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Society and Sexual Distortion


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I'll try to answer a few

I think all of this stuff was there all along but was kept in the closet. Homosexuality has always been there, now it's more open and talked about more frequently. It doesn't bother me. What bothers me are new terms like "metrosexual" and women wanting guys like this, then turning around and saying they want real men. Let's not confuse things with metrosexual. Homosexual and straight is good enough, IMO. Let's not blur the lines so much.

Sex is glamourized in this country because it is considered bad and evil. You can see a murder on TV every single night of the week, but you better not see a sex act between people who love each other. You're better off killing people in a war than having sex with your intern (sorry about the political post, but it's an example).

Why is the world or at least the U.S. AFC? Because women are pressing the issue in the media and in other venues and using the guilt trip on men. Because there are abusers and cheaters out there, that must mean all men are this way, right? Add the media (latest Michelob commercials have women winning all the sporting events vs. men), awful portrayal of men in sitcoms, drama, and other TV show and movies, and men start to believe they must act AFC to get women. To be honest, this is the only place I've seen where standing up for being a man and being yourself is honored.

Gotta go, I'm breaking my own writing rules for being concise.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Wow - so I'm a fag now eh? Didn't know that - but thanks anyway PRL.

Takes one to know one.

Bottom line, I'm not 41, posting my add on internet personals, BSing about my age, because I can't get a date or quality piece of ass - but I digress.


The problem here is that the world has advanced, society had advanced - and guys like PRL have been left behind without the tools to deal with modern society.

Let me ask you this PRL - do you clean your own clothes now? how about your house? and do you cook for yourself? Unless you live with your mother still, that would be a yes - but wait - you want a woman, a wife so she can do all those things for you - the very things your doing now. And your contribution, is mowing the lawn, carrying the groceries and defending your house.

Sounds like a grea trade.

But wait there - I'm doing all those things right now.

PRL wants a woman to do his housework for him - sounds like you need a slave buddy. And what else must she do? service your sexual needs 1 or 2 times a week? - that would make her a wh#re. Since by default, any woman thats fvcked another guy is a wh#re - thats your definition.

Make sense - not.

Get with the times.

Marrage is outdated.

Like the model T ford, people like you are living in the past.

Whether you or I like it, society has changed. If you had your way, I would think you'd stop women from voting.

See PRL, what you fail to relaise is that this site is pushing the agenda of being a man - not a biggot like you.

Why do I call you a biggot - because your comments about homosexuals affends me. No, not because I am one, but because I stand for a free society, free from persecution - no matter what race, religion, nationality or sexual preference.

Just because a woman has had sex before does not mean she is a wh#re. I know this goes beyond your blinkered way of thinking.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA

Westcoaster, I liked your insight and your political commentary. The only thing I would state differently then what you posted is that 'sex' is a 'private' matter, and it is not something to be shared in the public domain. It has no mass value except to titillate, the same goes with porn.

I would also add I am fed up with turning on my tv and seeing beautiful dainty 110 pound white women acting masculine and kicking a white man's ass. I've seen this hundreds of time and I barely watch TV. I flipped the channel once and in all major networks, they had episodes of a woman 'beating up' a man. Huh? This tells you how pvssified the white male has been made to look. Will we see the day when black women are kicking black men's asses? Never saw it, but I'm sure it's coming, if they could only find a female strong enough! All non-white men laugh at white men for being portrayed so pvssified and enjoying every moment of it!

And the likes of cyrano, newman, and AMF, are prime examples of why their is no outcry from men, being potrayed in such a fashion! Try to show a pimp just slap a hor on tv and you will have an outcry that this is advocating violence against women. Huh? But you'll have effeminates state that this is different and the same rules don't apply to women as to men (what happen to equality?), blah,blah,blah. Easily manipulated and deceitful fools.!

The fag/hor agenda of making the female look strong and the male weak in the mass media has been at full force, especially in the last ten years! WAKE UP DJ's, THE MATRIX HAS YOU!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
A short answer.

I believe all these questions are the result of one tragic event. The breakdown of the family structure. With so many split households how are children supposed to learn the appropriate balance of masculinity and feminity? They can't. A strong family background and support helps our children grow emotionally. There is no other social group that has as powerful an affect as family.

The end result is femmy guys and manly girls. Why? Boys learn from their mother only. without a strong male role model most boys don't really become men. While girls lack a strong male role model as well. Without a father to set the example of how to treat a man or what men ar suppose to be like how, girls grow up thinking all kinds of whacked out things.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Yes Trawdawg,

But the root and underlying causes of fhe 'family breakdown' is the result of the hor/fag/hormongering/feminist mindset and agenda that is advocated by the effeminates on this site.

Did you see Newman's inept response that stated the 'marriage' and thus the family unit is outdated! Huh??? Ramblings of a fool!

You have a 16 year old effeminate so-called man trying to push his sick morals and advise a 'real' masculine experienced man!

Damn, now I know that American society is at the end of it's rope!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
PRL wake up buddy.

If you've watched this TV - then you would have seen the same crap on the WB network - with Black sit com shows - where there's the same kind of thing happening there.

But of course your not going to mention that.

I dislike racist's and homofobes equally.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
No PRL thats not why the family unit is broken down.

It's broken down because Marrage is a dated concept.

Men, genetically, where never ment to be with only one woman.

Technology and modern day society actually need women to work - to contribute more than cooking and cleaning - and being mother to guys like you.

This makes women independent.

They have their own money to spend.

Thus products are out there for women. Advertisers realise that women who work - single as well as married - have desposible income to spend. Adverts are aimed at women (like some are aimed at men). Tv shows are aimed at women. Movies. etc etc.

Todays society actually breeds women who have an opinion (wow imagine that PRL) - they can provide for themselves and look after themselves - so why would they need a vintage guy like you? why would they want to be with a man who only wants them to cook, clean and look after him?

Uhhhh - they don't. Hence your alone and 41. you refuse to wake up in todays society - and thus have been left behind like a relic.

You see, where you want a woman to do things FOR you - I want a woman who's going to stretch my mind - who is going to enhance my life with her own - not sit there and do my laundary, cooking and cleaning. My mother can do that for me.

Are some men effeminate? AFC's? chumps? yes, for sure. But there always were and always will be such men.

I don't believe men are more AFC now than they used to be. And you know what - I actually rejoice that there are such insecure, retarded men out there - the more the better - because when women meet me, they know who the real man is.

I make the ultimate decision, I am the man - but that doesn't mean I want my woman walking 10 feet behind me out of respect.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I first wish to state I did not read the preceding reponses. It's just easier this way.

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

The line between the two has not gotten progressively blurrier. Masculinity and femininity are a human projection; that with exception of our physical bodies, it's the slicing with a knife something which is essentially whole. As Desmond Morris wrote at the end of his book The Human Sexes, we use our gender as a flag against the insecurities of the often harsh human life cycle. What has changed is the quantities of varieties. Why the change, there's good evidence that at least in part it may be due to chemical changes resulting from environmental poisons.

Why has sex become so glamorized?

Because we have entered a new Puritan Era where sex frowned upon. Desmond Morris stated it quite well, noticing how porn has such high interest, that there's nothing more remote than a girl stripping for you from miles away. Sex must go somewhere.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Because society no longer struggles.

It's not because of femininism, as would many here would otherwise think. It is due to technology. Rapid change in technology results in rapid change of social values. The result is due to technology precisely because we're not struggling anymore. There's no frontier to explore, no invaders to fend off. When we struggle, we assume our proper rules -- there is no doubt; but when have settled down there comes the questions. Femininism is only a side effect.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I doubt the issue of women being 'masculine' and men being 'wussy' is going to be significant. Nature has programmed us 'men' to continue to find a young, pretty i.e. femine women to mate, and even the most self proclaimed feminist will quiver and fall for a true 'man'.

Eventually an AFC will embrace being a 'man' and change his ways. It's just how long before we 'discover' ourselves that has changed. Most feminists eventually change and realise life is too short to be pissed off.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
The main reason why a 'certain part of society' is pushing towards this 'unnatural' male/female state of mind and behavior is because you have 'unnatural forces' at work here! The unnatural forces that I am referring to are the "hors, feminists, and homosexuals'.
Mmmkay. Lets take these down one by one...

Not really much I can say on this. I have to agree with you that Feminists are an aberration of nature, but this is only in response to the centuries of “Masculist” oppression that has upset the natural balance between the sexes. The other shoe had to drop sometime!

While I personally find it to be repulsive, homosexuality is a totally natural phenomena. The males of many species of animals use anal penetration to establish their dominance over other males. My cousin had a gay dog who even seemed to prefer other males!

This is also nothing new in human society either. Gays have been around since Biblical times! At the end of the day, I refuse to judge anybody based on where they like to stick their penis (As long as it is a willing partner who is not a child (or another species)!) Also think about what would happen if all the fags in the world suddenly switched teams. The population would be out of control! Homos are good man...less competition!

Also from most of the gays/lesbians i know, they are not on some covert mission to infiltrate mainstream society. They want what we all want, to be accepted instead of persecuted. The only major delusion I think that many homosexuals have is that they were “born that way”. I believe we all must take responsibilty for the choices we make instead of blaming it on our genes. Plus this idea has recently been disproved in scientific research of genetic twins. You are not born with a preference, you develop one based on your experiences and the choices you make!

I have to agree with you that things are out of control right now. It is difficult to find a woman who values the more spiritual aspect of her sexuality these days. I notice a funny thing about the “loose” women I have hooked up with. They are usually emotionally blank in bed. A lot of them cant even kiss properly because they are not really connected with themselves. Sex becomes this “performance” and its a major turn-off when you feel a girl is going through the motions and not really FEELING the moment the way nature intended...

Bottom line, I dont judge any of these people, nor do I believe that they are on some secret quest to take over mainstream society (althught the Feminists certainly give that impression). However, I am interested in what forces have shaped peoples lives and what precisely has influenced them to behave the way they do. I think that these “agenda groups” are really just a symptom of something deeper...
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
If you are a confident man and know your role, as a man, with regard to females, then you are actually their ‘nemesis’ and they will try to defeat your natural tendencies and overcome your powers. This kind of union will eventually end up in failure, because she has gone against her natural universal genetically designed femininity whose sole purpose was to complement the male’s nature, so that a proper and productive union may occur between the two sexes!!!
Its because there is a struggle for dominance. Relationships are like magnets. There is always a dominant force (+) and a submissive force (-). Positive always attracts negative and likewise two dominant people will repell each other just as quickly as two submissive people. While dominance is often associated with the male, the truth is that every individual has a sexual/asexual balance of dominance and submission.

Think about most of the dudes that are into S&M. They are usually hardcore CEOs and leaders who are used to being in control, so they balance this out with their sexuality, submitting to their Mistresses and getting spanked! Now think about those nice quiet girls who appear sweet and submissive on the surface. What happens when you get them in bed? Thats right. They become TIGERS!

When it comes to the dynamic of relationships and individual sexuality, nature always finds a way to balance things out.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
To further this agenda, media, especially TV, has been taken over by these groups and those who sympathize with their cause, because they know the power of 'mass media' has mass appeal and influence over the thinking and behavior of their audience - especially our easily impressionable youth.

This is why this 'unnatural' mindset is embraced by our youth more so than the older generation because our youth are easily influenced and follow the fads and the customs of what they see on TV and because they want to be accepted into the mainstream and don't want to be seen as intolerable or different by taking a hard stand on what is right and natural. The youth succumb to the peer pressure of the masses and they mimic the thinking and behavior of the masses to appear cool, hip and in the know.

Through time, the 'rightful' thinking and acting men and women become a 'minority' and do not have the power or the will to change the unnatural forces at work, unless they have the same resolve and resources as the hors, homosexuals and feminists, to organize and influence the populace through the 'mass media'.

It’s all about control!!!!
Your paranoia seems misplaced to me. Once again you seem to really believe that Mr. Faggyman is out to get us! Honestly the only reason there is more media exposure is the same MO the media always has...profits! Gays are among the most affluent demographic in this country and all the media hype is just another venue for corporations to cash in on another market. Plain and simple!

Ultimately I do agree that the media has played their part in the distortion of human nature. You and I simply disagree on what is “natural” To me, AFC behavior is more unnatural than homosexuality. I mean when was the last time you saw a lion supplicating to his lioness? Bizarre!!

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
systematically and categorically ignore exverything PRL just said.
Why? Despite his fixation with gays, I thought he made some good points.
Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
The simple answer? With the lack of such harsh environments which foster traditional male-female relationships, women have rebelled, and their virtues are being aggressively extolled unto the heaven's emphasizing the positive to the point of exclusion of the masculine. This is why traditional liberalism tends to reside in places of higher population density; cities as opposed to rural counties.
BINGO! You have really hit close to home on this one.

As an inner-city child I was raised by a single mom who worked 2 jobs and had a steady stream of boyfriends who she supported. Hardly your stereotypical image of a woman! It was really just the after-effect of my father disappearing before I even learned to say “Dad”

For years I took this personally, as if I was somehow not good enough to have him stick around. But time has taught me that he did it for one simple reason. It was simply because he COULD!

Think about urban life for a minute. In the chaos of a writhing populace, nobody knows your name or where you live. In fact the less they know about you the happier they are! In this sense you have no social obligation to answer to. Morals get tossed out the window and the responsibility of the man often gets shifted to the woman. This case is quite common for us city kids. We have a whole generation that sees gender roles quite differently these days, simply because they havent lived the social “norm” of a mother and father with their 2.5 kids, dog etc.

Aside from the fact that he was a total deadbeat, the real shame about my Pops was that he was never around to teach me how to be a man and relate to women. I found myself following my Moms advice to treat girls wtih utmost respect and buy them flowers. Its really not her fault that she projected her idea of an ideal man onto me and ended up unwittingly banishing me to the lowest levels of AFC-dom. It was just the consequence of the choices she and my father made, choices that were greatly influenced by the anonymity that is a symptom of an urban lifestyle.

Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
Furthermore, much of where the attitude of 'girl-power' derives its fundamental idealogy from the 'centuries of 'oppression' endured by women past' imbuing it with an inherent mistrust of that which manifests itself as masculine.

In the midsts of all this 'girl-power' and the absence of traditional roles men are having a harder time defining themselves and end up doing so by their relationship to women and thusly the woman became the central focus of social interactions.

Prevailing social attitudes of the reformers press the opposite role of a complimentary item or a non-entity upon men where the positive aspects of masculinity are de-emphasized or dismissed entirely. I read an excellent book illustrating this point (written by a feminist author I might add) about how misguided feminism is fundamentally destroying the nation's young males through uplifting women while denying young men.
Yup. It is no longer politically correct to be a man! Most people dont know this about me, but I once got charged with sexual harassment because I told this girl I liked her skirt! Sure I was flirting with her, but it was harmless and I never even touched her! Hell, if I had filed lawsuits everytime one of my lady coworkers flirted or grabbed my ass, I would be a rich man by now!

Thank goodness my boss talked some sense in ¡to her and she dropped the whole thing. It really changed my view of women and I am much more careful about who I flirt with these days (no more psycho b!tches!)

You know things are really spinning out of control when you have 6-year olds getting charged with harassment for trying to kiss their classmates. You guys remember that case a few years ago? Madness!
Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
Men are now taught from the earliest ages that their mother's are faboo and great and life-givers, in essence the root of all good. They are simultaneously instructed that their fathers (if they know them, and no doubt lack of strong male role-models has most definitely contributed to this) are simply anti-deluvian wife-beating rapist war-mongering subjegators, in essence the root of all evil. Naturally this would cause an impressionable child to subdue his evil (masculine) tendencies in favor of the good (feminine).
Well put. You just described one of the root causes of my AFC-ness!
Originally posted by CyranoDeBergerac
Lastly, sex has always been glamorous, all-the-moreso in repressed (or alternatively socially-responsible) societies which traditionally concieve the topic as taboo.
I disagree. There is a difference between taboo and glamour. It is as wide as the rift between a porno movie and a Puritan chick showing her ankles. In a society of consumerism, we are constantly bombarded with messages that are meant to elicit a “seek-satisfaction” response. Little wonder that the majority of these messages are sexual! More on this later though....

Originally posted by icepick
People think they can restrain the laws of nature by their own "social laws". However, no person can take into account ALL of the factors that go into the creation of the laws of nature, therefore, each "social law"--due to its imperfect method of formulation--will always be less optimal than the natural law.

Religion is a great example of unnatural laws put in place to further society, but at the expense of human happiness.
I am suprised no one else has brought up religion as this is one of the single greatest roots of sexual distortion in human history!

First they eliminate any trace of femininity in the divine. Turning God into a male and only allowing male priests to minister to the congregation. Then they demonize sexuality and enforce the unnatural state of monogamy on mankind, then to top it all off and really screw things up, they turn Eve into Evil as women are portrayed as manipulators and selfish whóres who are not even worthy of an education!

If you are ever bored, try telling a priest that men and women are equals and God does not have a big, hairy penis and watch him freak out!
Originally posted by icepick
The question now becomes: Yes, society is more imperfect than nature; but why SO MUCH!?

There are two different things that govern the actions of a person. Mind and body. Thoughts and feelings. Morals and desires. The logical and the illogical.

Whenever one thing gets too "out of whack", the other jumps in to try to correct it. This is why many people say that society acts like a pendulum: swinging back and forth between one extreme and another.
100% true and on point. I touched on this earlier but you did a better job explaining it.
Originally posted by icepick
The "lawmakers" of man have not yet realized that it is NOT beneficial to have ALL people created equally. So, being the logical minds they are, they have assumed all people to be equal, and are basing their social legislation based on that ASSUMPTION.

Eventually, they will come to LOGICALLY realize that nature was right after all. (Man/Woman, +/-, action/reaction, etc.) How long will it take? Who knows!
You just touched on another great distortion of society. We are taught that YIN = YANG when in fact they are polar opposites that compliment and balance each other out. This PC “equality” nonsense really does go against natural law!
Originally posted by icepick
What they DON'T realize is that nature is FAR more complicated than anything they can imagine. There have been 100 billion people that have lived and died on this planet without understanding it completely. The catch is that we ALL understand it intuitively, and everything will work itself out if we let it.
Right again. AT some point you have to trust the knowledge that has been imparted into your body via DNA and millenia of your ancestors experiences. I think this is the state we all strive for on this site, just “being” and going with the flow.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by legolas
Sex is considered "dirty" and of course bad. And don't even get me started on the labels put upon those who have sex. I've even questioned my own feelings on this and I just find disgust has been wired deep down. I can't tell if it has been programmed since childhood or whether it is genetically passed down through generations.
Well, since it takes many centuries to shift your genes an it takes only a few years to mentally program a developing human mind I would say you have been brainwashed just like most of us!
Originally posted by legolas
Since sex is is repressed, and the meaning of the word repressed asssumes that it lies there beneath the surface, boiling, ready to explode at any time, then it is only natural to think of ways to channel that force that are "okay" for society to accept. I can't think of any examples here, so you'd just have to use your imagination.
This is exactly what you are facing when girls give you the anitslut defense. They want sex just as bad as you do, but the pleasure of the anticipated encounter has to outweigh the social consequences! In fact I would goas far as to say that most women will only have sex with someone who will boost their social status!
Originally posted by legolas
I guess this probably includes all those "rules" for dating which is short for dysfunctional-mating (my very own creation, you like....? :D)
Originally posted by legolas
That is to say basically that if sex was not distorted, then it would be raw and it would be okay for people to try it and we'd have to deal with all the consequences of that (unwanted babies, STDs etc) So the natural tendency is prevention through repression.
I dunno if I would consider repression a natural solution. The irony your statement is that we are wired to respond to reverse psychology. The more you suppress, the more explosive the manifestation when it presents itself. Ever bone a Catholic girl?
Originally posted by legolas
Actually I don't think it has a purpose per se. It is merely a side-effect of not-so-well-thought-out theories that bloomed during the rise of feminism.
Masculinity is simple reaping what it has sown. As icepick said, the pendulum has started to swing in the other direction. For every action there is a reaction!
Originally posted by legolas
Thus began the breakdown of man. The taming of the beast was done through the most cruel psychological warfare that exists today, the induction of GUILT. Guilt has been and will forever be the most effective and the most widely used psychological weapon of choice to tame man. Then men had to find ways to cope with guilt and it included blaming themselves, or swinging the other way. Thus the line between femininity and masculinity began to blur. Innocently enough, guilt created the very first AFCs. A breed of guilt-ridden, emotionally-wrecked males that signified the death of man as we know it. Those were our fathers and our grandfathers.
Shame was the fall of man, the fig leaf in the Garden of Eden that banished us from our natural heritage in paradise! But Shame is only a symptom of a deeper illness.. You come so close to hitting the core of what I feel all this bullsh!t is really about, especially with this part...
Originally posted by legolas
My first thought on this was simply that it is corporate America trying to drain us from our cash, but now I realize that corporate America is simply utilizing something that is occurring all by itself.

If you follow my line of argument above, about the repression of sexual freedom, and the need to channel this repression, you'll see that corporate America is only one gear in the mechanism that is profiting from a self-occurring phenomenon. Note how I'm staying away from calling it naturally-occurring.

I'm doing this only to show that there's nothing natural about this phenomenon, just like there's nothing natural about abdominal pain occurring as a result of strong medication. Our society has been drugged with a very strong medication the effects of which you seem to be wondering about, the effects of which we suffer daily in our lives.
You are so close to touching what I feel is the source. I would post my thoughts here, but want to respond to everyone else, so scroll to the end if you want my final breakdown!
Originally posted by legolas
I say let's form an organization that subvertly starts to introduce DJ qualities in fairy tales. We create the fairy tales to teach kids the right things to think and to say all the while seeming innocent enough as a fairy tale. This project could bring a much needed sexual balance in our everyday society. But it has to be done under the feminism radar so it goes undetected. Let's start teacing our kids the value of themselves and the value of putting themselves first and not the princess.
There are already great stories out there. The problem is that they get distorted by Hollywood and we are bombarded with the unrealistic portrayal of life with a steady stream of happy endings and people who solve life´s problems by finding “true love”. Makes me want to barf! Do yourself a favor and read the original version of some of these Disney stories. The Little Mermaid actually has a depressing ending in book format.

When I have kids someday, I will read to them and perhaps make up stories on the fly, just help develop their imaginations instead of plopping in a video while they drool and are spoon-fed a bunch of values I would not wipe my ass with! This is one of the things I will always thank my mom for. I remember hating her for not letting me watch so much TV, but I gotta say by the time I entered grade school, I was light years ahead of most of the kids.

I like your idea of a subliminal revolution dude. In fact I would go as far as to say that sites like this one is just the beginning of a new awareness that is brimming under the surface of a Chumps world.
Originally posted by legolas
Fingz, you're a well versed writer. You could make millions if you write such things carefully so we don't wake the feminism demon ;)
Originally posted by legolas
the fall of man was not neccessarily guilt, but self-blame induced through guilt. So when faced with guilt we can choose to blame ourselves, or blame something/somone else. The trick is that if we blame something/someone else, we can end up not changing for the better. So we need to find the balance without attaching too much blame on ourselves.
VERY interesting that you use the term “fall of man” once again you are touching on a few key point I feel are at play here..more on this later..

Originally posted by NewMan
Think about this - really has anything changed? and if so is it for the worse or better?
Everything is not only changing, but as we near the acceleration point of a technologically advanced society we are seeing the changes happen more rapidly.

Worse? Better? Hard to say because we get a bit of both dont we?
Originally posted by NewMan
So I ask myself what kind of woman do you want? Do you want someone who will cook and clean for you? who does you laundary? who's a virgin and has no life experience? who's a second class citizen to you?
The first step to getting what you want is knowing what it is. Some women get off on this dynamic and are totally happy doing laundry and making their man happy as long as he holds up his end of the deal.

I can appreciate PR_Ls presence here, because he represents the “dinosaur” breed of man. Guys from his era have witnessed the evolution of social distortion and he brings a very different perspective to the table. I kinda feel bad for the guy too. Its tough to know that you and the woman you seek are a dying breed!
Originally posted by NewMan
People brand this new term "Metrosexual" around like it some kind of disease. What's wrong with having a manicure of pedicure? If you enjoy it - nothing. I moisturise - because I get dry skin - so why not use products out there that help you.
Metrosexuals are nothing new. Think back to the beurocratic fashion of colonial America for a minute. Yes, nothing screams “MAN” more than a dude wearing stockings and a powdered wig. HOnestly I am tired of hearing this term tossed around already. its just one of many buzzwords that corporations can utilize to define a target market.
Last edited:

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I didn't come to SoSuave to tickle the ears of hors or homos. I came here to expose the fallacy of this homo / hor thinking and the destruction it has wrought upon the minds of our male youth in the last 20 years!! You call it "AFC". A more descriptive phrase that describes this thinking/behavior is "submissive effeminate behavior".
Boy PR_L. You sure are on a Crusade here! I wont say that you are wrong. Perhaps in your lifetime you have seen more cases of the “gay/feminist” agenda affect our youth. All I can really do is speak from experience. It wasnt so much the misleading portrayal of men in the media that made me AFC... It was the idea that we should search for fulfillment or “completion” in another person. All of the romantic songs and films hammered the same message into my head, simply that I would not be happy until I found my soulmate!

I was essentially taught to define myself by the woman I chose instead of forging my own path and haing the woman join me for the ride, the way Nature intended things. I commited the ultimate act of submission by looking to women to give me the completion that only I have the power to give! To me this is more of a common thread amongst the guys on this site.

They come here looking for magic tricks that will get them women and dont see that all it really takes is you handling your life and going after what you want outside the realm of seduction, so that this becomes your nature as a man and you become attractive to females without the gimmicks.

Combine this with the current culture of individual isolation, dysfunctional family structures and social phobias and I think we have the three biggest roots of AFC behavior!
Originally posted by squirrels
Indeed, no shortage of opinions and no opinions are short. :D
No shít! I have been responding to this monster of a thread picemeal for the last couple of days! Lotsa work, but I am enjoying this discussion and you guys do provide some valuable insight...
Originally posted by squirrels
Women wonder why they're denigrated as sex objects. It's because they trade their sexuality for what they want in life. They don't even have to give it up...they get rewarded just for providing sexual stimuli (something for men to jack off to). Sure they have power now, but they traded away something intimate to get it. They took the one thing they abhorred men for trading on (their sexuality), took ownership of it, and now trade on it themselves. Not because there's any honor in it, but because it's so EASY. That's one of the reasons women are so sexually open in today's society...they're ADVERTISING their primary commodity.
Very very true. It is all about POWER. In a society of repression, women have an extra advantage at their disposal. The beautiful ones are worshipped without having to lift a finger! It is a shame how many beautiful women I encounter who have zero personality. After a lifetime of having everything handed to you on a silver platter, I guess it is easy to just not work on yourself at all an just rely on what your genetics have blessed you with.

I have very little patience for this type of woman. I ike a girl who has TASTED life. Someone who has overcome her struggles and cultivated true compassion. Someone who sincerely loves her life and would seem beautiful to me even if I was blind.
Originally posted by squirrels
1) Sexuality is distorted because it's traded on as a commodity, originally by beta-males and then by ambitious but lazy women.

2) The line between masculinity and femininity is not blurred, the concepts just aren't learned any more. "Man" and "woman" are put on the back burner in favor of "consumer" and "producer." The natural world hurts the corporate machine we built for ourselves, so we hide from it.

3) Sex is glamorized because people think they can replace the fulfillment of a natural, meaningless, yet passionate life with some meaning crafted of commodities (houses, cars, jewelry, and p00n, to name a few).

4) AFC mentality is fostered by the thought of p00n as a commodity, which men then try to trade other goods and services for. While women, through learning to use their sexuality, still acquire some sense of femininity, men, who can't market their sexuality because male sex has never been established as a traditional commodity, never learn about masculinity. They learn to be corporate consumers and traders. Status is no longer about the biggest mane or the strongest herd or the most powerful/most skilled beast, it's about the most money, the nicest cars, and the hottest women.
You have also touched on some key points here. Some very keen observations I am encorporating into my little thesis. Thanks!
Originally posted by Walldorf
In general humans feel that they can control nature.
The idea is to change society into some form of "Utopia", an idea how society should ideally look like. But every "Utopia" is in the end artificial, meaning not "in line" with nature, to a greater or lesser extent
Beautifully put! But ask yourself this. What is the underlying cause behind this desire to control? The answers will follow shortly!
Originally posted by Walldorf
Since self esteem is an essential human need sex becomes glamorized in the futile believe that it will create self esteem, which is wrong. Lots of sex will not automatically create high self esteem aswell as the lack of it will mot automatically decrease it (although the lack of sex can be a sign of low self esteem).
Another aspect might be the point above, having a sexless society. Since one cannot repress ones own sexuality (or if so only into a "shadow" as Jung would say) this pressure has to go somewhere. And when the act of having sex ist the only way of expressing ones sexualtiy in a society then sex itself will be glamorized.
Dude I feel you have totally nailed the sex/glamour issue. We have learned to define sexuality with the physical act of sex, as if it is some rigid border we cross. This is such a limiting mentality! I have had some make-out sessions with girls that were more intense than fullblown sex with other girls. Why? Because sexuality is not confined to the physical level. It is an energetic transaction! Probably the most amazing transaction in existence because it is capable of creating life. In the realm of quantum mechanics, scientists are starting to realize that there is no difference between matter and energy.

We are often blinded by our concrete notions and feel the need to define sex as penetration. But there are much more forces at play than we can perceive.

Great Post!
Originally posted by DankNuggs
People want what they can't have. Simply, Women had gotten so used to the emotional disconnect in their relationships, that suddenly a guy that 'understood' became very appealing...Before you knew it, John Cusack had a legitimate movie career....

Originally posted by DankNuggs
Women realized that they could garner power through money, as well as beauty. It was empowering.

It is a revolt against the inequality between men and women in society...Of course it is going to be over the top until things die down and there is equilibrium. We are seeing the see-saw swing in both directions now. With women wanting strong confident men, not emotionally driven wusses....
I can always count on you to never mince your words. I think you may be the most concise stoner I have ever encountered!

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
In my opinion... sexuality has been distorted throughout history period.
Agreed. You will see this in my final analysis ;)
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
I have been reading a lot of classical stories lately (many of them about men and women... like Les Liaisons Dangerueses, Don Juan, Pride and Prejudice... just to name a few) Sexuality was the same then as it is now... there is only one major difference... men held all of the overt power. Women could not vote, own property, for a long time get an education... any of that. But take all of that away for a second... you would see there is not much difference. Honestly... if Ovid, Casanova, and others existed now (which they do)... we would laugh in their faces. Casanova incessantly pursued the same woman until he got her. I read about other "seducers" of those time periods who would write a woman a letter every day until she fell for him... these things we would consider AFC behavior... and now women do too. Men have always chumps to women. Josephine Bonaparte dominated one of the baddest men in history... Napoleon. While Cleopatra was seducing Julius Ceasar (and later Mark Anthony), Rome was falling apart. Both Casanova and Nietzsche were never the same after they were heart broken by only one woman... one woman.
Wow. I knew about Nietzsche and Caesar but you have provided some interesting info here. You are rekindling my desire to study history!
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
(King James... the author of the "King James Version" of the Bible was bisexual.)
Say word! I consider myself somewhat of a Bible buff and I never knew this! You are full pf surprises today Mr. Matrix.
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
all of the rest of it has been performed throughout history... for some reason however... it is simply overlooked.
It is overlooked because people like to believe that there circumstances ar unique. History always repeats itself but we are too vain to recognize the patterns!
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
So those are my conclusions... if you take away all of the choices we have given women... things would still be the same. But we gave them choices, and now you see what was always there, but what up until this point has gone unnoticed and covered up.

The Rules... Have Changed
I´ll say!
Originally posted by WestCoaster
To be honest, this is the only place I've seen where standing up for being a man and being yourself is honored.
You know sometimes I get frustrated with this site because of the petty disputes, flame wars, etc. But then I remember what I was like before I found this place and I am truly grateful!
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I would also add I am fed up with turning on my tv and seeing beautiful dainty 110 pound white women acting masculine and kicking a white man's ass. I've seen this hundreds of time and I barely watch TV. I flipped the channel once and in all major networks, they had episodes of a woman 'beating up' a man. Huh? This tells you how pvssified the white male has been made to look
LOL! Amen to that! What was that crappy movie with J-Lo and the abusive boyfriend? You know the one where she does some martial arts training or some sh!t and ends up kicking his ass? I remember seeing the trailer in the theater and laughng out loud. My girlfriend at the time failed to see the humor in this, so I put her in the headlock.
Originally posted by Trogdawg
I believe all these questions are the result of one tragic event. The breakdown of the family structure. With so many split households how are children supposed to learn the appropriate balance of masculinity and feminity? They can't. A strong family background and support helps our children grow emotionally. There is no other social group that has as powerful an affect as family.

The end result is femmy guys and manly girls. Why? Boys learn from their mother only. without a strong male role model most boys don't really become men. While girls lack a strong male role model as well. Without a father to set the example of how to treat a man or what men ar suppose to be like how, girls grow up thinking all kinds of whacked out things.
This was the case for me and I see it all the time. But I feel there is a deeper issue behind this breakdown of the family. See my response to Cyrano´s post for a clearer idea...
Originally posted by NewMan
Marrage is a dated concept.

Men, genetically, where never ment to be with only one woman.
True. Did you know that there is a hormone associated with monogamy? Its called Oxytycin or “The Cuddle Hormone” read about it here:


The truth is that humans are engineered to have 4-5 year relationships, just long enugh to rear the offspring and move onto the next relationship. The only way you can override this biological programming is to achieve a spiritual union. Tantra is a wonderful thing!

Originally posted by Deep Dish
The line between the two has not gotten progressively blurrier. Masculinity and femininity are a human projection; that with exception of our physical bodies, it's the slicing with a knife something which is essentially whole.
Good point. Perhaps I should have worded my question differently....bah! semantics!

Originally posted by Deep Dish
As Desmond Morris wrote at the end of his book The Human Sexes, we use our gender as a flag against the insecurities of the often harsh human life cycle. What has changed is the quantities of varieties. Why the change, there's good evidence that at least in part it may be due to chemical changes resulting from environmental poisons.
The biggest culprit of hormonal changes can be found in plastic!
Our destruction of our environment has begun to affect our manhood. For more details, read this...


Originally posted by Deep Dish

Why has sex become so glamorized?

Because we have entered a new Puritan Era where sex frowned upon. Desmond Morris stated it quite well, noticing how porn has such high interest, that there's nothing more remote than a girl stripping for you from miles away. Sex must go somewhere.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Because society no longer struggles.

It's not because of femininism, as would many here would otherwise think. It is due to technology. Rapid change in technology results in rapid change of social values. The result is due to technology precisely because we're not struggling anymore. There's no frontier to explore, no invaders to fend off. When we struggle, we assume our proper rules -- there is no doubt; but when have settled down there comes the questions. Femininism is only a side effect.
Thank you. This just confirms what I have felt throughout this thread. That there is an underlying cause behind all this. But I will take this one step further, because I feel technology is also the symptom of a deeper phenomenon. I will post my thoughts on this tomorrow because my boss is giving me dirty looks right now!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
Interesting issues raised.

My personal impression of these is that none of these issues are really new. They are as old as humanity itself.

For sure, their apparent manifestations differ, but as the French say: Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose - "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Understanding the root issues underlying these would go a long way towards understanding their contnually changing apparent manifestations.

George Gordon tocuhed upon the subject somewhat in a thread in the Tips section entitled Nature’s Metaphor for Sexuality .

So to provide one kind of answerto the questions:

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

And the Greeks where f*cking enlightened about their sexuality, with little children and all, eh? It's no more than a century ago the victorians lived in their own little incredibly stuck-up moral code. Confusions seems to be the norm of human society. Individuals can break free of that, but trying to transpose that to society on a whole rarely seems to work. The new method of enlightenment quickly becomes imitation and thus the new method of confusion.

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

They move back and forth according to the law of polarisation. One thing takes overhand and a counterreaction arises.

Why has sex become so glamorized?

It's the resurrection of the cult of Dionysius. Interesting counterreaction to a society that is perhaps more than ever considered aoppolonian in its outlook and education. Bush may beg to differ on that though ;)

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Ah sh!t, don't have an answer to that one. Something tells me this has nothing to do with culture, but don't know.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Senor Frog - I often find it very funny when looking at the way people look at screenames and make deductions...Much like the assumptions guys makes towards women "all hot women are stuck up" "if a girl has a tattoo, she's a slut." I used Danknuggs in college as a joke chat screenname and kept it out of repetition. People presume im some dirty hippy with long hair and a joint hanging out of his mouth, listening to Bob Marley and staring at walls...too funny...

To tell you the truth, I picture Senor Frog as a little mexican with the big hat and mustache...Like you'd see in cancun...Pook seems like a little dwaft with a wizards cone on his head...So I guess we all do it....

B9 - Quoting/ referencing or any use of Georgo Gordon to either make a point, or provide backup for a point will render sed point null and void....
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Everyone on this thread brings forth valid points, some are more philosophical, and some are more direct.

My concentration in my posts have been on the direct and more immediate cause of 'why' this change in men's thinking and behavior has occurred in the last 20 years. My commentary is not so much on the familial, historical and philosophical vantage point of view as others have stated here, although these are all valid explanations. However, I’ll leave more of the ‘heavy’ thinking material for classroom discussions.

My focus is on how and why the 'masses' have adopted such a unnatural way of thinking concurrently, in this 'new age' of feminism and to expose the purposeful attempt to force this change through 'mass media'

There are a lot of forces at work here, but my goal is to pinpoint the 'main catalyst' of why, recently, there has been such a rise in the amount of effeminate thinking men - whether they are AFC's or not.

Senor Fingers, I am not on a 'crusade', it is 'The Crusade' of these unnatural forces who have corrupted the minds of young men that I oppose and hell bent on exposing.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
The fact of the matter is, Men want women.

We want the most attractive, hot chick we can get. It's physical from the get go.

Yeah, there are exceptions - but I'm talking in the general.

Everything we do as men is in order to get women. We dress as cool as we can (or at least what we believe is cool) - we act as cool as we can, we make the most money we can, drive the best car that we can etc. etc. etc.

Why do we as men do all of this?

For women. plain and simple.

You can cut it anyway you want, but the reason people are on this board is for women. We've been screwed by a chick, or just can't get chick's - so we use this board in order to either get over a chick thats hurt us, or to learn how to get them.

Women know this - so what happens - they become the best looking they can. They are doing what we are doing - trying their best to get guys.

The Alpha Male (most powerfull, successful) get's the girls - the best looking women get's the guy.

What I don't get is, who gives a sh#t how efeminate some men are out there? thats all the better for me. Let's guys be chumps, loser's AFC's - again the more of them the better.

In todays society men to a certain extent have created this current day situation.

We want the Poon - and if we don't get it, we get rid of the girl. Yet, we don't want a girl whose slept around? uh? there's a double standard there somewhere.

Just look on TV - Tv and media is full of women who sleep around and have casual sex. It's full of guy's who dump girls that don't sleep with them. A guy's worth is determined by how hot the chick is that he's banging - or the number of girls he's banged.

We are bombarded with this kind of media.....

And - we are what we learn or see.

Is it no surprise then, that men are obsessed with women and getting women?

I fvcked up a relationship with a truly amazing woman - truly amazing. I take full responsibility. I felt somehow that I needed to sleep around with more women - I needed to get more experience with other women.... so I lost probably the best woman that I will ever have. Sure, It's a lesson I needed to learn - but in reality I look back and morn that woman that I lost.

Bottom line is, men are resposible for these shifts in society - and the ones that are left behind moan and complain. Those are the guys who don't adapt and overcome.

Who care's about feminists. If you think this movement is screwing up society - think again. It should and does mean nothing to me - they can do whatever they want - becuase I'm in control.

End of the day women want men. And that all that matters.

To many people sit around and complain and moan instead of taking the bull by the horns and making things happen in their life.

Things change - we need to change with them.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
There are two things more powerful than men in the U.S. ...

... that is the media and societal norms. New Man has a point, but all your tough-manness isn't going to change what's on the TV 24/7/365 or what AFCness is being fed to us daily.

I think PRL has some great points. I'm not quite as upset as he is about stuff and not, but he has put down some very important and vital issues.

Take it from someone who was raised by an ardent feminist, it f-cks you up. You get all confused on what to do, say, etc., on dates. On one end my mom is telling me to be polite, open doors, show class; at the other end in the house we're hearing all day on how women have to assert themselves and be more independent. It's taken me years to de-program myself from this screwed up thinking. This website has helped a lot.

Men can try and dictate stuff all they want but in the end things like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and lesbo girls tounging each other on "Girls Gone Wild" (and that's what they are, lesbos) will win out more than you ever will New Man. Society and the media have the upper hand right now -- which sucks.