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Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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I dont care if this thread gets closed down, its becoming ugly and filled with flame posts.

close it down, Im fine with that. But my theory wont be closed. Ill probably open up a new post later that covers my theory in more detail.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score

"But my theory wont be closed. Ill probably open up a new post later that covers my theory in more detail."

But like a man with deaf ears, nobody will be listening.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I like girls. They are pretty and feel nice and make my pee pee going boing-oing-oing.

Who agrees?

Mr. DyckHead

Oct 1, 2006
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hahahaha, look at skip2thelou

woooww, 16 pages and then he makes a post about him leaving, then he comes back hhahaahah



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Some topics just never get old (from 2004):
I've seen scruffy fyckas get tail based purely on looks. So long as he's not smelly (not even then) then he's gonna get his bones jumped. I've come in from the beach after a long session of beach Volleyball and we're all scruffy, dirty, looking like total slobs & scrubs and yes, even smelly, and see some of my Natural friends pull.

Wing with Naturals. They can do the stupidest, AFC shyt and still bag T&A based purely on looks.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
To all those stating you need good looks to pull in good looking girls are IDIOTS.


I'm a good looking guy. I've been asked by abercrombie to work there 3 times, and hollister once. I've been in front of a magazine cover around 10 years old and me and my family are in a photographers advertisement cover.

Am I successfull with girls? Better than I have been, Yes. I think it's 8 or 9 girls since early july. Not bad, Not bad. Still plan on getting more, I have about 3-5 girls going on right now. Butt....

My buddy, Andy. I'll be honest, Is a bad looking guy. Braces cause he had REALLY bad teeth, liek they were completely crooked and everything and were all over the place. He's white as hell, Can't get a tan for ****, Grayish Green eyes, Just a bad looking guy. My mom even said he's not cute.. Rude.. But I'll explain.

But you know what?

He gets hot girls. BUT HE'S A BAD LOOKING GUY. Yes people, He rakes in solid 8's. He actually just ended a little love triangle this hot girl had for him at work. She was hot, Had a bf, Cheated on him with Andy, the guy tried killing his confidence by telling him how ugly he is or whatever. My buddy laughed and goes "That's why your gf is coming to me?"

He lost out on her. Problem w/Andy is he mostly gets with girls at his work cause he is able to interact with them and they LOVE his personality. There's no way a girl would look at him and say " I want to F his brains out" He also gets whipped VERY easy. But up until he gets whipped, He gets hot as girls. His ex girlfriend was a hot looking little mexican who was whipped BY HIM. He would call her just to bang.

After they broke up, He had sex with her, He laid in the bed for 5 minutes. Left and never got back together with her lol.

He had this 8.5 said she liked him while she was dating his best friend.

So no, Bad lookin guys can get some ass. They just gotta have a kickass personality and some other aspects that Andy has. I'll explani if you guys want to.

Now me and my other buddy(my wing) were talking . We think our game is now surpassing him and his bud, They seem to get more territorial around eachother and don't like us comnig around when theres girls. lol.


Jan 14, 2006
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let me rephrase:

this whole theory of mine is regarding COLD APPROACHES aka the girl has no idea who the **** you are when u approach her


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
let me rephrase:

this whole theory of mine is regarding COLD APPROACHES aka the girl has no idea who the **** you are when u approach her
Well in that case, Andys chances are lowered. But if your with a group and theres a girl he never met. Chances are he'll be hitting oh her.

But he wouldnt succeeed, Casue I would. lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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skip2mylou781 said:
let me rephrase:

this whole theory of mine is regarding COLD APPROACHES aka the girl has no idea who the **** you are when u approach her
Oh jesus not this waste of bandwidth thread again.

Is it just me or is this "theory" the same as the excuse that most AFCs use to not go out and try. This isn't some great find that changes anything. This isn't the first time its been brought up either, search looks on here and see how many countless other threads can be found.

Who cares about theories, learn from experiences. When you counter that with saying that your "theory" is based on experience please refer to the countless pages of posts in this thread that show examples of the opposite.

Since this conversation is beyond redundant I say that it gets locked and permenantly knocked off the front page.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Yep, this thread needs to die gracefully. Not many people can actually put up valid points anymore.

It was good for a laugh somewhat.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
I believe I shut up everyone who thought oyu needed to look great. It's a great positive to have, but it only gets you openers. You need to seal the deal with game.

Besides, If you never try. You'll never know


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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skip2mylou781 said:

WeakGame made a wonderful thread with these 5 little videos of guys approaching girls. You all know what i think about looks, as ive made 3 threads about it the last 2 days. I seriously want u to watch these videoes, hell even watch just one, and then tell me what u think. DO NOT FLAME.

Tall Guy - he is TALL, thats a good thing, hes not ugly, and hes skinny, but that still makes him wat id say a 6/10.........he sucked at first naturally due to approach anxiety, and then in the end he made out with an hb6 - a girl who matches his looks......and i noticed they showed him getting #s from hb6s and hb7s..........which PROVES MY ****IN POINT - HE PLAYED THE GIRLS WHO ARE IN HIS LEAGUE

SHort Guy - il lcall him a 3/10 cuz his legs r deformed and hes wayyy too short. He got instantly rejected by every girl he tried to day approach....why? cuz they saw him and had ZERO interest in his looks from the get go, and any conversation that followed, was just the girl not tryin to be a ***** cuz SHE FELT BAD FOR HIM........when a girl feels bad for u and talks to u, ummm NO that does NOT count as a good approach. In the end i noticed he got better, he had girls laughing at the bar, he was being cool and less nervous......but they had no sexual interest in him, they were just being nice cuz they felt bad for him. Also notice he didnt approach anyone over hb8, and the less hot a girl was, the more receptive she was, but still even the hb6s made up their mind about not wantin to **** this guy the second they saw his looks. My point proven again

Fat Guy - hes a 1.5/10, hes HORRIBLY disgusting looking, needs to lose 150lbs, and hes my favorite one to prove my point even further. Of course, in the first 4 videos, every approach he made, the girl instantly gave him a WTF look, meaning WTF U DOING APPROACHING ME U UGLY FAT ****.....a couple were slightly nice and talked to him for less than a minute, so as not to make him feel so bad for being so pathetic..........the kid is disgusting, needs to shape up, yet hes approaching hb7s and hb8s??? MY POINT PROVEN AGAIN - the second each girl saw him, she did not care what he had to say the least bit, he was done, cuz he was out of every single girls league.....the only "good" approach he had was in the 5th video, at the bar, where he engaged an hb8 (yes i thought she was quite cute) in some nice convo, then started to kiss her ass all AFC like, and she just sat there saying "yup, ok, umm w/e but thanks". When he first said hi, did u think she was interested in him??? **** NO, she only thought he'd b a friend, which is exactly why she felt so awkward when he started kissing her ass so much. She gave him a pity #, as was told 2 minutes later, they never saw each other again. Dont see the success in that.

In the end of the 5th video, i saw this kid trying to kiss 2 girls on the lips and they both turned their cheeks, cuz its veru obvious no matter how cool he may have acted, THEY DIDNT WANNA KISS THE GUY WHO IS A 1.5/10!!! (they were both 7s)

Weakgame, i dont kno why u think these videos disprove me, when in fact they prove me correct 100% in every way. Id like to see responses from all of u after watching these videos. And keep in mind what i said about girls instantly rejecting any chance of interest in a guy if hes alot worse looking than her. Forget that I am the one posting this, i dont want flaming.....i want REAL responses to this.

I can't believe I've ever defended you... After reading a good chunk of your posts, I've discovered you probably deserve most of the flames that you get.

On a side note, looks aren't as important as you think. Trust me, I've seen some nasty lookin guys dating smoking hot chicks... they do it many different ways. Accentuate on your strong points, hide your week points. None of the guys tried to do that, they ended up getting too nervous and got psyched out and defaulted on the WRONG reaction to the situation, if they had displayed more confidence they would be able to pull off what they were trying, but it's hard to be confident if you have low self esteem (duh). By the way you spend an exhorbent amount of time on this board skip... this is a friendly suggestion but you should work on some sort of hobby.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
it's not just looking good that gets you the cake. its feeling good about yourself that is the icing. its like the job interview i went to last week. when i arrived there was 2 guys from my plumbing class there. these 2 guys finished the course. i on the other hand i left the course with just 2 months to go and i never finished because i believed that the rest of the class was fillers, it is considered failure.

1. most people would give up at failure and not try for the position. but i went to the interview anyway. what did i have to lose.

2. when i arrived in the lobby. 2 guys from my class were also applying too. the guys from the plumbing class seen that my last job was an office assistant and they laughed and said so do u think your going to get the job. and i said yes because i am a destroyer when it comes to interviews. then i seen they had the experience written on their resumes and that made me want the position even more.

3. a few days passed and i got the call and the position was mine. the 2 plumbers may have had the credentials for the position. but i had sold myself better in the interview then they had. it felt great!

the moral of the story is even though somebody may surpass you in looks, experience, etc. there is always a way to impress someone or something that you want. if you define looks as the only way to get a hot babe than your missing the full picture.

its all in what you believe that will define what you get. if you think that hot babes only go for hot studs then that is what you'll see. its all a game.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
LOL - this thread is absolutely childish.

Skip - I know your intentions are good. You're trying to convince people of the truth, help some blind guys see, help out in the world.

Let me preface what I'm about to say by saying that I know nothing about your theory, I don't even know what this debate is about.

Ok, I have a pet theory. Please tell me if this is correct. My theory is that a lot of well-meaning people fight to persuade others of theories in order to persuade themselves of a theory they don't truly believe. In fact, you can tell how much a person truly believes what he or she is saying by how hard he or she would like to convince you that it's true.

If you're so sure you're right, why do you CARE what anybody else thinks? According to my pet theory, nobody would fight for a theory with so much vehemence if they truly knew it were correct. According to my pet theory, you know whatever your theory is has some problems and the reason you're here proclaiming your theory from the stars is that you'd like someone else to disprove it for you. The same is true for your detractors. They know that whatever you're saying has some merit (though they'd like to think it has none), and so they attack you because they KNOW what you're saying has some value.

So for you, your theory has less truth than you'd like, and for them, it has more truth than they'd like. And plus, both you and your detractors want to be absolutely right, which is impossible in this case, so you duke it out like children. Useless. Am I right or wrong?

Skip you're one of my favorite people on this board, it's probably because you're far from calm and level-headed. You hate being wrong, you hate being stupid; I love your passion. I am wrong and stupid every single day and I hate it. What I like about you is that at least you're stupid with style - I hasten to add that being stupid with style is the most any human can strive for, cuz we're going to be stupid no matter how much we learn. I'm stupid and I've got no style at all!

Flamers - You're no better than skip... why don't all of you go park your massive egos in the jumbo-jet hangar at your local airport?

People with reasonable responses: that's what we're here for!



Jan 14, 2006
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izza - god of getting laid and donjuanforever got into a pretty damn BIG argument on this thread.........by MY point still stands that:

a hot chick doesnt care for an ugly guy approaching her randomly, and in these videos, it shows that even though the guys improved their SKILLS, the 2 ugly guys (tall guy is good looking) did NOT end up kissing a single girl

and fatty getting that pity # in the last video was the biggest display of AFC ass kissing that I have ever seen (seriously rewatch the last video where the fat guy gets the # from an hb8, watch her body langauge and her reactions to what he says) - that is NOT success, and physical proof that ugly guys should not be sarging out for hot girls


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
I'm certain you make a valid and important point that hot chicks will reject ugly guys no matter how good their game. You still haven't said anything about my pet theory.

I think you're probably right - I feel as though I have more confidence in what you believe than you do. If you're so certain that you're right, why do you give a fig what they think?

Out of morbid curiosity I'm going to watch the videos now. Please don't take that as a sign that I want to be in any way involved in this debilitating and energy-wasting debate. I know what I believe and that's enough for me!

PS People have described my looks as something approaching a fat donkey on the evolutionary scale. So I suppose according to you, I would have to be insane to approach a good-looking woman before my looks improve, since I cannot hope for success. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I actually wish I were a bit more insane, so that I would approach more women than my fear allows me to do. I feel that the situation is hopeless. In fact, why would a perfectly decent woman settle for being with me? Why wouldn't she go out there and find someone good-looking? She definitely would. I would be suckering her with my sosuave tricks and sense of humor to settle from pure laziness or ignorance of her true value for something less than she deserves! When you truly love a person, you don't do that to them.
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