1. I don't defend my gender, nor do most women stick together. What a hoot! Just goes to show how much you know about women.
I don't like ANYONE generalizing about ANYONE, whether it is race or gender. I find it extremely dangerous and unproductive to the end result.
2. LET US get to STR8UP's original post, because his point might be WORSE than where this thread has derailed to. I cannot wait....
SO for the past (I dunno) few months, YEAR+, STR8UP has been feeding us thread after thread after thread, sometimes TWO in one day, usually whining about the married women or committed women (that HE chooses to hang around) and how they CHEAT and how this makes him wary of all womankind (understatement), and how should just join them (can't believe I am the only one who saw where he was going with that.)
Thread after thread after thread, dealing with how immoral ALL women are, and how finding a quality woman is a MYTH. Myth means story that is NOT TRUE. As in there is no such thing, as a woman who does not cheat.
He has been shoving this crap down the MM forum throat over and over and over, and lets not forget aNOTHER common theme, where he percieves every chick wants him. Remember that? All of these AW's and manipulative b!tch married women, all WANT STR8UP. Don't forget that part.
We have a thread, in which STR8UP "joins" the other side, sleeps with the married woman....
And goes on to try and decry....
the single woman, who WON'T sleep with him... who doesn't want him!
To the point where he is going to start a thread called The Myth of the Single Woman?
STR8UP said:
You could have done so and chose to contribute an opinion on the subject of single women who are unavailable and married women who cheat, but instead you do what you usually do which is jump off topic to stir up sh!t.
So now all married women cheat, AND single women are unavailable. Just because this one chick isn't interested in YOU. Poor STR8UP. That only left the married woman.
WHAT A CROCK OF BS -------------> But the forum members will make up their own mind about what they let you feed them.