What's up Jayer,
Like I said before, I'm not surprised by her calling you back. Personally,when it comes to women, I do my best to throw logic out the window. If it makes sense, if it seems like a good idea, get rid of it. That's what I do. My opinion is that by not calling her back when she called you, you did good. Yes, I do think you should call her back,however,if you get her voicemail or an answering machine,I would say something like this:"Hey what's up (her name).Sorry I missed your call last night,but I was busy doing (whatever).Anyway, I guess I'll give you a call later." And that's it. This is if you get the voicemail or her machine. If she answers the phone, I wouldn't say anything about her flaking on you. I wouldn't even mention it. Just talk to her as you normally would, as if she had never even flaked to begin with. I would like to see if she would bring it up or not. Another thing I would do (and this is important), I would
NOT suggest another date. That's right, I said I would not ask her out again. It already clear that you are interested in her, that's why you have her phone number in the first place.
The reason I wouldn't ask her out again is because I want to see
her interest level. I would like to see if
she would suggest another date,since it was her who flaked in the first place. Here comes the part about throwing logic out the window. If she does suggest another date, DO NOT AGREE to it. Don't say,"Yeah! Sure! What do you want to do?" What I would say instead is something like this,"Well,......I'll tell you what. I'm going to be kind of busy the next few days, but I had planned on going to the mall this Wednesday. I heard that JcPenney is supposed to be having some sort of sale and I need to get me a new pair of pants, but I'm only going to be up there for like a hour or two. Come up there and keep me company. I mean,I could use a woman's opinion anyway". I would say something like that. It makes it seem like you have a life,you have things going on, and if she wants to be part of it,you are willing to "squeeze" her in there somewhere. But whether you get her or her voicemail/answering machine, call ONE time only.
If she doesn't call you back, then don't call her back for at least 3 or 4 days.
If after 3 or 4 days you call her,but only get her machine/voicemail,don't leave a
message and don't call her back again ever.