Louie Vaton Don - Glamorous name by the way
These people and their agenda did not come out of nowhere. Their organization was during the revolutionary times of the 1960's when there was a lot of iconoclastic anti-repressive, anti-government fervor in the air.
This all started with the human rights movement that was ignited by blacks after world war 2 and especially in the 1950's in the south of the USA. The black struggle was the catalyst for other groups to voice their own displeasure with government control. Thus we have the drug experimentation and the rebellion in the long-hair and unkempt dress of the youth listening to their music filled with sexual and revolutionary lyrics, the women's liberation movement, and yes the unification of homosexuals.
What you see today I experienced in the 1970's- 'women's lib' was big then and you had situation comedies and advertising commercials that downgraded men and portrayed women as stronger and more able than their male counterparts. Women were independent and did not need men to survive, nor did they need to cook anymore and care after the household. Women in the 1970's have become their own person now!! TV shows like 'Maude' and 'The Mary Tyler Moore show' and 'All In The Family' with 'Archie Bunker' being portrayed as the old neantherdal man living in the past and not accepting the new paradigm of the new age.
The songs had topics such as "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor and other female artists who sang their songs of independence and unshackled morality. "We can have as many sex partners as men have and we have the birth control pill now and are no longer slaves to our vagina through child bearing", "We can do what men do and even better" was their cry. You had TV showing women as Carpenters and Mechanics and Technicians...but rarely did you find them wanting such careers in reality. This was all a facade to uplift the status of women to the level of men.
The AIDS epidemic in the early 1980's was the impetus for the homo movement that put them in the spotlight and portrayed them fighting for a just cause and that they were special and deserve special funding to curb the tide of AIDS. "We must become a political force", they said. "We must be represented in the media if our message of 'Diversity' is to take hold".
Thus the mass deceit and the 'BIG LIE" began in full-force upon the current generation.of youth. Now we have fags in Grade school - did you hear me? I said Grade school teaching this sick doctrine of perversion to young impressionable minds under the banner of 'Diversity' and 'Love'. Bastards are trying to make evil fair seeming!! What child is going to reject a message of love, even though it is based on a false premise?
My tax dollars are paying for this shyt? Homos are making something so unnatural seem so matter of fact natural. And the adult parents are allowing this - remember, these parents were the byproduct and brainwashing of the 1960’s and 1970’s unnatural revolution! I have pity for you young men and for those who follow you.
This unnatural force won’t be satisfied until they indoctrinate the minds of everyone!!!!
No Louie this is nothing new, your eyes have just been opened. The matrix had you! Welcome to the 'real' world! Look out for those Agents of control!!
This all started with the human rights movement that was ignited by blacks after world war 2 and especially in the 1950's in the south of the USA. The black struggle was the catalyst for other groups to voice their own displeasure with government control. Thus we have the drug experimentation and the rebellion in the long-hair and unkempt dress of the youth listening to their music filled with sexual and revolutionary lyrics, the women's liberation movement, and yes the unification of homosexuals.
What you see today I experienced in the 1970's- 'women's lib' was big then and you had situation comedies and advertising commercials that downgraded men and portrayed women as stronger and more able than their male counterparts. Women were independent and did not need men to survive, nor did they need to cook anymore and care after the household. Women in the 1970's have become their own person now!! TV shows like 'Maude' and 'The Mary Tyler Moore show' and 'All In The Family' with 'Archie Bunker' being portrayed as the old neantherdal man living in the past and not accepting the new paradigm of the new age.
The songs had topics such as "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor and other female artists who sang their songs of independence and unshackled morality. "We can have as many sex partners as men have and we have the birth control pill now and are no longer slaves to our vagina through child bearing", "We can do what men do and even better" was their cry. You had TV showing women as Carpenters and Mechanics and Technicians...but rarely did you find them wanting such careers in reality. This was all a facade to uplift the status of women to the level of men.
The AIDS epidemic in the early 1980's was the impetus for the homo movement that put them in the spotlight and portrayed them fighting for a just cause and that they were special and deserve special funding to curb the tide of AIDS. "We must become a political force", they said. "We must be represented in the media if our message of 'Diversity' is to take hold".
Thus the mass deceit and the 'BIG LIE" began in full-force upon the current generation.of youth. Now we have fags in Grade school - did you hear me? I said Grade school teaching this sick doctrine of perversion to young impressionable minds under the banner of 'Diversity' and 'Love'. Bastards are trying to make evil fair seeming!! What child is going to reject a message of love, even though it is based on a false premise?
My tax dollars are paying for this shyt? Homos are making something so unnatural seem so matter of fact natural. And the adult parents are allowing this - remember, these parents were the byproduct and brainwashing of the 1960’s and 1970’s unnatural revolution! I have pity for you young men and for those who follow you.
This unnatural force won’t be satisfied until they indoctrinate the minds of everyone!!!!
No Louie this is nothing new, your eyes have just been opened. The matrix had you! Welcome to the 'real' world! Look out for those Agents of control!!