My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I been super busy lately so hadn't had the time to really update this journal. The girl from my previous post is very co-operative. I can really see a future with this girl and I'm getting closer and closer to being exclusive with her. I have been dropping girls left and right too. I feel like it is the right thing to do since this girl is proving to me that she can be worthy of a real relationship.

This is probably the lowest amount of females I have had since before the summer. I got 4 girls I'm interested in. I cut a lot of them off last week as I'm particularly feeling this one girl.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I been slipping on posting.

Let me give you an update on myself though.

I got in a relationship with my main girl. Will post a picture of us soon whenever we get the chance to take a picture together. I've had 2 girlfriends previously over the summer but I feel something different with this girl. I can see something long term so I'm going to go ahead and give her my all.

In 4 weeks of school I've had sex with 9 new females. It's a crazy number because me and my roommates brag about this type of stuff and they're on only 3.

I got a new job at a bank working as a teller. I'll work that while I look for another job in Atlanta.

Last night I went to the club and met up with a girl I had pulled before. This girl slapped me because I was pulling girls in front of her. (getting other girls numbers and stuff). I got mad but sweet talked her into letting me come over her place. I tore the girls insides out....... nutted in her mouth.... stole some stuff and straight up bounced. Will delete this girls number too.

I know this was very ratchet but whatever. Don't care.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Damn, This thread has slipped up because of me.

I've been very busy with school and other things. I'm slowly becoming a one woman guy as hard as it sounds. I'm very interested in my current girlfriend and I'm going to do the right thing.

I will try to update this thread more often but it will definitely be dry because I won't be gaming chicks like I was in the past couple of months. I'm chasing the $ and the grades.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Thanks dog. I've came along way since making this thread. I always messed with cute chicks but it seems like now that I only deal with the baddest females. My game is only going to get better as I age and I am able to make more money.

Right now I'm still in a relationship and I'm really enjoying it. I still have strong urges to bag other females and my conscience tells me no. The only reason I don't do it is because I don't want to get caught. I know when I travel it will be game on. Just the way I are -_-.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Ya boy is still in a relationship.

It's funny because both of my exes from over the Summer want to get back with me so bad. My ex from Atlanta texts my phone saying she misses me so bad and she wants to be with me etc. Its funny to me because this was the same girl who tried not to show emotions and always tried to act hard. Its an ego boost seeing her breakdown.

My other girlfriend texts me saying stuff like she just wants to be with me. Saying she will do anything to be with me.

I can't lie though, I love my girl now but I am a very needy guy. I like to be "Warm" every night if you know what I mean. I know she is very busy with school and all and I can't see her everyday but at the same time I do have urges. I guess this is just the way I am.

I still have plenty females blow my phone up but I've been good for the most part. Even though I am tempted to bring them to the house I haven't yet. But I don't know how long that will last. I don't like to be alone on a cold winter night! Sad part is I see my girl probably like every other day. That day I be lonely though. Can't even lie. I've just been used to dealing with so many females since the summer it is kind of hard for me to just deal with one. What I will do is have something else occupy my time. I'll probably get my business up going again or just find a job. Time to occupy more of my time with other things.


School is going great. I'm getting the hang of my last semester and the A's are piling up now. In two months I am going to have a Masters Degree at the age of 22. Hopefully I can move to Atlanta by myself and get a great job. I refuse to live with my parents any longer!! Can't do it.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2012
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Respect out of all the threads I read this is the best keep doing ya thing man


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
Ya boy is still in a relationship.

It's funny because both of my exes from over the Summer want to get back with me so bad. My ex from Atlanta texts my phone saying she misses me so bad and she wants to be with me etc. Its funny to me because this was the same girl who tried not to show emotions and always tried to act hard. Its an ego boost seeing her breakdown.

My other girlfriend texts me saying stuff like she just wants to be with me. Saying she will do anything to be with me.

I can't lie though, I love my girl now but I am a very needy guy. I like to be "Warm" every night if you know what I mean. I know she is very busy with school and all and I can't see her everyday but at the same time I do have urges. I guess this is just the way I am.

I still have plenty females blow my phone up but I've been good for the most part. Even though I am tempted to bring them to the house I haven't yet. But I don't know how long that will last. I don't like to be alone on a cold winter night! Sad part is I see my girl probably like every other day. That day I be lonely though. Can't even lie. I've just been used to dealing with so many females since the summer it is kind of hard for me to just deal with one. What I will do is have something else occupy my time. I'll probably get my business up going again or just find a job. Time to occupy more of my time with other things.


School is going great. I'm getting the hang of my last semester and the A's are piling up now. In two months I am going to have a Masters Degree at the age of 22. Hopefully I can move to Atlanta by myself and get a great job. I refuse to live with my parents any longer!! Can't do it.
How are you working on this so that you can keep your current girl instead of eventually fvcking a chick you don't care about out of insecurity and losing her?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I got to find other things to occupy my time.

Whether it is school or hobbies or getting a job. If I can get distracted and make sure I'm busy I won't be as tempted to meet/pull other females.

I went to my cousins school for Friday night and Saturday. The girls were choosin so hard. It feels good when you walk somewhere and a girl makes eye contact and says that "your so fine". Life is good and the game will always be good.

Today I met my girlfriends mom. It was totally spur of the moment and I wasn't dressed like I normally would dress. (I had some khakis and a hollister t shirt). It was still good and she really likes me and was even choosing up on me! So that is definately a plus.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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School is going good. Im making nothing but good grades. I will be moving back to Atlanta end of December. I dont know how it is going to work out with my gf.. I know 45 mins aint nothing but its going to be a change that I definately dont like. Ill figure something out though. Ill update this thread later with some relationship tips and tips in general.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So my brothers! After chopping up some good game with my cousin and my line brother I think I came to the realization that I really do love this girl I am in a relationship with. (It's been to months but I can see myself with her for a very long time and she is 100% co-operative) I know for a fact that I just want to be with her and noone else. This is very crazy as I been running through females since the summer time. Over 30+ hookups since I started this journal! (Never even put every single one in here as it was starting to become to easy.)

Even though I do love this girl I still won't tolerate any bs and I let her know that!

So let me tell you the situation which happened today and how I handled it and how you Weeny dudes should handle the situation. She got a call from a random number today. She picked up the phone and it was some dude. Dude blew her phone up and she didn't know who it was so she didn't pick up until the 7th time ol buddy call. When she picked up she rushed him off the phone saying she had to study ( I been helping her study for this big test all day). When she hung up the phone I asked who it was. ( I said it calmly but my head was buzzing because I was like WTF).

She told me it was her friend from high school and that they were just friends and just talked to each other time to time about everything. I told her straight up that this wasn't cool. I asked her how would she feel if some other female called my phone. she admitted that she would feel some sort of way. She then started making excuses on how she isn't attracted to the dude and the dude don't even want her like that.

I kept it 100% and told her straight up that I didn't care who it was. Unless its business/school related, or it is a relative there really isn't any reason that any dude should be hitting you up. I told her that I wouldn't be in a relationship with her if I didn't feel like we didn't have a future and that I felt that in a relationship people shouldn't even put themselves in a sketchy situation such as this.

She then says she understands where I'm coming from but there just friends and he isn't even in Georgia. I then told her calmly that that was cool. I told her that I can't force her and won't force her to do anything but I will control who I am with and I told her I rather not deal with any situations like that. I told her that my future wife (whoever it may be) won't ever put herself in a situation like that and if she still wants to talk to random dude that that would be cool but I wouldn't be in a relationship!

She then thought about it for a second then told me I was right... then looked me in the eye and said I was husband type.....

I was thinking "You damn skippy I'm husband type: I hope you will be my wife one day or I'm just wasting my time because I'm in my prime."

Like backbreaker said. You got to be that number 5 guy! Get exactly what you want. It is mad disrepectful for your girlfriend to be talking to any dude on the phone (except family or business purposes). Don't put up with that disrespect because the next girl won't be disrespectful! Be bold and be a leader in your relationship!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Bump. Feel free to read the good game in my last post or discuss.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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My goals for this semester was:

1. More Confidence
Ill always be confident. It grows everyday.
2.Be fully autonomous
I'm looking for a salaried job. Just started looking last week. Once I get one Ill be good.
3. 5 dimes
I've only been messing with cute ass girls. 8 and higher. I'll post pics sooner or later. I'm not too fond of posting pics on the net.
4. Hook my whip up
Already done. DVD player. Automatic start. Extra speakers.

Life is good. I'm just ready to get a salaried job!


PrettyBoyAJ said:
Bump. Feel free to read the good game in my last post or discuss.
I suspect your current GF may or may not be your first encounter with someone who is relationship material. Being called the husband type by a young girl in college is not necessarily a good thing. "Husband type" seems like someone who is content with what he has settled for, off the top of my head. Your relationship is a month old, yet she has these assumptions/implications. By overtly communicating your disappointment, you relayed insecurities and jealousy over the matter. If this were to happen again, covertly display your disapproval. A good GF will pick up on your subtle indifference and seek resolution.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Good post. and understood. We been dating for two months and I'm already deep in the game. I honestly don't even care if she thinks I have settled for her because I know I can get another bad chick anytime.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Also what you said was more passive aggressive. I rather be bold and to the point. If it is something I clearly don't like we got to nib it in the bud. I rather be precise and to the point.

Same thing applies when you guys are trying to bag women. When I first started talking to my current girlfriend she would tell me how thirsty dudes were. How they would try to "promote" parties to get her number then try her up to hook up with her. All that is bs. It's passive. Be a man! Be concise.

When you guys "bag" women don't get her number trying to study with her? Don't feed her no BS like you can tell her where the parties at. You be a man and tell her what you think. Tell her you think she is attractive and that you felt like the feeling was mutual and that you two need to link up.

Slider her your number. If she hits you up then she is interested.

You guys wonder why you get females numbers and when you ask her out she is like no. It's because you weren't genuine from the jump. Be a man!

Dudes are getting thirstier in Atlanta. I dropped my girlfriend for class 2 hours ago. As soon as she gets out the car a group of three dudes break they neck and try to talk to her. She just waved and walked off. The dudes were acting like they seen a celebrity or something. Stuff is funny to me.


Women are not as rational as we are. What you may think is a bold move will not be interpreted the same with her. I guarantee that she will have this conversation with her friends being in a new relationship. They will throw you under the bus because

A) They are jealous that she has a boyfriend
B) You are taking away their girl time together

PrettyBoyAJ said:
I told her that my future wife (whoever it may be) won't ever put herself in a situation like that and if she still wants to talk to random dude that that would be cool but I wouldn't be in a relationship!
By you overtly telling her this, she interpreted it as you caring about making this relationship work. Remember, the person that cares the least maintains control of the situation, in this case your relationship. You may think the bold move would establish your control over the relationship, but in reality, you gave up the frame.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I don't believe I gave up no frame. I can get a dime no problem. If she acts up I'll go ahead and get another one. This is the difference between me no and in my first relationship 2 years ago.

But I understand where your coming from and it is an important concept to remember that whoever cares the least will remain in control. Thanks for reminding me of that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Never drink and drive!!!! When pulled over by a cop never admit to drinking!!

I went out yesterday with two of my boys and we were sippin a lil sumthing. On the way back to the apartment we get pulled over by a state trooper. (I was sleep, when I woke up I heard the cops voice). The driver going to admit to drinking earlier. After that and 4 breathalizers he ends up in cuffs and I drive back even though i drank more then everybody..... and I passed the breathalizer telling the officer I did not drink.

It's unfortunate to. A DUI will mess up a lot of stuff in the future. Damn shame. Glad it wasn't me though!