My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Thanks for the replies. I will definately go into more depth with my interactions with the females. I used to approach over 10+ females per day so that is the reason I really didn't post into too much detail. Hopefully, I won't have too much to post about regarding picking up females because I am in a LTR right now.

It's crazy, Looking back on this thread and re-reading my posts. When I met my now GF I had 2 GF! I dropped both of them for this chick.

YYYY I just looked on Craigslist and applied to some jobs. Thanks.

Whats going on in my head right now:

MY gf is very co-operative and I love her like I never loved anyone before. Not on some puppy love but on some grown man stuff. I can see myself with her for a very long time. I wish I had a career now and was a little bit more settled down. Wish I started my career so I can be so sure about my future.

I don't want to be in a long distance relationship (Even if we are just an hour away). But there's no doubt that I only want to be with her. So I want to find a job and commute to work everyday for a couple of months so we can still see each other a lot. I rather do this then live near Atlanta and only see her a couple days of week.

It would definately be easier if she didn't live with a roommate in the same room but whatever. I have to find a job and I will!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I've had a linkedin but it emulates a social networking site. To me it is becoming less proffesional and more social and I'm just not into that sort of stuff. As for the career services I used to be on it everyday but they changed up the web service and it just became way too confusing for me. It's basically like a careerbuilder now. Less intimate for the student.

and I just sent you the PM.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So another day of sitting in a house and applying for jobs. I'm getting real irritable and I've been very frustrated all day because of the simple fact that I cannot seem to get any call backs for any of these jobs I'm applying for. I am. I just turned 22 in May.... I have a Bachelor's in Business Administration in Accounting and will be getting my Masters in Business Administration in a week and a half. This all sounds good to me but I'm still not getting call backs.

This is all my fault however. I've had three job interviews this year for Staff Accounting roles within companies. One was a media company, the other was CarMax, and the last one was a Nissan Production plant. I only went to the last one and I didn't get the job. I slacked on the first two because it was earlier this year and did not feel the need to work all the way in Atlanta and go to school. I went to the third one because it was close to my school.

Now I am in the predicament that I am in now and it makes it 100% worse because I'm in a committed relationship. Now as time ticks away I'm stressing myself half the death. I have been in my parents house for the past 3 days and I feel trapped even though I'm not. The reason is because I'm not banking like I was a couple months ago.

I can tell you guys this: Money might not necessarily make you happy but not having money will make you miserable.

But anyways I'll keep applying everyday and try for all this not to affect my mood! Once I get this first job the rest of my life can begin. -_-.

Lessons learned:
Bounce on any opportunity you got when you have the chance.
Unless you have a steady job do not depend solely on one source of income.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Money is also the root of all problems and the root of all evils. Half the divorces that happen occur because of lack of funds. You'll find a job eventually its all a numbers game. Good luck AJ love the journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Thanks for the love. John. Will update this thread sometime in the next 2 days. Nothing really going on except for the fact that I still realize I am 22 and I should be fully autonomous by now -_-.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Ok Well today was supposedly good. I actually wake up today in a very good mood. Very good mood. Then this quick happiness turns into irritation as my GF keeps on complaining about general stuff. (ie I left my lotion for my face at my dorm, I feel so ugly. [Said that at least over 10x). Then she wants to get mad saying she isn't ready for a test on Friday. Stressing over stuff I been telling her since last week to study. Typical sh!t that's starting to annoy the sh!t outta me. I tuned all that negativity out and my day was turning bad but I tried to fight through and even got her lunch by surprise when I picked her up from class.

So the day goes by and I'm chilling tryna feel good and this girl calls me and says some little boy robbed her little brother. So I'm like dang that's unfortunate. Who might it be? And she figured it was the little brother of a girl that used to be friends with her. (This friend was shady from the jump smh). So my GF was like she's going to go home and fight this girl. and I told her no she ain't fighting no one and that the situation will be handled. I told her to focus on a test she has tomorrow then this girl hung up on me...... This is a big level of disrespect!!

So I call her back and give her the benefit of the doubt. I asked her if she hung up on me. She said yea and I was like aite cool. So I been ignoring her ever since. I don't know how I'm going to handle the situation but I know for a fact I can't reward this bad behavior.

On a side note I was thinking earlier. If I could find a girl and actually like a girl that treated me the same way I treat my GF then I'd be set for life. Wouldn't have to worry about everything. Maybe I've been simping..... Who knows but any I have always made sure my GF was set and had everything that she needed. (I'm not talking about tricking off a lot of money) but I'm talking about stuff like 1. food 2. laundry and I try to take her out on a date once a week. It's been working out until now. But I guess that is just the person I am. As long as someone is good to me I'm going to treat them like a Queen.

Whatever though, Another bad day for Young AJ!!!!


But anyway on a business note. A finance recruiter for some companies wants to meet up with me tomorrow. I have to drive 1 hr and a half but I think I might make this drive. And I also have a phone interview for a job this Thursday. This job is near my apartment so pray for me guys. I need to get this job and will definitely be studying so I put myself in a position to get this job.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So she ended up calling me saying I don't care about her family. Smh this got be bugging. Will post more about this tommorow.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So we ended up arguing for over 3 hours last night. Going in circles because she felt like hanging up on someone would be totally cool and that I should be amped because her 13 year old brother got something stolen from him. Just because I am calm and I'm trying to get her to focus on her schoolwork instead of focus on a situation that is out of her control because of the distance.

FML guys. I'm feeling really down about this and I'm still mad. I checked her on every bit of disrespect though but still did not expect this to ever happen.

and I have a meeting with a recruiter in an hour and ten min but can't even make it. Don't feel like even going. SMH, FML -_-.

I need to get over this situation but this sh!t still in my head. Especially a text she sent yesterday along these lines

"wtf kind of bf are you. you don't care about me or your "family". I go to school to make money in the future. Today has shown me that your the complete opposite. You don't care about anybody but yourself like I been said."


Mar 12, 2011
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
So we ended up arguing for over 3 hours last night. Going in circles because she felt like hanging up on someone would be totally cool and that I should be amped because her 13 year old brother got something stolen from him. Just because I am calm and I'm trying to get her to focus on her schoolwork instead of focus on a situation that is out of her control because of the distance.

FML guys. I'm feeling really down about this and I'm still mad. I checked her on every bit of disrespect though but still did not expect this to ever happen.

and I have a meeting with a recruiter in an hour and ten min but can't even make it. Don't feel like even going. SMH, FML -_-.

I need to get over this situation but this sh!t still in my head. Especially a text she sent yesterday along these lines

"wtf kind of bf are you. you don't care about me or your "family". I go to school to make money in the future. Today has shown me that your the complete opposite. You don't care about anybody but yourself like I been said."
PrettyBoy Im surprised this girl has got you acting like this. You have slept with so many pretty girls and can get numbers and have sex like the back of your hand, when most guys on here can't even get a number, and this one girl has you wrapped around her finger?

Keep calm, go to the recruiter, don't defend yourself to her. This is exactly what she wants, get you emotionally. "Look what I can do without touching him, how much does he love me, I am so sexy and worth it...blah blah blah."

I wouldn't respond to that text, its a statement to rile you up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Exactly. I'm tripping hard. It's all good to screw 50+ girls when you don't care too much about them but when you actually love one then sht hits the fan. I'm tripping hard and feel like that text is a ground for breakup even though she has been near perfect before. Maybe I'll get over it. Maybe I'll GFTMB.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Wasup people?

So I skipped going to the recruiters office because I didn't feel like going. One thing is on my mind regarding my relationship however and would like feedback. My gf is in her first semester of college and she is taking 12 credit hours (minimum). It seems like she is always studying or doing work. But she always wants me to help her. So for the past week whenever we hang out she is doing some sort of work. So we stay up late and I help her with her work. After she cuddles with me and we go to sleep because she has class every morning.

As the leader of the relationship I feel like I need to keep her on track school wise. If she fails a test or something I internally blame myself because I feel like I didn't set her up properly. But at the same time I'm getting tired of her doing work when we chill. We only get real Quality time on the weekends. I'm starting to get tired of this and it's been on my mind. Haven't even had sex for a week and a half (my longest drought in months...)

What are y'all's thought on this one?

For example: Sunday I pick her up from her moms house (haven't seen her in a week). We get back to my house at 11. She then types a paper and we go to sleep. Monday she goes to class all day then she starts focusing on her lab test on tues. she calls me for some drama that happened back home. After she vents for 40 min I try to get her to focus on her test then she hangs up and we argue until 1 am. On Tuesday she takes her lab practical and after that she knows she has a math exam the next day. So during the day we talk on the phone and she is telling me she is tired. I tell her to take an hour nap then go to math tutoring then come to my crib so I can help her. So I go to class at 7 pm right after getting off the phone with her. So after class she is telling me she didn't take a nap and went to the cafeteria with her friends even though she didn't even eat anything really. So at 10 I get both me and her some food and pick her up and bring her to the crib to study. We eat and afterwards she is making excuses how she doesn't want to study. I tell her to study but like a kid she refuses. Her excuse was that she was so tired even though I told her to take a nap. Instead she went out with her friends and now she doesn't want to study. So I tell her lets just go to sleep and we will wake up at 6 am to study. So we go to sleep at 12 and wake up at 6. She starts studying for an hour and then falls asleep. I try to wake her but she just persistant so I say fk it. We go back to sleep and then she goes to class at 11. After class I pick her up and she is in a horrible mood saying she failed. So now her mood is messing with me and she still has another paper to do today in which she did last minute. So she just finished it and now she has class at 3. After class she is going to be studying for a biology exam on Friday. She then has a math final on Saturday and whole bunch of tests next week.

Its like a lose-lose for me. Either I get some good intimate time and she fails her tests. Or I help her study and I don't get intimate time.

Just my rant for the day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Feedbacks + Suggestions?

My brain is going through circles. Stressful times!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Well I just told her what was up. I pretty much told her that she is going to give me love or I'm going to find it somewhere else. (Probably a bad idea.) But the situation did get better. I don't know if it's because I told her that or what.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Bro, why are you acting like this over this chick? You are taking on things that really don't need to, her studying for tests, etc...are you her Dad or her boyfriend? I like reading your posts normally but this chick is putting you through a bunch of BS and your going along with it...

Cmon bro...this isn't you, at least not what I've been reading from you...get back on point bro...this is disappointing to say the least coming from you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Yes. I know. Very discouraging I have been acting like this to be honest with you. and I know I have been slipping. As a man I should never back down from anything that I say or apologize. This is the greatness of this thread. For the majority of the past year I was getting props and handling business and running through girls. Now at the end of the year I'm slipping on the pimpin and you guys are here to put a playa in check. So I appreciate the feedback and I appreciate everybody who has ever responded in my thread.

But I got some encouraging news today. I had a phone interview for a company 10 minutes from my apartment. Today the lady called me back and says she wants to meet me next week. Salaried position and everything so I must make sure I'm on track. It is a Production Accountant job for a production company of chickens.

Wish me luck and pray for me. If I get this job I'll be set.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Ok, life is moving along. I just have one take home test and a presentation to do then I am done with my masters degree.

Also, I have to go to a driving school for 20 hours this month and then I am done with this speeding BS.

I have an interview on Wednesday morning. The place is 10 minutes from my apartment. I will be studying for this interview because I feel like I have to get this position.