You should do Straight leg Deadlifts on leg day as double says.
IMO 3 sets for the calves are the minimum, whenever I do 2 sets I never get sore and they never get fully worked out.
Shoulder press is fine if you mean you press with db. Do not go behind your head if you use bar. If you like, mix it up once in a while with barbell ones so your body doesn't get used.
Shrugs are OK to throw in on the shoulder day, it's a matter of preference.
Don't overdo the angle on the incline, then it will focus more on your anterior deltoid than your chest. Try different angles to see which fit you. Take it easy the first time, the body is most likely not used to this angle of pressing and it will take a while for your stabilizers to adjust.
Throw in some Ab work on the chest day. Dips and skull crushers is an ok workout for the tris. And 6 sets for the chest is enough.
Pure deadlifts are on back day no doubt about it. Otherwise it look very good. The Ez is not focusing as much on the biceps, it uses help from the brachialis too which enable you to lift more. But which is better? I'm unsure. I don't like hammer curls, they don't work for me but if they work for you, do them.
On the barbell rows, it's OK to use controlled cheating, just don't overdo it. The focus is on controlled.
But in the end you'll feel what exercises you need. Don't think off any as this as set in stone.