Incel Circlejerk


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Like a woman, who believes "Patriarchy wrecked me!!!", and refuses to get specific about what's bugging her. I'll let you in on a little secret, GM:

You mentioned that your mother said mean things to you as a child, and that they hurt. Sad as that is, this is something that many folks, men AND women alike went through. This isn't the result of empty fuzzwords like Patriarchy or Gynocentrism
The hurtful comments aren't what I have in mind when I say gynocentrism has wrecked me.

I'm talking more about the 80/20 phenomenon @SW15 has mentioned on the forum. And as alarming as 80/20 is, some men say it's really closer to 90/10.

Society has allowed broads to set their standards unrealistically high. That's the specific thing that's bugging me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Why? Because you expect to be rewarded for not becoming a smelly fat slob? :rolleyes:
Yeah. And I don't think that's too much to ask.

A woman could be fat, smell like a combination of weed/cigarettes/body odor, and wear stained clothes...yet she'd still get propositioned for sex.

Yet a man who does none of those things is unreasonable for expecting to be rewarded for his effort?


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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This place has become more and more negative over the years. We had an infusion of black pill back in 2020 during Covid -- which probably makes sense given the circumstances of that time. It didn't really recover and there is more and more negativity. When I first joined it was more about just pure game and looking at field reports. My understanding of the time that preceded me was that is was even more so.

This place still can offer a lot. You just have to know where to look for it and sift through the stuff that isn't helpful. There are still some good, experienced guys here who know their stuff with women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Society has allowed broads to set their standards unrealistically high
You going to spend most of your waking hours fretting over them or focusing on being the best version of yourself, not just for the sake of getting laid, but for the sake of creating a rich and fulfilling life?


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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The negativity is fine. It just shows the climate of boys and men atm. Instead of whining about it like OP, it's a opportunity to teach more people than ever. I see nothing wrong with it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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There certainly is a bifurcation in how to deploy one's agency while facing a decaying social structure - do you be constructive and try and fix it, or do you just throw in the towel and take the "let it burn" attitude? Indeed, a big incel meme is that in a torched society, at least the women won't be able to picky anymore. :eek:
One idea I've proposed (on here, on a different online community, as well as to a male coworker) is: Men should stop making moves on broads cold turkey.

In the short term, I'm aware my strategy would lead to dry spells for a lot of men. In the long run, however, my idea would lead to a major societal shift. Within less than a year, broads would start throwing themselves at men (because otherwise, no single straight woman would ever get a date or sex again)

Unfortunately, I've been laughed at every time I've shared my idea.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I mean, the dating market has certainly become far more difficult for the vast majority of men.

I'd consider myself decent looking based on my results, but even then there's still the issue of the overly competitive dating market (online dating exacerbates this) where you can simply be replaced by a better prospect or she'll just get bored of you.
Well-said. I also have decent looks, yet (as you indicated) online dating makes it too easy for a woman to find a better option in 2024.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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There certainly is a bifurcation in how to deploy one's agency while facing a decaying social structure - do you be constructive and try and fix it...
There's never any "fixing" anything, so much is there is there is a reducing of some difficulties


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Yeah. And I don't think that's too much to ask.
You want a cookie for not stuffing your face?

A woman could be fat, smell like a combination of weed/cigarettes/body odor, and wear stained clothes...yet she'd still get propositioned for sex.
Not all sex is the same, dud. No man with any amount of self-esteem would have sex with someone like that. Stop being envious of the thirsty incels that lower their standards that much.

Yet a man who does none of those things is unreasonable for expecting to be rewarded for his effort?
Yes, it's unreasonable to expect any reward for not making yourself fat and smelly.

Maybe it's the American 'body positivity' gone haywire that people accept fat people as 'the norm', but if you'd step outside yourself for a moment, you could see that no man expects to be rewarded for staying fit. Least of all rewarded with sex.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'd consider myself decent looking based on my results, but even then there's still the issue of the overly competitive dating market (online dating exacerbates this) where you can simply be replaced by a better prospect or she'll just get bored of you.
If a woman gets bored of you entertaining her, maybe you should try to entertain them at all. Why are so many guys going after low interest women whom they have entertain or cajole into sex?

And I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but you should not compete with other men. Your only competition is YOUR PAST SELF and you only compete to become a BETTER FUTURE SELF. Comparing yourself to other people is futile, everybody has their own difficulties and disadvantages. Concentrate on pursuing to get the best out of yourself and stop trying to be someone else.

You shouldn't be afraid of other men 'stealing' your woman. If a woman cheats on you or breaks up with you because she finds a 'better prospect', you should celebrate your freedom and be glad to be rid of that potential 'ball and chain'. Those trollops are unworthy, you shouldn't lust after them like a drooling puppy. Sex is not that great that you should compromise your standards and boundaries for poonani. Only thirsty morons with nothing to offer pursue these type of relationships.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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One idea I've proposed (on here, on a different online community, as well as to a male coworker) is: Men should stop making moves on broads cold turkey.

In the short term, I'm aware my strategy would lead to dry spells for a lot of men. In the long run, however, my idea would lead to a major societal shift. Within less than a year, broads would start throwing themselves at men (because otherwise, no single straight woman would ever get a date or sex again)

Unfortunately, I've been laughed at every time I've shared my idea.
It's not a bad idea, but unfeasible. Why? Because these women have artificial standards. The solution is to get standards as a man to not give in to the snooty and entitled. It's not 'All Men Should Do X'. Change the world, start with yourself. Stop being jealous of 304s and the sex they have. These are people without standards or values, why are you even looking at them?

I never made moves on any woman who wasn't highly interested in getting with me. I don't get hot for pity sex. I've never been so thirsty that I lowered my standards. I don't look at entitled women with desire, I don't look at them at all. Entitled women are low value and should be avoided, not pursued.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Well-said. I also have decent looks, yet (as you indicated) online dating makes it too easy for a woman to find a better option in 2024.
You have to be more than an option. Why do you see yourself as replaceable?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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You want a cookie for not stuffing your face?

Not all sex is the same, dud. No man with any amount of self-esteem would have sex with someone like that. Stop being envious of the thirsty incels that lower their standards that much.

Yes, it's unreasonable to expect any reward for not making yourself fat and smelly.

Maybe it's the American 'body positivity' gone haywire that people accept fat people as 'the norm', but if you'd step outside yourself for a moment, you could see that no man expects to be rewarded for staying fit. Least of all rewarded with sex.
Ok, even if a lot of men wouldn't have sex with the woman I described (fat, body odor, cigarette/weed odor, stained clothes), a lot of men would have sex with the female equivalent of me (7/10 on the looks scale, 33 years of age, not fat, neat clothes, hair always done)

I'd like the same rewards the female equivalent of me would get. And no, I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm not asking for male supremacy. All I'm asking for is literal equality.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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It's not a bad idea, but unfeasible. Why? Because these women have artificial standards. The solution is to get standards as a man to not give in to the snooty and entitled. It's not 'All Men Should Do X'. Change the world, start with yourself. Stop being jealous of 304s and the sex they have. These are people without standards or values, why are you even looking at them?

I never made moves on any woman who wasn't highly interested in getting with me. I don't get hot for pity sex. I've never been so thirsty that I lowered my standards. I don't look at entitled women with desire, I don't look at them at all. Entitled women are low value and should be avoided, not pursued.
Keep in mind, I only want casual sex; not a relationship.

So yeah, I'm jealous of 304s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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And I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but you should not compete with other men.
This is a ridiculous statement. The resource of females - to say nothing of decently desirable females - is not limitless, and there are men (i.e., Chads) that hog the resources, either directly (maintaining a soft harem) or indirectly (women keep themselves in "dating limbo" waiting for a Chad to show some genuine interest, etc.). Competition with other men is an essential part of the system of human dating, just as it is for our favorite incelbirds, the Blue Manakin.



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Ok, even if a lot of men wouldn't have sex with the woman I described (fat, body odor, cigarette/weed odor, stained clothes), a lot of men would have sex with the female equivalent of me (7/10 on the looks scale, 33 years of age, not fat, neat clothes, hair always done)

I'd like the same rewards the female equivalent of me would get. And no, I don't think that's too much to ask. I'm not asking for male supremacy. All I'm asking for is literal equality.
You're discussing the looksmatch deficit that has developed due to hypergamy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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One idea I've proposed (on here, on a different online community, as well as to a male coworker) is: Men should stop making moves on broads cold turkey.

In the short term, I'm aware my strategy would lead to dry spells for a lot of men. In the long run, however, my idea would lead to a major societal shift. Within less than a year, broads would start throwing themselves at men (because otherwise, no single straight woman would ever get a date or sex again)

Unfortunately, I've been laughed at every time I've shared my idea.
There would be enough men still around to happily fill the void (pun NOT intended). Men might show a high degree of comradery in battle, or collective solidarity with unions, but they will always subterfuge a sex strike.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Keep in mind, I only want casual sex; not a relationship.
Yes, and women want a relationship and not casual sex. At least, not with you.
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