Modro's Self Improvement Quest!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 12 day 4:

Finished work, went home had shower etc, got some food went to ice hodckey prac, got back checked out the internet stuff just about to go to bed, didnt see 1 hot girl today at all. I wish i could be in a position to see or interact with them on a regular basis. Just seems like none are about, or im stuck in work or busy all the time...

The only good thing is when i do meet them mainly on a night out i go for it.

I just read an article on male and female body language it seems mainly for clubs but it was pretty helpful actually i shall link it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 12 day 5:

Cant think of too much today either, went to the gym, someone randomly said hi to me walking there dog i dont think i knew them.... lol

watched a film when i got back from the gym

Week 12 day 6:

Not out tonight, but i will be out tomorrow for a mates birthday, i also have a football tournament going on, i believe the girls from last sunday are also coming out and i have added the friend of the one i liked (on facebook) and have a few messages (this is good so she will give her approval and not put a hold on things) so im looking forward to tomorrow.. that also doesnt mean im just looking to get with her friend

today though had a quick 25 minute gym session, but it was a good one, just did upperbody not leg work. i have noticed recently more people say hi to me, and today when walking up the path i said hi to a girl who works in reception (hb5.5) i mean last weekend really made me feel alot more happy about turning things around into a positive light so im feeling good.

i also wtched some videos on you tube of people explaining 'the game' mystery and david ones and it was good to find out why you get nervous to approach and made me feel a bit better, then the examples of approaches made it seem so easy but also confirmed what i was doing is right.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
It looks like your efforts are pointing in a good direction. From the look of things, it looks like there are gals who are interested in you, but some of the opportunities are slipping by, so the key is to develop your sense of the flow of things, if you catch my drift.

I don't "cold approach" in the strictest sense very much, and when I do it's very "low key." But I'm very good at eye contact, and if a gal catches my interest, I'll give her a cue, such as a relaxed smile and then enegage her if she responds positively. But most gals actually give me some indication of their interest first (usually, but not always, subtle). You'll get the hang of it with experience. It really is easy when you're just about certain she wants you to approach.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 12 day 7:

Played in the footy tournament this morning/afternoon then aferwards i decided to get my hair trimmed in the barbers first time for ages (i can do it at home as i shave my head normally to pretty short) As i am trying to grow it into a style i got the sides trimmed like a fade kind of then the back was left and the top spiked up (but it is still pretty short) it looks OK better then it was he said give it a few weeks and it will look really good, Also my hair is really thick so he thinned out the top a bit to make it easier to style.

Going out tonight seems like a decent ammount are going so i shall give you all an update on events.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 12 Tasks:

- Gym 4x

- Start re-reading Pook only allowed 1 article at a time
Done- I read the last 2 articles, i also read step one of the body language article and watched some videos on you tube

- Make sure to go out this week
Done went out twice

- Save some holiday money
Done - got 145 this month and hopfully around 350 in total

- Open up at least one person on a night out
Done - did 3 last sunday

- Keep doing things with friends throughout the week as well
semi Done- didnt manage to go out during the week this week, busy with everything and people were mainly waiting to go out on the weekends but did play squash and had that football tournament.

- Stay more poised and calm, rather then crazy funny guy
Doing- i would say i am definately calming down a bit more, especially in the company of women

- Start doing eye contact smiles all week (i have stopped doing it alot)
Done - made eye contact a few times with random people, will continue to keep it up.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 13 Tasks:

- Gym x4
- Read Steps 2 + 3 of the body language article (
- Re-Read some Pook
- Look into increasing self esteem
- Arrange/Organise an event (going out or going cinema etc)
- Go out to a club
- Continue to do at least 1 eye contact and smile a day
- Start opening random people with questions (at least 5)
- Try a number close (if out)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Update from yesterday, i got far too drunk, looked for some oppurtunity but there was so many people in our group it was like i was trapped in there, also felt a bit more pressure from that i guess. did i mention i got absoloutely trashed lol the girls from sunday didnt make it out so that sucked also.

Week 13 day 1:

Well after yesterday i felt really bad, i dont normally get many affects from drinking, but i have had a sick feeling all day ( i threw up randomly at mid day) so i have been chilling at home, watched Saw 3 and Animatrix resting up. I feel really slow as well so it kinda sucks and was a little dissapointed i didnt see any oppurtunities yesterday.

So far today i have read section 2 of the body language article, went into town to buy some cereal. I may be going to play pool with my frined from football and his work mates... i shall find out shortly


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 13 day 2:

Well went to work, then after 2 hours went home sick, just felt like i was going to throw up and just didnt want to be on the phone with the ringing and dealing with people. So i got back went into town got some hot food, and a present for someones birthday. and chilled watched a couple of films had a mini nap, mid afternoon and i decided to do some research, so i check you tube for some hypnosis techniques for self esteem and confidence i also watched one about the inner voice putting myself down all the time. I will try those techniques and see if they help some. basically thinking of good times and creating a hand movement to associate it and give you a feeling of that time for a boost.

I also read section 3 of the body language article and this post

got invited to play football in the evening, so i went to sleep for an hour and decided to go, felt a bit better and was good cardio work out, nice to get the heart pumping. I also got invited out for a birthday on friday

I must admit recently i have been feeling a bit, down at times... several factors i cannot seem to fully shake or let go of, confidence i have it then its gone, i get a comment and i feel good then i just pass it off.

my hair colour i just see myself with all these negative comments to put me down, jokingly from friends or random idiots shout about it that my trust in my appearance has gone. Sometimes i feel like i look good, others not so much. Even with my better looking body i still feel 2nd class alot of the time.

I think too much about stuff and its hard to really stop, i think im going to post on the main forums for some advise about it or maybe speak to someone from here on MSN to push me through the barrier i have hit


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
i just downloaded this improving self image tape, from paul mckenna, found it very relaxing and kinda of zoned out, but dont know if it really did anything, im also wondering if i should take the day off tomorrow just to get 100% and to get my mind back on track again.

also watched a few more approaches on you tube.

I suppose i am looking at trying to network more girls into my social groups there are not enough. but im feeling a bit better again now, as previously i sometimes have some down moments but then i kinda plough through them read things listen to things and they go away for a bit.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 13 day 3:

Hello there, today i called in sick still not 100% but i could have made it in if i wanted to but alas im never sick so i thought id make the most of it and chill out get some rest.

Went into town got some food and rented 3 DVD's from blockbuster watched 2 of them, whilst in town paying for my food from Boots the cashier was cute and she was having trouble scaning the little chocolate cake that came with the meal deal.

i just opened her with 'It's not liking the cake then?' she just said no (as she struggled to get it scanned and ended up having the enter the bar code), i made sure i made eye contact with her and smiled a couple of times at her. felt good afterwards for at least saying something and doing the EC + smile, i swear she got a bit shy about it too.

read the first lesson by Pook and a few posts here on the board


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 13 day 4:

Went into work today, i covered the late shift for someone there so he could go to a restaurant, made eye contact in Boots where i decided to get another meal deal as they are tasty and pretty healthy too, made eye contact and smiled at the cashier again (different Boots and cashier) she smiled back and i left.

Got to the gym today as i hadnt been last 3 days due to illness

tried a semi arrangment to go watch the england game at the pub, one person was out to dinner, the other way playing football so me and the last person decided not to bother.

But on MSN i did arrange to go out the friday after, to a town we NEVER go A) loads of people back from Uni now should be around B) Change it up from the same place C) to take control and arrange stuff not just getting invited out all the time.

Im feeling pretty good today actually, on a dating site i had a couple of messages from some girl she is hot, and lives 20 minutes away plus she winked at me first, she seems real and not a bot as she has several photos up.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 13 day 5:

had to do OT, come in for my shift and found out mid day i was meant to cover the lates so had to stay an extra 2 hours, went to the gym, spoke to someone there for about 5 minutes after asked him about his tennis and a few people we knew from school, read some of the Gunwhich method, Looking forward to tomorrow as we are going out, i learned my lesson from last week and im not going to drink very much, plus we got VIP tickets.

In mid work out some dude came up to me when i was doing chin ups and starts asking about my routine and what im working on at the gym, i mention i play ice hockey and he starts asking me about that and his training buddy also does in between the sets. Bit random and caught me off guard to be honest i didnt know wheather to keep doing my sets or stop and talk LOL


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 13 day 6:

Well, went out, the girls from the other week came out this time, i got invited to her birthday but i dont know if i was really feeling any IOI of that nature. I kind of hinted at getting her number, by asking how am i to find out about this party, and she said her friend (the one i have on face book) will let me know.. I should have gone for it anyway but it was one of those nights where i just wasnt feeling it what so ever, i think i put so much pressure on myself to deliver that i phased myself out completely.

did go on the dance floor though and was kino'ing most the night with them, she even started putting ice cubes down my back, I also tried scanning the room but didnt make eye contact with anyone... it really was a bad night.

spoke to some girl that went out with my mate about 4 years ago but didnt know me (she was with a friend that did know me and she came over), i was like so where do you work... i dont know... in a card shop.
where is that... i dunno... in the middle of the town... i quickly exited out from there... wtf was that weird *****.

Was annoyed at myself as there was 2 girls that knew some of the guys they were with i casualy asked if they were single which they were, and i didnt do a damn thing i didnt even say anything too them.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 13 day 7:

Mid afternoon at the moment, went into town in the morning did a few laps got a few eye contacts, got some food went back watched a film. i then went back into town and got a pint of milk and sat in the park in the sun for a bit, going to go to the gym this afternoon, arranged to go round a friends this evening.

some girl gave me a leaflet to some mexican steak house, i spoke to someone i know from football, he has retired now but does thai boxing, spoke to some church guy who gave me a card about it inviting me to come down, people my age (whats with people giving me stuff)

Last night i noticed that alot of my drinks keep getting pad for. I dunno what the hell is going on i dont want to be a leach, i go to the bar my mate has ordered and asked what i want. Later i get my own and 1 for someone eles then someone gives me theres, in the club i got a free drink due to someones birthday the first one was free, then the next time i went for one someone else wanted to buy one. If i start to decline they wont have it...

but if i am going everyone normally has a drink and declines lol oh well, same thing happened the week before i buy a couple and get like 4-5 back through out the night.

Later today after the gym i might pop into town again just to get out the house maybe get things going in the girl department.

the third online girl, who claimed to have lost her phone, i asked her if she wanted to join me on tuesday. she claimed to have A levels atm (most likely true) and in the end declined when i pressed a bit as she was dancing round the issue. This was on MSN tired of playing ****ty games

She didnt reject me as such just said she couldnt come out, but i am happy i made another attempt at a date.

Some random girl about 17 with her friend said hello to me twice in Blockbuster, i am pretty sure she was a bit drunk, plus too young / annoying
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 13 Tasks:

- Gym x4
Failed - due to illness only got to go 3 times

- Read Steps 2 + 3 of the body language article (


- Re-Read some Pook

- Look into increasing self esteem
done downloaded 2 tapes and listened to them

- Arrange/Organise an event (going out or going cinema etc)
Done - arranged a night out next friday

- Go out to a club

- Continue to do at least 1 eye contact and smile a day

- Start opening random people with questions (at least 5)
Done had loads of people open me, as well this week
- Try a number close (if out)

Failed- wasnt feeling it with the girl/wussed out


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 14 Tasks:

- Gym x4 ( mainly working on the chest)
- Continue reading through Pook again
- Cut down on the PC time
- Go out again
- Do things during the week
- Keep being positive
- Have fun playing ice hockey


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 14 day 1:

Was a bit lazy today got up at like 12, nice recharge plus i had hockey later on, it was an away game and had to travel 1 hour and 30 mins there and back, so i left at 2:30 to get fuel and an hour for getting changed and the warm up. Had a beer afterwards then back again got back at like 9:30pm so pretty much my whole day was taken up, got invited to play pool like usual but couldnt go,

The match itself was good fun i really enjoyed it, although we lost :(

arranged to do something hopefully tomorrow as my friend has a free house


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 14 day 2:

I have decided today to do my quest diary up until my holiday, then one more of what happened there, now thats not to say thats my goal. But instead to be physically, and hopefully mentally ready with good knowledge of how to infact live properly. I dont want to write here forever but i think that month an a half will give me that time to get ready to really step things up.

I may then start a approach diary as i feel pretty good about my hobbies and social life at the moment. and to be honest who really gives a **** if i went to the gym today or not. Yes i have been improving and im not discrediting this thread but i think it would have served its main purpose of getting me back on course.

Anyway today i got invited out to my friends we rented a video and went and got some food, pretty decent night nice to stay in and just have a laugh with no thinking about girls. Had a few beers and confirmed that we are going to my suggestion on friday with 1 person who is going out. It was also good as i didnt get to go on the computer other then a quick message on here.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week14 day 3:

Work was crap again, on lates this week which i hate, got home had some food did a really lazy gym session, no1 was even in there, not even a member of staff....

got invited to play football tomorrow

and sent a message on facebook about going out on friday to someone, going to check a few things then get offline asap.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
week 14 day 5:

I have offically been named a flirt at work, thats right lol i just take the piss out of the people that come in and generally have fun (this i am good at) as i am on the phone i am completely natural and confident and people keep asking for my surname (so they can check my photo out on the staff website, but little do they know my photo isnt up there) all my collegues have given me this rep and even start to tell others that i am the flirty/cheeky one a women i work with 34 said i must be good with the ladies after i was getting all this attention LOL

anyway football got cancelled so i went to the pub ha a laugh playing pool and watching some football. Although my arrangment to go somewhere else has been moved back a week, due to someone leaving the country for a bit and they wanted to go to the place we normally go... which i suppose is fair enough