MacAvoy said:
Can you tell me what you get out of stalking STR8UP & trying to put him down constantly becuase I don't understand it. I can understand the HS kids doin it to ElStud cuz they are young but for a mature person, I don't see how this demonstrates your value in life.
Hmmm. Now I am "stalking" STR8UP. As in, seeking him out, searching for him. Not just merely replying to his thread. That he started. Where he asked ME to clarify a point, which I did. Quite well. Your post reeks of dramatics.
I did not put STR8UP down, I really don't think he needs my help in that department. I am replying to a thread on an internet forum, and pointing out that not only is STR8UP a hypocrite, but yes, I disagree with what he has done. Mostly because of everything he has said before!
I don't disagree with Latinoman, for instance, even though he has made in known before that he has been the "other man" - because he is not constantly starting new threads decrying the state of women and their morality all the time. I've been disagreeing with STR8UP for MONTHS now on his ravings about the entire gender of women being low quality and manipulative, and here we have STR8UP biting the very apple he was throwing up before.
I think it is interesting, and should be noted.
Anyways, my last statement was one of those observation jokes, I wasn't expecting such a fierce reaction. Must've touched a nerve.
I do really think this thread is depressing. For more than just the OP itself.
I also don't know what I think about STR8UP, at first I felt like he was in need of some kind of enlightenment that he would find for himself, however over the past few months it occured to me that he was not searching for truth or enlightenment, but JUSTIFICATION to be less of a man.
That is when I started to really chime in on his threads. You can go back and find where I have asked him what he was really trying to do, because my hypothesis was that he was seeking JUSTIFICATION to be like the very people he was b!tching and moaning about.
And here we have it.
He is just like them.
Like I said before, it doesn't matter what I think. It comes down to, is this what his goal was, like I started to think a few months ago? Or is he in the middle of some dark place, that he will come out of?
Whatever the case, I know if he starts another thread about some "AW cheating b!tch married woman forcing me into loneliness" - I will be all over it.