Small Town Sarging


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Mystery's Newbie Mission

FR Intro: Newbie Mission:

The title says it all: I am trying to embark upon Mystery's 'newbie
mission'. This mission is theoretically possible, but for any of us
with jobs, or who want to preserve and our hearing or our lungs, this
mission is difficult if not impossible: four nights a week, four hours
a night, three sets an hour for six weeks.

I guess this weekend is the official start, as I went out three nights
this weekend. I'll report on a few significant sets. Feedback
appreciated. Main question: how do you guys deal with shyt tests? I
received a lot.



There's really only one significant set to report on. I approach a two
set of blondes: 8.5 and 8 upstairs at a club. The two are seated at
the bar, talking to each other. I approach by entering into the small
gap in between both of them. About two minutes into set, my target,
the 8.5, is beginning to kino me in the following way: she leans all
the way back and rubs her shoulders and back against my chest, while
staring into my eyes over her shoulders, smiling. I take this as a cue
to escalate kino. I begin rubbing both girls backs. No resistance. I
escalate a bit further by massaging their waists. No resistance. I
stick my hand down the 8's pants very gently, a few inches in and then
back out. No resistance. I'm thinking threesome at this point. The 8.5
blonde is still leaning back towards me and rubbing against me. The 8
is now no longer listening as my target and I begin staring at each
other (creating a 'bubble'). With the 8.5 blonde's body positioning, I
think I'm supposed to kiss her. I don't however, and run more
routines. I run the EV routine. In response to my question about the
one thing that what would make her life complete, she says: "a dildo!"
I say: "are you serious???" She looks nervous now, as if she said the
wrong thing: "uuuum, no?" I try to run another routine. My target gets
bored now and says "we have to go the bathroom."


I think I was receiving IOI's and an opportunity to kiss or begin to
escalate and isolate my target to a full close, or maybe both girls?
It looks like I moved backwards in the sarge. Do you guys agree with this?

Update: I open another set downstairs. The 8.5 is at the table I'm
opening, but I don't recognize her from upstairs (poor lighting
upstairs). I use the same opener on my new brunette target as I did
with the 8.5 blonde. "omg! what the...(indistinct)....azzhole!'
The blonde slams her drink on the table and then storms off. The
entire table freezes up. I don't realize it's the same blonde I had
opened earlier until five minutes later.


I get shyt tested again. I ask a couple of girls how many times
they've been hit on that night: a blonde 7/blonde 6.

'7': I've seen better,' she says smiling.
'6': 'oh, snap.'

I ignore it. The '7' is really sweet after that, smiling and talking
with me. She has a nice face, average body. I'm not sufficiently
attracted to continue. I say it was nice talking to them. I'm shyt
tested at least six times, maybe more, this weekend.



Again, only one significant set to report on. I'm at a different bar.
There are a couple of girls seated around a fire, and we join them.
One girl's about a '4', an average face with a big body. Her friend's
about a 6.5: a very pretty face: flawless alabaster skin, sparkling
blue eyes, pretty lips and beautiful white teeth. However, she's got
an average body: probably 20 lbs. overweight. A 6.5 overall.

The 6.5 and I talk, and she is seated reclining in her chair. At some
point, we begin discussing beers we like. She says she's stopped
drinking beer since she's gaining weight (she looks a little
embarrassed). I tell her she's superficial. It just comes out, I don't
mean to insult her. She gets very upset. She says that NOONE has ever
called her that. She looks like she is about to cry. I remember a post
about maintaining composure. I tell the 6.5 that the insult was
unintentional and that I apologized if she was hurt. However, I also
tell her that the moment is over, and she needs to get over it. Now
she's rubbing her leg against mine, resting her hand on my arm. We
joke around some more. I tease her and she hits me and says: "you
azzhole!" while laughing out loud.

She starts to lean in now. Instead of reclining in her chair, her face
is now four or five inches from mine. Doggie Dinner Bowl: she's
staring wide eyed into my eyes. Her mouth is hanging open. She studies
my face, staring into my eyes, then looks down to my lips then looks
back up to my eyes. I believe I'm supposed to kiss her. She stays in
this state for a while, perhaps a couple of minutes, maybe longer.
Finally she reclines. She whispers to her friend for her car keys. She
wants to go home.


It looks like I repeated the same mistake from Thursday: instead this
time I stalled instead of moving backwards in the sarge.



This night is pretty messed up, as I have lost my voice and I have to
eject early from a lot of sets due to the pain of screaming over loud
patrons and music. I get shyt tested left and right tonight. For some
reason, my game or what there is of it, is heavily state-dependent.
Tonight, I get tested a lot.

I enter a two set at the bar: a black 7.5 (left) and brunette 8.5
(right). I enter on the left. The brunette leans over her friend to
listen and both are smiling. The 8.5 says she can't hear me. I move in
between the girls, which in retrospect is probably a mistake. To get
to the point, I get the girls giggling and laughing like crazy. But
the 8.5 shyt tests me. She says that she is waiting for a guy to buy
her beer. I say that they can buy me a drink. The brunette says no but
that I can buy her one.

I qualify her asking what sets her apart from the rest of these
patrons (again, probably a mistake since I accept the frame that a guy
buying her a drink is a possibility).

8.5: "Look at us, we're beautiful girls."
Me: "look at me, I'm a good looking guy, buy ME a drink."
The two girls stare at each other in silence. The 8.5 gives up on this

I still try to qualify her: everyone looks alike now, what sets you
apart? The 8.5 says she is a good person, a nurse who helps humanity
and therefore deserves a drink, or some b.s. to that effect.

me: "ok, so if I wind up in the hospital bed, god forbid, you'll
remember me and you'll do an extra good job of wiping my ass when I
mess up my pants, right?

8.5: (cuts me off) ", I will lick and spit shine your ass until
it is spotless."

The black girl almost falls down laughing when she hears that one and
I'm stopped dead in my tracks, mouth agape. I don't know how to
respond. I try to play it off

me: 'but baby, I'm not in the hospital right now,' and continue to
qualify. She then says again they've had a hard week and deserve a
drink. I run a story about how tough MY week was, so they should buy
me a drink. I tell her that I was objectified and sexually harassed (I
run the 'crotch stare' story). The black girl says she is
unsympathetic since girls get that all the time, and she's glad the
tables were finally turned. I probably enjoyed it anyway, she says.
I'm getting really embarrassed now. I eject after chit chatting a bit
more, saying I have to find my friends.


I run into the Paris Hilton look a like. She's with two blonde hotties
and a brunette HB. I don't open right away, and it's good that I
didn't, because I didn't recognize Paris and would've used the same
opener on the table as I used with Paris last time. I finally open.
The girls are all very friendly. Paris shyt tests me by first asking
me for a cigarette then telling me to get one for her friend. I tell
her I don't have one and won't get one, all in a friendly even tone. I
talk with Paris and the group. Paris is melancholy, so she's
improving. Last time she looked very sad and despondent. We chit chat,
but I get bored and eject. I come back later and try to number close.
'So how can I get in contact with you later.' She says I can find her
here, and she'll probably see me again at this same bar.


Hard to say what happened, but it looks like the Paris look a like
gave me a window of opportunity last weekend, I passed, she felt
rejected and so she lost respect for me and/or feels rejected.



I go to another bar and open up a couple of lame sets. I feel like
crap because I can't talk but I go into social robot mode even though
I've lost my voice and can't talk.

I get sloppy. I enter a set with direct body language: 'how are you
girls doing tonight?' The group freezes up.

'No speak english.' One girl says.
'Oh, snap!' Her friend says.
I stay in anyway. The first girl leaves. Dumb.

I hang around some more. A brunette chick 7.5 walks by my left while I
lean against the bar. While still walking, she cups her right hand,
hand palm up while she passes by. She gently inserts her hand up the
crack of my ass, then presses her fingers up against my 'taint a
couple of times in quick succession, like a Morse code. She then slips
her hand back out without missing a beat and walks off. She doesn't
look at me with a flirtatious gaze over the shoulder, doesn't
introduce herself, nothing. I see her a couple of minutes later. She's
making out with her boyfriend (or some random guy).

That's my weekend. What a disaster, lol. I'm still shaking my head.



Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Wolf, Can't believe I haven't read this thread before. It's pretty damn good. Your field reports are descriptive and well written, especially compared to a lot of other ones around here.

It seems like you're good at opening with chicks, but have a bit of trouble with overcoming their objections/sh1t tests, whatever you want to call them.

On your last weekend...

Doesn't sound like you had the energy to do this much sarging, this many nights in a row.

Thursday night...

Sounds like the blonde's dildo comment (an indicator that she's horny) threw you off a bit. That's hilarious that you got caught using the same routine later on! :crackup:

Friday night...

Man that 6.5 has some self-esteem issues. The unintentional neg got her hot for you though. How come you didn't kiss her, was she just not attractive enough?

Saturday night...

Funny interaction with the two girls wanting a drink. They just plain weren't interested, not too much you can do about that.

Yet another bar...

I've had girls do things like that before. Some of them, especially when drunk, turn into absolute sluts and are like a sexual pinball, bouncing all over the place until they hook up with someone.

Well, I'm going to have to keep track of this thread. Hope next week goes better for you. Your experience seems to echo the "sticking point" you talk about. I used to fear kiss closing girls in bars, then did it a few times, and found out they really don't ever react badly. They'll let you know long beforehand if they aren't interested in you. I kind of view the mental block on kissing a girl you've just met in the same light as women fear being perceived as sluts - we tend to fear being perceived as creeps. As far as isolation, it's purely a matter of logistics, which can be very difficult to work out sometimes.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Bad State FR

FR Summary:

Friday night: massive approach anxiety pretty much the entire night. I get approached by a HB7 early in the evening, and then later by an HB8 (twice) later in the evening. I get a pretty blatant AI from a '6.5' late in the evening/morning also.

Saturday night: I reach a hook point, then get venue changed by a '6' but get confused about logistics, and don't close her out as I should have.



I'm way out of state on this particular night. I've spent a week in socali, and after trying to game there, and then trying to game back in the pac northwest, I get very confused about how to game, as social norms are so different in these two regions of the country.

Also, one of my wings is extremely pissed off since I've ignored him for three straight weekends (I've been out of town in that time). I run into him at a venue Friday and he calls me a 'dyck', apparently for not winging him the last few weeks. Apparently, he's let some of our wings in common know about my faux pax, and so I've apparently been branded as a 'user' who nexts his wings. I thought we were wings and not best friends, so I'm slightly bummed about this situation/confusion. As a result, I'm winging with a new guy. This guy is practically autistic, so this is not helping my state either.

Venue 1:
I'm opened by a couple of HB's this night. Both girls use the same opener, asking me if they can use my chair. The first girl who asks is talking too loud, and seems too excited for this to be a mundane, courteous request.

her: "can i use this chair? oh, are you leaving?" Even though my state is bad, I know 'it's on.'
me: "yeah, unfortunately," I blurt out: my unconscious mind has taken a hold of my conscious mind and stated it's unfortunate that I'm leaving since I know I'm being approached.

When I'm talking with my wing a minute later, I glance over to see who opened me. The HB7 stares at me over her shoulder for a long time. I stare at her back and she holds my gaze, wide eyed. My state is so bad, I let this one back into the sea after she had tried to reel me in.

Venue 2:
I'm at a second bar. Now A blonde 8 uses the same line as the brunette did earlier, asking me for my chair. There is a free chair to my right, so there's no need to ask for mine: it's just a way to initiate a conversation. I'm in the middle of a conversation with a couple of other chicks, so I'm not really prepared for her approach. I don't capitalize on the blonde 8's approach either.

Venue 3:
I get opened by who I think is a different HB8 blonde at the third venue (hang on for the punchline). I had been trying to force myself to approach her as soon as I enter the venue. I think she is 'too hot' for me to approach her. Unbelievably bad state as I stated earlier. My approach anxiety locks me to my chair for half an hour. This HB8 blonde walks directly in front of me to go to the bathroom (probably to give me a chance to open her I realize in retrospect). My wing attempts to pass her a note asking if she likes him on her way back from the bathroom. She completely ignores him. 'bytch!' he mutters to me after she is out of earshot, and back at her table.

The blonde 8 is leaving now, and walks directly in front of me again. She raises her hand and puts it directly in my wing's face (!) in a classic 'talk to the hand' maneuvre. Then, the blonde 8 says to me: 'hi five for the chair!'

I'm befuddled. 'Who is this hot, friendly chick?', I wonder to myself. 'Holy shyt!' I realize precisely at the moment that her back is to me that it's not a different blonde 8 at all, but the same HB 8 blonde who had opened me earlier in the night! What happened is that my contacts had gotten so dirty that I couldn't make out people's faces clearly at the third venue, preventing me from recognizing her even though she'd opened me earlier in the evening! Sigh.

I slam my drink on the table in frustration. The entire wait staff turns around, mildly alarmed. I have to explain myself now, and I tell a chick bartender what happened. I ask her if it's a good sign that a hot blonde would try to talk to me twice in the same evening (actually, the blonde tried to initiate kino with me with the 'high five' also, in retrospect). The chick bartender ponders this question carefully for a moment. Another chick bartender interrupts her: "she wasn't hot!" "Yes, she was," the first chick bartender says. Then she continues to ponder my question:

her: "Yeah, that's a REALLY good sign....what happened?!"

I tell her my sob story about my contact lens spinning around my pupil, preventing me from recognizing her.

her: "Wait, can you say the 'p' word again?"

me: "what's that?"

her: "Pupil! Ha ha ha!"

Lesson learned: get new contacts.

Lesson learned: if a chick asks you a lame question and seems excited or nervous, she's opening you. Dig your claws in. She wants you.



I was battling a moderate case of approach anxiety, but managed to get to the 'hook point' with a '6' brunette. I talk with her for about 40 minutes before the bar closes. My only goal was to number close her. However, as I'm wracking my brain for a smooth number close, she suggests a venue change. We head to the second venue and we fluff for another hour or so.

As the second venue closes, she wants me to walk her to her car. When we get to her car, she wants to give me a ride to my car. When we get to my garage, she wants to drive into the garage and drive me to my car door.

Now, I've got a problem with logistics. I can't take her back to my place, since it's an extremely long drive home. I don't think an invite to a hotel room would have been prudent either. She seems very concerned about my not driving home that night, and recommends I crash at my friend's pad instead of driving out. Should I have invited myself back to her place? How should I have handled the logistics?


El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
Chico, Ca, USA
Ah yes it appears that you learned one of my golden rules.....don't force it!

From your FR's it just seemed like you were forcing yourself all over the place. For me that's a no no...If I'm not feelin it I can tell that my aura is representing the same thing. People can sense your inner feelings.

Now about your drop off.....

Man you could have banged her right there in her car and still drove home

but seriously....
her clingliness or extreme politness, however you want to look at it, was a like a super signal pointed at your c*ck....she wanted you real bad and I mean real bad. Most people aren't that nice unless they want something, even if they don't ******dly say it.

On a side note....
I noticed from your FR's that you seem to use a lot of canned stuff and you rely on it a lot. As a suggestion, to help you along in your sets, I would say you should mix up your canned stuff with more personal communication. Stories, situation related questions, comments and the like. From what you report it sounds like your cannd material leads you to dead ends and you get stuck. Perhaps (and this is just my POV) your canned material is really good at opening but not as necessary to maintain your conversations.

Anyway keep up the super sarging


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
The Art of Winging....A Cautionary Tale

Thanks for the feedback, player! Here's a recap from last night. A cautionary tale for and about wingmen...

I still have some residual approach anxiety since returning to the pac northwest (after a brief socali visit), and my game is starting to settle in. I get to the hook point again with a hb8 blonde and 7 brunette last night. I qualify my target, but my wings (two of them, a newb and a routine dependent guy) come in, and, not to put too fine a point on it, demolish my set. These are nice, nice guys, but they are not that skilled when it comes to game, and they are noticeably awkward when it comes to the art of winging in particular.

I did meet a 'natural' player: an African American guy, who enters my set seamlessly with the 8 and 7. I may have to give this guy a call to wing me (he asked me twice). Onto the field report.

I get to the first venue around 9:30. I still have significant approach anxiety, but after talking with the two set mentioned above, I get to the roots of the issue. I meet up with both my wings, and we chit chat for a bit; I mainly prattle on about how much approach anxiety I've had, inexplicably, since I returned from socali.

I get an idea: I warm up by opening a two set: two sixes if I recall correctly, by asking these girls which medallion they like better: mine or my wing's. We enter together. The blonde says she doesn't like it when guys wear jewelry: such guys are either "metrosexuals" or "thugs." She's definitely defensive and not smiling. After two or three minutes of banter, defending myself and my wing, I exit.

Lesson learned: enter alone. I feel A LOT better. I got my first set out of the way.

I see a set that I actually wanted to open earlier: a blonde 8 and a brunette 7. I get to the hook point with both girls. IOI's from the two girls:

A. IOI'S From The Blonde:

a. tosses her head back slowly laughing with her mouth open when I tell jokes
b. she compliments me on how well spoken/articulate I am, and on how well I tell stories in general.
c. she wants me to stay: I say it's too hot in the room and begin to take off my jacket. She offers to take my jacket and hang it for me.
d. after she hangs my coat, I shake her hand, thanking her. She squeezes my hand.
e. after she squeezes my hand, I place my other hand on top of hers. She reciprocates and begins stroking my top hand with her free hand.
f. I say that I am feeling melancholy since the effects of my 'jesus juice' are wearing off. She says her waitress will be coming shortly and that I can order a drink from her waitress (an offer to buy me a
drink? Don't know, as I fetch my own, later).
g. She definitely wants me to stay: she asks me twice if I want to sit down on her stool.
h. she makes 'accidental' contact with me several times.
i. she allows me to touch her: I caress her back, and give her several long hugs.
j. I give her a 'noogie' rubbing my fist on the top of her head. She laughs. She gives me a 'noogie' (not good, but this happens after both wings come in and things have gone a bit stale).
k. she asks to see my ID, not believing me when I tell her my age.
l. I tell some DHV stories (all true stories), such as:
i. MILF rubs my **** at the section of bar behind us
ii. girl at same section of the bar (different night) says she will "lick and spitshine my ass until it
is spotless."

Of course, I preface my stories by warning them that the stories are risque, and I'm not sure if they're appropriate or not to tell. This only makes them more eager to hear my stories. After I tell the 'butt licker' story, the blonde's eyes bug out and her mouth is agape: "I think she wanted to take you home!"

me: "really? I think that section of bar behind us is a "magical section" of the bar. Good things always happen there."
her: "I don't think it's the section of the bar that's important. I think it's whether you're cute or not."

I believe the blonde is now indirectly telling me that I am cute by undermining the logical foundation of my argument (i.e., she is questioning my causal assertion, saying that I have pointed to the wrong cause of the girl's sexually charged behavior: 'the bar' and states the correct cause: my cuteness, as the actual cause).

I neg the blonde target also. I tell her that she reminds me of someone. I name a celebrity. Then I hedge by saying that her nose looks "bulbous" when she turns her head towards me. I get exactly the reaction I wanted: she laughs, turns to her friend to share the laugh with her friend, while covering her nose.

I qualify the girls. I ask them what sets them apart. I'm a magician and everyone in the bar looks alike now, I say. The blonde is not eager to engage my question. She tries to misunderstand the question: "what? Look at us, we're hot." But her brunette friend explains everyone looks the same, that she needs to come up with something else. The blonde has to think for a while. She mentions x, y, and z. Then she lowers her head. Now I know why she doesn't want to qualify herself: she's not at all sure she has anything going for her aside from her looks. I forget to reward her, as the qualities she mentions strike me as a bit generic. Whew. A1 to A3 takes me at least ten minutes.

I'm in comfort. But my first wing comes in with an attraction opener, and the set peters out right in front of me...I'll catalog the hook point moment with the brunette first:


B. 'Hook Point' With The Brunette

The brunette doesn't want me to leave either. When my target has to go
to the bathroom, the brunette doesn't want to leave with her, even though the blonde asks her. "We always go together," the blonde insists. The blonde has to ask her brunette friend three times to go with her. The brunette never consents to her friend's request, but only leaves when I insist (I shouldn't have, but it was damm awkward watching this go down). Essentially what happened is that the brunette wanted to be alone with me, so as to give me a chance to escalate with her. The blonde, not wanting to give her friend this opportunity, pulls her friend out of set. The blonde basically ****blocks her
girlfriend, giving herself first dibs on whether she will choose me or
not. In summary, I reach the 'hook point' with both girls, but the blonde is more alpha and gives herself first opportunity to close me. An option she 'drops' when my wings come in.

But my wing comes in during the comfort phase. He runs the "chick fight" opener. The set is over. My target's smile has transformed from a bright smile to a tight grimace. The brunette gives a "what the **** did he say?" look to me and to her friend. It's over. My wing does not address me first, accomplishment intro me, or follow any rules of wing etiquette. He's also holding his drink defensively in front of his chest. He has a strange, forced smile. His voice is boyish, almost infantile. I drop my head on the table. I am totally depressed. I introduce my friend, and say that he's a little shy. The girls are now "out of state." They are no longer happy. They are no longer laughing. They are no long smiling.


A second wing comes in. He startles me by entering abruptly. He runs the "best friend's test." Now I'm done. Doner than done. The brunette lets him know, politely, that I've already asked that as an "icebreaker." My wing runs it anyway. Now I'm really done. All attraction is gone.

A third guy comes into set, someone I don't know. Seamlessly, smoothly. He does focus on the brunette. He's a natural, although I don't know how good he is. Actually, he builds up a comfort level with the brunette right away. He doesn't suck, that's for sure. I'll have to wing with him. I keep talking with the blonde, but she's totally out of state.

I'll have to communicate wing rules to these two guys if we are to wing again. The problem is, the rules of winging are pretty involved, and I strongly believe they will trash a lot of sets until they get the hang of it, assuming they ever get there. I'm not sure if it's worth taking that risk. Sigh.


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Seven Weeks of Sarging: A Catalogue of Missed Opportunities

I have been analyzing my approaches over the past seven weeks and there is a clear pattern: regardless of whether I have one shot or multiple opportunities, regardless of whether I approach during the day or at night, regardless of whether I have a wing or approach solo, I am having a serious problem escalating. I have mistaken attraction for pickup, a gargantuan error. This is why I rarely go through the comfort stage. If I do, it's usually with a '6' where my anxiety level is very low since the girl is just off the HB scale. Here is a (more or less) comprehensive list of all my missed opportunities over the past 7 weeks. I've appended the HB rating at the end of each summary point. Cross referenced HB ratings are marked with *:

1. the girl who chased me down the street trying to catch up to me (8).
2. the girl rubbing my c0ck at the bar (7).
3. the girl who told me she would lick my ass (8).
4. the girl who pulled her pants down three minutes after I met her (9* my wing's rating was 10).
5. My LJBF friend who told me to get on the bar and start stripping (6).
6. the blonde 8 who told me she needed a dildo to make her life complete in response to the EV routine, AFTER
7. I stuck my hand down her girlfriend's pants (7).
8. The girl who asked me to walk her to her car, then drove me to my garage, then asked if she could drive me to my car door (6).

See a pattern here? Holy crap! Talk about missed signals!

PS: I forgot about:

9. the '9' blonde who was staring at me in the gym last week (who I saw again yesterday and refused to make eye contact with since I was too shy) (9).
10. Then there's the brunette '9' who was staring at me in the gym three weeks ago (9).
11. There's the bartender chick from last week who started teasing me, then froze in her tracks when I told her she was teasing me because she was attracted to me (6).
12. The chick who started stuttering and repeating herself ridiculously while trying to give me instructions about gym classes a couple weeks ago (7).
13. There's the brunette '7' who approached me a couple Fridays ago nervously asking me some silly question about needing my chair, then staring at me as I talked to my wing (7).
14. Then there's the blonde '8' from later that same Friday night who approached me using the exact same opener that the brunette used earlier that night! This blonde then walked directly in front of me twice at a second venue, then put a hand in my wing's face and thanked me for the chair I gave her earlier in the evening, while asking for a 'high-five.' She opened me twice and gave me two more opportunities to open her, at two different venues! I still blew it! (8)
15. girl staring at my crotch one table over at a cafe about four weeks ago (7.5).

16. There's a tall, freckle faced brunette who is currently sarging me. I'll write it up as a separate FR (7):

17. There's the petite blonde I gamed on the bus up to A2 three weeks ago (9).

18. There's a Valerie Bertinelli look alike who I've been playing the eye contact game with for nearly three months. I finally talked to her one day last week for fifteen minutes. Did not number close. Sarge still in progress (8.5 or 9).

One particularly frustrating night of sarging near the end of February yields:

19. Number close on blonde in a blonde two set at end of february. Left after three minutes, forgetting my routine midway. Left midway through A2 (8).

20. Number close (turns out to be a dud) in two minutes on a brunette in a three set. I get nervous and bail (8*; I rate her '7', my wing a '9').

21. Number close a blonde later in the night. She asks me 'what are you doing later.' I fail to notice the full close invitation. Probably IOI's me in the double digits within fifteen minutes. The blonde waits by the door and stares at me while I talk to another girl for several minutes before leaving the bar. It feels creepy (6* cross referenced with a wing's friend: we both agree on the rating).

22. A blonde in a two set AI's me four times within a couple of minutes. I don't go over until twenty minutes later (only after the blonde '6' above gives me a full close invitation and then leaves). My wing says she is "hot." I give her an: (8).

23. I number close on the brunette in the two set with the blonde 8 above. She's slightly hotter and much more assertive/alpha than her blonde 8 friend, so I get pulled into her frame, although the blonde 8 was the one who AI'ed me. My wing says she is "hot!" I give her an: (8.5).

24. The girl who gave me the "triangular gaze" signaling it was my time to kiss close her three weeks ago. She leaned in so her face was a few inches directly in front of mine. She stared into my eyes, then glanced down at my lips, then back up to my eyes. Her mouth was open with an expectant smile. I did nothing. She asked for her car keys from her girlfriend and left (6.5).

That's what I can recall so far. Two dozen opportunities in the past seven weeks which were not closed properly (some are still in progress, however). That's at least three chicks a week. At this point, I'm starting to think EVERY woman in the state is attracted to me. This is the proper mindset, right? It's easier said than done. After many years of inactivity, my inner game and tactical knowledge are largely in shambles. Second, my game at comfort stage is barely present, since I rarely escalate and push to that stage. Third, my end game is literally non-existent. A lot to work on, then.


1. What are the best sources for information on comfort, and tactics for transitioning from attraction to comfort? I am thinking in addition to Mystery Method

2. Who are the best writers on end game? I know Gunwitch is good. Any other sources you recommend?



Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score

kind of disappointing .. after all this time i am reading your thread you did not close the deal. its been months now.

remember that nike commercial "just do it"? well its time to collect on every offer. i have told you this before but this time its a "close all you can eat", you need to kiss close every time, even if its on the cheek. you need to collect on every invite you get and for crying out loud fire those new wingmen. they are killing you.

no more excuses. its time to be a legend.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Two Months of Sarging: (Updated) Catalogue of Close Opportunities

My memory's been jarred and I've updated the list so that I now recall all 43+ girls who've been attracted to me over the past two months. Obviously, I have not closed any of them properly, although some are still in progress.

1. the girl who chased me down the street trying to catch up to me (8).
2. the girl rubbing my c0ck at the bar (7).
3. the girl who told me she would lick my ass (8).
4. the girl who pulled her pants down three minutes after I met her (9* my wing's rating was 10).
5. My LJBF friend who told me to get on the bar and start stripping (6).
6. the blonde 8 who told me she needed a dildo to make her life complete in response to the EV routine (8),
7. AFTER I stuck my hand down her girlfriend's pants (7).
8. The girl who asked me to walk her to her car, then drove me to my garage, then asked if she could drive me to my car door (6).

See a pattern here? Holy crap! Talk about missed signals!

PS: I forgot about:

9. the '9' blonde who was staring at me in the gym last week (who I saw again yesterday and refused to make eye contact with since I was too shy) (9).
10. Then there's the brunette '9' who was staring at me in the gym three weeks ago (9).
11. There's the bartender chick from last week who started teasing me, then froze in her tracks when I told her she was teasing me because she was attracted to me (6).
12. The chick who started stuttering and repeating herself ridiculously while trying to give me instructions about gym classes a couple weeks ago (7).
13. There's the brunette '7' who approached me a couple Fridays ago nervously asking me some silly question about needing my chair, then staring at me as I talked to my wing (7).
14. Then there's the blonde '8' from later that same Friday night who approached me using the exact same opener that the brunette used earlier that night! This blonde then walked directly in front of me twice at a second venue, then put a hand in my wing's face and thanked me for the chair I gave her earlier in the evening, while asking for a 'high-five.' She opened me twice and gave me two more opportunities to open her, at two different venues! I still blew it! (8)
15. girl staring at my crotch one table over at a cafe about four weeks ago (7.5).

16. There's a tall, freckle faced brunette who is currently sarging me. I sarged her once at a bar four weeks ago and she has since twice alerted my 'proximity alert system'--once at the gym, the second time at a cafe (7).

17. There's the petite blonde I gamed on the bus up to A2 three weeks ago (9).

18. There's a Valerie Bertinelli look alike who I've been playing the eye contact game with for nearly three months. I finally talked to her one day last week for fifteen minutes. Did not number close. Sarge still in progress (8.5 or 9).

One particularly frustrating night of sarging near the end of February yields:

19. Number close on blonde in a blonde two set at end of february. Left after three minutes, forgetting my routine midway. Left midway through A2 (8).

20. Number close (turns out to be a dud) in two minutes on a brunette in a three set. I get nervous and bail (8*; I rate her '7', my wing a '9').

21. Number close a blonde later in the night. She asks me 'what are you doing later.' I fail to notice the fyck invitation. Probably IOI's me in the double digits within fifteen minutes. The blonde waits by the door and stares at me while I talk to another girl for several minutes before leaving the bar. It feels creepy (6* cross referenced with a wing's friend: we both agree on the rating).

22. A blonde in a two set AI's me four times within a couple of minutes. I don't go over until twenty minutes later (only after the blonde '6' above gives me a full close invitation and then leaves). My wing says she is "hot." I give her an: (8).

23. I number close on the brunette in the two set with the blonde 8 above. She's slightly hotter and much more assertive/alpha than her blonde 8 friend, so I get pulled into her frame, although the blonde 8 was the one who AI'ed me. My wing says she is "hot!" I give her an: (8.5).

24. That same night, I was winging my bud who was gaming a cute brunette '7'. He's not getting anywhere with her. However, the brunette stares and smiles at me repeatedly as I check on my wing's progress. I start singing along to the DJ's song. The brunette now stares, smiles and giggles, encouraging me. I let my wing number close, as it's my duty to do so (7).

25. That same night, I game a tall pretty blonde hired gun with pigtails. She's 22. I'm kino-ing her by pulling gently on both pigtails, and by rubbing her upper back and arms. No resistance, and she is smiling as I kino her (7). This same blonde was staring at me as the MILF was rubbing my c0ck on a later night.

26/27/28/29/30/31/32. I'd say there are maybe seven other girls who AI me that same night also. As in: a brunette stares at me and smiles while taking a break from making out with her boyfriend (6). As in a brunette bartender chick stares and smiles at me when she thinks I'm not looking (6). A blonde stares at me and smiles while she's getting down on the dance floor (7.5). A tall thin brunette stares at me while I saunter by the bar (7). A full figured young Asian brunette stares at me while she's waiting for a table, then again later while she's looking through the menu at her table (6). A stunning blonde stares at me while an older, middle aged guy talks to her hot girlfriend (8.5). Another hot blonde, just thirty seconds to a minute later, glances obviously at me as I walk on by (8.5).

33. The girl who gave me the "triangular gaze" signaling it was my time to kiss close her three weeks ago. She leaned in so her face was a few inches directly in front of mine. She stared into my eyes, then glanced down at my lips, then back up to my eyes. Her mouth was open with an expectant smile. I did nothing. She asked for her car keys from her girlfriend and left (6.5).

34. Last Saturday night, a '9' brunette stares at me while she's dancing (or so I think), and while I'm standing on the edge of the dance floor. I game her later, AMOGing some guy out of set. She plays with my necklace and gives me a seductive smile while doing so (or so I think). About six guys enter the set to talk to her, and she can't speak English. I really didn't know how to game her in that situation. She leaves (9).

35. Last Saturday night, I open a 7.5 brunette with chubby face cheeks at the bar. I don't know why, but I don't escalate (7.5). I ask her: "how you doing tonight?" She turns her head and stares. It's on. I don't know why, but I don't escalate: "I'll find you later." Oh, now I remember. I was working up the nerve to go game the '9' who had AI'ed me while on the dance floor (7.5).

36/37: I lost a blonde and brunette two set last Saturday, as my wings unwittingly tooled me with weak game. I had just gone into comfort with both, but then had three guys enter the set, messing things up completely (blonde 8/brunette 7).

38: Three weeks ago mid week, in socali. A blonde waitress asks our group: "do you need any more drinks?" I shake my head "no" since no one else has responded. "I didn't fyckin' ask you, I asked HIM," apparently indicating my wing. I am so astonished, I am forced into silence. This waitress then sits down back to me, and talks to my wing. However, she is "accidentally" touching me, with her leg and arm, while talking to my wing. My wing says he had a hard time talking to a girl 'that hot.' I give her a: (7.5).

39: Same night as above, a short, bottle blonde Latina rubs my head smiling while my wing games her. She does the same thing later in the night, walking up to me later and rubbing my head. I instinctively wrap my arm around her, then take it off again. Then I wrap my arm around her and take it off again. She gets annoyed and says: "hey! Don't be disrespectin' me in front of my boys!" She points to two guys behind us. They are looking off in the distance, completely oblivious. "Then why are you rubbing my head?" "It's for good luck, I told you." She doesn't want to admit she's attracted, and she feels rejected when I take my arms off her, twice (7).

40/41: I'm at a bookstore and choose a seat across from a very cute brunette Latina. She looks up from her books to check me out, but I catch her immediately. She looks down, not enjoying the fact that she's been caught. She looks up again a couple of times, right past me, to give the impression she was "just looking around." I game her. "Hey, that's an interesting backpack." "That's not my backpack! Sorry!" she says defiantly, continuing on with her reading. Her friend comes back later. It turns out it's a girl who I used to supervise. This girlfriend walks over and tells me how much she enjoyed working for me, how I inspired her blah blah blah. Then she hands me a card for her church, inviting me for a visit on the weekend (8/5).

42. A girl at a clothing store helps me pick out an outfit while I'm in socali. She picks out a white shirt for me. I like it, I tell her. "See, don't I have a good eye?" she twice asks me. I ignore her the first time. "Yeah, you do," I mention casually the second time. I pick out a white blazer also. "You're going for the monochromatic look, huh? (slight neg). "So where you goin' with that outfit?" she asks, angling for an invite? I tell her I just want a white outfit, closing her thread abruptly. She looks nice: nice tan legs, nice upper body, pretty face, tan, fashion forward clothing with uggs, miniskirt, vintage hoodie. I could sense her interest, got nervous, and decided to shut her down. Another messed up sarge; she was gaming me (8).

--- Rejection HAS to feel better than writing up these FR's of blown sarges. 43 has to be some kind of a record, especially considering every last one was attracted to me. Is it even possible to blow that many sarges consecutively?



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Complete Tally

43. Very cute brunette stares at me on the bus while she thinks I am not looking at her. As I look down to grab some papers I've dropped, she begins staring. I catch her by looking up abruptly. She continues staring for a bit then diverts her eyes (7.5).

End of list.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Updated Catalogue of Attraction Situations and Close Opportunities

I've updated my catalogue and I can now recall over sixty attraction situations and close opportunities since the end of February. The total number of girls who have been attracted in that time is higher than sixty; for example, I often count one set as one attraction situation, even if all three girls in set are attracted to me.

Clearly, I have a major sticking point in my inability to escalate properly, if at all...


43. Brunette staring at me on the bus. I drop some paperwork. The girl’s male companion reaches down to pick it up, as do I. The girl, realizing that my eyes are out of her visual range, begins staring at my face. However, I’ve been checking her out periodically already and notice her staring at me in the upper range of my peripheral vision, and so I stare back. Oddly, she continues staring at me. Most girls usually look away sharply (down). She looks in my direction several times again later without making eye contact for the remainder of the ten minute bus ride (7.5: very cute).

44. 4 PM, sunny monday afternoon 4/24/06: I see a young thin brunette (lone wolf), sunning herself, sitting on a bench in front of the lawn. She is all alone, and was just begging to be gamed. I see her and smile; she locks eyes with me and gives me a big toothy smile, saying 'hi' silently. The way she sat on the bench was sexually suggestive: feet up on the bench, and her legs spreading slightly as we talked, while wearing white summer shorts. Mmmmmmm. Picture it for yourself: girl all alone, with her legs spread, wearing shorts, big smile, open mouth, saying hi to me. It's on.

me: (walking by): 'what a beautiful day it is today!'
her: (big smile): 'yeaaaah!'
me: (wondering if I should stop to talk to her. Hint to self: if you're wondering if you should, you should): 'too bad I have to work and study!' I say, now walking past.
her: laughs loudly: 'ha ha ha!"

There it is. 10 seconds, two IOI's. I didn't stop. Shoulda stopped (7).


45. Evening at the gym, 4/24/06: I see a tall blonde, mid twenties at the gym. I stare at her, since she looks familiar. Aaah, this was the girl I was pining to talk to when I was getting my taxes done at the tax center last week. I actually forgot my paperwork and had to leave before I could talk to her, but I could have at least said hi to her the first time I saw her. I see her again now at the gym. Again, I stare at her, she stares at me. Could've opened her with: 'hey, aren't you the girl who was at the tax center? Did they take care of you?' But I didn't. She walks by. She walks down the stairs now. She looks at me again and stares the last couple of seconds before her face disappears down the stair well. She wanted me to talk to her. Doh! (8)


46. Actually, now that I think about it, I was subtly gaming a very pretty Asian girl at the aforementioned tax center last week (4/15/06). I only talked with the Asian chick for two or three minutes, all tax work related. I think my conversation with her made her nervous, however: I asked her to check where I was on the waiting list. She rushes over, but her heel slides out and she practically breaks her ankle in the process of fulfilling my request. That's all it takes to get a girl hot and bothered. Just engage her. Talk to her about anything. She will assume that sex is a possibility and respond accordingly (7.5 or 8).

47. I enter an automotive store Sat. afternoon. There's a heavy set girl dressed all in black. She looks over her shoulder and stares at me in the eyes as soon as I enter. She stares into my eyes at first but then begins moving her eyes down, staring at my chest and then my stomach/waist. In retrospect, it is very possible she was staring at my crotch, although I am not certain of it. I get slightly creeped out by her, but I take her staring as a compliment (4).

48. I enter the doctor's office last week, mid-week (4/12/06). There's the friendly, blonde receptionist with the squeaky/mousy voice I've seen before. She gives me a friendly smile, making eye contact, but then her eyes work their way down instinctively to my waist (or crotch?), as was the case with the girl above. Her eyes bug out a bit in obvious arousal before she turns back to her computer. Again, it could very well be that she was staring at my crotch/jeans/belt area. I’ve noticed several girls have either grabbed my ass, or stared at my crotch, or rubbed my crotch, in the past two months. So I don’t think it is completely out of the realm of possibility that ths girl would be staring also (6).

49. This example is from about five weeks ago...I see a very cute blonde through the window at the optometrist's office right before I enter. We lock eyes and stare at each other pretty hard. She continues staring as I enter the office, and also later as she prints out my paperwork (8).

50. That’s it over the course of 65 days or so. I’m sure there are a few other examples I’ve missed reporting on. Oh, I forgot about the girl who grabbed my ass, then stuck her hand up my ass when I was out sarging with a wing. First she walks past, with her back to me. She reaches down without looking, gently squeezes one bun, then feels for the crack, inserts her hand and then presses my 'taint a couple of times before moving on. She was cute, with long, curly black hair, tan legs, cute miniskirt (7.5).

51. last Friday, a married chick at the bar asked me for a light. She asks my friend for a light, but then begins staring at me wide eyed, with a slight smile on her face. She says me and my friend should have “fun,” since we are “young.” I’m looking at her with an expression of disbelief/skepticism. “We’re young?” I ask her skeptically. She ignores my attempt to reframe the situation (i.e., that she’s exaggerating). She invites us in and offers to buy us a drink. I ask her to guess our ages. My friends are 22 and 31, respectively. She guesses 25 and 28. She guesses 22 for me (not even close, guessing way too young). My younger friend leaves. The married chick and I talk and she invites me in again. I leave (she's married) (7).

52. I enter a two set at a popular bar, following my wing in. A 6/5 brunette set. I am saying crazy stuff, just joking around. I had just left a loud club and the relative quiet and cool of the bar is very refreshing and re-energizes me. I start joking around with the two girls. The ‘6’ is deliberating suppressing her laugh, shutting her lips tight to suppress a dead giveaway of attraction: loud giggling or laughter. I ask the girls if I look tired to them. Actually, I’m pretty exhausted since I spent about two hours in the gym and an equal amount of time in traffic. The ‘6’ looks at my chest/stomach. “you look fantastic,” she says, wide eyed, but not smiling. I start talking to a drunk guy next to me to cool him out. 'Now you’re picking up a guy,' the ‘6’ says derisively. Later, I find out why the ‘6’ is so cool towards me. She tells my wing that I had gotten her friend’s number in that bar, and she is none too happy about it. ‘Who is this guy to pickup girls at will in this bar. I won’t be his next floozy (even though I’d like to be)’ is her apparent attitude (6/5).

53. My wing and I enter a 7/5 brunette/blonde set. The brunette is in her late twenties. The blonde is mid thirties or older. The brunette gives my wing a look of extreme skepticism and suspicion. She scolds both of us: she says we are not supposed to be wearing blazers when we go out, that it’s a fashion mistake. She seems very unreceptive. I compare notes with a pua, and he says that she feels we were “too high value” and that we possibly intimidated her. I see the '7' again later at a second venue. Her guard is down now. She is smiling broadly, with a toothy smile this time, and her shoulders slightly slumped, relaxed. The cat's claws have retracted, but I shake her hand and keep on walking. I don’t want to get rebuffed again (7/5).

54. There’s a girl at the gym. I’m at the abs machine. This girl walks over from her stairstepper machine and occupies the ab machine right next to mine. My proximity alert system is activated: “red alert! Red alert!” it blares out. When this girl has talked to me in the past, her face usually blushed bright red. Also, whenever she has a choice of seating herself very far or very near me, she always chooses the seat closest to me. Proximity, blushing, embarrassment. These are signs of attraction, if I am correct (8.5 or 9).

55. There is a blonde with short hair who works at the gym. She is cute, and has bright blue eyes. The only inkling I have that she is attracted is that whenever she sees me, she seems to become very anxious and begins staring at me for a split second, usually looking past an obstacle (another person or set of persons) in order to get a glance at me, almost as if it were a reflex (7).

56. There’s an engaged HB8 blonde I gamed at a nightclub. We kino’ed each other lightly on the arms, legs, talking in each other’s ear. She insists on a hug before I leave. Oddly, the entire conversation is taking place with her fiance standing a few feet away from me. Actually, she appears to step in my path as I am about to leave, while holding her hands up in front of her chest, preventing me from walking away (i.e., the hook point). She asks for my card. I say I don't have one. She then tells me twice to visit her at work, giving me the location and directions (twice).



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Catalogue, continued

57. There’s an absolutely beautiful petite blonde I gamed for a few minutes at a shoe store. Absolutely lovely, and very demure. The first time I talk to her, she seems ‘cool’ towards me. I try talking to her again on a second visit: “how are you doing today?” I say, telegraphing a bit more interest on my part. She gives me a nice big smile. She watches me intently as I talk to her. Also, she watches my reaction to her statements and my body language very intently also. She gives me a big smile when I ask for her name. She seems attracted (9).

58. There’s a blonde '7' at a lounge I've gone to. She’s about 30. She’s attracted. I can’t remember much about the sarge. She says “if you really care about me” I’ll memorize her email address. She wanted me to stay to develop more rapport with her, I think.

59. An older blonde with a lovely face at an upscale bar. We talk for a long time. 30 minutes? Can’t remember. Don’t develop rapport. She asks me to sit down. (hook point). I kino her, touching her on her arm, and legs. No resistance (7).

60. Karate kid FR. My wing ****blocks me but I talk with this girl for at least an hour and a half. I do several takeaways (backturns) and she gently pulls me back into set each time by placing her hand on my neck and shoulder, to get me to turn back around. She hits me several times during the set, and giggles incessantly the entire time. Every time I mention an activity, she says she does the same thing (7).



Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
I read a few of your original posts (page 1) and some of the last few posts ("catalogue"). I didn't read all the "miss opportunities", but I read enough.

Based on that, I believe women find you attractive. You have that skill or better yet, developed that skill (at first, back in the first page of this thread, I sense you were making some minor mistakes). missed 40+ opportunities in the last 2 months? I cannot see myself missing more than one. In fact, the woman rubbing the c0ck would have had a mouthful. LOL.

I can conclude that based on your lost opportunities... what you are lacking is actually either "seduction skills" or "closer skills".


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Ladies Love NorPac

Generating attraction is almost too easy.

I decide to escalate a bit (with girl #55 on my list) at the gym. She has a cute, heart shaped face, chipmunk cheeks, cute smile, big bright blue eyes, and a mop of dirty brown/blonde hair to top it all off. Every time she sees me, her body jerks sharply to look at me and her eyes get wide for a split second. It's like a shock of electricity goes up her spine when I stand in front of her. I get exactly the same response from girl #18 on my list. When I stand in front of *her*, her body jerks back and her eyes get wide for a split second. Uncanny how similar different women's physiological responses are. This blonde chick may have unfortunately DLV'ed herself (at the end of my workout): I overhear her (or her friend) saying: 'I haven't shaved my legs since June...' She (or her friend) says: 'did your hair just
stop growing...?' Man, I hope the blonde didn't say that! (I wasn't looking to see who said what). LOL.

8:30 PM
But after I see the blonde girl's body jerk and eyes get wide again at the *start* of my workout, and this is probably the third or fourth consecutive time she has had this physiological reaction when seeing me, I decide to put her at ease by giving her an IOI. At the front desk:

her: would you like *just* a towel?
me: no, I'm just hear to see you...
her: big smile, eyes wide, body frozen.
me: but i'll take a towel too...thank you.

10:30 PM:
I return to the front desk at the end of the workout to return the towel.

me: 'hello again.' I hand her my towel. She brushes my hand
'accidentally' as I do so.
her: 'sooooo, how was your workout?'
me: 'it was good. I'm really tired. you guys do a great job here.'
her: 'did you get your serotonin level up??' big smile.
me: 'uh, yea...(i'm a little confused by the comment). What are you reading there?
her: 'oh, this is a book about blah blah blah, I'm interested in blah blah blah.'
Someone is in line behind me now.
me: 'ok, have a good worknight...'
her: she stares at me out of the corner of her eye, smiling, as I round the corner.


OK, so the IOI's are there....again: accidental touch, resuming the conversation (sooooo....), asking about my day, staring when I get there, staring when I talk to her, staring when I leave. I guess I have to qualify now, then go into comfort.

Also, if I am not mistaken, her questions for me had sexual overtones. For example, when she asks: 'would you like *just* a towel?' this may have been an indirect way of asking: 'would you like me too ('because you can if you ask' might have been what she was thinking)?' And I took the bait, because I gave her the IOI she was fishing for. Second, when she asked: 'did you get your serotonin level up?' this may have been a euphemism for: can I 'get it up?' Of course, this is speculation on my part.

It's really amazing how girls escalate: at the earliest stages, they 'frame' their comments in a way that gives them 'plausible denial.' As an additional example, the petite blonde girl I've been talking to (#17), has escalated in exactly the same way. When she asked where I live and tells me where she lives, she framed it as friendly chit-chat: "oh, we're neighbors," masking the sexual invitation. The attempt to gain rapport is an IOI in and of itself, but she did a great job of covering her tracks.

It's amazing; you really do see patterns emerge when you do a lot of approaches. Mystery is correct about this point, to be sure.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Personal Assessment

I think I've discovered the sources of my problems. They are pretty clear cut to me, and I am trying to eliminate them systematically.

a. first of all, if you've been following this thread, you know that I had a very tough time initially because I was too loud, forward and aggressive (had just moved from socal). It took me several months in order to get on the same page with my new neighbors in the pacific northwest. Now I speak slower, softer, move my body more slowly, etc.

However, I've moved TOO FAR in the direction of being a "nice guy": in fact, I've become a friggin' WUSS. Now, I have to reverse course so that I am more assertive *without* being frightening or obnoxious. It's all practice and calibration, so why worry?

b. I was raised in a very religious household, which has led me to develop a very repressed atttitude towards sex. Pre marital sex, dating several girls at once, I consider all this to be immoral. The question is, how can I now justify a monk like existence to anyone, much less to myself? The only way to meet a long term partner is by dating a number of women to see who I'm compatible with. Also, a life of sexual repression is a life of misery. This can, and has, affected other spheres of my life. I have to correct it now.

c. When I was a kid, I was teased about my appearance and name a lot because I'm Asian. Even though I've learned some skills at pickup, a few months developing outer game is not going to override decades of social programming. I still have to remind myself that I'm a luscious piece of man-candy, in spite of the fact that every woman I encounter is attracted to me (he he he he).

d. I spend too much time thinking about pickup. My life is getting out of whack and I need to spend more time getting things in proper perspective. The problem is, if I don't work on pickup, I get frustrated because I'm not sexually active; which makes me a grumpy, unhappy person. If I work on pickup a lot it does take a lot of time which leaves me with less time for other activities, including work. Maybe I just have to work more and sleep less? Might be the only way.

I appreciate the support of everyone on this board, and I'll give you an update when something significant happens.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
New Wings

I've finally found a couple of quality wings. They absolutely rock and I have been able to jettison a couple of wings who had been absolutely blowing up my sets with weak game and killing my state with their complete lack of social skills.

Meanwhile, the attraction opportunities come and go, flowing like a river. Do I get down about how many opportunities I've seen come and go through the river (for the record, 98 girls in 89 days have given me at least one or more AI's and/or IOI's). Sure. But if I get down on myself, that messes up my state even more. One wing from so cal told me simply: 'you go at your pace, no one can change that. But keep in mind you ARE developing and progressing.' Kudos to my brother.



Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hey man, I still remember when you said this to me a while back...
NorPacWolf said:
Chickenlegs, I really wonder why you would take the time to try to give "pseudo-advice" when you admit that you aren't even in the game. Save yourself from a lifetime of carpal tunnel, keyboard jockey.
...pretty harsh, though I'm not here to stir anything up...and I don't honestly care much for Internet flaming...but you were right, and I actually thank you for it.

Someone else rec'd I read your thread, and it seems pretty interesting.
NorPacWolf said:
I'm starting fresh with a new screenname. I'm starting to see the same girls over and over again. They are letting their guard down slowly but surely as they see me a second and third time.
I think we're actually in the same boat with the whole "small town sarging" thing. I'm actually in the field now (14 approaches deep...I know, not much, but hey gotta start somewhere)

Anyhow, so far, I've ran into 2 of the girls I've approached again, 1 of those 2 I've ran into a few times already. I'm in the central Cali area, and people are friendly like your area it seems...very similar.

Right now I feel like expanding my social circle and establishing myself socially is better than trying to close much. I don't club/party...been there done...I prefer day approaches.

So I'll be reading anyway...keep it going, this is some good stuff.

edit: (and btw...I won't post here again as I'm not a "Mature Man" - I just realized I was in that bad)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback!

Hey CL,

Thanks for your post, bro. Yes, I do believe that we have some valuable information to share with each other as we both live in relatively small, socially close knit towns.

As far as my previous response to one of your posts, I hope there are no hard feelings, and it doesn't look like there are. I see lots of newbs post here giving advice and sometimes I wish they'd hold off on the attempt until they got a few more approaches under their belt.

Also, when guys ask about whether a girl is attracted, it is generally because their intuition is correct, but they are afraid to escalate or approach. In general, err on the side of assuming attraction (I'll post on the main board about this). When you assume attraction, it generates self-confidence. This confidence in and of itself is often enough to generate attraction whether or not it was actually present in the first place. This is counter-intuitive, but leading in a confident manner can really generate terrific results.

Keep up the good work, player, and I look forward to reading more about your results on the main board.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
More Close Opportunities...Then I Lost Count

To finish off the list...

Actually, I just gave up trying to keep track of all of the blown opportunities as of three weeks ago. So this list is current from the end of February to the start of May. A lot of blown opportunities. A lot. But they're all worth it so I can improve my game and get the eventual full close.


60. cute Asian brunette. She has a loud, abrasive personality. Very much an anomaly in these parts. I’m not as attracted to her as I could be because of this (8.5).

61. There’s an engaged HB8 blonde I gamed recently at a nightclub. We kino’ed each other lightly on the arms, legs, talking in each other’s ear. She insists on a hug (in front of her fiancée) before I leave. Actually, she appears to step in my path as I am about to leave, preventing me from going (i.e., the hook point). She asks for my card. She tells me twice to visit her at work.

62. There’s an absolutely beautiful petite blonde I gamed at a shoe store. Lovely, and very demure. The first time I talk to her, she seems ‘cool’ towards me. I try again on a second visit: “how are you doing today?” Big smile. She watches me intently as I talk to her. Also, she watches my reaction to her statements and body language very intently also. She gives me a big smile when I ask for her name. She seems attracted (9).

63. There’s a blonde at a bar and grill. She’s about 30. She’s attracted. I can’t remember much about the sarge. She says “if you really care about me” I’ll memorize her email address. She wanted me to stay to develop more rapport with her (7).

64. An older blonde with a lovely face at a quiet bar. We talk for a long time. 20 minutes? 30 minutes? Can’t remember. Don’t develop rapport. She asks me to sit down. (hook point). I kino her, touching her on her arm, and legs. No resistance (7.5).

65. Karate kid. My wing ****blocks me but I talk with this girl for at least an hour and a half (7).

66. very pretty girl wearing pink shirt at gym 5/2/06. Looks in my direction repeatedly. Stares at me as I walk over to stairmaster. Tall, nice face, nice body, well dressed. She wants me. I think. I think I didn’t pay her much attention since she’s a brunette. I’m not that into her. Why? Oh, it’s because I’ve really been into blondes recently (8.5).

67. Forgot about this one. A woman at work is checking out my wardrobe: "I thought you said you got run over. You look good for someone who got run over!"

68. Another woman at work. Visits me in my office. She is very nervous. I look at her directly and give her a smile. She gets scared, says goodbye and runs off. Why would a smile scare someone? She’s nervous. Sexually tense (7).

69. How could I forget this one: the brunette who was staring at me after I sarged the petite blonde (8.5).

70. Another woman in my office. Very flirtatious: does she realize what she’s doing? She says she has to talk to me about something at work. I'm seated at a table with my legs dangling. She walks up to me and stands between my legs. I can feel the heat from her breath, and the heat from her body, she's standing so close (7).

71. Another woman in my office pool. Can't get into the details here (8).

72. I believe the *very tall* and thin girl at work is attracted also (7.5).

73. The cute, tall blonde bouncer at a bar I had COMPLETELY forgotten about. Stared at me very blatantly when I was on the street outside the bar, then stared at me long and hard before and after ‘checking’ my ID at the front door. Tells me: "have fun in there, sweetie," after she hands me my ID. Tonight, the morning of May 7, she is seated on a stool at a western bar. I see her immediately as I exit the bathroom. She is staring at me while I stare at her, or vice versa. She looks strikingly attractive: tall, blonde, cute face, with subtle streaks of black hair and exotic black eyeliner. She looks very familiar, so I immediately think that she must be one of the dancers who was on stage in underwear and black leather chaps shakin’ it (7.5).

me: “you look very familiar…” my eyes wide open, trying to place her.
Her: “irish bar.”

Me: Yeaaaah, I remember you now….you look very different.”
We’re interrupted by one of the actual dancers. She introduces the dancer as the niece of someone or another (IOI). The niece does the polite thing and extends her hand for a handshake. Very nice girl.
Her: The blonde tells me that I don’t recognize her because she has a very different personality while at work. She explains that if she was just herself, she would get harassed or assaulted, so it’s just a device to protect herself.

Everything about her is softer: her looks (she’s wearing jeans and a lite green hoodie), her demeanor, her body language (body slouched forward, legs crossed, hand between her legs): wait a second, according to Pook, this body language is supposed to indicate she wants to have sex with me. Whatever. I’ll never know, lol.

Anyway, a bouncer is hovering over my shoulder. I am supposed to leave. She invites me to see her at work. I leave.

74. Drunk 6.5 brunette stares at me. I stare back. Her eyes are dripping sex (half closed, but still wide open), and she approaches me. She leans in and talks in my ear:
her: is your name Kevin?
Me: what??
Her: Is your name kevin?
Me: No.
Her: What’s your name?
Me: Wolf
Her: Oh, I thought your name was Kevin.

Two IOI’s. Ten seconds. Why do I keep blowing this?

Stupid. I spoke to her a ‘rational’ rather than ****y/funny manner. Maybe David D has a place after all in the game. I should have appealed to her ‘emotional’ or ‘horny’ frame rather than to re-frame this as a rational issue.

75. I’m gaming a hired gun ’10.’ About 5’ 10”, blonde, honey tan, perfect face and teeth. Wearing black leather chaps and black. bikini underwear. Very, very nice. She is walking by, and I grab her gently by the upper arm. Surprisingly, she is not resisting, but has stopped one step past me.
Me: hey, you look just like someone I know.
Her: ‘I’ve heard that one before.’ She sounds slightly disappointed, but her body language is still ‘engaged.’ Her eyes are wide open, and her mouth is open. Her facial expressions are ‘open’ meaning I’m still doing ok.

Here comes my wing. Blah blah blah. Shyt. Here we go again. How many ****ing times do my wings sabotage me? He keeps going. Blah Blah blah. She leaves, irritated and bored. Nice. Dumb fvck.

I pull him aside and tell him not to game my targets.
Him: “What? She’s my girl! Jus’ kiddin'’’ He slaps me on my arm.
I try again. He gets it now. He looks upset at what he’s done. Dumbass.

76. A girl I COMPLETELY forgot about: one of the checkout girls at a grocery store. Email closed. 7.5

77. A girl at work runs ****y/funny on me. She’s attracted but I mistook her teasing for disrespect. She looks up my email and invites me to coffee (5).

78. Very pretty brunette at the a martini lounge with her male friends AI’s me twice. I open in extremely lame fashion and lose her in a couple minutes. Exotic eastern European look- heart shaped face (8 or 8.5).

79. Very cute blonde with a nice face slightly wide through the hips lingers to talk to me at the bar as she closes out her tab, but bails when I stall out on the conversation. This is at a western bar. She “forgets” to close out her tab as I’m talking to her, but “remembers” it when I stall out talking to her (7).

80. Very, very pretty brunette checks me out as I get on the bus this morning. She does this again a couple more times in the afternoon when I see her again. I work up the nerve to talk to her, and she is clearly attracted: she rubs her arms back and forth as we talk. She speaks softly, with a broken voice as we talk. She laughs at my jokes, whatever they are. That should be three IOI’s. I ask her how I can get in contact with her. She turns bright red, hesitates then says I’ll see her on the bus again. She likes me. This girl is a 9 at least. Worth following up with (9).

81. Latina at an "Irish" bar in socal. She opens me, lets me sample her drink and begins dancing in front of me. Escorts me to the bar (6.5). Asks for a hug as the bar closes. I'm not really into her. It was fun to have her open me.

82. BBW Latina at the same bar. Says she'll come back for me later after talking to me briefly. Escorts me to the dance floor. Attempts to grind me. I'm just hoping she doesn't rip the buttons off my new shirt (4). Cute face, but very big body.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
