Incel Circlejerk


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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There is something to be said that some homosexual men are failed heterosexual men - i.e., they figure that the reason they must be such utter failures at attracting women is that they are gay. I have spoken to some other alumni of my infamous all-male high-school, and more than one has come up with this as an explanation of the seemingly high rate of homosexuality with other alumni. :eek:
Reminds me of the Two and a Half Men episode where Alan starts to wonder if he's gay (one of his arguments: he's failed at every female relationship he's had)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Sure, dud. You didn't get to choose the woman though, it all depended on the dowry your father could afford.

Please stop hankering for times past because you lack the fortitude to find yourself a woman. Or become a muslim and move to the Middle East. Maybe they understand your whining there. You really have no idea how good you have it in these modern times.
There was a huge working class in those days (which means plenty of marriages came to be without a dowry)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Yes, I get it. You don't want to adapt, you want to live life on easy mode. Tell us again why any woman would want to date you?

Yes, we know. You keep telling us your excuses instead of taking action doing something about it. Whining about it here won't get you a woman, dud.

I can guarantee you that was solely in your mind.

The 'current model (where social norms dictate that the man is supposed to make the move)' has been around since before the Industrial Revolution. And the frustrated 'broads' only live in your mind. No woman is waiting for you to make your move.
You are frustrated because you're too spineless to take action. You'd rather shield behind your 'crippling social anxiety'.

Women approach men they are attracted to. What do you have that they can be attracted to?
And please don't say that you're 'good-looking' unless you're cruising for gays, because women need more than just 'good-looking'.
And, yes, I know that is 'unfair'. Grow up, life isn't fair, it has never been fair and it will never become fair. Deal with it.

That is so humble of you, to be content with an FWB.
I have bad news for you. That's not going to happen without a total change in your attitude. FWBs still want to be attracted to the men they give their benefits to, and you're just not attractive enough for that. Your '7/10 skinny good looks' are not enough to compensate for the pre-coital panic attacks and the post-coital tears, so I guess you'll have to find some other way to get your rocks off.

I can imagine why you lust after older women in the hope they will be more understanding and caring and maternal, but older women who are interested in younger men are mainly interested in getting fvcked by a young stud. And you don't qualify for that.
As one example of a broad who was probably waiting on me to make my move, I had a female coworker in the past who drew a cartoon of me (when she was supposed to be working) holding a bouquet of flowers. She then gave me the cartoon.

She also asked me once if I had a wife or girlfriend.

But for argument's sake, let's say you're right that no woman is waiting for me to make my move. In that case, what incentive do I have to make a move (if no woman wants me anyway)?

I'm aware I've (unfortunately) aged out of young stud territory. Back when I was 23 (and had an affair with a married 45 year old woman), I was the young stud getting an older woman. Alas, that was in the past.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Sure, dud. You didn't get to choose the woman though, it all depended on the dowry your father could afford.

Please stop hankering for times past because you lack the fortitude to find yourself a woman. Or become a muslim and move to the Middle East. Maybe they understand your whining there. You really have no idea how good you have it in these modern times.
Yes, the Muslims love their society so much that they can't wait to move to Western Christian society. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I'd trade places with a woman.

Bleed once a month? There are a number of solutions. There are certain birth controls that prevent your period.

Birth control (some of which is permanent, like getting your tubes tied or getting a hysterectomy) can solve the pregnancy thing.

Fend off men twice my size, always thinking about safety? As it is, I weigh less than the typical woman (and have been in positions where I could have died because of being an easy victim).

In a society where the top 10-20% of men aren't allowed to hoard the sex (in other words, American society pre-1960), there would be way fewer men trying to force themselves on a woman by the way (not sticking up for sex criminals; merely stating a fact). Going back to pre-1960 would do wonders for female safety.

Lose my body after 30? Even as a man, I'm not as limber at 33 as I was at 20.

Your claim a woman prunes out after 45? Laughable. 45+ is my preference in a woman. And you know what? I still have a hard time getting sex. Partially because not every woman that old is open to banging a man as young as me...but also because even at 45+, a woman has options (just not as many options as they had at 24)

The part about men getting to live independently doesn't really apply to me. I partially rely on parents financially. On the other hand, plenty of broads in this day and age make enough money to live independently.

None of this means I want a sex change. That would just be freaky. All I'm saying is I'd have lots of privileges if I was born female.
If you have a hard time dating women over 10 years older, it's pretty much OVER for you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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You going to spend most of your waking hours fretting over them or focusing on being the best version of yourself, not just for the sake of getting laid, but for the sake of creating a rich and fulfilling life?
There's a lot to be said about being Optimally Self-Actualized while you're in the FEMA camp. That's what the anti-self improvement people don't seem to get. Got to be your best self, regardless of circumstances.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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There was a huge working class in those days (which means plenty of marriages came to be without a dowry)
Yes, keep fantasising how you would've slayed women in those times. Working class women want workers. You still wouldn't qualify.

Yes, the Muslims love their society so much that they can't wait to move to Western Christian society. :rolleyes:
And put that WC society under sharia law. Really, dud, pull your head from your anus.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
And put that WC society under sharia law. Really, dud, pull your head from your anus.
I have a Muslim background on my father's side. The most rambunctious men in these societies move to The West to escape the cultural constrictions on everything from speech to sex. Though lately, both Wokeness and Patriotic Correctness are starting to make DC, New York, and LA all look eerily similar to Riyadh

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Exactly. The numbers actually reflect both red-pill and black-pill talking points. He also makes posts about income threshold and looks/social ackwardness. The point is, if you don't check the boxes and your life situation is already challenging, then it provides the blackpill justification to just give up. He also mentions that reality that guys generally have low comparitive value compared to even post-wall very old women. I would say the best negative posts involve math.
If you want to single people out, allow me to use your words to allow you personally to metaphorically describe a key issue which your contemporaries so often lament.

As has been expressed, like so many people generally, the issue with this forum is lack of personal accountability.

Negative thinking is when defenses for, and deep analysis results, in not being given hugs by female acquaintances in social circles. When answers and help are sought and then no personal effort is put forth to test and try and cultivate experience from which to develop wisdom and self improvement. Arguing, for example with those that give you the feedback solicited.

I was in the sauna yesterday. A mother started chatting me up about how her son when to Wake Forest and was looking for work now since the spring and could I give her some advice. It became obvious quickly that suggesting he attend trade groups in the city, while using his skill at a nonprofit, while offering my number if he wanted to even chat which I thought personally was the trinity of decent gesture, and she took none of those. She actually argued with me about the validity of all of it. I wished her luck and told her she was talking someone who made 500 cold calls a day for a year. Clearly, she wanted me to hire and / or advocate for her son. I’d rather take a chance on the guy walking up and down the street selling mango slushies by the tunnel. Good riddance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Negative thinking is when defenses for, and deep analysis results, in not being given hugs by female acquaintances in social circles.
You are referrencing another thread that was made recently by @MatureDJ.

Tell us all then, seeing you must have read this thread, how his "deep analysis" of being under 6 foot tall resulted in him being refused a hug? What mental gymnatics of deep thought results in this result?


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I also stand by that a lot of people that come to this site are either blue pilled, formerly blue-pilled, feminine men here to grift cause they hate seeing what we write here, or women that look to stir the pot. So the negativity naturally increases when the site becomes more popular [also explains all the ads even if you are a user here]. So you have to be disciplined and aware to know that we get invaded now and again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
when people aren't getting laid they come here

the advice can be covered in a few sentences though. Basically, 'get in fantastic shape, hit on more women, try to earn more money'. That's essentially the advice someone will get if they come here saying 'girls don't like me' kind of thing.

So that leaves people a lot of time and 'room' to discuss other things lol

In the old days the same posts of 'how do I get my hot neighbour to like me!' would recieve pages of (useless(?)) advice about what exactly to do and say to her. ''open her like this. Use this neg. Then disqualify yourself with a line like xxx. Then use the following pushpull. Then talk about xxx subect for a few mins. Drop in a DHV like blababla' etc. But all of that stuff basically died out because over time people realised that 'game' basically only 'works' (or seems to work) if she is attracted to you. And it doesn't cut any ice if you are NOT her type at all (you're old and fat and bald and she's 18 and likes guys her own age who have long hair and who are ripped for example). And so it's not just this site. That 'shift' can be seen on other 'PUA' type sites too.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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@characternote Makes a really good point, which is people that are doing well with their dating lives, relationships, etc. will not be feeling the need to come on here. I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of non-troll posters on here joined because they were having some sort of issues with the dating market or even with a relationship, I'm also one of them. A guy who is easily finding dates or in a good relationship is not going to start doing an internet search related to "game" or red pill content, men's issues, etc.

I joined here back in 2018 because I was having a very long string of issues with trying to meet women, literally nothing was working. I used to think it was me, but I also had this gut feeling that something was very off with women and the dating market, I just couldn't place my finger on it. I also had this suspicion that most men were secretly struggling like I was, it just wasn't broadcasted to the world. Fast forward a few years later and many of these feelings of mine had been validated by specific stats and numbers showing that sexlessness was on the rise and that most men were single, while most women weren't lol.

Here is the reality of the situation we are in right now.

Men are in the middle of the worst market for trying to find a partner, there is literally no debate on this. Your grandfather literally could just show up and he'd find a decent looking and decent quality woman to which he would marry, have multiple kids with, etc. Your grandfather didn't need to learn about "game" or spam approach women or make gym/fitness a part time job in order to land an average woman lol.

A lot of this is related to dating culture that is heavily influenced by social media and dating apps, which have been major players on the scene now for about a decade now. I distinctly remember in the early 2010s, before dating apps took over, that people more or less dated those around their level, as has been the norm for generations. However, because of the perception of sheer abundance, women are much fussier than what you would have seen with women in the past. You'll also notice a tendency towards something I call dating ADD, where women basically can't settle for one partner and basically quickly next one suitor and go on to the next one. A woman today potentially has more potential suitors in a given day than a woman from just a few decades ago would have had in a lifetime. IF you were in the same position, you would behave in a very similar manner.

@characternote also brought up another really good point, which is there really is no such thing as "game". I am off the belief that a woman either likes you or she doesn't, and there really isn't much you can do to change that. A lot of this stuff about "game", like he cited, is honestly super cringey to me, akin to putting on a fake act that can be spotted a mile away lol. It basically just makes awkward and/or unattractive guys look even weirder or outright creepy lol. There's been this ridiculous idea on here floating around lately where you can pull significantly younger women, I'm talking like you are well into middle age and out of shape and approaching a woman young enough to be your daughter that is going off to college lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I have a Muslim background on my father's side. The most rambunctious men in these societies move to The West to escape the cultural constrictions on everything from speech to sex. Though lately, both Wokeness and Patriotic Correctness are starting to make DC, New York, and LA all look eerily similar to Riyadh
I have nothing against individual muslims, but as a 'group' they tend to act militant and morally superior.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I have nothing against individual muslims, but as a 'group' they tend to act militant and morally superior.
I've had run-ins with Muslims* like this, and as said in a prior comment, both Woke Proressives and Red Pillers here in The US are increasingly taking on many traits previously associated with Wahabis. Which makes the current social climate all the more distressing, for those of us who either fled repressive societies, or who are descended from folks who did so

*These folks are woefully ignorant of The Mutazilia tradition
, same way most Christians today are unaware of the work of Erasmus and Giovanni Mirandola
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
@characternote also brought up another really good point, which is there really is no such thing as "game". I am off the belief that a woman either likes you or she doesn't, and there really isn't much you can do to change that. A lot of this stuff about "game", like he cited, is honestly super cringey to me, akin to putting on a fake act that can be spotted a mile away lol.
The motivation to work on personal growth should be internal, not external. That's the biggest trap, improving yourself for some imaginary external reward - like becoming attractive to women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
when people aren't getting laid they come here

the advice can be covered in a few sentences though. Basically, 'get in fantastic shape, hit on more women, try to earn more money'. That's essentially the advice someone will get if they come here saying 'girls don't like me' kind of thing.

So that leaves people a lot of time and 'room' to discuss other things lol

In the old days the same posts of 'how do I get my hot neighbour to like me!' would recieve pages of (useless(?)) advice about what exactly to do and say to her. ''open her like this. Use this neg. Then disqualify yourself with a line like xxx. Then use the following pushpull. Then talk about xxx subect for a few mins. Drop in a DHV like blababla' etc. But all of that stuff basically died out because over time people realised that 'game' basically only 'works' (or seems to work) if she is attracted to you. And it doesn't cut any ice if you are NOT her type at all (you're old and fat and bald and she's 18 and likes guys her own age who have long hair and who are ripped for example). And so it's not just this site. That 'shift' can be seen on other 'PUA' type sites too.
As you admit, sometimes there are instances where you'll never seduce a certain woman no matter what.

So how about giving advice that works for the poster (rather than telling the poster to become someone he's not)?