That's your perception and not reality. If a woman doesn't want to talk to you, she'll give you one word answers and won't help you along in the conversation. The conversation will fizzle out in 30-60 seconds. That stuff happens all the time to approachers like myself and other guys on the forum who actively approach like
@Jesse Pinkman and
@nicksaiz65 .
What women say they want and what women actually respond to in reality are two different things. Even master PUA Ross Jeffries said this back in 1992. The 68 seconds from where I've started this video explain a lot. Ross did a great job mastering the way of speaking in soundbites for media here.
If you want to get laid conventionally (i.e. paying for sex indirectly), you're going to need to be less of a homebody.
Mental health therapy has value in certain circumstances but one of its key limitations is that it doesn't make anyone a great seducer. A mental health therapist has no training on what it takes to effectively start the seduction process. The typical mental health therapist cannot teach you how to chat up a woman in real life and arrange a date step by step. The typical mental health therapist cannot teach you how to get more matches on Tinder/Bumble and how to
text more effectively inside those apps. The typical mental health therapist has no idea how to effectively slide into DMs on Instagram and arrange dates. That's not covered in academic training.
So what? There are plenty of introverted men who are high quality seducers. How does an introvert seduce? Good introverted seducers are often good at non-bar approaching. Nightlife venues are for more extroverted and high energy personality types for the most part, though some introverts can be successful at some quieter lounge type places. Non-bar approaching is the best form of in-person approaching for the introvert. They can recognize indicators of interest (IOIs) and make it happen. I'll cover in a moment how you can get more IOIs so you won't have to do as much on approaches. I am an introvert. I have a lifetime notch count higher than most men's lifetime notch count. Introverts can be very good at assessing their own strengths and develop an approach and seduction plan that works with their introversion. You don't have to change that part of you. Quit making excuses.
Good. If you can get big muscles and lower body fat, you'll have more IOIs in life. You could pick up women at the gym, the grocery store (using
Day Bang techniques), or even a bookstore. If you like to read, you can hang out at Barnes & Noble and pick up women using
Day Bang techniques. Also, a lot of Barnes & Noble locations also have coffee shops in there so you can run
Day Bang coffee shop style game in there too. It's like visiting 2 venues in one.
If I were to have a mustache, I would look like either Tom Selleck or a 1980s porn star. I might think that looks cool but others wouldn't think so. My mustache might be perceived as creepy or something that a child molester would have.
Germanic handlebar mustaches with blond or light brown hair would look goofy. Almost every woman would be turned off by your mustache. You would not look too boyish without one and even if you did, it could help you in seducing the most desirable 18-22 year olds.
Shaving off your mustache is the easiest thing to do.
I'm neutral on the long hair. It depends on the guy.
Your fashion might be outdated too.
You also have an irrational fear based upon a faulty comprehension of statistics and mathematics about causing pregnancy. Wear a condom. Most of the women you'll have sex with at your age will be under 25 and using some form of birth control. The combination of condoms and a woman on birth control is very effective and you don't have to waste money on a surgery. Even condoms alone without a woman using birth control is effective.