Ok time for my approachhes over the weekend. THey were pretty much all done in night life clubs and 1 in a bar/lounge. Pretty typical as in I got the digits but most seem flaky for the most part. Still I did a few things differently in that I overcame some objections/hesitations from the girls which I would have previously quit on and I ended up getting the digits. Lets get into it as I remember
So last friday I basically went to a trendy part of town with a friend and started bar hopping. There really wasn't much going on... the few girls I attempted to engage just by being friendly didn't seem to show IOI so I left it at that. So the end of the night basically had come up and it seemed as if there was going to be no attempts made by me. However as I was getting into the car to go home i noticed this bar/lounge with 2 girls sitting at a table in the window. They looked alone so I don't know why but I decided to go into the bar/lounge and try for a quick number close. We walked into the place and I passed them by pretending I didn't notice them. Then after a few minutes I knew I had to pass them in order to leave so as I move towards them I go up to the one I had my eye on
Me: Excuse me how did you get that table?
Her: oh we just reserved it ahead of time
Me: oh.. I thought you were special (smiling)
Her: (kinda surprised) what, I am special (smiling and giggling)
Me: so what's your name?
Her: HB 6 and you?
Well I basically complimented her on her name and then went into my usually asking about her job where she is from. I then pulled my routine
Me: Well listen I should get going, I was on my way out anyway
Her: ok well it was nice meeting you
She sort of backed up as if that was that... but you know what I wanted to try something that night so I took a swing.
Me: Well listen it would be cool to talk to you more, what's your number i'll give you a call sometime
Her: ok
I pull out my phone and make her put her number in and she does. I tell her I'll talk to her soon and kiss her on the cheek. She was surprised by that but whatever.
So just for the heck of it and to piss off all you
text haters I send her a text on my way home saying "it was nice meeting you hope to talk soon" Well she responds a little bit later "it was nice meeting u too have a good night dear"
Well I end up calling her on Memorial day night and she answers. She was actually on her way out to the bar we met at but seemed cool talking to me. She works for Airline so she travels a lot and was leaving the next day. I told her I'd like to hear all about it and she said she'd call or text me when she gets back.
Ok now onto saturday.... I went sarging at this beach club in this beach town that was full of young girls. I ended up going crazy approaching girls and pulled 5 numbers out of 7 approaches in which I went for digits. A lot of girls I opened weren't receptive in their body language so i just moved on immediately. Unfortunately they seem like flakes but I aint letting it get to me. Here is how it went down.
So I'm at this club with my friend and we walk by this 2 set on the dance floor. My friend makes a comment to one of the girls and starts talking to her. I immediately go up to her friend who was standing next to her
Me: (noticing she is short) Hey I have to ask you something, how tall are you?
Her: I'm 5'2
Me: ahh ok thats the perfect height in my opinion
Her: Yeah I think so too
Me: whats your name
Her: I'm HB 7 (she didn't ask for my name but stayed in convo)
Me: (realizing she wasnt going to ask for my name) how is that spelled
Her: xxxxxxxx
Me: I like that, you spell it the hot way
Her: thanks I think so too!
Me: what nationality are you, where from do you have a house here etc..
Well finally I knew the convo was getting stale so I did my close move
Me: well listen I'm going to go check out the rest of this club, let me get your number in case I don't see you before I leave
Her: ok its xxx-xxx-xxxx, call me so I can store yours
Me: I don't get service in here but I will
I kissed her on the cheek and told her it was nice meeting her.
Now my friend stayed talking to her friend probably another 5 mins after I was out... he said he got rejected on the number close.... I think this may have had a part in her flaking but whatever
So the next approach I see a girl dancing and I tell her I like her shirt is my favorite color, she smiles and I move in
Me: whats your name?
Her: HB 6 you?
Me: I'm Jayer, what do you do blah blah blah
I then go for the # close
Me: listen I have to go find my friend, but what's your number I'll give you a call
Her: I'm sorry I have a boyfriend
Me: lol.... come on... just tell me you think I'm ugly lol
Her: what stop... I didn't even look at you
I look at her directly and smile
Me: listen just give me your number, I'll send you a text if you don't answer I won't bother you again
Her: ok...
So she gave me the digits, I kissed her on the cheek and moved on
Ok so the next girl I see is dancing with her friends listening to some 80's music. I noticed she has glasses so I tried that angle
Me: Hey I like your glasses
Her: oh thanks
Me: what's your name
Her: HB 6 you
Me: Jayer, where from etc..
then i'm like "Hey listen I have to go find my friend let me get your number i'll give you a call"
Her: umm I'll be here don't worry (then she looks away)
blah whatever... onto the next one
Ok so the next approach I see a girl standing by the dance floor I position myself and accidently bump into her
Me: excuse me you just elbowed me (smiling)
Her: I'm sorry.. (seeming sorta drunk)
Me: (moving in with some kino) whats your name
Her: HB 6 and you?
Me: Jayer blah blah blah blah blah
I then say something interesting
Me: so how old are you?
Her: How old do you think I am?
Me: looking at her up and down... 19?
Her: haha very funny, I'm 24
Me: well you look great blah blah blah, where do u work blah blah blah
ok close time
Me: well listen I have to go find my friend let me get your number I'll give you a call
Her: ok
Me: (pulled out my phone) go ahead
Her: (pausing) no way you said I was 19
Me: (laughing) it was a compliment, come on give me your number I have to go
Her: xxx-xxx-xxxx
I kissed her on the cheek and moved on
Ok onto the next girl. So I'm standing around looking for targets when I see a girl stumble (probably cause she was drunk) I move right in directly to her face
Me: Hey how's it going?
Her: good you
Me: good, whats your name
Her: HB 6 and you?
Me: jayer blah blah where u from what do u do.. u never heard of my town blah blah
Well it turns out she said she works in the same town as me. I say we should get lunch and she agrees.
Me: well listen I have to go find my friend whats your # I'll call you
Her: xxx-xxx-xxxx, yeah go find your friend bye
I kiss her on the cheek and I'm out
Ok so now for the approach I found most interesting. I was hanging around the entrance looking for my friend since we got split up, when I notice a girl next to me texting. I believe she said something about the place being crowded or something so I just look at her and say
Me: Do you know how big this place is.. its my first time here
HB 5: yeah me too... its packed
Me: (noticing she has a big nose) are you Italian by any chance?
HB 5: No argentinian actually
Me: (bssing) wow really I have family from there, what part?
blah blah she goes into this whole speel how she just visited there and where is she from whatever
So anyway I'm like
Me: listen I have to get go find my friend I think he got lost, let me get your number i'll give you a call sometime
Her: (making a disappointed face) you know honestly I'm seeing someone I don't feel right about it I'm sorry...
Me: (laughing) so... that means you aren't allowed to talk to anyone? we can be friends
Her: (laughing) I guess you right, here is my number xxx-xxx-xxxx, he pissed me off tonight anyway
Me: Well I kissed her on the cheek and told her I'd talk to her soon
Ok so now onto the last approach of the night. I am walking toward my car with my friend and there is a single girl in front of us. She probably heard all the bs about girls my friend and I were talking... but anyway all of a sudden she turns around to us and is like
HB 6: Hey are you both stalking me?
Me: haha no I'm trying to find my car... hey I'm lost can you help
I get her to stop and she gives me directions.... I'm basically not even paying attention as i'm plotting my next move in my head and she picks up on this and says
Her: Hey I'm drunk and i'm telling you this are you listening cause u dont seem like u r following
Me: yeah of course (trying to reiterate what she says)
Then after everything when she is done I'm like
Me: whjats your name anyway?
Her: HB 6
Me: HB 6 let me give you a call sometime
Her: (surprised) noooo
She just turns around and keeps walking
Approaches 72
Numbers 45