdelene was not a common prostitute, but a priestess of Isis with very powerful family ties. Of course the most controversial accounts are those that claim she was (gasp) his lover!

Originally posted by Pook
In Corinthians, we find a definition of marriage. Marriage is not based on ‘love’, as modern people and gay activists would like to believe. Marriage is based entirely on sexuality. “It is no sin” Paul says and he advises that if you are aflame with passion, you better marry. Marriage and sex were not seen as separate.
It is this distinction the Church made that I find most disturbing. Coupled with the fact that society is at odds with the natural cycle of reproduction, we are looking at two of the biggest factors of sexual distortion right here!

Your post resonates strongly with what I had in mind. The “Neo-Religion” the politics, the fanatics all play their part in what I feel is a grander scheme, the very essence of what I think has spawned this distortion from the very beginning!

Think about it. Why do the Feminist push their agendas? Why do religions all insist that they are right and everyone else is wrong? What is the one human trait the has ballooned into disturbing proportions thoroughout the ages?

Basically I feel that all of these distortions can be traced back to one serious flaw in the way mankind perceives itself. It is a most unnatural and destructive state of ...

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.

I am not talking about the survival instincts that keeps us going. Of course you should consider yourself important! What I am referring to is the elevation of the self above everyone else. This odd human trait has flourished throughout history, becoming exponentially more prominent and upsetting the natural balance of the world...

It is my great displeasure to present mankinds


Though it may not appear to have any sexual significance at first, I find it ironic that mankinds distortion is intimately tied to its progress...

The Agricultural Revolution
Man learned to cultivate crops and left his hunter/gatherer roots behind for a more stable lifestyle. For the first time he began to accumulate possessions. This was a good thing..or so he thought. The interesting thing about possessions is that they often possess you with a desire for more. Self-importance is validated by wealth and an already dysfunctional human trait began to take a turn for the worst.

Man saw his neighbors land and thought, “Gee, he has more space for cattle and a bunch of olive trees, hmmm his wife is fine as hell too....I think I will just TAKE what is his as my own!” There would be a bloody dispute and he would either kill his neighbor or chase him off and take over his land.

This was just the beginning of course. The Agricultural Revolution also gave rise to a new phase of human history.

The Age of Expendable Men
Without all the hardships of survival in the wild, Man flourished and the population boomed to the point where human life was not such a precious commodity anymore. An unforseen byproduct of this development was the spawn of a Military Age that has yet to subside!

The Age of Kingdoms
We began to see the first socio-sexual distortions here with kings imposing laws against adultery. Back then these guys not only had big egos, but huge harems to match! Part of the perks of the whole deal was his assurance that he was the only man allowed access to this harem. A daunting task for the women who did not reside in the palace!

So laws were passed to protect the kings interests and his servants would go as far as chopping off their own genitals to ensure the purity of his harem. Twisted!

The natural hierarchy of Man became distorted by military power and politics was born. Kings, pharoahs and lords became the demigods of earth. Self-importance reached new heights within this elite circle. Thousands would risk their lives in battle at their very command and their word was the letter of the law. How can you NOT have a massive ego when you have such power at your disposal?

But on an international scale, this was still a small potatoes operation. There were far too many rivals to really organize a massive effort. But that would all change soon enough...

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
The Age of Religion
In and of itself it was not a bad idea. Why not congregate and break bread with those who share your beliefs? But just like the previous advances, there was potential for more distortion. Sure religion unites people, but it also divides them against each other in larger numbers! The idea of our god vs their god began to unite different kingdoms together and Operation:GreedyBastard began to pick up steam. In time religion just became another means to an end. A divine excuse for man to pursue his own agendas.

Another interesting development of religion was its decidedly masculine presence. Even within the sacred Trinity, there was no room for the female essence. Women were denied the education, rights and priesthood that were Sexuality outside the realm of the church-sanctioned concept of marriage was considered a sin as despicable as murder!

The American Revolution
Religion was dealt a crushing blow as Americans declared the separation of church and state. But the agenda of self-importance began to infect a wider pool with the idea of religious tolerance. An event that coincided nicely with the Industrial Revolution. Mass production widened the rift between the classes. A working class was born and the rich propelled themselves into more obscene fortunes with the advent of

The Age of Capitalism
This is a win-win situation for self-importance. Now ALL levels of society can enjoy the pursuit of affluence! Now all religions can unite on their quest to satisfy limitless desires! Self-Importance finally reaches the pinnacle of world domination with the creation of the World Trade Organization and other groups that have successfully blurred the line between business and government!

The Urban Age
Think about urban life for a minute. In the chaos of a writhing populace, nobody knows your name or where you live. In fact the less they know about you the happier they are! In this sense you have no social obligation to answer to. Morals get tossed out the window and the responsibility of the man often gets shifted to the woman. This case is quite common for us city kids. We have a whole generation that sees gender roles quite differently these days, simply because they havent lived the social “norm” of a mother and father with their 2.5 kids, dog etc.

Also think of the implications of the very word “apartment”. Modern life has succeeded in establishing a state of isolation unforeseen in human history. I have lived next door to people who have NOT ONCE returned my hellos! WTF?? Just watching everyone dash home its like people are racing to retreat into their comfortable little bubbles.

Another interesting observation comes from Desmond Morris´The Human Zoo. Mr. Morris has studied human nature from a zoological standpoint for many years and one thing he has observed is that masturbation is a totally unnatural phenomenon that only manifest within animals IN CAPTIVITY! Yet another way in which modern society affects us is that many of us have retreated sexually within ourselves. More aptly put, if most of the guys here had a tenth of the skill with women that they do with their right hands, they would be super studs.

The Sexual Revolution
The repression of centuries final came undone (no pun intended) and with the advent of birth control, mankind declared itself “sexually liberated” and society was changed forever. The pendulum now swings from the Puritannical to the the most Hedoistic end of the spectrum with the free love of the hippies, the swingers of the 70s and the porno excesses of the 80s. This revolution came to a screeching halt with the impact of the scariest sexual distortion ever, the AIDS epidemic. Now we not only have pregnancy to fear, but DEATH! I have lost two cousins and a dear friend to this terrible plague. Little wonder why I waited so long to lose my virginity..I was petrified!

Social Programming
Part of the problem resides in our system of education, which does not foster a creative approach to learning. Instead we are taught to accept philosophies and ideas as FACTS that we must hammer into our memories.

This is only exacerbated by the publics addiction to entertainment. Nothing screams monotony more than millions of people THINKING THE SAME THOUGHTS at the same time! No wonder everyone seems to be asleep! So many people I encounter are just bags of flesh without their own identity. They believe themselves to be autonomous when they are actually running a foreign installation in their minds!

The media has convinced so many of us that happiness and fulfillment has to be found externally, either at the mall buying stuff or in the arms of a woman. Instead of handling our lives like men, we cling to women and possessions and use them to define ourselves. Works out nicely for those who profit from all this, but its a truly sad state of affairs for Mankind.

The Second Agricultural Revolution
Here we see probably the most literal manifestation of sexual distortion. Our food sources become genetically modified and tainted with the use of artificial ingredients and other toxins that are proven to affect our own hormone levels. Scientists discover that fish near many powerplants have developed both genitals! Yet another instance of Self Importance´s agenda at work as profits take precedence over nature.

The Technological Revolution
Mankind retreats further from the social pool with the proliferation of electronic drugs. Internet, television, video games and other reality-altering inventions manage to provide a viable option to going out and meeting people. Social Phobias reach an alltime high. And so it was that you probably found your way here, seeking freedom through the very forces that have made you captive.

The biggest problem I see in society is mankinds self-importance coupled with a misplaced sense of shame. Somewhere along the line we learned to value the “I” above the “we” and now you have a global culture full of go-getters trampling each other like a frenzied mob just to climb to the top of the status chain.

Mankind has also learned to feel embarrassed about our natural sexuality while we show no shame in destroying the environment, committing genocide and eliminating entire species for sport or profit. There is no denying that the delicate balance of nature has been radically disrupted!

So whats the solution?
Heh. Lets just say the revolution will not be televised and the only real transformation will occur when each of us learns to get in touch with the balance and flow of things. Ultimately, nature has an impeccable way of restoring the balance one way or another. Perhaps one day we will live in perfect harmony, and perhaps we will be obliterated by a stray asteroid. Who knows?

There is only one thing in this world that I can change for certain ... myself. All I can do is my absolute best to live my dreams and hope that I can be a light to those who struggle in darkness, my personal homage to those who have shone for me when I was lost.

And aint that what its all about? All these religions clamoring about whose God has a bigger d!ck when they are all essentially saying the same thing? Love one another. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Make the world a better place in whatever way you can and be blessed.

Damn. Somebody give me a hug!

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score

Greatest post. Greastest thread, this needs to be in the bible. Fingers you even stood up Pook, you bastard. Your words made me feel like starting the Next Revoultion out this b*tch. We are trapped right now, as you explained in this "dog eat dog world", some of us are born in not even being equipped to survive, things change so rapidly. We will be desensitized to everything sooner or later and want the next best thing, which aint always good to us.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score

This is the best thing you ever written!

I have often wondered exactly where we have gone wrong in society and you have done a great job of mapping it out. Ummm..is it okay if I steal this post to "write" a paper for class? ;)

There is really not much I can add to this except to pick apart some comments from my favorite adversary :D

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Not to dwell in the philosophical realm of what is ‘natural’ vs. ‘unnatural’, let’s just say we differ on that outlook regarding the issue of homosexuality. But speaking of natural vs unnatural regarding the homosexual act, I do want to comment that the anus was not designed for any objects to ‘intrude’ it’s quarters (this is obvious), but it was NATURALLY designed and functioned ONLY for objects to ‘protrude’ from it’s cavity! So a penis (a relatively large object at that) to be inserted into the opposite direction for which the anus was designed and to function is a totally ‘unnatural’ and a forceful act and not a naturally occurring act! Do you also notice that there is no lubrication within its’ cavity, unlike the vagina which was designed for such penetration…and do you also realize the smallness and it’s extremely limited expansion capability? hmmm, I wonder why?

I have no idea why people think that this is a natural act, when it is so painstakingly obvious (no pun intended) that it is wholly unnatural…When something so ‘unnatural’ is being pushed (yes I use the term ‘push’) upon the masses, its’ only and ultimate purpose for the Agents of this ‘unnatural’ act, is to find ‘acceptance’ of their ill behavior and conduct!! I’m not fooled!
You can argue about the physics of anus till the cows come home, but it doesnt change the fact that homosexuality is found in the animal kingdom, yes animals living in NATURE can boink each other in the ass all they want!

Also if you want to talk physiology, then how do you explain that one of the males most sensitive and orgasmic spots is found (drumroll..............) up the ass?

I am not a fan or advocate of anal sex. I think it is disgusting personally, but I dont think people who do it are the depraved monsters that you make them out to be. I remember in one thread you compared homosexuals to child molesters! huh???

I got no problem with ya at all PRL. I find your posts entertaining and sometimes even enlightening. But on the topic of homosexuality, lets just say youve got some serious issues!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
All these religions clamoring about whose God has a bigger d!ck when they are all essentially saying the same thing
I have to use that quote somewhere. :D
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

1. Some say this shyt began back in world war 2 when women came out of the home and began to work while the men were off at war. I believe it goes back way farther than that.

Along time ago Rich kings wanted larger harems. They got with the churches and outlawed having more than one wife…so they could stock up their harem larders. Women became valued commodities after that and their worth increased in the eyes of men.

If you look at history a young man had to jump through hoops in order to win a bride and get laid. He had to have a dowery to offer up for his fair maiden

It then became that men had to fight to win a woman’s hand and do all sorts of stupid things just to get a wife. Women were put on pedestals and the end just took a few more centuries to follow up.

I do realize that women didn’t have the right to vote in this country until the past century. But they still wielded the power of the pvssy. We in this country just set them free.

When you put such great emphasis on getting laid you blow it way out of proportion creating an imbalance.

So women are now a commodity. As a commodity it’s supply and demand. But they now have all of the power over it. There is a saying “ A woman knows when she is going to have sex”

I went to the aol chat room listing once. I went to a bunch of rooms clicking and watching for just a moment then on to the next. In all of these rooms I saw this same out of balance syndrome. Women even in the fat girl rooms were the prizes and desperate men were begging them for attention. The women got off on dissing the men, whom went into frenzies and got even more excited. I think the most deperate screen name that I saw belonged to a cat named Boeing747600. I’ve never seen a more AFC sympin assed fool in my life. It was so bad I actually spoke up and tried to set him straight…of course his desperation and conditioning was too strong.

Men are conditioned by society to play along. This is why the bad boy is so attractive. He doesn’t go by societies rules. He makes his own. When you have an entire civilization that is conditioned to approach woman hunting a certain way then you have those who say fawk that…these unconditioned men will have a different energy than that of the conditioned ones.

Women can sense energy in a man. No wonder they become so attracted to the real man types.

Ok I’ve strayed from the topic…

Society or civilization is growing up. A society needs rules and conditioned people in it in order to work. We can’t just go out raping and pillaging and plundering anymore.

With women having in the past been an important commodity and now set free, and what was once owned property, the power has shifted from man to woman. Men no longer control the flow of pvssy. Women do.

So of course women are going to promote anything that keeps them in control…such as AFC behavior. Go to any of the chat rooms on AOL. It’s women who do the choosing.

I have more to say on this subject but I gotta go:

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality? ...But they still wielded the power of the pvssy. We in this country just set them free.

When you put such great emphasis on getting laid you blow it way out of proportion creating an imbalance.

So women are now a commodity. As a commodity it’s supply and demand. But they now have all of the power over it. There is a saying “ A woman knows when she is going to have sex”

With women having in the past been an important commodity and now set free, and what was once owned property, the power has shifted from man to woman. Men no longer control the flow of pvssy. Women do.

So of course women are going to promote anything that keeps them in control…such as AFC behavior. Go to any of the chat rooms on AOL. It’s women who do the choosing.
The underlying issue of this thread is about power and control over our sexuality...not only has a man's sexuality been distorted but he has become impotent (no pun intended) in his powers as a man. Who has done such to the modern man and why? For this to affect 10's of millions of men and to be of the same generation, there has to be a sinister force involved that can and has impacted the masses at the same time.

Since this modern day "sexuality" is a deviation from its' true nature then we have unnatural forces at work here that have an agenda. As mentioned before, this is no accident and was premeditated for decades as mentioned in my prior posts. There are many factors involved and every DJ who posted on this thread has mentioned them correctly...but why and how could such a large generational change take place and be done so quickly.

Those my age or older constantly remark on this distorted sexuality that took place in the last 30 years. I see no greater evidence of this than on this forum where the majority of young DJ's have adopted and embraced such a distorted view on a woman's and a man's sexuality.

Us older DJ's, especially me and Player Supreme, are dumbfounded by the weak male and/or effeminate mentality that seems to pervade this 'mens' website'. And a lot of this effeminate thinking goes unchecked and it is allowed to permeate and affect others. The issue of homosexuality is just but one example that has had a large generational gap in its adoption as being acceptable, natural, legitimate and tolerable behavior.

How could there be such a gap in thinking so quickly on such a wayward distorted and perverted view, regarding a man's sexuality? The only explanation possible is that there has been a massive force at work that has influenced tens of millions of young minds since their birth. Now homosexuality is seen as a tolerable way of life, or choice of life, or even seen as an inborn trait in man and woman. Huh?? Something and someone has gone awry!!! And it is not a mystery, at least to us older more mature men!

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
This un-natural force you speak of has reached its zenith, thats why the changes are happening more rapidly. The technology we have now is able to bring you anywhere in the world. In the end you wind up someones pocket. Im only 22 but I cannot comprehend this surgence of homoerotic behavior either, it happened almost outta no where you know. Like at least half the females around my town are gay :confused: and in a few other places around. Makes me wonder why some areas foster more of that nature, while others do not.
