ThunderMaverick said:
I think the point that Iqqi and Latinoman and others made off the "true" point of this thread is STR8's ability to associate himself with people who he likes to complain about. The real question is, is does he see himself as one of them?
Okay, lets get something straight.
The point of most of the stuff I have written is that this stuff is EVERYWHERE.
If I were to choose to not associate with people who CHEAT, I would have no friends!
Ask many people that YOU hang out with have cheated? How many of them had cheated that you DON'T KNOW ABOUT?
People just LOVE to take what I say and twist it out of context.
Yea, yea, I only hang out with hookers and crack addicts, blah, blah. That's what everyone will tell you because I made a couple of posts about doing business with the strip clubs. We've beat that horse before and nobody believes that I hang out with DECENT PEOPLE, I obviously can't clarify that point to some folks so I won't bother trying anymore.
See, this is exactly where I am coming from. The world is an ugly place with a pretty veneer. Lots of people like to pretend that lot of sh!t doesn't go on behind closed doors, but IT DOES. People cheat. LOTS of people cheat. And there is a big difference between hanging out with people who cheat or have cheated (which all of us do whether we realize it or not) and hanging out with murderers and bank robbers and rapists and such.
Get it?
Well it's all about what STR8 what's when it comes down to it. Like someone else said, if he's able to look into a mirror and still likes what he sees after all of this then that's fine. *shrugs*
I have been cheated on several times in the past.
I have watched countless other people cheat and be cheated on.
I would be willing to bet that I only know a tiny FRACTION of what really goes on.
You know what it comes down to? IT ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL!
That's right. It isn't.
What is it, like 20% of children are being raised by someone who they THINK is their father, but isn't. that means that out of all of the people who are posting on this thread, it is likely that one or more than one of them had a mother who cheated and ended up getting knocked up by the milkman and let her poor hubby take the responsibility.
I have concluded that cheating is a NATURAL part of life and it isn't that big of a deal. Your girl cheats on you? She has no integrity, so you drop her ass, simple as that.
Is it "right" to cheat on someone in my book? No, it isn't. But I'm not going to condemn other people for doing it cause it's EVERYWHERE. If I were to do so I would shun 75% of the world, and some good people in the process.
I've said it before.....In the recent past I might have came across as being a hater when I have posted about people behaving in this way. I went through the worst time in my life and I was venting my frustrations about many things. But most people know where I truly stand on this. Call it pessimistic or whatever you will, but it's out there, and right now people you know are doing it. It's REAL. Get used to it.