edger said:
Str8up, you don't think women know when they're being hit on? Women can smell a guy who's trying to hit on them a mile away. They may not be logical, but they sure know what's up when a guy wants to f*ck them.
Anyway, read my response to Squirrels, that's what this thread was about.
Of course they do, that was sarcasm
What I am saying is that they already know they are being hit on, but a tv show about being hit on isn't going to change the way they interact when they are being hit on.
If you throw out the exact same lines...yea, you might get called out on it. But it isn't gonna make a damn bit of difference if you are using original material, which you should be doing anyway. I'm not the cold approach type for the most part, but even I know there is ALWAYS something original to talk about.
Here's one for ya.
Walk up to a chick or group of chicks and ask them their opinion on the band Journey. You know, the band everyone loves to hate. Tell them that your friends were giving you sh!t for liking them and owning the greatest hits album, and you think they are crazy, and ask their opinion.
I'll bet any amount of money that you could deliver it Mystery style ("I have to get back to my friends, but I want to ask you a question") and they won't in a million years tie it back to the show, even if they have seen it. Women are watching the WOMEN'S reactions and soaking up the drama, they could care less about anything else.
BTW...I spoke with my cable rep and he told me that the show isn't even doing that well.