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Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Don Juan
Sep 30, 2006
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ya there's no point in denying it

looks are the most important thing to shallow girls who we aren't aiming at attracting

looks are pretty important to any other girl, but if you have a cool personality you can pull any girl..that isn't a total idiot


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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I hate to break it to you but getting in shape isnt the EASIEST way to improve your apperance. Getting in shape takes time and dedication
May 23, 2006
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I reviewed the video and have learned the following basic rules that people like me should practise as follows:

1) Approach girl.
2) Touch her arm when approaching, engage in basic kino on all approaches.
3) Deliver an SOI - say the girl "looks sexy" or something that would indicate sexual interest.
4) Give her cell phone, ask her to punch her number in, then call it from your cell.

Excellent advice for people who dont have a clue, like myself, when doing a basic approach.

a) Practise - touching women in arm
b) Practise - telling women they are sexy.
c) Practise - giving your cell phone, asking her to punch it in.

Makes lots of sence. This video should also go on the socialanxiety board and the INCEL board - it's gold.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
if you have eyes then off course looks matter, friggen hell everyone knows. This thread is pointless, how is a thread like this going to be beneficial to someone??????

if your ugly- atleast get a decent haircut
if your fat- go to the gym and lose that extra fat and gain muscle
if ur skinny- go to the gym and gain some weight and muscle

anyone who is in this catergory knows what they need to do.

man atleast post something that we don't know...........

Mr Charisma

Don Juan
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
L777 said:
Mods delete this s.hite. I'm sick to death of "looks matter" threads.

I mean, here's an equally insightful musing: Night follows day. Great.
Amen buddy.
Mar 18, 2006
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DonJuanForever said:
Lol, man oh man.

If only the day would come where we all would log in to this site, or go on the internet, and find that ONE BOOK, that teaches you how to fvck ALL WOMEN.

We are still in search of that overall formula, that magic technique, THE ANSWER.

I posted a thread that was titled, "I have it!!" I guess, lol, the keyword was I.

I've found the "attraction" within me, have you found yours?

I really think dating is like business. At the end of the day you just want some qualified clients....but the roads to obtaining those clients are MANY, MANY, MANY roads.

I apologize. For in the past I've cursed other guys' ways for getting laid, and I shouldn't have.

I shouldn't say to those at fast seduction, "Don't run patterns! That's silly." Well if it accomplishes their goals and obtains the clients, so what.

You all shouldn't say to skip, " Don't use myspace, sarge in person." Well if it accomplishes his goal and obtain the clients, so what.

If one guy believes his looks are most important to obtaining his goal, use your looks.

If another guy believes his personality is the most important, use that.

See guys, the main thing here is to obtain the client and obtain the sale, NOT TO..obtain "Sales Theories." You see,"sales theories" never really brought "ME" any sales, you know why? Because a "sales theory" is ANOTHER SALESMAN'S personality, soul, and spirit. It's ANOTHER SALESMAN'S creation.

Why can't I just have my own creation? My own way of doing things?

With the mass amount of people I COULD CLOSE, there's a number of things I could do. At the end of the day, I just started being John to clients and stopped trying to be Tom Hopkins!

So guys, stop trying to be Pook, or this guy, or that guy. If whatever works for you, that works for you buddy. Write your own theory on girls.....but let that theory....be your OWN PERSONAL theory to getting YOU LAID.
Djf - are you DJ pvssy eater??

Your above quoted post was on the mark - biullseye!!!


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
Bah... money matters the most. Money = more friends, more oppourtunites, hotter chicks... end of story.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Actually, a lot of girls judge looks more by haircut & fashion (tribal status markers) than actual physical looks. A girl will often be impressed by a trendy piece of clothing or hairstyle, whereas guys will be more impressed by big t*ts and a round azz.

Johnny Wolf

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Get in shape, shave your head if you're balding, just fix it. You can rationalize all you want that looks dont' matter, or you can get away with being fat or ugly and still get chicks. I did this for years, but then I finally said, f this! And lost some weight and now I feel THAT much better and my game has improved significantly more.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Looks may matter, as nearly everything matters, but I've lost out to less attractive guys before. Looks aren't the most important by any means, imo.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
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San Diego East County Mountains
I probably shouldn't have bumped this thread, but now we have scientific proof that looks matter now more than ever. I ran across this article while looking for something else.

From the introduction (emphasis mine):

Everyone knows looks shouldn’t matter. Beauty, after all, is only skin deep, and no right-thinking person would admit to taking much account of how someone looks outside the realm of courtship, that romantic free-trade zone traditionally exempted from the usual tariffs of rationality. Even in that tender kingdom, where love at first sight is still readily indulged, it would be impolitic, if not immature, to admit giving too much weight to a factor as shallow as looks. Yet perhaps it’s time to say what we all secretly know, which is that looks do matter, maybe even more than most of us think.

We infer a great deal from people’s looks—not just when it comes to mating (where looks matter profoundly), but in almost every other aspect of life as well, including careers and social status. It may not be true that blondes have more fun, but it’s highly likely that attractive people do, and they start early. Mothers pay more attention to good-looking babies, for example, but, by the same token, babies pay more attention to prettier adults who wander into their field of vision. Attractive people are paid more on the job, marry more desirable spouses, and are likelier to get help from others when in evident need. Nor is this all sheer, baseless prejudice. Human beings appear to be hard-wired to respond to how people and objects look, an adaptation without which the species might not have made it this far. The unpleasant truth is that, far from being only skin deep, our looks reflect all kinds of truths about difference and desire—truths we are, in all likelihood, biologically programmed to detect.

Sensitivity to the signals of human appearances would naturally lead to successful reproductive decisions, and several factors suggest that this sensitivity may be bred in the bone. Beauty may even be addictive. Researchers at London’s University College have found that human beauty stimulates a section of the brain called the ventral striatum, the same region activated in drug and gambling addicts when they’re about to indulge their habit. Photos of faces rated unattractive had no effect on the volunteers to whom they were shown, but the ventral striatum did show activity if the picture was of an attractive person, especially one looking straight at the viewer. And the responses occurred even when the viewer and the subject of the photo were of the same sex. Good-looking people just do something to us, whether we like it or not.

People’s looks speak to us, sometimes in a whisper and sometimes in a shout, of health, reproductive fitness, agreeableness, social standing, and intelligence. Although looks in mating still matter much more to men than to women, the importance of appearance appears to be rising on both sides of the gender divide. In a fascinating cross-generational study of mating preferences, every 10 years different groups of men and women were asked to rank 18 characteristics they might want enhanced in a mate. The importance of good looks rose “dramatically” for both men and women from 1939 to 1989, the period of the study, according to David M. Buss, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Texas. On a scale of 1 to 3, the importance men gave to good looks rose from 1.50 to 2.11. But for women, the importance of good looks in men rose from 0.94 to 1.67. In other words, women in 1989 considered a man’s looks even more important than men considered women’s looks 50 years earlier. Since the 1930s, Buss writes, “physical appearance has gone up in importance for men and women about equally, corresponding with the rise in television, fashion magazines, advertising, and other media depictions of attractive models.”

In all likelihood this trend will continue, driven by social and technological changes that are unlikely to be reversed anytime soon—changes such as the new ubiquity of media images, the growing financial independence of women, and the worldwide weakening of the institution of marriage. For better or worse, we live now in an age of appearances. It looks like looks are here to stay.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
LOOKS are the ONLY thing that matters!!!

Okay, look, this post marks the end of the looks debate. Period.


Looks are not just important, but they are 90% of what gets you laid, what gets you a LTR, and also LACK of looks is the reason you get dumped, rejected, and everythign else that most losers here complain about!

Am I pulling this all outta thin air??? **** NO! I am about to provide you with numerous examples from MY OWN EXPERIENCES detailing just how much looks ****ing matter! I will also use a general argument as well.

My examples:

1) My hb9.5 who I was seeing for 3 weeks, who I ****ed after 2 weeks when we rented the hotel. Let me tell you how I ended up ****ing her. I showed up and persisted….thats it……..in fact, I was acting like a total AFC the night I ****ed her, cuz I flipped out at her 5 or 6 times over little things, I showed insecurity, I showed neediness, and I showed desperation. Oh, but heres the missing link – she thinks im just sooo really cute, so of course when I started kissing her on the bed and slowly getting into her pants, she was turned on!! WHY??? NOT CUZ OF MY PERSONALITY, I WAS HORRIBLE THAT NIGHT. I WAS THE BIGGEST CHUMP……….but she LOVED how I looked and how it felt to kiss me and how I was turnin her on, so? We ****ed 3 times that night.

2) another hb9 – just a week ago……..she musta said im handsome and sexy numerous times thruout the evening, this all despite the fact that we were hangin out with her friends, and I was a little chump who didn’t say anythign cuz I felt uncomfortable in front of her friends. What did I do? After an hour of absolutely nothing, I simply took her and tackled her from the living room into the bedroom, and of course cuz she thought im hot, she had no objections – DESPITE MY OBVIOUS LACK OF GAME THAT NIGHT…….i ****ed her REALLY good that night, also 3 times (my magic # I think lol)……..what kept her so interested??? Well lets look at some of the things she told me as we layed in bed naked: “your eyes are so beautiful, I love them”…….”you are soooo sexy”……..”I love kissing u”……..”I love how u touch me” – ALL OF THESE ARE LOOKS RELATED.

Ok enough random hookup examples, how bout some relationship examples?

3) I had 1 gf for 3 months once, I was in my AFC days cuz that was over 3 years ago……..well, she thought I was hot. I supplicated, I got mad easy, I bought her gifts……..did I mention I also ****ed her 2 times every time I saw her. Why? CUZ SHE THOUGTH I WAS HOT…..she really could not say anything else that’s good about me (other than maybe that I was sweet). Did I run game on her? NO. Did I look like the prize? NO (I told her how special she was and how happy I was to have her). Did I **** her all the time simply due to her loving how I looked? YES

4) Gf for 5 months, shes an hb7, pretty cute, and what she said to me on the 1st date was “you are so gorgeous, I cant believe u are even here with me”………from there on out, she ****s on demand whenever I want. All we do is argue and get mad at each other all the time. I don’t consider her that serious, but she LOVES me soooo much, and I attribute most of that to how gorgeous and hot she thinks I am.

Side note: I PERSONALLY do not think I am THAT hot, but in the eyes of some girls, apparently I am.

Ok, enough relationship examples, how bout some INTERNET examples

5-1000) ok well its very simple here…….if a girl thinks ur hot, she will give you her sn, she will give u her number, and she will want to hang out, but if a girl thinks your looks are not good enough for her, then you will have NO chance.

Cold approach examples:

1001 – 1100) yea this is not examples about me, but GENERAL examples: Try going up to 100 girls, I GAURANTEE YOU that every girl that rejects u will be a girl who did not think you were hot//sexy/handsome enough for her time. At the same time, every girl that is warm, open, gives u her #, even gives u a kiss right there on the spot, u better be DAMN sure that she thought u were hot (in her eyes).

Clubs – guess what???? If ur ugly and u want some pvssy at clubs, u arent gonna get anythign over a hb6, so get over it. At the same time, if a beefy sexy guy walks in and tries to talk to an hb9, she will be all googoo gaga with her mouth drueling for some of that hot muscular d1ck (im not kiddign u, this is the COLD HARD TRUTH THAT NONE OF U CAN HANDLE). Yes the non muscular really attractive slim guy also has his chances, but muscle is INSTANT attraction for beautiful women, and hot cute a guy’s face is also plays a key factor.

So then what about personality??? Yea, the hotter u are, the less game/personality u need to land hot chicks. This means that if you are hot AND you got a lovable personality, then u ARE KING – get raedy for the best girls to fall for u, and fall for u fast.

Side note: Money and Fame always ALWAYS help, so that is not an argument against this.

GOD I dunno what more to say about all this. ANYONE can be hot, u need to just

Go to the gym
Work on ur tan
Work on ur clothes
Work on ur hair

Now listen, if YOU feel that u saw some guy who is a 4/10 with some chick whos a 9/10, then let me remind you, THAT particular girl thinks the guy is an 8 or a 9, and because she is satisfied with his looks, that is MOSTLY why she ever gave him a chance with her in the first place.

A hot guy with game is unstoppable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An ugly guy with game will get 10fold less chicks than a hot guy with game…….HOW CAN ANYONE EVEN ARGUE WITH THAT??? Yes if ur hot and u are a social retard, u will SUCK AT LIFE.

But wtf, u might not know this, but the hotter more attractive men are the ones who naturally get out in the real world and socialize because SUBCONCIOUSLY, they look at themselves, and they want themselves to be known and shown to the world – they subconciously want to SHOW OFF……….at the same time, the ugly guy sits at home and wants to be isolated from the public.

Now don’t ****in call me a keyboard jockey or w.e the **** that is cuz I provided u real life examples of how I got the pvssy solely on looks. Every # u get, every kiss u get, every piece of ass u get – u get it because the girl giving it to u thinks u are GOOD LOOKING ENOUGH FOR HER, or maybe even TOO HOT FOR HER, so she feels the urge to just wanna b all over u.

My advice to all of u, to ALL of you is:


WHAT now? fruitcakes


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
You are right looks are important, but sarging is more important, the opportunities to approach HB7-10s are everywhere around you if you live in a major city.
Look as hot as you can, and sarge, become addicted to it. :yes:


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
oh let me provide negative examples about me too:

There have been many a time that I would set up dates with girls that would basically crash and burn.....no matter how funny i was, how witty, how this how that, the bottom line always ended up being that I WAS NOT HOT ENOUGH IN THOSE GIRLS EYES!!!! this is why there never was a kiss or a second date, adn i have had DOZENS of these situations. I cannot even tell in detail about all of them so im gonna keep that part short. GIRLS EMOTIONALLY CHECK OUT OF A DATE WHEN THEY DO NOT FIND THE MAN THEY ARE WITH ATTRACTIVE!!!!!

oh heres a good examples: ever hear of the girlfriend or wife who cheats on her bf/husband with the hot stud that she just met??? I'm sure u have.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
YES YES YES GUYS........if u are good looking, then u better not ****in lock urself at home and nto approach..........by ALL MEANS, get ****in hot as u possibly can, then GO AND PLAY THE NUMBERS GAME - approach, attack, fvck that pvssy, make girls fall in love with u

looks are VERY USELESS if u dont do anything with them - go out on 10 dates a week, go pickup as many girls as u want

after all, you ARE hot - you are gauranteed success if ur hot as long as u practice practice practice, girls will find u hot, you will NOT need game, u will just need basic conversation and escalation skills (escalation - gettign the girl from the initial hello into a date and then into ur bed)
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