Jayer, I like your latest post.
Does it seem to you like you are growing and finding a new perspective? From reading your last post that was the strong impression I had and I want to congratulate you on it.
I believe any new point of view is another tool in our belt - right or wrong, better or worse - it can never hurt to understand things different ways.
Some of my favorite parts of your latest post:
Jayer said:
You are right in that I should read over my journey and post what I've learned so far. I've been meaning to do that for a while now just haven't had a chance. Maybe I will be able to do it later.
Great idea. (That part isn't "growth" I think you've had it in mind for a while, I just like it).
Jayer said:
Nice Guy is Gone,
Yeah maybe I am too persistent at times... but honestly this playing it cool stuff is over rated. Thats basically what I've been doing with my lastest HB 5 pick up... barely
texting her... recently adding her to myspace... etc... The thing is you have to really strike when the iron is hot... and playing too many cat and mouse games just leaves you hanging with your **** in your hand at the end. Its all about balance.
Fvck it, hellz yeah. Not only are you right, but I like the way you express it. I am going to take that phrase, "strike while the iron is hot", because that will be helpful to me. Thanks.
Jayer said:
You are right. My goal was to be able to approach girls which I've pretty much succeeded at. But I can't help but want more....
Great insight into ourselves. We succeed and then we want more. Jayer, just make sure you CELEBRATE every step forward you take. Jayer, we never reach exactly where we want to be. All we can do is just keep taking steps. When you succeed in this humble way, be sure to celebrate. It's the height of human achievement in any moment. Take yourself out - whatever your mood, and pat yourself on the back. It's important. But, that said, your insight shows that you've come to a new place.
Jayer said:
for internal comfort as well.
That is a key insight. What do you mean by this?
Jayer said:
I think I need a lot of work on my mechanics and I really don't know where to start or what I am doing wrong in a lot of cases.... But your observation of me maybe expecting too much is right.. I should be more patient and just find pleasure in learning the lessons that I do through trials and tribulations.
Wow, excellent. You are taking full responsibility for failures with women (how often do you hear guys who think all women are slvts? NO, men and women have faults but by correcting precious few faults, great women are not hard to come by...). I don't know if this was a step for you, but it's a great attitude.
AND, you are recognizing that EVERY STEP of picking up women should be what Aristotle calls an end in itself. Put more simply, every action you take with women should be fun. So much fun, you are not concerned about results but about enjoying the process.
If this is your attitude, success finds itself.
A lot of guys do something that makes them miserable now for hopes of sex later and it just trashes their game. Guys who actually learn to like approaching do much, much better. I've seen both. Good for you.
Jayer said:
The Departed
I agree one shouldn't show desperation... but honestly waiting too long to call and playing too many games doesn't work either. And it seems a lot of times the girls seem to know you are doing this and that turns them off. I think a girl needs to see you enough and hear from you enough where they can start to feel comfortable with you.... so that they are more open to hooking up and whatever else that leads to.
A profound truth.
Jayer said:
Please tell me what part of the country you live where you can kiss or even F close girls the same day you meet them. Even on a first date Ill admit a kiss close is possible but an F close??? How realistic is that. You seriously F-close girls a lot on the first date??? You should be teaching seminars then man. From what I've been expereicing with these flakes I have to conclude there is a problem with my in person mechanics somewhere.....
Chicago. Where are you from man? I haven't heard of any part of the states where it's hard. I overhear so many chicks talking about how they're going to such and such club and want to meet a guy or are feeling horny or whatever. I heard a girl after a critical mass bike ride say, "where's the after-party, I want to get some critical-a$$." I haven't had an f-close personally. Then again, I am paranoid about pregnancy and STDs. I've been in situations where I know some girl is just looking for some guy to fvck. I hate that feeling and that kind of repulses me.
For those of you who know more about me, I am more interested in challenging myself - I force women to like me for my spirit and my humor, not for looks or for meeting their vagina's demands of the moment. When I want to masturbate, I masturbate and don't involve other people. When I want some real intimacy, I am not looking for a girl who wants a c0ck to get her off... They are terrible in bed.
Jayer said:
...I just need to figure out those mechanics within myself.
What I like about this is that you're taking responsibility for changing yourself. Change your inner dynamics - those cynical beliefs and the unconscious self-criticism - and getting women really isn't that difficult.
Jayer said:
You may criticise me hard for it.... but I actually did a lot of AFC things which is actually what kept her on the line for as long as I did. WHen I finally used DJ pride because of all the time reading this board thats what may have ultimately caused her to flake. You all be the judge. Still I was very fun and playful with her for as long as I could and thats one of the reasons she said she liked me. So kudos to you on that advice.
Do you mean that DJ techniques failed or worked for you here?
Jayer said:
I have to honestly say though that ignoring a girl when she is stupid and flaky really just makes her disappear into the sunset rarely to ever be heard from again.
A lot of great things here. One point that confused me, and I'd like to hear a clarification of this, is what you mean by oneitus. There are a lot of guys on this board who just simply have feelings for a chick, but are so terrified of them, and the vulnerability that comes with it, that they fight them and label them with a disease-oid title.
In some cases, the feelings involved are not just completely natural but BENEFICIAL. Pure sexual chemistry. Girls can see it in your eyes. Girls can smell it. It turns them on. Dude, why are these guys
FIGHTING those feelings?! They are your best friend.
But, granted, to nerds like us they can be overwhelming. You think about the chick all the time, your hands sweat when she's around, you think you might love her but you don't even know her, your heart races, you want her to think you're amazing. You are terrified of her rejection and no other chick seems to matter or have any beauty at all. These are all normal, healthy emotions to a certain degree. Don't misunderstand, the secret is just learning how to manage them.
They can be managed in a healthy way, and then you get mind-blowing sex. Or they can be managed the wrong way and you spend all your money on her new Ferrari and you don't even kiss her.
If you can't manage these feelings well, you're not ready to be a DJ. Period. The ebb and flow of wonderful women in your life would tear you to shreds, like the tides turning a boulder to sand. It's that simple.
Nothing wrong with that. Most people are that way. That's why DJs are so rare. They aren't emotionally mature enough.
Keep in mind that it's far worse to manage the feelings badly than not have them at all.
So I'm confused what feelings you're having, and why you are labeling them as a disease. I think the worst disease you can have is not feeling those emotions at all. If you get that that dead zone, you are screwed with women, even if you bang a few here and there. Your sexuality and ability to connect with women on a deeper level is completely gone.
Let's keep in mind that connecting with women on a deeper level is a must for facilitating those f-closes we were discussing earlier. In fact, I find it's hard to actually get myself to WANT to f-close a girl without a connection being there. Some part of you knows it's not worth the trouble.
Jayer said:
The fact was that spanish girl was a borderline HB 8 and possibly the hottest girl I ever went out with. That pretty much had me up and stung with oneitis and even put me into a relationship (that lasted 3 days lol)
Maybe you see what I mean.