My Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I'm in school for a Masters of Business Administration.

When they refer to my age I say: "What's more important, My age or your happiness"

Even sometimes when I lie and say I'm 24-26 they say the same thing!!! Like damn, I'm still pulling a majority of these chicks but still.... goddamn.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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Interesting that you're having a problem with age. I've never had that issue.

Even when I was in my late teens I was talking to women close to 30 or already in their 30's.

I've never been involved with a younger girl. Every girl has been older than me by at least a few months and at most, 8-10 years.

I look young too. Short, and I shave my facial hair because it looks better on me, still never got the too young line thrown at me; at least not in the approaching stage.

Once we get to know each other they may sometimes make a joke about my age but what do you think stings worse--a man being called a boy or a woman being called an old lady.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Got another 3 days in of good mackin in. Also went on a couple dates. All were good dates but one. I mean I'm sure she was feeling me but it turned me off that she is 30 years old and she smokes weed. I pulled some fine girls this weekend too. I got pictures on my phone but won't share them here. Bad broads.

And I'm really feeling one of the girls I'm dating too. Fine, Slim, Tall, Lightskinned. Looks like a model chick. I told her straight up she might have to be captain and point guard of the team. then she says she wants to be the only.

I got an interview in Atlanta this week for a salaried position. I want to have this job so I can get some extra money in my pockets and pursue my entrepreneurship as well. Always nice to have money to buy Ralph Lauren too! A brotha ain't buy polo in like two months. Only problem with the job is that I have classes 5:30 everyday in July. and my classes are an hour away from the job location. I will try to work something out though. Gotta get $$$.

Here's the goals and how far I've gone.

1. Straight A's (You know ya boy only makes A's))
2. Business (Getting a business card design this week)
3. 20 new smizzashs (7 hookup)
4. More confidence
5. More focus


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I just went through my phone book and I counted the amount of girls I've either texted or called in the past week and I counted 38 females. Number is too high.

But I definitely got a nice rotation of a top 5. All light skinned females that look amazing. I definitely must move to Atlanta. Hopefully I get this job and it will let me work around my school schedule in July. If I can get this job and keep my grades straight I'll be set for a minute. Wish me luck fellas.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So I called the family up and they are tripping about me getting a job. Focus on school.. focus on school... That's all I hear. Now I'm making A's same bullshvt. I'm not a country boy and I don't like living in the country. Now I need some damn money so I can do better things. Frustrated as hell. I've never been the type of dude to live on a budget.

But to be honest with you it doesn't make sense to get an 8-5 in Atlanta when I have class everyday in July at 5:30. I get access to around 100$ a week but I can blow through that in days. Food, Gas, Dates.

Starting in August I got classes only two times a week. So I only have to be in this country city 2x a week but at the same time I am NOT trying to live with my parents. I've only brought a girl to my parents crib once and they were tripping.

I remember when I had my old job and was actually getting hours. Life was soo much better. I had the freedom to do whatever I want. That was before I got my degree though. Now that I got one it would hurt my pride to get a minimum wage job. Can't even do it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
Tips to my people: All you gotta do is say one word to these broads. If you look like your a man about your business (dressed to impress) then the girl will follow your lead.
You got any pictures/tips of how to dress?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Everyone swag is different lefty. For me I rarely wear jeans (I own 2 pair of nice Levi Jeans). Slim-straight. I like to wear either a buttone down ralph lauren shirt or a collared ralph lauren polo. I co-ordinate that ith fruity colored ralph lauren socks (if I feel like wearing socks.) I always rock the boat shoes too. I have like over 10 pairs. I always make sure I have a fresh lineup and a nice pair of earrings as well.

But anyways onto my day. I had an ok day. Woke up to females blowing my phone up. (As usual). After that just chilled until I played some basketball. After that I headed to the mall. I only pulled one girl though :/. But I wouldn't even consider that a pull as she said she had a dude anyway so I can't do nothing with that. She wasn't even bad enough.

One of the girls I pulled last week flaked out on me today. So I'm going to go ahead and charge her to the game. After that I went to a bar to watch the game. After that I went ahead and went to 2 different night clubs. First spot was cool. Got at least 7 cute girls numbers. Second spot was straight. Real fancy spot and I got the chance to really chop it up with this foreign chick. Cute as hell. We will see what happens with that.

The second spot as real fancy though. Celebrities and other people were there too. It really does suck being a broke college student. Hate it to death. I always have change to do all the basics. Gas, Rent, Phone Bill, Food, Go out on a few dates but it sucks not being able to ball out like I want to. I guess I just gotta be patient though. I been on 4 dates in the past week and they all came to a total over 109$. To me for a week that's a few change!

I think I need to change the game up though. I'm dating girls that live 40-50 miles away from me. I need to figure out minimal or free dates!! I've spent more money on girls this week then I've spent in my life (excluding the ex girlfriend). Ain't nothing wrong with taking a girl out to dinner but I shouldn't be doing none of that stuff unless I know the pu$$y is even good. Some girls are cool with you just chillin at your house and some girls just want to be taken out so "they can know you better" You feel me? These girls are fine as hell but still. This that sh!t I don't like!

I'ma change my game up guys. Don't worry. I slick hate spending any type of change on any female.

If anybody got suggestions for a playa just let me know.


But anyway I'm getting my business card handled right now. Once I get these I need to come up with a definite plan of action and how to actually charge people for my services and I'll actually be good to go! I'll be going out this weekend too.

Shoutout to the homie JRoc. This dude said he got 32 numbers in a day last year. When he said that I thought to myself I can easily beat that. So tommorow or saturday I'm having a damn shopping spree. I'm going to be trying to beat that number and I will post the results in here!



I think I can easily answer my question. Just take these girls out for drinks. Nothing more, nothing less. Drink and talk. Second date should easily be a redbox at my crib or her crib and if it's a no go I should just drop the female or keep talking on the phone until it's cool.

I'm definitely doing this from now on. But would still like to hear suggestions playas.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Very progressive!

Being a broke college student does indeed suck. I've been there. I drove a tricked out 1998 Nissan Sentra when I was in college. Girls noticed. It helped me out quite a bit. :yes:

But as I noticed job wise, you have to win in order to win.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Damn, I want to trick out my ride but got no dinero. Back when I was working basically full time I was making rubber bands but that had to pay for my speeding ticket. Some 20" tires with chrome wheels would be nice. But I ain't trippin. I got a better car then most people I know. I don't want to do nothing with it though. Once I get my salary I want to get a Maserati coupe.

But anyway, I refuse to take any girl out to dinner unless I slept with them already. That's my new rule! You gotta earn that priviledge.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Whats Good AJ.

I understand what you are going through with the dating scene here in Atlanta. Its not hard to meet 20+ new women in a weekend here and have like 5 dates lined up for the week. Taking women out on a dinner dates can take a heavy toll on your pocket as you know. I dont even like to do dinner dates with women when I first meet them. Many women out here in the field have dudes but they front like they are single and will accept your invitation out on a date just so they can get free meal. These type of females are refered to as "Dinner Wh0res". Check out this podcast from Tom Leykis about Dinner wh0res

The trick is to ask a woman what time she is having dinner that night. When a women says she is eating at 7:30 you tell her "Ok so you should be done by 8:30. Lets meet up for drinks at 9". You've just bypassed paying her meal.If you do decide to take a woman out you will need to learn about the spots offering drink specials. For example,there is a spot in College Park called JR Crickets @ The Tavern that offers $3 margaritas all day long and another restaurant down the road called The Ultimate Bar and Grille that has $2 vodka drinks on Tuesdays. Lenox Grille (outside Lenox Mall) has $2 vodka drinks as well.

You can also invite women out to coffee shops. Coffee dates are a good way to save money and weed out undercover dinner wh0res in two ways:

1. You can see if she either wants to get to know you or wants you to spend money on her.

2. Not too many dinner wh0res/hoodrats can appreciate going to a coffee house to chop up game.

A women who is really feeling you doesnt require you to spend much money on her. She will be happy just enjoying the company of a fly ass dude. After the first date if a woman isnt comfortable enough to kick it with you at the crib then she should be charged to the game. There are too many women in Atlanta to play games with women who arent feeling you.

BTW here is a coupon for 50% at some nice restaurants in the city. I've been saving a lot of money by using these coupons. You can use it as many times as you like. It expires August 31.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Good look JRoc.

Had me a date yesterday. Only cost me 8$ and that's because I volunteered her a drink. That's way better then 35$ at a restaurant! I'm telling you Thursday I go through the motions of spitting at chicks but Friday and Saturday is when I'm really in the mood. I pulled 15+ girls yesterday. A playa was just campaigning hard. I couldn't get the 32 I wanted but I got today to try it. Yesterday was a good day for me. Went to two malls a bar and then a little club. I promise you guys, I got 3 numbers yesterday just by eye contact.

I'd like to go into more detail and I probably will tomorrow, but I got some things to do right now so I got to cut this post short.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
J Roc said:
Whats Good AJ.

I understand what you are going through with the dating scene here in Atlanta. Its not hard to meet 20+ new women in a weekend here and have like 5 dates lined up for the week. Taking women out on a dinner dates can take a heavy toll on your pocket as you know. I dont even like to do dinner dates with women when I first meet them. Many women out here in the field have dudes but they front like they are single and will accept your invitation out on a date just so they can get free meal. These type of females are refered to as "Dinner Wh0res". Check out this podcast from Tom Leykis about Dinner wh0res

The trick is to ask a woman what time she is having dinner that night. When a women says she is eating at 7:30 you tell her "Ok so you should be done by 8:30. Lets meet up for drinks at 9". You've just bypassed paying her meal.If you do decide to take a woman out you will need to learn about the spots offering drink specials. For example,there is a spot in College Park called JR Crickets @ The Tavern that offers $3 margaritas all day long and another restaurant down the road called The Ultimate Bar and Grille that has $2 vodka drinks on Tuesdays. Lenox Grille (outside Lenox Mall) has $2 vodka drinks as well.

You can also invite women out to coffee shops. Coffee dates are a good way to save money and weed out undercover dinner wh0res in two ways:

1. You can see if she either wants to get to know you or wants you to spend money on her.

2. Not too many dinner wh0res/hoodrats can appreciate going to a coffee house to chop up game.

A women who is really feeling you doesnt require you to spend much money on her. She will be happy just enjoying the company of a fly ass dude. After the first date if a woman isnt comfortable enough to kick it with you at the crib then she should be charged to the game. There are too many women in Atlanta to play games with women who arent feeling you.

BTW here is a coupon for 50% at some nice restaurants in the city. I've been saving a lot of money by using these coupons. You can use it as many times as you like. It expires August 31.
Damn I love this, do you have any more J Roc?

PrettyBoy, what kind of car do you have?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
05 Solara

JRoc let me know about the free events this week. I got multiple females trying to link up this week. Shoot we can probably double date too. Just let me know playa.

Yesterday was an ok day. Went to a couple malls I used to hit up way back in the day. I was able to pull a couple workers from these malls. One was a foreign model and the best thing was she agreed that she would take me out. Girl was a straight up dime piece. But anyways I was just really chillen at the malls and coming to my old spots. I really can't do to much with these numbers though. No way I'm about to be driving to the east side of Atlanta to date some of these girls though.

Yesterday I got messed up! Went to the club with my roommates and I was not discreet at all! I was pulling a lot of females but doing it in front of females I already had. Thinking back on it, it shot me in the foot. Even girls would say I was just on that other girl.

So my tip of the day is: Don't overdrink! It will mess up the game.

But anyay I only got class on Wed this week. So I'm going to be dating a couple chicks this week and see wassup.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Thanks J Roc. I will definitely keep your post in mind from now on.

You remember that dime piece broad I showed you on my phone? The model. I'm gonna definitely take her for drinks this week and use that 50% off.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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So I finally finished up my last final for June. Pretty sure I did well on it.

My business plan is coming along well. Just need to get these business cards and get this hustle started. Right now I'm helping with client's finances and getting some good chump change.

A playa has accumulated some beautiful females on the team. A starting 5 of 9+ females. Shout out to these beautiful ladies. When I move to Atlanta I will be able to spend more time with all you girls but until then I gotta see you once a week. Gotta save time for my other females. But on a real note it sucks that I have to drop some females because I just have too many. Way too many females smh.

I gotta keep focused on school though. I'm halfway done with my Masters program and my GPA is above 3.0. Gotta make sure I make A's in my July classes and keep focused.

Here's some tips for you playas that read up on the journal

1. Always dress to impress.
2. You can pull girls off eye contact.
3. Always be confident.
4. Actually be doing something in your life. Whether it's school or learning trade. Make sure your not just chasing girlies.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I got dropped by two girls today. Two out the top 5!

One girl got upset when I told her straight up I don't like to feed girls and she would have to pay for her side of the meal. (In text) <- One of the finest girls I've seen in my life. Kinda regret saying this but o well.

and the second girl told me

I just wasn't her type of guy because I'm too ****y


Excellent, now I can save time for my top 2 girls :)


Thursday I'm chillin wit my jumpoff.
Friday I'm with my MAIN main girl.
Saturday I'm with my second in charge.

I might be out on the streets this weekend. Definitely trying to hit new spots though. Time to change the game up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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It has been an awesome summer so far. I started this journal in the end of May and I have been having a lot of fun. I have gotten a lot of girlies and have had an awesome time. I know I need to slow down however. Starting Monday, I have classes Monday through Friday 5pm to 9pm. That stuff is going to be hell and I need to make sure I make two more A's in July. One of my goals were to make straight A's and I've gotten one so far and I'm almost certain I got an A in my other class.

I got a solid two girls I'm pursuing right now. I'm feeling both of them. I got a lot of females though but I know straight up that I can't be messing with a lot of females because I don't have enough time or money to be messing with too many females. (That just goes for chicks living far away; girls near me are fair game and free). I've had fun May and June messing with chicks, partying, making money, and hustling but it's time to focus a little more on the academics. Because I will crank back up in August. Once fall semester hits and all the girls come back to this city I am going to be a freaking fool.

1. Straight A's- One A so far
2. Business- About to get the business card design. For July I'll be more focused on school then any type of business.
3. 20 new smizzashs- 9 hookups
4. More confidence- Right now, I feel like I will holla at any girl. I've pulled some dime piece girls and to be honest I don't care if I get rejected. I really don't care

I'm 22, Bout to get my masters and make money. If you don't want me I'm pretty damn sure you got a man anyway or you just don't like good lookin guys. :D

I'll probably go out today and tomorrow and will definitely be out on July 4th. Gonna be some epics times.

I'll do a month of June recap on Sunday since this month is about over.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Friday night I went to a club downtown. I went with a girl (Call her Annoying) that I used to bang a couple months ago. She is still infatuated with me even though I always tell her to hook me up with her homegirls and I always refuse to hangout with her. (Only time I see her is when she gives me money or brings me food and even then I don't hang out with her for more then 5 minutes)

So I go in the spot and me and Annoying go up to vip to meet Annoying's two best friends. Her best friends were fine as hell and one is the birthday girl. (Lets call these two best friends Target and Birthday Girl). So I introduce myself to Target and Birthday Girl. The Birthday Girl was one of the finest girls I have seen in my life but I notice she is there with her boyfriend. ( A white dude that lives in another country!!!) This dude is buying bottles on deck!!! Bottles of champaigne and just buying everyone shots. He was a cool dude but I know this girl is with this dude for the money!! If I had realized this when I first got there she would have been my target but o well.

So I tell Annoying straight up

Me:" Your friend is fine as hell and I'm going to holla at her so do not get mad
Annoying: No, I don't care, Don't do that sh!t
Me: Why not???
Annoying: Don't do that sh!t, I don't give a fk!!
Me: OK

So as soon as Annoying gets up to get something I start spitting my venom to Target.

Me: So what's your name again?
Target: *Target*
Me: Ok, It's nice to meet you so where do you go to school at?
Target: *Such and such*
Me: Cool, I go to school at such and such and I'm working on my masters degree.
Target: In what
Me: Business Administration, What about you? What are you trying to do with your life?
Target: *tells me what she is trying to do*
Me: Sounds like you got a good plan and your going to be making money, you might need to take me out if thats the case.
Target: She smiles and says she can definately do that
Me: Ok, I'm going to hold you to your word, So where do you live?
Target:*idle chatteR*
Me:idle chatteR*
Me: So let me slide you my number and you can hit me up. We can definately go out this weekend.
Target: I would like that!!

By that time Annoying comes back so I'm just chilling and drinking until she leaves again so I can make my next move.

Me: I've never been here before, have you been here before?
Target: Yea
Me: Well how about you give me a tour?
Target: Ok. *She grabs my hand and we take a tour*

Now while we are on this tour I make sure to touch her all over and then get her against the wall on the other part of the club so I can get my dance on without Annoying ****blocking.

This pretty much summed up the night as there were barely any black people in that club! Best believe Annoying got in Target's ear and told her not to mess with me.

Next day Annoying text me saying "My friends kidnapped me." and I text her back responding "I wish your friends kidnapped me." She then says "My friends don't want you."

I text Annoying "Don't be mad". She responded "I don't care, That shyt was dysrispectful"

But do I care: Hell NO


After that I drove an hour back to my apartment. I stopped by a gas station that my roommate works at and just chilled at the gas station talking for like 30 minutes. I seen a cute light skin girl walking in the store.. I could've sworn she walked in with two dudes. So I went ahead and went behind the counter and rang her up. When I as ringing her up I got a card and wrote my name and number down smoothley so the dudes wouldn't know I did. I gave her the card with her receipt. I then realized when she was leaving that she didn't come with the dudes. I was thinking that I could have been more bold with her if I knew she didn't come with the dudes.

(She hit me up Saturday and we Chilled Sunday. Very cute chick and cool and she stay 3 minutes from the crib. Only problem is is she has a kid. But we will see what happens.)


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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A playa was tired from Friday. I only got a couple hours of sleep for some unknown reason. I had a date that day with one of my breezies. So midday I head out to meet my broad at the movie theater and we watch the movie Ted (Excellent funny movie; go ahead and watch it peeps). We then get a bite to eat afterwards. Overall the chick was cute but it bugged me the entire time that she had no a$$. I've never been the type to really trip on a girl's body as long as she is not fat but that girl's butt was so flat I almost threw up. Sad part is she has such a cute face!!!! IDK what I will do with this chick. I gotta get over the face that she got no bottom!!

After that I went to a little club with JRoc and some of the homies. It was way too hot in there and I was too tired since I did not sleep good in days. So I charged the night to the game early and went to one of my jumpoffs house. Girl was playing games so I ain't really smash until it was like 5AM. Then the girl wanna wake me up at 10AM since I was snoring. So still no good sleep!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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June Recap

It's been a better June then May. By tenfold. I've done bagged up very attractive females this month and I have definitely stepped my game up. Ive met some cool chicks and I'm even talking to a chick very seriously. Haven't talked to a girl like this since I was with my exgf. I'm really feeling her and it's vice versa. But I won't be too sappy here. I still know I got to keep plates spinning.

I'd give myself a B for the month of June. I've gotten way badder chicks, More confidence, made A's in my classes. It's just a good look. Hopefully I continue to getting better.

Heres my goals and how they have come

1. Straight A's- One A so far; Still haven't gotten the results from the other one.
2. Business- Focused on my july classes for now. If I make A's in these classes I'm pretty much all but have an actual Masters Degree!
3. 20 new smizzashs- 11 hookups
4. More confidence