Ok updates on current plates, past plates and an approach I did yesterday.
The Airline girl is back in her home state. I texted saying I'd call her Wednesday but I didn't nor did she
text me the whole day. So yesterday around 6:30pm I called but for the first time I got her voice mail (she used to always answer) ok so I wait a bit and no call back. So like a few hours later I text her "hey tried calling, hope you are having fun back home" Well she texts me back a bit later "hey sorry about that i have a weak signal here. im havin a blast how are you" I reply back a bit later "never better sweetheart" She responds back "thats good guess where i'm at, drinking lol i couldnt stay away" I responded back saying "yea well guess where i am" she's like "where" I said "your town where we met" she responded back "of course" I then texted her a bit later "the food is better here where you are" There was no response.
I won't contact her again until at least next week if she doesn't contact me. I'm surprised she didn't call me back and I don't buy that weak signal crap because the phone rang fine and didn't go right to voice mail. Still with the amount of times this girl travels and the fact that when she's home she's always out with her friends; this isn't going to be easy.
Ok so onto the girl that's "seeing someone" So like I said I didn't text, email, or call Wednesday. In the past unless I did something she didn't really contact me. But to my surprise I get a text around 7:30 on Wednesday "sorry about last nite, tonight 4 sure" Well I respond back like an hour later "should i hold my breath lol j/k" She responds back like 40 mins later "yea u should funny guy"
Well this time she did call and I picked up. I asked her about the weekend she emailed me about and actually did a lot of talking this time (maybe more than I should have aka the wind bag from AOS) but she got me telling her stories of unique experiences I've had in my life. Anyway when there was a moment of pause I interjected "it would be cool to get together sometime" She said thats a good idea but that work is crazy for her until the end of next week. She said she'd be at her beach house this weekend but since I'm not going to be in that area I'm not going to see her. And next week is crazy and I found out via a follow up text the next day she is having a girls night out next friday which is only going to leave me going down to the beach area with my friends the following weekend waiting another week!
Too much time is passing here but there's not much I can do. I guess I'll see if I still have any IOI after this weekend with her and try to plan something. I'm just not sure if I should meet her in a club with my friends next weekend or wait another week and try to set it up solo.... the clock is ticking here....
So yesterday I was out at this bar watching the Laker/Celtic game... some girl stood next to me so I iniaited convo
Me: so who you pulling for?
Her: Celtics, I went to school in Boston so I have to
Me: thats cool where did you go study, work etc....
blah blah
Well anyway since it was the end of the game I couldn't do my usual number close and bail... so I actually stood next to her silently for a bit.... as crowds of people moved in she eventually started looking at another tv screen that was away from me.... So I basically wasn't sure if it was worth reengaging but for the heck of it I did. When there was like 10 seconds or so left in the game and i knew the Celtics couldn't lose, I went up to her again
Me: So this tv over here is better
Her: yea i just kept getting pushed and bumped into I wanted space
Me: thats cool.... listen I actually have to go find my friends, it would be cool to talk to you more though, let me get your # I'll give you a call
Her: awwwwwwww I can't......
Me: What do you mean you can't (smiling, laughing)
Her: I have a boyfriend
Me: So you're not allowed to talk to people? lol
Her: well I can talk to people
Me: thats cool thats all I want to do is talk
Her: ohh ok
Me: So what is it
Her: xxx-xxx-xxxx
I also joked about her name which I've done saying she spells it right and I said that as I put it in my phone. I told her I'd talk to her soon kissed her on the cheek and walked out.
My friends were outside so I stood with them and she eventually came out to smoke and I know she saw me but I pretended I didn't see her. I texted her later that night saying "Hey it was nice meeting you, Go Celtics!"
No response. The number might even be a fake. Probably not even worth my follow up anyway but we'll see.
On the past plates... I end up texting the sorrority president girl yesterday saying "is your phone working today lol" She responds back a bit later "yea lol" I then tell her I'm going out with my friends to a trendy part of town and ask if she wants to bring a friend. She responds back asking where I'm going and what time. Then says she isn't sure she could make it. She texts me and asks me how I've been. I decide to call later and she picks up but is with people and said she is going out to some place more local since she has to work. She's like I'll call/text you later but I hate texting . The convo was like literally a minute. I texted her later just for the heck of it "I dont like texting but yours I don't mind

" She responds back instantly "haha same here

The HB 7 Arab Plate I also invited out via text but she said she had to work. I texted her saying "it would be nice to see you one of these days

" No response after that. These are past plates that never amounted to anything anyway so I don't really care. Plus these girls go out all the time and seem to care more about going out with their friends than establishing a relationship.
What are you going to do right?
For now
Approaches 73
Numbers 45
I'll adjust if it ends up being fake not that it matters