My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So after that I'm mad as hell so I sit and cool for like 15 minutes. Then after that I see this light skinned shawty. So I grab her immedietly and took her outside. I was on some ****y sht and told her straight up I was feeling her and was digging her swag. I slide her my number and she hits me up the spot. After that in the apartment I was making out with her and just picking her up and having a good time or what not.

So after a couple more hours everybody is really messed up (excluding me). I didn't drink like that because I didn't want to. I pulled this designer chick on the couch. Girl was slick bad as hell but she was brown skinned. I only like light skinned chicks so we will just see what I can do with this.

So out of nowhere host starts rippin this one dude for being on the carpet. Dude was messed up tryna start fights with other people and sht and I was like I got his back if someone was on some fk sht or anything. I told the host that peeing on the carpet is embarassing. Just let him clean up and lets call it a day. 2 minutes later ol dude charges me for no DAMN reason. I side step his charge and put my phone down in the same motion. I throw him to the floor and start punching this dude in the face.

1 of my homies held me back and 2 of my homies held him back and they were just like chill.... chill. so I was like I'm good.... I'm good. Why this fk ngga charge me. So I went outside just to chill a little bit. Wondering about how I always get in some sort of situation like this. Then out of nowhere my 3 bro's come out the house holding this dude tryna just get him out the party. Once they let him go he tryed to fight them...... (They are more chill, not bout that fighting lifestyle) So I runeup on ol dude and was like wasup...wasup.

He was coming close to me but he wasn't swinging. This dude knew not to swing on me!!! So he charged my roommate and when he charged my roommate I lite his behind up, back of the head dome shts until this dude was on the floor and all he could do was cover up. I stomped dude couple of times and went back to the party before the cops came because we were making too much noise. I cannot get no assault charge!!!

After getting back in, Girls were showing me even more love from before. I have no clue why either. I rather be a lover then a fighter to be honest. It's a shame I been in 7 fights this past year and sad part about it is I never swung first.. and won all 7. I honestly don't even like fighting like that. Its really pointless. I just want Money, Respect, and Women!

go figures... but anyway I pulled some cute a$$ chicks and when I have more time I'll let you know how my interactions went and the game I used on them.

What helped me out tonight: I was persistant. Even when old chick was tryna flex like she wasn't interested in force I got her by 1) being bold and 2) by being persistant. I talked to her consistently and just told her straight up that I was feeling her!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I was going to give the recap of the conversations but I been a little busy making little trips and now my apartment situation got me a little agitated.

I went to Birmingham to visit one of my girls. Super co-operative, super cute, and super freak! She even has her own house! It's an hour and a half from my current apartment but it would be easy getaways. She took me out and we just had fun on Fri + Sat.


I know, I'm dirty mackin playas! Please don't judge. I just have strong feelings for two girls even though I know in the end I can't be with one because of her kid.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
I know, I'm dirty mackin playas! Please don't judge. I just have strong feelings for two girls even though I know in the end I can't be with one because of her kid.
So these females think you arent talking to other females? I tell females from the jump that i'm messing with other females and let them decide on whether they want to deal with me or not. Dirty macking will get your car keyed up, tires slashed up or have you going to jail because she made up a story about you hitting her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I know. Got two girlfriends. Both think they exclusive but I'll do the right thing. I'm definately interested in that Atlanta chick (The one I brought to your homies crib) rather then my local girl (local girl is awesome and fine as hell but she has a kid).

I've never been good at dropping females. I usually just ignore them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Return of the mack!

This week I wasn't feeling in a mackish mood. I had to re-read some survivor scrolls and listen to some old episodes of the mack lessons radio show. I went to Atlanta yesterday and killed the club. There weren't alot of bad btches there but I know I put my bid in to all the ones that I had seen.

In the club was kind of a blur. I was hopping from girl to girl to girl! At like 2:00 AM I was ready to bounce. So I seen this bad ass black/asian chick. I go up to her and this is how the convo went

AJ: Why are you waiting by the door?
Chick: Waiting for my friends to come?
AJ: O Ok, I see, so where are you from?
Chick:*Says where she is from*
AJ: Ok, I'm from Atlanta, I go to school West of here because I'm working on my masters degree.
Chick: In What
AJ: Business Administration! But I'm about to leave. Let me slide you my number and we can go out sometime. I can show you around some of the nice restaurants in Atlanta
Chick: Ok *She pulls out phone*
AJ: I touch her on the stomach and say this " Hold up, Make sure I'm good enough looking for you before you take my number"
Chick: We wouldn't have exchanged number if you weren't cute
AJ: Likewise

*I then proceed to bounce from the venue*

When I leave the venue I pull another chick outside then out of nowhere I see this limo pull up. This dime piece light skinned girl was walking outside so I told her straight up

AJ: You look good, before you go let me get your number. My name is A.J.
Dime: I don't have a phone number but we can email eachother!
AJ: No thats not going to work, Let me slide you my number
Dime: She finds a pen
AJ: I give her my digits and she writes it on her hand.
AJ: Alright it was nice meeting you.

She then proceeds to walk in the limo. Then this dude runs up on me and says I need to sign a waiver if I want to be on TV. I was like why would I be on TV. Then he was like that girl is on the show Bad Girls Club.

I was like o ****, I definately got to fk ths btch now!

Thats pretty much it in a nutshell.

Afterwards got a speeding ticket even though I was with a 18 wheeler on my side. Straight up BS but hopefully my probation officer (probation for speeding last September) won't see it. Only 3 months left until I'm done with the probation.


Today I got my old job back at Home Depot. 9.20 an hour. Which is really no money but it's a little money in my pocket while I look for a salaried job in Atlanta. I plan on staying in my school city for 2 more months then moving to Atlanta and finishing up school commuting from Atlanta!!!!! Good luck to me. Been applying for jobs every day!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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^^^ Heres what you can learn from this post.

Be bold when your spitting to females and get to the point. No need spending 20 minutes talking to one girl. Put your bid in and keep it moving!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
School finally starts tommorow.

Went to a party last night. Pulled some freshies. The day before I had some freshies at the crib. No dimes yet. Only cute girls. To be honest theres not a lot of dimes at my school but if I can pull Atlanta dimes (older girls too) then I can get an 18 year old dime no problem.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Pulled this chick yesterday. It was a weak pull but she said she down to hangout so I'll see wasup.

I parked my car and seen her on the other side of the parking lot.

Me: Hey, what happened to your car?
Her: Someone busted the windows out at the airport.
Me: That sucks!
Her: I know right
Me: So are you new here?
Her: To the apartment yes but to the school no, I used to stay at ****
Me:O ok, Well I stay in this other building. How do you like it?
Her: It's good, I'm still moving in though.
Me: O ok, Well I'm going to keep moving, Do you have a phone on you?
Her: Nope, I left it in the apartment.
Me: Ok, Well let me get your number!
Her: Says digits

I hit her up within the next hour. Screw waiting 3 days to hit a girl up. I'm trying to max and relax with the broad in the next 2 days at most. I strike while the iron is hot. I have many other girls so I need to know if this girl wants to be apart of the team or not.

I hit her up with small talk and asked her if she wanted to get a Redbox after my class today and chillax. She said yea. So we going to see wasup with that.


My Atlanta girlfriend is acting up. This girl called my phone and told me she met her future husband (some actor from Tyler Perry). When she said that I hung up the phone and didn't talk to her till later that evening (Sunday night). I told her I wasn't about to be disrespected like that and to come at me right. She then tryes to rationalize and say that 1. she was playing. 2. that she doesn't meet actors that often so its ok to say things like that. To be honest this girl hasn't brought much to the table but draws and being bad as hell.Things aint been the same with us since but I'm not trippin. I refuse to be disrespected and you guys shouldn't. You guys put your pride above everything. Don't let no girl disrespect you at all!

I ain't trippin though. I live by the motto Cop and Blow. Cop a new girl, blow off a old girl.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Here are the pulls for the day

Pull #1

I walk in the computer lab and and see this light skinned sister in line for the free printing. I get in the line behind her and

Me: This is the free printing line, correct
Her: Duh, thats why your here right? How did you find out about this?
Me: My friends told me (I'm flexed up now, just needed to start the convo)
Her: O ok
Me: So what are you printing out
Her: Stuff for class
Me: What classes are you taking
Her: Damn, why you need to know all that?
Me: Shoot, I'm trying to be friendly and find out a little bit more about you, is that a problem?
Her: Nope
Me: So what classes are you taking
Her:*She tells me what classes shes taking*
Me: O ok, that sounds cool, So whats your major?
Her: She tells me her major*, Whats yours
Me: I'm in Grad school! I only take 3 classes
Her: O thats cool, So what are you getting your masters in

*Whole bunch of small talk regarding school and stuff*

When she finally prints her stuff off I say this.

Me: Look we need to kick it sometime before you leave. Let me slide you my number.
Her: You take my number down.
Me: Fine, I hand her my phone.

She then proceeds to call her phone and text her.


A.J. is going to definitely splash in this later on this week. I pulled 2 other girls today. One didn't count because even though she was cute she sounded like a dude. Didn't make no damn sense!

Bout to drop another girl. She wants to come over with her crew when my team has the weed but when I tell her to kick it one on one she doesn't like to respond. Time to cancel that b!tch.

and my Atlanta girlfriend is about to be terminated. She want to text me some BS this morning that just ruined my whole day. Here is the text convo:

Her: I don't like how you got mad over something so insignificant. If you can get mad about that then we aren't going to work
Me: cool.

Background story: She met some actor last week. When I called her phone because I was about to come visit her she told me she had met her future husband. When I heard that I just hung up the phone because I was so pissed.

Let me get some feedback playas and playettes!


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2012
Reaction score
just read up on your new posts...prolly should dump the Atlanta chick, you were anticipating it anyway so now seems like a good time...**** the actor comment, she wanted to get a rise out of you, but that is completely disrespectful...she can't play it off like you are the bad guy

otherwise I like how you just see a cute girl and make your in NY there are plenty of dimes, but they got a lil bit of a chip on their shoulder

question...when you have a quick interaction with a girl in the club and then you slide ur number and roll off...what do you do when you bump into her again in the club? do you just smile and not talk more because whenever I roll off a girl in a club and she sees me again she accuses me...."oh talking to other girls?"

also do you usually make out with girls in the club? or do you focus on digits and day 2s to build sexual anticipation? Just trying to figure out if my makeouts are actually screwing up the excitement and possibility of sex with these chicks


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
In10se said:
just read up on your new posts...prolly should dump the Atlanta chick, you were anticipating it anyway so now seems like a good time...**** the actor comment, she wanted to get a rise out of you, but that is completely disrespectful...she can't play it off like you are the bad guy

otherwise I like how you just see a cute girl and make your in NY there are plenty of dimes, but they got a lil bit of a chip on their shoulder

question...when you have a quick interaction with a girl in the club and then you slide ur number and roll off...what do you do when you bump into her again in the club? do you just smile and not talk more because whenever I roll off a girl in a club and she sees me again she accuses me...."oh talking to other girls?"

also do you usually make out with girls in the club? or do you focus on digits and day 2s to build sexual anticipation? Just trying to figure out if my makeouts are actually screwing up the excitement and possibility of sex with these chicks
Yea, All logic is telling me to dump Atlanta. Ain't talk to her since I replied to her message. Hopefully, my emotions let me. I will be saving a lot of money too not messing with her (gas + dates).

I don't make out with girls in the club, I focus on getting the numbers and rapport so I can close the deal when I actually meet up with her. If I see a girl I already pulled and I run past her I'll probably say some slick comment to her in some sort of way!

Man my game is dependant on my confidence. If I'm having a bad day and I'm not confident chances are I won't holla at a girl. I would probably overthink the game. But when a playa is confident and feeling good I will talk to anything good looking! So I try to make sure my confidence level is always high!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Pulled this chick yesterday. It was a weak pull but she said she down to hangout so I'll see wasup.

I parked my car and seen her on the other side of the parking lot.
Chilled with girl today, She is cool people. A little shy but I got her out her shell. She also seems like a good girl but overall I think she is cool and worth being put on the team. After we started kissing she started talking about how she only kissed 2 guys in her life and how it was kinda weird that I kissed her on our first hangout.

But it's whatever and I'm going to keep pushing the envelope. I'm going to Turn this girl out!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
^^ That girl ain't even messin with me no more. She ignored my text message yesterday so I went ahead and dropped her.

I'm going to ignore anytime my ex calls me trying to work things out. I'm better off and richer without her.

It's been a grand couple of days though. Been bagging mad btches and getting a whole bunch of co-operation. Smashin chicks that I haven't even known for 24 hours. The life is fun and it keeps me very busy. To be honest with you, school only started 5 days ago and I've already got over 20 chicks but I'm just trying to have a good time for now. Last semester of college... ever. Time to turn up.

Would write more but I'm a little tied up at the moment!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Starting to realize that some girls are just flakes. Regardless of what good game you spit to them. I've had like 3 un-cooperative girls in the past 3 days. But at the same time I been grenade macking every chance I see so I also got co-operation from more girls.

I pulled 2 dime pieces and a 9 piece yesterday. Here is the conversation with the third girl I got. I even made a same day meetup with the chick and she is very co-operative. She might be in the starting lineup on my new team.

My cousin sees 2 cute girls driving and their pulling into a small convenience store. So I follow them. The fine girls sister gets out the car and the other sister is in the car. I flex finnesse wit my coupe and music loud. I then turn my engine off and walked up to the fine girl in the car and spit at her with some bold game.

AJ: Whats your name?
Girl: *name*
AJ: Ok my name is A.J., I think your attractive so we need to hang out sometime, do you have a phone?
Girl: Yea
AJ: I say my number and then ask her why she is in the hot car by herself?
Girl: She says she is waiting for her sister
AJ: I say a small joke and then go to the store acting like I am about to buy something. I tell her to text me her name and we can meetup sometime.

She texted me within minutes and we chopped it up for a couple minutes before I asked her to meetup for a movie. We watched a movie then vibed well until she had to pick her sister up. But she tryna chill today too. Might take her up on that offer!

The more fine girls you approach the more chances that one would mess with you. I've hooked up with over 10 girls this past week. That is a record for me guys!

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
In10se said:
question...when you have a quick interaction with a girl in the club and then you slide ur number and roll off...what do you do when you bump into her again in the club? do you just smile and not talk more because whenever I roll off a girl in a club and she sees me again she accuses me...."oh talking to other girls?"
Thats a sh1t test. Women know the main reason men go to the club is to meet new women. When women say that you me I tell them that I'm at the club for the same reason they have fun and socialize.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Here is some quick updates:

Broke up with my Atl GF. The way I dumped her was just to ignore her completely. The reason we broke up is because this girl referred to an actor as her husband and she didn't see the problem with that and she thought I was just going to take that disrespect. She argued me for days saying that wasnt disrespectful and she would do it again anytime.

I like my second GF but I just need to break up with her. She has got a kid. I don't see a real future even though I like her.

The very attractive girl from yesterday is fkn wit ya boy hard. Very co-operative. Also went on a date today with this girl I met last week. Finest girl I've seen this semester and the date was succesful. 120% co-operation from a bad chick = good things.

I got me a nice little rotation of bad females. and some good looking orbiters as well too!

That's my quick update for the day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Update on Goals

1) More confidence- My confidence is always high. Got a big ego.

2) Be fully autonomous- Still working on finding a salaried job. Today turned down my old 9.20 per hour job. I rather focus on school then be distracted with that bs job.

3) 5 Dime piece broads with pictures included to prove they are dimes.- I got a couple dime piece broads but I ain't smash none yet. When I smash I'll post some pics.

4) Hook my whip up!- The car is in the shop now. Getting a new automatic start/security system, some subs in the back, and a new in dash dvd player so I can flex finesse with the whip.

5) Graduate graduate school.

I need to start focusing on school though, real talk. I'm not fully focused. These girls showing a playa way too much love! I will get back on track though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Will update either tonight or tommorow. Crazy couple of days.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2012
Reaction score
I'd like to see you run game on the streets of New York. I am starting to think the flakes I get are just due to the nature of these bratty NY women I deal with. They verbally tell me I'm attractive, makeout with me, we feel each other up, they offer their numbers...then I contact them in 1 or 2 days and barely get a response. Sh!t is frustrating, but its nice to see someone who has it on lock.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Strike while the iron is hot. Usually I like to hit up a girl the day of if not the day after. Only way I won't do this is if I'm on the move. One of my homies asked me why do I have all the bad girls and I tell them it is because everytime I see a bad girl I approach them!

I'm going to get a picture wit these chicks I'm messing with so you playas can see I only mess with fine chicks.

I'm dealing with this one female (Lets call her 10) and I have never felt this way about any girl this early in the relationship. I had to break up with my girlfriend yesterday because I wanted to Do The Right Thing. So yesterday my exgf came to the house and we talked. We just ended up screwing though. I'm trying to slow down for 10 though. I've messed with 3 different girls beside her in the last 2 days tho.

I have a deep interest for 10 though and plan on slowing down tremendously because I do want to be with her even though she is 18.

The car is back guys. New tint, New in dash DVD player, Security system with Automatic start, and some subs in the back for the boom.