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Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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my problem has been i was always to confident thinking all girls must want me due to the attention i get from women sometimes through out my highschool years till now this knocked my confidence because,
guys hated me and i thought i was ugly untill some girls said to eachother i hate that guy he thinks he is too goodlooking for us. meanwhile i was just a shy guy people took my shyness as me being stuck-up. there i was this good looking guy in highschool getting attention from girls and i still didnt get ass that much infact only 2ice through out highschool did i get laid guys hated on me knocked my confidence and i started to believe i was ugly lol people are limited by their minds not by thier looks you can improve your looks on way or another .thats why i cant stop stressing the importance of inner strenght once you learn to be strong within then you are good. work on your utta self and then your inner self which is the most important.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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All these threads about looks.. lol

I see all this threads 'do looks matter' or 'are guys limited by looks' or 'are you good looking' etc etc.

Personally I'd more concerned that my insecurity about how I looked would be more off-putting to a girl than whether I was actually attractive or not. lol.

And if YOU're going after a girl who's really good looking.. ask yourself whether you're going after her for the right reason or not - do you want her because you actually like her, or are you using the potential of a beautiful girlfriend to overcome your own bodily/facial shortcomings?

Beauty is all very, very, very relative, and it's all in the eye of the beholder anyway. Ease up fellas. Everyone can be hot to someone else and looks are only a SMALL part of attractiveness. Don't worry about it.


Jan 14, 2006
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Demon - one is instantly more confident when it comes to running game on girls when he KNOWS hes so hot - if ur good looking then u kno exactly wat im talkin about.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Many scientific studies have proven that women do NOT rely simply on visual stimuli, especially when it comes to mate selection. Ergo looks are not the most important thing to a woman. You also have to have status, personality, money, security, ect...


Jul 8, 2005
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San Antonio
skips real myspace

Mr. Unique said:
Skip I thought you were russian, you look black in you're myspace.:confused:
thats not his f uckin myspace. I've seen his real myspace and he is Russian/White. And yeah looks matter alot thats why I do great on Myspace, I got girls obcessing over me and s hit.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
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RabbitMan said:
I know a man personally who is short bald and a tad overweight as well and he attracts many gorgeous young babes, the only problem for him is me, we are friends, but as I am better looking and just as confident as he is himself I can often snatch his girls away from him, he hates this as you would expect.
If I myself looked like he does I would never be able to even talk to a pretty girl let alone win them over like he does, so I have to respect him for that.
I guess I am alot more self consious than he is but my own confidence comes from the facts that I like what I see when I look into the mirror and girls as well as other men have always told me that I was a good looking guy.
Gorgeous girls love the hunks, they always talk about, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Robert Redford, Mel Gibson, Robbie Williams, Justin Timberlake, etc, so what does this tell you.
Girls though are also emotional creatures and can be easily turned on by an unattractive guy who is ****y, confident and outgoing, but not if their is a hunky guy who is the same available to them, lets get things straight girls don't like hunks who are Wusses, they prefer the Average Joe's who are ****y and confident, but they much prefer the hunks if both are on an even keel, can you remember which guys got the gorgeous girls on "Average Joe" it was always the hunks and the more outgoing "Average Joe's" like Zach hated it, :trouble:

If you think about it, girls are attracted by cool guys with fascinating personalities. Ok, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Justin Timberlake are hunks, but what about Robbie Williams and Mel Gibson? You can't define them as *HANDSOME*... Ok, they are cute, but how many more handsome guys do you see when you walk around? A lot, I think. It's just that they have an aura, a magnetic personality that fascinates both women and men.
George Clooney is considered by most women the most appealing guy on earth. Why? Is he as good looking as Cruise or Pitt? I don't think so... Yet, he's better-looking than average AND conveys an awesome personality.

Just for the sake of it, I list how my girlfriend likes these guys:

1. Robbie Williams
2. Mel Gibson
3. George Clooney
4. Brad Pitt
5. Justing Timberlake
6. Tom Cruise

Most women would agree, more or less... But notice that the 3 most appealing guys are the 3 "uglier" ones.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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Troy, MI
Eventually more public schools will get their funding cut and soon enough there will be several more generations of kids just like this- uneducated, pussified and self-conscious about their looks. You can't really help those who don't really want to help themselves and would rather find an easier way out- like lying or using pickup lines and techniques. Sadly it's just going to make it worse- but the flipside to more chumps in the world is more girls will recognize me for the real man I am :D


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
It's true that people tend to date people close to them in looks. I consider myself in the 8 range and my hot or not photos scored the 8's too. I've done a couple 9's who left me. I went on a date with a 10 who I was close with for a couple years but I blew it by not making a move. My average girl was around 8.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
this is soooo ****ing funny to read:D.. this person makes my day so good..
Some people here are just ****ing WRONG.. YOU DONT NEED A ****ING GOOD LOOKING TO GET SOME *****??!! Blondies with SHORT SKIRT ONLY WANT C*CK!! i have fixed many of my UGly Friends SEX.. people ARE SOOO WRONG! STOP beeing so "OOO im kNOW everything, i know EVERYTHING what a girl want"

IF THEY want a relationship, THEN OFC LOOK does matter then.. BUT WHEN it comes to sex.. its not true!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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I just want to start of by saying to skip: You are a fvcking genius!. THis is your best post so far (merging it with the other thread ruined it tho), it is also the best post I have read on sosuave so far. This is the first post IVe read that tells it like it really is.

You made your point, and you included actual cases that back it up. Ive read all 6 pages of this thread before it got merged, and have not seen one single valid counterpoint to your argument, (okay, maybe one, Ill get to it in a minute). If skip is so wrong about this, then why is it so hard for you people to come up with some valid points that contridict skip? I would think this would be easy if hes wrong. Ill tell ya why, becuase skip is actually correct, and if what someone is saying is actually true, it is very hard to prove them wrong. It looks like you people are struggling to prove him wrong.

Oaky, now on to the only half decent kind of valid counterpoint I keep seeing braught up, it goes a little something like this: "I know a freind/ugly guy who keeps laying hot chicks...if looks are required, then he wouldnt be getting layed..so you must be wrong skip". THe funny thing is that this is supposed to prove skip wrong, but the fact is, it is totally consistent with what skip is saying. You see, theres a little part that you people keep overlooking: a woman's taste varies from woman to woman. ONe woman's hot guy is another's ugly guy. You might see some ugly guy getting hot chicks, he might be ugly to you, but to the women he is laying, he is not ugly, hes atleast cute in her eyes. He is only ugly to the you and the women he fails to lay. The fact that womens taste varies allows examples like this to happen (ugly guy with hot girl). Most men, even ugly mofos, will have atleast a small proportion of the female population that think theyre atleast cute. This is how most of the population is able to get laid despite the fact that most people arent considered good looking. A small proportion of the female population who thinks you are cute is all you need to get *****. ONly a small proportion of men have 0% of the female population that theink theyre cute. these are the hideously ugly/fat muther fvckers. So really, this whole counterpoint of ugly guy with hot girl doesnt disprove **** on skip, its totally consistent.

Try again people!
Try and fight the truth, I dare you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
MysteryWoman said:
Many guys think that girls arent really into looks, but this is the biggest myth ever. Girls can just be as bad as guys when it comes to looks sometimes WORSE!.

Alot of guys claim to see tons of hot women (I'm talking about women with model looks with ugly guys), but the truth is you don't. These guys are either overatting the girl or under-rating the guy, or pecieve themselves as being better looking than they really are. If a lot of model dated ugly guys, you wouldn't look twice at an odd matched couple. And guys would never feel intimidated towards approaching a high maintainance girl.

But true women do often get the short deal when it comes to looks and guys still have more freedom to trade higher. A lot of hot women want money more than anything, so they may choose an ugly guy over a hot one.

Some guys thing on this forum that it was the ugly guy's personality game or attitude that won over the model. This rarely true if you see a hot girl with an ugly guy, she is making a big statement. She often deliberately chose this (if he is not rich), not the other way round. She is terrible insecure and wants a guy she can easily manipulate, I doubt it was for sex.

Some women don't care about looks at all, but then there are some women who are not that crazy about sex.

I have many friends who say personality is more important, yet complain about the lack of good looking guys. I use to always say personality was more important but each time found myself weighing a guy up on his looks.

When you do see a model with an ugly guy she never looks that happy, its definately not can't keep my hands off him.

Guys what I am saying for any woman to love you or be really into you in a sexual way she has to like you looks. Otherwise she is with you for another reason, usually for a calculated reason.

Many guys might not like what I am saying, but wouldn't you be upset if the girl you was dating wasn't physically attracted to you?
I fully agree with you on this, the dudes who are hunks attract many more HB7-10s, when all is equal, HBs do like money and famous dudes as well, not so much the average joe who is living the normal 9 to 5 working life. :yes:


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score

so, i'll gladly repost my point again so its not missed:

Okay, look, this post marks the end of the looks debate. Period.


Looks are not just important, but they are 90% of what gets you laid, what gets you a LTR, and also LACK of looks is the reason you get dumped, rejected, and everythign else that most losers here complain about!

Am I pulling this all outta thin air??? **** NO! I am about to provide you with numerous examples from MY OWN EXPERIENCES detailing just how much looks ****ing matter! I will also use a general argument as well.

My examples:

1) My hb9.5 who I was seeing for 3 weeks, who I ****ed after 2 weeks when we rented the hotel. Let me tell you how I ended up ****ing her. I showed up and persisted….thats it……..in fact, I was acting like a total AFC the night I ****ed her, cuz I flipped out at her 5 or 6 times over little things, I showed insecurity, I showed neediness, and I showed desperation. Oh, but heres the missing link – she thinks im just sooo really cute, so of course when I started kissing her on the bed and slowly getting into her pants, she was turned on!! WHY??? NOT CUZ OF MY PERSONALITY, I WAS HORRIBLE THAT NIGHT. I WAS THE BIGGEST CHUMP……….but she LOVED how I looked and how it felt to kiss me and how I was turnin her on, so? We ****ed 3 times that night.

2) another hb9 – just a week ago……..she musta said im handsome and sexy numerous times thruout the evening, this all despite the fact that we were hangin out with her friends, and I was a little chump who didn’t say anythign cuz I felt uncomfortable in front of her friends. What did I do? After an hour of absolutely nothing, I simply took her and tackled her from the living room into the bedroom, and of course cuz she thought im hot, she had no objections – DESPITE MY OBVIOUS LACK OF GAME THAT NIGHT…….i ****ed her REALLY good that night, also 3 times (my magic # I think lol)……..what kept her so interested??? Well lets look at some of the things she told me as we layed in bed naked: “your eyes are so beautiful, I love them”…….”you are soooo sexy”……..”I love kissing u”……..”I love how u touch me” – ALL OF THESE ARE LOOKS RELATED.

Ok enough random hookup examples, how bout some relationship examples?

3) I had 1 gf for 3 months once, I was in my AFC days cuz that was over 3 years ago……..well, she thought I was hot. I supplicated, I got mad easy, I bought her gifts……..did I mention I also ****ed her 2 times every time I saw her. Why? CUZ SHE THOUGTH I WAS HOT…..she really could not say anything else that’s good about me (other than maybe that I was sweet). Did I run game on her? NO. Did I look like the prize? NO (I told her how special she was and how happy I was to have her). Did I **** her all the time simply due to her loving how I looked? YES

4) Gf for 5 months, shes an hb7, pretty cute, and what she said to me on the 1st date was “you are so gorgeous, I cant believe u are even here with me”………from there on out, she ****s on demand whenever I want. All we do is argue and get mad at each other all the time. I don’t consider her that serious, but she LOVES me soooo much, and I attribute most of that to how gorgeous and hot she thinks I am.

Side note: I PERSONALLY do not think I am THAT hot, but in the eyes of some girls, apparently I am.

Ok, enough relationship examples, how bout some INTERNET examples

5-1000) ok well its very simple here…….if a girl thinks ur hot, she will give you her sn, she will give u her number, and she will want to hang out, but if a girl thinks your looks are not good enough for her, then you will have NO chance.

Cold approach examples:

1001 – 1100) yea this is not examples about me, but GENERAL examples: Try going up to 100 girls, I GAURANTEE YOU that every girl that rejects u will be a girl who did not think you were hot//sexy/handsome enough for her time. At the same time, every girl that is warm, open, gives u her #, even gives u a kiss right there on the spot, u better be DAMN sure that she thought u were hot (in her eyes).

Clubs – guess what???? If ur ugly and u want some pvssy at clubs, u arent gonna get anythign over a hb6, so get over it. At the same time, if a beefy sexy guy walks in and tries to talk to an hb9, she will be all googoo gaga with her mouth drueling for some of that hot muscular d1ck (im not kiddign u, this is the COLD HARD TRUTH THAT NONE OF U CAN HANDLE). Yes the non muscular really attractive slim guy also has his chances, but muscle is INSTANT attraction for beautiful women, and hot cute a guy’s face is also plays a key factor.

So then what about personality??? Yea, the hotter u are, the less game/personality u need to land hot chicks. This means that if you are hot AND you got a lovable personality, then u ARE KING – get raedy for the best girls to fall for u, and fall for u fast.

Side note: Money and Fame always ALWAYS help, so that is not an argument against this.

GOD I dunno what more to say about all this. ANYONE can be hot, u need to just

Go to the gym
Work on ur tan
Work on ur clothes
Work on ur hair

Now listen, if YOU feel that u saw some guy who is a 4/10 with some chick whos a 9/10, then let me remind you, THAT particular girl thinks the guy is an 8 or a 9, and because she is satisfied with his looks, that is MOSTLY why she ever gave him a chance with her in the first place.

A hot guy with game is unstoppable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An ugly guy with game will get 10fold less chicks than a hot guy with game…….HOW CAN ANYONE EVEN ARGUE WITH THAT??? Yes if ur hot and u are a social retard, u will SUCK AT LIFE.

But wtf, u might not know this, but the hotter more attractive men are the ones who naturally get out in the real world and socialize because SUBCONCIOUSLY, they look at themselves, and they want themselves to be known and shown to the world – they subconciously want to SHOW OFF……….at the same time, the ugly guy sits at home and wants to be isolated from the public.

Now don’t ****in call me a keyboard jockey or w.e the **** that is cuz I provided u real life examples of how I got the pvssy solely on looks. Every # u get, every kiss u get, every piece of ass u get – u get it because the girl giving it to u thinks u are GOOD LOOKING ENOUGH FOR HER, or maybe even TOO HOT FOR HER, so she feels the urge to just wanna b all over u.

My advice to all of u, to ALL of you is:


WHAT now? fruitcakes


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Adone said:
If you think about it, girls are attracted by cool guys with fascinating personalities. Ok, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Justin Timberlake are hunks, but what about Robbie Williams and Mel Gibson? You can't define them as *HANDSOME*... Ok, they are cute, but how many more handsome guys do you see when you walk around? A lot, I think. It's just that they have an aura, a magnetic personality that fascinates both women and men.
George Clooney is considered by most women the most appealing guy on earth. Why? Is he as good looking as Cruise or Pitt? I don't think so... Yet, he's better-looking than average AND conveys an awesome personality.

Just for the sake of it, I list how my girlfriend likes these guys:

1. Robbie Williams
2. Mel Gibson
3. George Clooney
4. Brad Pitt
5. Justing Timberlake
6. Tom Cruise

Most women would agree, more or less... But notice that the 3 most appealing guys are the 3 "uglier" ones.
I'm a fvcking dude and I can tell you which of these dudes are the hunkiest in the order, 1/Brad Pitt-2/Mel Gibson-3/Robbie Williams-4/Tom Cruise-5/Justin Timberlake-6/George Clooney, Mel Gibson is not in the ugliest 3, NO WAY. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
GOD I dunno what more to say about all this. ANYONE can be hot, u need to just

Go to the gym
Work on ur tan
Work on ur clothes
Work on ur hair
I agree. That´s also what you expect from a hot chick. Improve your looks and it increases your chances to get laid. :up:

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
I Agree, Looks Do Matter To Women, But When It's All Said And Done Looks Alone Won't Get You Every/all Women Everytime.


Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
I am about to provide you with numerous examples from MY OWN EXPERIENCES detailing just how much looks ****ing matter! I will also use a general argument as well.

My examples:

1) My hb9.5 who I was seeing for 3 weeks, who I ****ed after 2 weeks when we rented the hotel. Let me tell you how I ended up ****ing her. I showed up and persisted….thats it……..in fact, I was acting like a total AFC the night I ****ed her, cuz I flipped out at her 5 or 6 times over little things, I showed insecurity, I showed neediness, and I showed desperation. Oh, but heres the missing link – she thinks im just sooo really cute, so of course when I started kissing her on the bed and slowly getting into her pants, she was turned on!! WHY??? NOT CUZ OF MY PERSONALITY, I WAS HORRIBLE THAT NIGHT. I WAS THE BIGGEST CHUMP……….but she LOVED how I looked and how it felt to kiss me and how I was turnin her on, so? We ****ed 3 times that night.

2) another hb9 – just a week ago……..she musta said im handsome and sexy numerous times thruout the evening, this all despite the fact that we were hangin out with her friends, and I was a little chump who didn’t say anythign cuz I felt uncomfortable in front of her friends. What did I do? After an hour of absolutely nothing, I simply took her and tackled her from the living room into the bedroom, and of course cuz she thought im hot, she had no objections – DESPITE MY OBVIOUS LACK OF GAME THAT NIGHT…….i ****ed her REALLY good that night, also 3 times (my magic # I think lol)……..what kept her so interested??? Well lets look at some of the things she told me as we layed in bed naked: “your eyes are so beautiful, I love them”…….”you are soooo sexy”……..”I love kissing u”……..”I love how u touch me” – ALL OF THESE ARE LOOKS RELATED.......
What you're missing here is that these examples do not prove that only looks matter. All it proves is that when you're good looking, you can often get by on looks. There is a difference. Do you really need to prove with examples and stories that, in general, women like good looking men? Do I really need to give you 100 examples to "prove" guys like hot chicks?

NEWSFLASH!!!! Good looking guy gets laid! Hot chick gets hit on!! Story at 11!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, really dude. The only point you're making here is that looks are always a relative part of it. Everybody knows this already. This is why we avoid walking around with green teeth and manged hair.

Do you really want to prove only looks matter? Then explain, based only on looks alone, why a woman doesn't f-ck every good looking guy she meets. Explain to us why, based only on looks alone, relationships even exist? Or marriage? Why, if it's all about looks, do women complain about jerks yet have a tendency to avoid nice guys? I mean, if all of these people are good looking, then none of this sh-t should matter, right?

So as long as I'm good looking, if I'm a Brad Pitt clone, then I should have a free pass to do whatever I want. I could drop out of school in the eigth grade, live in mommy's basement, drive a 20 year old piece of sh-t with an exhaust leak, fart at will, scratch my balls, spit, cuss, smoke, get piss drunk and smack women around, insult her family, spend all of her money, f-ck her and leave her unsatisfied, f-ck her friends and leave them unsatisfied and kick her in the crotch when she doesn't make me a sandwhich. I can do all of that. Because, dude, only looks matter. Oo yeah, I'm gettin laid.
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
LJC said:
So as long as I'm good looking, if I'm a Brad Pitt clone, then I should have a free pass to do whatever I want. I could drop out of school in the eigth grade, live in mommy's basement, drive a 20 year old piece of sh-t with an exhaust leak, fart at will, scratch my balls, spit, cuss, smoke, get piss drunk and smack women around, insult her family, spend all of her money, f-ck her and leave her unsatisfied, f-ck her friends and leave them unsatisfied and kick her in the crotch when she doesn't make me a sandwhich. I can do all of that. Because, dude, only looks matter. Oo yeah, I'm gettin laid.
Actually bro you WOULD get laid like this, because you'd be a jerk/bad boy. A GOOD LOOKING one at that. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score

btw, mysterywoman, I totally agree with what you said. This is what me, skip, and a few others have been saying all along. We are the few that understand women, sadly.

I hope we show people the light, its dark in this forum.
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