Wow. Hi guys, I'm back - a year and a half later. Girl #14 (the stripper) turned into an LTR. Contrary to Rollo Tomassi's beliefs, it was actually a pretty good relationship. Then again, she may have been the exception to the rule in the sense that she wasn't what some would call a "dirty" stripper. We got along great and she quit stripping after a few months, graduating college shortly thereafter. Long story short, we got pretty serious and officially dated for over 1.5 years. She moved in with me. This was the second girl I lived with now and my longest relationship to date. It's not technically over, but in about a week I think it'll be official. Many reasons as to this, but 3 stick out in my mind: a) I wasn't ready to take the next step, b) I kind of lost interest, and c) it turns out we're pretty incompatible.
So, I'm back in the game and I've learned quite a bit. Briefly:
1) Don't move in with a girl unless you're ready to marry her. We got along fine, but she was ready for the next step and I wasn't.
2) Screen better. Over the course of our relationship we both found out our lifestyles/interests were anything but similar. She was easily the hottest girl I've slept with up to that point, which definitely clouded my judgment.
3) Don't get into serious relationships when you're not ready to take the next step. I'll be 26 this year and I don't think I'll be ready for marriage until at least 30, probably longer.
4) Don't give up on your dreams just because you met a girl. I stopped working out almost entirely. I have good genes and a solid base so I retained a good chunk of my "look", but I still lost a lot of strength and size. Needless to say I'm back at the gym.
Which brings us to now. As you may realize from my previous posts, my Myspace game is decent and I've met some girls off there, but it's only one avenue and frankly not the best IMO. I really need to work on my face-to-face game, particularly in public settings - I still have some lingering approach anxiety.
I have a good friend/coworker who is a decent wing with potential to be a great wing. Tonight we went to a couple bars. Crashed and burned approaching a group (wasn't assertive enough .. I'm very rusty and have little to no bar game) and the bar was dead so we went to another. Ran into a friend there I haven't seen for years who happened to have a very attractive female friend. Instant social proof. It was much easier opening/talking to her and we had a few things in common. I also followed some basic rules like isolation, kino, etc. Got her number and will call her soon. She seems into me.
Right now I'm really focusing on building my own network of friends and acquaintances after realizing I don't have many. Getting social proof makes things 100% easier it seems.