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Society and Sexual Distortion


Apr 15, 2005
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So what to do?

I see a lot of people complaining also.
But what does complaining solve?
I thought about it. You have to be your own man. You have to come up with a formula to be the man without "Being the man" and letting it be shown.
SUBTLE is the key. If your woman knows you are trying to "be a man" she will deter you.
My girlfriend tries her hardest to be "independent".
I usually put a dent in her game by not showing my emotions at all. I will confuse her.
I show my emotions one week in a subtle way, the next I act care free.
If she calls and breaks a date I tell her to call me when she thinks she has time in her busy schedule. She will call the next day and try to see if I will still go out with her.
What you should do is simply make the date, show up late (to show you are better then her) but no more then 15 minutes, if you are picking her up.
If she asks you for a date on a certain day, you tell her it is not good for you, but saturday is fine.
That is a subtle technique. I use this to trick my girlfriend into thinking my way.
You can never tell a woman to think your way, they will rebel and reject it.
Remember we are men and "don't know anything" right? So we need to not let them know.
It's in the bible, proverbs, "Be wiser then the next man, but do not tell him".
Same goes for a woman.
Of course we have fags, bleeding heart liberals, anti this anti that, feminist, but you just be your own confident man and ignore these facts of society that will not change. They will only proliferate.
Of course our society is corrupt, but what will that mean for us? We should not live in fear of society, we should embrace living.
I was in the supermarket today and a woman told me to go ahead of her, so I went. She cracked a sarcastic comment "some people are just angry and rude" and I ignored her. Why take her bait?
Silence is GOLDEN.
SELF Control is KEY.
Actions speak louder then WORDS.
Remember this when dealing with any woman.
If you can be figured out, you can be controlled.
This is the game you have to play nowadays.
What does "being real" get you? It gets you in trouble is what it does. I have been that way and have realized being real has caused women to step away, or try to control things.
So work hard, keep in control, have self discipline, you can control every action you make, it starts with your mind. You could look like the incredible Hulk and still be a weak man.
Read these books
The Holy Bible
Always good for inspiration and wisdom
Jack Welch "Winning"
"The Purpose Driven Life"
"Your hands can heal you"

Your hands can heal you is one of the greatest books I have ever read on self control. It is a book about master meditation and it is real.
It takes a lot of concentration to do what it says in the book but it's worth it.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
^ bump ^

enjoyed it a lot.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
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Originally posted by Señor Fingers
Instead of rambling in my usual style, I want to hear from you guys. My basic question is this...

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

This goes much deeper than the feminization of man, for we are also looking at the masculinization of woman. More specifically,

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

What purpose does it serve to have a society built up of girly guys and manly chicks.

Also, it just seems ridiculous to have a culture that worships a natural function of two bodies, which leads to my next question…

Why has sex become so glamorized?

What is there to be gained from this? Is it a fluke? A conspiracy? If so then who is behind it and what is the motive?

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Aside from the whole metrosexual phenomenon, why are there so many chumps out there? How come most of my pals treat me like a god just because I talk to girls I dont know? What the hell is going on here???!!!

I have my theories but I will keep my mouth shut till I get some feedback…

In the meantime, I am sure there is no shortage of opinions on this matter, so by all means,

Good that proScribe bumped this. Saw this article in NYTimes on female chauvinist pigs (interesting term - used not as you would think.)


On the way to work I heard a song intro to a rap song where the guy stated (paraphrasing) "...there are songs that are for dancing, and there are songs that make you think. This song is to make you think. For those who don't think much, we just want to warn you before dropping this on your @ss...."

Had me laughing all the way into work. But it's true here, too. If you're not used to thinking, handle with caution, right?

Wyld, you may get a kick of this...


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Re: So what to do?

Originally posted by Reed247

I was in the supermarket today and a woman told me to go ahead of her, so I went. She cracked a sarcastic comment "some people are just angry and rude" and I ignored her. Why take her bait?
Silence is GOLDEN.
SELF Control is KEY.
good ****, i work as a cashier at a store and some woman started *****ing cause the jars clinged a when i put them in the bag LOL WTF? i just walked away and let her ***** to someone else.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
I'm going to post my 2 cents on this.

Most of what has been said is not at the root level what is happening, but is an example of what's happening. To understand what is happening, you need to understand how the human brain stores and processes information. The basic concept is that your brain stores patterns of information. These could be electrical impulses from your eyes, electrical impulses to/from your muscles, electrical impulses by your brain after hearing a story.

These patterns form our knowledge base on who we are and how we interact with the world. Humans are a herd species. Like sheep. What does that mean though? It means that we observe how others interact and those patterns get reinforced in our brains. After enough reinforcement, it becomes the predominant pattern and when you see a certain scenario unfold before you, you react with the pattern your brain thinks is best for the situation, usually unconsciously although you can start to imprint a new pattern over an old one using conscious thought, but at some point in time it will become the predominant pattern and you will react subconsciously.

That is how you learn skills as well. You get a pattern down from watching someone else do it or imagining it vividly. Then you practice it and you reinforce those patterns of how your muscles acted and what you said and what you saw and heard. It goes to the unconscious and than it happens by itself.


The next big thing is to follow the patterns that each of us recieve throughout the course of our daily life as well as throughout our lives. This allows to see what patterns get reinforced in our brain and equally as important what patterns we miss out on.

Masculinity is action. Action is the basis for dominance, goal orientation, etc. Femininity is reception. They receive info and then think about it and discuss it. Masculinity and Femininity are things you are. They are adjectives to describe how active or passive (receptive) you are. People are not entirely Masculine or Feminine. They are a combination of both. You need both to be effective and complete in this world. These aren't things that you are born with. They aren't genetically based. They aren't culturally based. They are descriptions about how active you are and how passive you are.

That said, biology does play an important part. Biology kicks everything in the right direction, so that nature and evolution work. What didn't work died, and what did work procreated. Men are masculine by nature because of testosterone etc. Women are passive either by the lack of testosterone or more estrogen. Regardless, the chemical make up is an influencing factor in how active or passive you will be, but it is not a determination of what you currently are as the patterns in your brain play a larger part than just the chemicals.

Masculine patterns are patterns that are active. Feminine patterns are patterns that are more passive.

For little children: Where do they recieve their patterns from? They recieve it mostly from Mom and Dad, TV, and whoever else is in their life a lot. This is where a lot of you are making your theories come from. And while it is a contributing cause, its not the only cause.

For bigger children: Once you get to school you start to enter your dependence on institutions. School does one thing very well. It misuses people in predermined positions of power (dominance, action) and uses it to create submission in others. This is the relation between school and people. When the teacher says something you listen, when the bell rings you change classes, you only go to the bathroom between classes, you follow the rules or you get punished. This all serves to pacify the population. The ultimate goal is to sustain our society so that the elite stay in power. They may not think that explicitly, but thats what all their actions result in.

This is because our culture is primarily self-centered. We have been told that resources are scarce and that it's every man for himself (Social Darwinism). That to a certain extent is true, but it's misguided. Resources are limited and most of our problems are the result of overpopulation. The big thing to think about is that most of us aren't starving, and most of the ones that are starving aren't starving because their isn't enough food, but because those with food aren't distributing it properly, which is what the point of a society is. Anyway, the most important part of this paragraph is that since all our patterns of thought are self-centered, we end up worrying about little things like having enough money, etc : Getting things for ourselves!!! We are not competing for resources amongst ourselves (Yes, to a certain extent we are, but in the grand scheme of things ... we are outcompeting other species).

The social elite want to outcompete others for resources not because they have to for survival but because they are culturally programmed (reinforced patterns) to act in a selfish manner. Thus they try to extert their dominance over others to keep resources and ultimately to maintain power in societyto maintain access to resources.

Back to children: The main thing to understand is that people are sponges and they absorb patterns and model those behaviors in the attempt to get some patterns developed from experience. Thus school is 7-8 hours a day of getting the pattern of submission repeatedly ingrained in their head. School is teaching kids to be submissive, passive, FEMININE. This is good for the social elite or whatever else you want to think of that could be pulling the strings.

After 13 years of schooling or even more if people have gone to college. People start to work for the bulk of their day. What is work? Work is a seperation of dominance and submission in order to get stuff done. Dominance rises through the ranks and becomes management, but most are submissive, because they've been trained to be submissive from schooling. Anyway its a way of organizing people based on dominance like determining who an alpha male is in a group. People interact and compete with each other and dominance always wins. This is because we think in terms of selfish patterns. It's entirely possible that we could think of the community or other people's needs above our own needs. It just requires those patterns to be reinforced. People who are submissive reinforce their patterns because almost all of their interactions are either passive (like women talking in the kitchen or men talking around the water cooler). They are equals. They are not competing. Their competetions are with bosses and their submissives. Since they will always lose to their boss they still remain submissive.

With all these submissive patterns, it's no wonder that most people are wussies.

How come this wussification of western culture is rising to a head so recently? It's because we don't do anything that's active. Or more precisely we don't do enough things that are active so that the majority of our patterns that we act on unconsciously are masculine. We've been trapped by school and work into being submissive and getting stuck in submission loops. The only way to escape it is to do what people come here for. They have to consciously implant active dominant patterns in their brains. After enough repetition they sink into the unconcious and you notice yourself acting unconsciously in that manner some of the time. Eventually it becomes the dominant pattern and masculine actions happen more frequently on the unconscious level.

In the past, we got our masculine actions in different external ways. It was needed. Society was still trying to make submissive, but we were only submissive in relation to society. We still dominated our own little worlds. We chopped wood or we'd freeze. We spent days harvesting grains or we'd starve. We saw problems and we solved them. That's what masculinity is for. It's evolution (in the biological sense) It ensures survival of the population. Femininity is equally important. It's purpose is also for the survival of the population. Passivity is the thinking without action. It is vital because with too much masculinity things get unbalanced. Guys go, "Me Man, Me destroy!!!" Then they run at a elephant and get gored to death. Passivity prevents unnecessary death, because it ensures that an adequate amount of thought goes into the action.

Too much femininity = inaction = death
Too much masculinity = blind action = death

Balance ensures survival.

This balance can be achieved in different ways on different levels. We as individuals become most successful with a balance of femininity and masculinity. It ensures smart action. This requires the natural man (ignoring culture for a second) to develop his femininity to ensure SMART action. It requires the natural woman to develop masculinity in order to ensure thought out ACTION. ** I made a little change here. I want to impress that femininity is not "smart" it is "thought without action." For the cultured man, it requires enhancing their masculine side in order to become balanced again, because they have to counteract the passivity school and work engrained in them.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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Now a lot of people will say, hey thats not how things are. Men are men, women are women. They are different, they are meant to complement each other. This is true to a certain extent. We are all biologically set to be more masculine or more feminine based on the chemicals floating around in us. However, it is a cop out to think that men and women have to balance each other out. This is only necessary if the individuals are unbalanced to begin with. Of course this is the what happened for most of history. Individuals spent most of their time working to support civilization or themselves due to overpopulation of the human species and an increased difficulty in finding actual prey and food on their own. Thus they maintained their natural predispositions. Women and Men were created out of evolution or God created the world to evolve that way, whatever. The end result is the same. It is the safety plan that ensures survival in the case that the individual doesn't become self sufficient enough. (Note, I'm not ignoring the concept that men and women need to have sex to have an offspring, I'm just stating that a balanced entity be it an individual or a couple or a country will survive longer than an unbalanced one). Couples balance each other out if they are unbalanced and that ensures better survival of the couple and thus the offspring.


Over time, technology has reduced our need to be masculine, so we spend more time reinforcing feminine thoughts both in our actions and in what we percieve aroung us (culture).

Even not too long ago, it was the man's job to be active and get a job and ensure the survival of the family.

At some point in time the social elite with their constant hoarding of resources put a new stress into the system. Due to an artificial scarcity of resources (caused by hoarding) families started requiring both parents to work. This resulted in women getting more masculine, and because of the feminine types of jobs available now due to technology men got more feminine. That said in the grand scheme of things both genders are primarily feminine now, with the masculine urges squeaking out from behind the femininity. The difference in power is only a relative one.

Women only have more power, because they get more opportunities to practice and understand the game. Men get that practice only when they are active enough to actually practice, whereas women get it for free without even trying, unless they're sexually undesirable. That allows them to be better practiced and more comfortable, although its not enough to make them truly masculine or active enough to initiate, which is what would happen if we were all truly equal and all individually balanced in our masculinity and femininity.


The big problem with men is these days is that we don't get enough practice being masculine and being decisive and acting on it. Our lives are determined by other people. We have to go to school, we have to ask to see if we are lucky enough to get a job, we have to ask women if they can be our girlfriends (because culture tells us so).

Thats what DJism all about. Its about establishing masculinity by conscious effort to restablish balance in our lives. Sometimes we achieve true individual balance and become what has been established as true Don Juans. Lots of times we just overshoot and become bluntly masculine and are still unbalanced with our femininity. These are the technique guys that are as someone coined the term "social robots."

We can't forget that the chemicals inside us make us attracted to the opposite sex, because of their chemicals. I feel that homosexuality is a result of a changing of those chemicals so that they are attracted to people with different chemicals in them. I don't know how this would work but that's my gut feeling. I think that's a partial truth though. From my limited reading of Freud, I get the impression that we are all relatively bi-sexual although with a preference in the chemical direction and that are brain just reinforces the association of sexual pleasure with one gender or the other. Usually in the direction of the chemical bias, but I don't think that's a limitation. I'm not particularily attracted to other men sexually, but I have a hard time deciphering if that's due to chemicals or if its due to patterns in the mind. Most likely some of both.

That's going to end my rant on sexuality, but I'm going to add a little bit about the role of masculinity and femininity is society.

Those in power are in power because they rose through the system by asserting more dominance over others. It has nothing to do with survival, because after the advent of civilization, survival became a lesser priority than competing with each other for no real purpose. Over time, this excessive masculinity and this lack of need for it for survival became recognized. This is where femininity comes from. Femininity is the result when they are denied the freedom to become individually balanced. This is the exact same thing that happened to make guys DJs. At some point they realized, "Holy Sh!t, I can't believe I'm living my life this way. This isn't natural and its societies fault." This is also the root cause of mid-life crisises. People get a moment of clarity and they all of a sudden realize their life is out of balance. Maybe because they're aren't individually balanced, more likely because their spouse stopped balancing them and the problem grew to a head.

Feminism is when a women realizes that she is not balanced, because she is not allowed to be masculine enough so that she can feel balanced and normal. This is common because it is obvious to see the difference in power.

DJing is the result of men realizing they are not balanced enough and need to be more masculine so that they can feel balanced and normal.

There aren't enough instances of men being too masculine and changing over. This is what feminism is sort of about in a bastardized way. They are trying reestablish balance on the individual level. This is unsuccessful because they don't realize that they need to create balance. They are just exerting a cultural pattern that promotes men to become more feminine, because that is the direction they wanted to go in. They didn't realize that they need to put the brakes on in order to stop at the balance point. They just saw imbalance of power and individual unbalance and pushed men to become more feminine and women to become more masculine.

That said Feminism isn't the biggest threat to masculinity and balance. The biggest threat is the lack of masculine patterns due to school, work and the way society is set up. Feminism just increases the number of feminine patterns in men. Not having a strong father decreases the number of masculine patterns and makes it difficult to achieve balance.

TV promotes feminine tendencies, because they force you to be submissive. You are forced to watch what they show you, your choices are limited. Advertisements are even worse, because they are actively targeting your insecurities to make you feel even more submissive in order for you to feel the pleasure of being temporarily more balanced by consuming their product.


Our current society is a very feminine population controlled by a very masculine government. This is VERY VERY bad, because there is no balance. The femininity and masculinity are in competetion, similar to the work environment. They are not in union like they are in a couple. The result is that the masculinity runs its course until evertually he runs head long into an elephant and gets gored to death. The feminine portion of the country (which is everything that accepted what was given to them) then dies due to inactivity, or possibly they die to realizing that they need to be more masculine and they die competing for resources. Balance is necessary for survival on a natural level. Civilization killed that by getting rid of the need for survival, but that is only temporary as eventually resources will become so limited that they stop being artificially scarce and start being actually scarce. That said balance still is the source of happiness. This is true on an individual level, couple level and societal level.

This is because the divine plan tries to teach you and lead you to the goal. It does this by making pain painful and joy wonderful. Pain is a way of teaching you that you are living your life wrong and to inspire you it choose an alternative path. Joy is to help promote constructive behaviors. That said, the divine plan only gives you enough pain to kick you in the right direction. It doesn't give you too much, because then suicide would be rampant and thats not in the divine plan at all. Good and evil are defined as such. Good leads you to eternal happiness, on an individual, couple, and societal levels. Evil leads you to pain. Not listening to the pain and correcting your lifestyle leads you to more pain and leads you to be the actor of evil actions.


Thats all I got for now, it was really stream of conscious so I imagine it wanders a lot in the territory it covers, so feel free to criticize or analyze.

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?

Bump? I think so...


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
capitalism and feminism = sex has monitary value for women. men cant compete with womens value due to male over population which also increases women value cause of all the men willing to pay for access to vaginas.. side effects are men breaking down and turning feminine and or gay cause thats what women like.. sex is glamorized cause that is womens main power source so they show it off to keep men begging for it..

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
:D Bumpitty bump bump


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I think it's the PC society at play here. To forestall sexism, the notion of "what defines masculinity/femininity?" is purported, so people wouldn't use x character traits to demonise women. I'm not condoning sexism, or saying it's justified, but I don't see how forcing society to some PC goal lends to achievement of this goal.

As to why we are a sexualised society, I'm not sure. I think socially conservative views are silly, but there is more to life than sex. One who doesn't get laid often is not a loser or unworthy person, as pop culture/common society would lend to believe.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
ilikecharlene said:
I think it's the PC society at play here. To forestall sexism, the notion of "what defines masculinity/femininity?" is purported, so people wouldn't use x character traits to demonise women. I'm not condoning sexism, or saying it's justified, but I don't see how forcing society to some PC goal lends to achievement of this goal.

As to why we are a sexualised society, I'm not sure. I think socially conservative views are silly, but there is more to life than sex. One who doesn't get laid often is not a loser or unworthy person, as pop culture/common society would lend to believe.

Go deeper down the rabbit hole.
As Nietzsche already said out loud: Everything boils down to sexual desire.
Jerk of 5 times a day 24/7 and i bet you wont get **** done.

dh charles

New Member
Jan 13, 2016
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Duncan Oklahoma
I don't really get why all this disparaging language etc among believers. The whole thing is pretty simple to me. It all is not so different as the reason Satan was kicked out of Heaven; for trying to be equal. No one is equal except in God's eyes.
Why can we no longer celebrate our differences? Men are better than woman in some ways and women are better than men in some ways. This is where the feminist rub is and is where the super fems are trying to usurp the instincts of men and still maintain their own instincts and identity (while denying ours as men). Even now in 2015 these women instincts have become very rusty and partially ignored. Celebrating differences makes for very good ideas and just plain common sense. Men are better at leadership, military wise, holding things together, in induction reasoning and problem solving etc. Woman are better at so many other things. Why can not women accept this and focus on what's natural for them. IF we do not wake up and no longer put up with this bulldozing of male hood we will find that women have destroyed themselves and are no longer valued near even what they are now in 2015. We ALL must stand up against this patronizing of women by the left and the confusion it brings. Woman are fine the way they were before 2008.
If we don't wake-up we will slowly become a nation of P .... men and femmans who do not even know who they are or what to do. When this happens our society as a going concern and a nation with the ability to protect ourselves will end...the American experience will end without even a whimper .
One can parallel an individual phyco--sexual development with the development of society such as ours. We used to be young adults on the way to becoming mature adults. Now, our nation has reverted to adolescence again fraught with confusion and growing pains. Like adolescent we tend to be selfish, full of ourselves and a feeling of invincibility. As an adolescent we are in love with own thoughts and many times ignore anything higher than themselves.