What's up man,
It looks like you had a pretty good weekend.Three for three,well done.
I don't care what anybody says about your approaches,one thing I do know is this.When it comes to getting numbers,you're the man Jayer.No one here can dispute that.Everybody here (including me) can take a page from your
book when it comes to getting numbers.
Well,I read what you said about your three approaches and I saw some good and not so good in each one.The first approach where you approached the two girls outside of the bar seemed to go pretty well,although the thing you said about you friend dying,you might not want to lead off with that.Dying is one of those subjects like politics you definately want to avoid in the beginning of a conversation,even as a joke.I think that is why she "cringed" right after you said that.Another thing you said was she seemed "friendly", but you didn't get any IOIs. I think it was the topic of conversation. You said that you asked one of the girls if she smoked,and you made up some story about your friend trying to quit smoking. Sorry man,but this type of convo doesn't generate attraction in women. No attraction=no IOIs. When you asked for her number,you said that she seemed a little hesitant,then she said she didn't know because you live so far away. You missed a good opportunity to bust on her here man. When she said she didn't know because you live so far away,you should have said,"Well,it's not that far,it'll only take you a half hour to get there". You see the difference? That would have put YOU as the prize. But hey,you got the number,right?
The second approach seemed almost flawless.The only thing I wouldn't have done was to sent her the text the same night you got the number. I think it is always a good idea to wait 2 or 3 days between contacts.
The last approach,I think you did the best,and at the same time,you made a HUGE mistake.You opened beautifully,man. You smiled,made eye contact,you did everything right. You know how I know this? Because she invited you to sit with her. That's a instant date right there,man! Just from the 4 or 5 minutes she had known you,she wanted to be in your company.That's what I meant when I said you did the best. Now for the mistake,and I think you already know what you did wrong. This "blonde" invited you to sit with her and her friend,then after you joined them,you focused more of you attention on the other girl. Now here's the deal. If you had approached the two of them,started talking to them WITHOUT being invited to sit down with them,that would have been a good move. But did you noticed how cold she got? Think about it from her point of view. If you were sitting with your friends,then a girl walked by and you invite her to sit with you,then she sits down and starts to ignore you and laughs and talks with one of your friends,how would you feel? But you said that you would like to have number closed either one of them,and you got the number of the other girl,so mission accomplished.That's good,but then again,you shouldn't have sent the text so soon after getting the number. Overall man, I would have to give you a good B+. Keep it up,man. Only 15 approaches to go to victory!