My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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To be real, the only reason that I was slow to responding to this journal was because I was messing with a multitude of women and pretty much everyday I was with some different chick.

I've had time to post for the past week because I have been monogamous.

But anyway today I went to the gym and got a good workout. The past couple of months I really didn't make too much time to go to the gym. Felt good to go there and get a good workout there. I will try to go several times a week like I used to back in the day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Bump, Will Post/Edit today or tommorow.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Here's some of my key philosophies and why I think I am succesful with the ladies:

1. Everything is my fault. If this girl disrespected me it is because I allowed her too.

2. If I want something bad enough you will get it. Material wise. If I want a new benz bad enough I will work hard enough to get it.

3. Never settle to wife up a female. It is very true it is hard to find a nice car with nice interior leather (a pretty girl with good conversation and actually respectful) but there are plenty of them in this world. Don't settle for an alright looking car with good interior. (alright looking car with good convo) Go ahead and get that benz with the good interior. (Dime piece broad with good convo and respectful)

4. If my game is tight and a girl is feeling me she will not flake out. She will move her schedule to be with me.

5. Why the hell would I settle down with one chick unless you see yourself marrying her. If Im not campaigning and Im just sticking with a girl but I don't see a future with her then go ahead and spin some plates. ( I actually see a future with my gf now, and thats why I'm limiting myself to one girl)

6. Time is more important than money!!! Don't let these girls waste your time with these flakes. You let them know that you are a busy person and your time is money.

7. Having too many friends will mess you up. I don't have any friends period. My people I roll with, I consider my family. and that circle is really small.

There is some of my many philosophies I have on life! Will post some more sooner or later!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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^ Yall Read this good ism.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Need everybody’s take on this situation?

My homies said they needed to talk to me today so I went to chop up game with them and they basically told me that I was doing wrong. They told me that I changed since I have been in a relationship and I am not the old me. That should be obvious. I’m trying to do the right thing so I cannot be the same person that I was before. The person I was before was always trying to go out and always had 5+ girls on the team every moment. The reason they said this was because my boys were trying to go out Saturday evening. I said I was down but it ended up that I was on the phone the whole trip and I kind of messed up the trip because I am the only person from Atlanta and they don’t know Atlanta like that. Since I was on the phone the entire time we didn’t get to make it into the free places in time. They said that if I as single A.J. all of us would have had a better time in Atlanta. I know this is true but what can I do. If I was single I probably would have been in Atlanta the whole day anyway. Rather, I was content on just chilling at the crib and not doing any wrong.

Also last Tuesday my boys wanted to go to this restaurant in Atlanta. It was more of the bar scene and they went to pull girls and get messed up. I was going to go there but halfway there I made my cousin give me the car so I can go back and counsel my girlfriend because she was stressing hard about a test or what not.

I understand where they are coming from but I’m trying to do the right thing and be respectful to my girlfriend. I can’t be going to clubs like I used to. I can’t be on the prowl getting every girl like I used too. I guess I was wrong for even trying to go out with my boys because they are trying to get like the old school me (I’m one of a kind godamnit!)

But to be real, I love this girl. I love what we have. The relationship is stressing sometimes. Especially when the girl stresses so easily about school work and all that is going to stress me out more because I have to counsel her. I also don’t want to feel like I am alienating my friends because these people are all like Family. I don’t even believe in friends. Everyone I associate with is like family to me so I felt some sort of way when they sat me down and said I wasn’t the same. GF is 18 and new to college beside the way. Been 120% co-operative.

Opinions from everyone for AJ would be appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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This is going to sound harsh but it needs to be said.

I think your boys are right to a large extent. There is no reason that you need to be on the phone with your girl while out with the boys in Atlanta. I mean really. What could you possibly be talking about at 10 at night after talking all day? And then to actually turn around while already driving to a place to hang out with your friends, all because your girl is "stressed" out over a test????

Bad man, really bad. Your gf sounds like a emo drama queen x 10000000.

And you are acting more afc than the worst of the worst around here. It sounds like all she has to do is whine a little and you come running. IF she had any ounce of respect for you and your life, she would never ever expect you to hang out on the phone with her while out with your friends, or expect you to give up a night out with your buds because she was stressed out over a test. Guys wonder why they are such AFC's around here. It is exactly this type of conditioning that leads to it.

For example I have a cousin. He is 30, good job, good looking. But he has NO idea how to be a bf to a girl. He and I and some friends went to Vegas this past spring after he and the girl just started to date. No lie he was on the phone ALL THE TIME with her, either texting or calling, while in freaking Vegas. We just shook our heads. Instead of being out with us having a blast, he was connected to a phone. I told him if he keeps doing that she is going to use and abuse him. Sure enough, a few months later she left him for another guy. He was afc to the max and she used that to her advantage. Same as what this girl will do to you if you don't change.

There is nothing wrong with being there for your girl, and I applaud it, but there is a time and a place. And the two examples you gave were neither.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Very understood and just what I thought. I definitely did not need to turn around halfway to Atlanta just to try to please her. Even though she never asked me to I guess I did too much.

This is extremely funny to me. After years of macking and running through women I finally settled down and I don't know how to act. Hilarious. But I will definitely cut down on the phone time. Especially when out with the boys.

AFC and AJ don't go together. blah.

But I definitely know what I have to do if something like this occurs. Won't let her stress affect me too much. I thought I was just being there for her in both situations but guess I overdid. Understood fully!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Need everybody’s take on this situation?

My homies said they needed to talk to me today so I went to chop up game with them and they basically told me that I was doing wrong. They told me that I changed since I have been in a relationship and I am not the old me. That should be obvious. I’m trying to do the right thing so I cannot be the same person that I was before. The person I was before was always trying to go out and always had 5+ girls on the team every moment. The reason they said this was because my boys were trying to go out Saturday evening. I said I was down but it ended up that I was on the phone the whole trip and I kind of messed up the trip because I am the only person from Atlanta and they don’t know Atlanta like that. Since I was on the phone the entire time we didn’t get to make it into the free places in time. They said that if I as single A.J. all of us would have had a better time in Atlanta. I know this is true but what can I do. If I was single I probably would have been in Atlanta the whole day anyway. Rather, I was content on just chilling at the crib and not doing any wrong.

Also last Tuesday my boys wanted to go to this restaurant in Atlanta. It was more of the bar scene and they went to pull girls and get messed up. I was going to go there but halfway there I made my cousin give me the car so I can go back and counsel my girlfriend because she was stressing hard about a test or what not.

I understand where they are coming from but I’m trying to do the right thing and be respectful to my girlfriend. I can’t be going to clubs like I used to. I can’t be on the prowl getting every girl like I used too. I guess I was wrong for even trying to go out with my boys because they are trying to get like the old school me (I’m one of a kind godamnit!)

But to be real, I love this girl. I love what we have. The relationship is stressing sometimes. Especially when the girl stresses so easily about school work and all that is going to stress me out more because I have to counsel her. I also don’t want to feel like I am alienating my friends because these people are all like Family. I don’t even believe in friends. Everyone I associate with is like family to me so I felt some sort of way when they sat me down and said I wasn’t the same. GF is 18 and new to college beside the way. Been 120% co-operative.

Opinions from everyone for AJ would be appreciated.

On some real shyt brah

If you got a girl, stay away from the clubs. I'm not trying to sound like a hater but once I had my ex-girl I was so happy to finnally stop chasing after random bar slores. Does that mean you can't go out for boys night? of course you can, but for me personally there is a differtent dynamic when you are single and when your trying to establish and maintain and LTR.

Just keeping 100


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I know right. Now, I don't even want to club like that anymore. Only reason I ever went to the club in my life was to pick up females. If I go to the club then I will bag females. Straight like that! So I try to stay away because I don't even want the temptation.

Thanks Solomon


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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This post is going to show my immaturity but I will post it anyway.

I have a small circle and will consider all of them family. So if anyone disrespects my family then I have a problem. and I'm the type not to talk it out. I'm the type to run up on a dude and fight. So today my gf told me this dude keeps bugging her. So tonight I'm going to the club to confront this dude. I'd do something like this to all my family.

So that's what is going through my head. If you distespect my people your disrespecting me. I know I'm wrong and immature but there's no way around it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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1. The first time I ever was there for her problems was when I turned the car around. The second time when was just when I was on the phone with her. I don't see any problems with her confiding her problems to me. As long as I don't do it back I don't think it should be a problem once so ever.

2. She might be stretching the truth. But at the same time she keeps getting annoyed. I told her last time she told me about ol dude that if guy didn't stop that I would take matters in my own hand. So I will do what I do tonight. I had to do something like this last month. She gave this dude her number before she met me and she was picking up his calls "entertaining" him until it got to far and dude was bugging her. I checked her on this hard and was willing to leave her over the situation just because she has no business to be on the phone with a dude that ain't related to her or me. She acknowledged that she was wrong and I ran up on this dude in the middle of the school and punked him out (swung on him once and he said "respect".)

I'm not feeling any of this at all to be honest with you. You get what you allow though so I won't put up with too much of this for too long. I know this for a fact.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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AJ, all your girlfriend has to do is simply tell the guy she is no longer interested in his advances and proceed to ignore any future calls/texts from him. Why are you risking going to jail over some dumb sh1t?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Pride is my best strength and weakness. I hear you guys though. Still really undecided on what will happen tonight. Will post what happens later on tonight. Wasn't even that the dude text/or called her. Dude somehow sees my GF and just starts teasing her like he is in middle school or something. Annoying as hell when she callin my phone irritated at what happens.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I went to the club to talk to the dude and he apologized and even dapped me up. I told him straight up that if he kept irritating my girl it would resort to violence. He told me to tell my girl that he is sorry....

Went way better then I expected. I'm just happy I was calm enough to talk and not just hit him. I'll work on this side of me however. Seems like I take certain things out of proportion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So this week my boys got drunk wed-fri and went out to the club. I did not go not one single time. You can't put a lion in another persons jungle and not expect him to hunt. I decided not to go each time and spend time with the GF. My boys look at my funny sometimes because they know things aint the same without me. I bring that spice whenever I go out. I bring that swagger. But to be real I told myself that I ain't going out in this country city anymore. If I go out to a club then I'm either going to be 1) miserable because I can't do anything or 2) Bagging all the dimes. Both aren't good.

If we go out to Atlanta then it's a different story. Very weird for me to be chilling in the weekend. Every single weekend in the Summer I was playing around. I'll get used to it though. Just my thoughts this afternoon.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
bump, will post later tonight or in the morning.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
True, True.


1.) I don't consider myself a pua or dj. I'm just a dude tryna make a dolla and be the best I can be. Screw being a pick up artist or a don juan. I like dime piece girls and I'm going to get them!!

2.) I will go out with my boys. But right now at this time I rather relax with my girl then go out to a club or a bar with the females on the weekends. If it was during the week it could probably work out better but that's not the case. I don't need to go to a club or party in this small school where everyone is watching me (and everyone knows everyone). I love my boys (no homo) and I'll always have they back!

What do you think I should do? Force myself to go out and not have fun or go out and bag as many btches as I can. I can easily do the latter in Atlanta but in my school city will have reprocussions (+ I screwed a good number of these girls that are at the party regardless.)

Let me get some feedback SoSuave. I'm listening.


Today. I feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. One big thing.

I'm graduating with a Masters Degree one month from now. I have no jobs lined up and I refuse to live with my parents. I just can't. Way too strict! So starting today I have been on my grind looking for a job. This is going to be a stressful situation for me. I live 1 hr and 20 min from my parents house right now. 1 from Atlanta. My boys still up here in the country. and my girlfriend too. and I really want to make this work.

I just need a job right now so I can pay my rent after December.

I been stressed about this all day! Hopefully, it gets better. I cannot live under noones rules. I just can't do it.