So its been a short while since I updated this thread. Reason being I've been hooking up with this girl I met (not through these approaches) still I managed to finally go out last weekend. I made 3 approaches and got 1 number out of them. Here is how it went down;
I went into this bar lounge in the city... It was mostly dudes but there were 2 isolated 2 sets... 1 of them was at the bar and the other was against the wall. The problem was both sets were heavily engaged in converstion and I was waiting for the right moment to move in when the was a pause. It seemed like it never was going to happen. But I decided to go after the set at the bar, a blonde and a brunette, HB 7 and 8.
So there was a tiny bit of space next to the brunette who was sitting at the bar. I kind of squeezed in there and asked the bartender for water... the girl was still talking to her friend and not really paying attention to me even though I was right there. The tv was over the bar with the Cubs and Dodgers playing... so I just go right into the ear of the brunette at my right...
Me (smiling): Hey do you if this game is live right now or is it from earlier?
HB 7 (turning to me): I have no idea I don't follow baseball
Me: Ohhh thats too bad I'm a big Dodger fan.. and I want to see if they win
HB 7: yeah I really have no idea...
Me: Thats alright... so whats your name?
HB 7: I'm HB 7 and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you (she put her hand out)
Me: Do you live here in this city?
Her: Yeah I live blah blah blah bh and you?
Me: guess....
Her: I have no idea... tell me
Me: I'm from blah blah.. where are from originally?
Her: xxxxxx
Me: ohhh you people are the worst
Her: what! haha where are you from
Me: blahaha
Her: you people suck... well lets agree that people from xxxx suck even more
Me: Yeah thats the truth
Me: Are you Italian?
Her: haha no I'm not...
Me: you look it where are you from?
Her: I'm from vzla
Me: hahaha I'm half (a lie)
Her: really what part
Me: xxxxxx
Her: wow my grandfather lives there....
Me: So do you know anywhere else cool to go around here.. its my friends bday.... (put hand on her shoulder)
Her: you can try blah blah blah blah they are down the block
Me: ok cool well I better get going, but we should talk more let me give you a call
Her: ok
Me: (pull out my cell) what is xxx area code haha
Her: no... its xxx... just give me your phone
She puts her number in... I kiss her on the cheek and I walk away... The only thing is my friend was working her friend next to her and he stayed in about 5 more minutes before I left and he closed her...... I texted her when I left the place saying it was nice meeting her

and she texted me back saying "you too"
We went to another bar... I approached an HB 7 AW who was
texting on her phone.. she was drunk as she was talking right into my ear.. I started kinoing touch her shoulder and rubbing it... I told her to text me.. .and she said she would but then she got buyers remorse and said she had to go find her friends and said she'd be back... I said it was crowded so she should give me her number but she didn't... I guess my desperation showed... ok whatever...
Next girl I saw with a razr phone who was texting... I moved right in
Me: omg is that a razr phone?
Her: hahah dont make fun of me
Me: I cant believe anyone still has that...
Her: (hits me playfully) shut up!
Me: whats your name where from blah blah blah
I tell her she should text me.. and she's like "I'd rather talk to you"
So I get out my phone to take her number... and she gives me the area code (here is where I ****ed up) i was like where the hell is this area code. She said she is from Ohio and moved here but still kept the phone number.... I was like Ohio are you serious... I said this all playfully but she got buyers remorse and ended up giving me a fake number... I knew it was fake cause after she gave it to me she said good luck! and laughed and walked away....
The hot spanish girl that i havent talked to in months called me out the blue yesterday asking if I wanted to go to a concert with her.. as I already had plans with another plate I told her I couldnt. She said she'd call me back in 10 mins and I told her to just call me tomorrow as I was leaving.... lol...
Sorry I had to type this rant fast but I have to go
Approaches 90
Numbers 54