Incel Circlejerk


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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As an example of the phenomenon @SW15 described, I know a 50 year old high-earning woman with a kid who's in high school. Doing the math, he's a last call baby.

She has a beta (but high-earning) husband.

On the other hand, low earners start popping out babies in their late teens and early 20s (and have lots of kids)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Thanks for the credit on the term 'Last Call Baby'. There were many of those 'Last Call Babies' in my social circle. In my social circle, it was bougie married women doing it.
Sucks for these broads and, quite possibly, the poor jerks who knocked them up. Unless we ourselves happen to be one of those poor jerks though, this ain't our problem, and sweating such things is about as gainful digging up King Leopold here in '24 then trying to revive him, just for the sake of asking:

"Do you regret turning a blind eye to The Force Publique depriving half The Congo of their hands?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I don't mind that. If someone wants to go in circles and never actually take action, that is their prerogative. My issue with them is that they post cringy threads whining about how inept they are with women and how to 'approach' prostitutes, and then they start giving advice on how to seduce women... :rolleyes:

Yes, be angry at women being selective and not wanting to hug you because they realise that you're a creep. Real mature, dud.
A forum member whose name contains the string "Ass" should ponder whether to make modifications to a quote. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
This was the background story for a movie:

A guy on a public bus once became aggressive when he heard me having a discussion with a friend about how the movie Idiocracy is coming true.

I guess the truth hits close to home for him :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
A forum member whose name contains the string "Ass" should ponder whether to make modifications to a quote. :)
Oh, how droll that you call me the Amsterdam Asshōle, because my nickname contains the three letters that remind you of the place where you get most of your jokes. Since you're trying to be offensive at Kindergarten level, maybe you can also make some pee and poo jokes. Anything else you want to comment on, Mr. 'Best I could come up with was an avatar of flies f*cking'?
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Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
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So getting back to the OP. Two things. 1) People have been complaining that SS isn't what it used to be for years. 2) People have complained that the "dating landscape" has changed for years, too.

One thing I will say, whenever someone revives one of those threads from 2001 or so, the posters from then are much more rah-rah and positive overall. So yeah I do think there's been an infection of negativity and black pill thinking, and a few undercover females as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
threads from 2001 or so, the posters from then are much more positive overall.
I'd put the argument forward that that's because technical game and having a medium to discuss it was all fairly new back then, and people were all very much under the incorrect assumption that 'game' was some secret magic power whereby we can all literally bang any girl we want if only we learnt about negs and disqualification and qualificatoin and some DHV stories and an NLP routine or 2 etc. ''18 year old 10/10 cheerleader and you are a broke fat bald 54 year old?? Doesn't matter!!!! MAKE her attracted using 'game'!''

Of course everyone was positive! They swallowed the kool aid and were mid sugar rush!


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2023
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The posters here who are 40-50+ are still active on your current dating market, dating the women you want to date. Why do they succeed whereas you don't? Maybe they understand the dynamics of the current dating market better than you?
You’re not fooling anyone with your so-called dating success, sweetheart.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
You’re not fooling anyone with your so-called dating success, sweetheart.
I wasn't talking about myself. I don't need to date. I'm doing fine, sweathard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I think a huge factor that a lot of people on here completely miss is simply accepting the reality of the dating market in our current time. I have a strong feeling a lot of the posters on here are much older, as in 40+ and well past this even, and do not understand the dynamics of the dating market today simply because they never went through it. Things like social media and dating apps did not exist 20 years ago. Sure, online dating sites existed, but wasn't how most couples met, in fact there was even a bit of a stigma associated with it.

IF a man was struggling in their time frame, the natural response is to assume there is something wrong with him. It's the same repetitive crap like work on your social skills, have better hygiene, dress better, become moderately fit, etc. This advice 20 years ago worked because the majority of guys were not struggling to get a date, so simply fixes like this would definitely help.

In contrast to this, you have large hordes of men that are otherwise decent/passable that are still struggling in today's dating market. Telling them the repetitive crap I mentioned above isn't even applicable. The better advice would be to avoid dating apps outright unless you are exceptionally attractive. The advice should be to work incredibly hard on self improvement, because there are countless other guys out there doing better than you. I also believe accepting the fact that women literally have at least a half a dozen other guys she is talking at a given period of time and that she could next you at the drop of a hat. I could go and on and on.

The main thing is that none of this **** should even be a factor, to me it's absolutely insane how warped the dating market is.

I will add this, I believe that a huge amount of it is pure luck. A huge number of woman today are absolute trash that should be treated as such. Sure, many are definitely overweight and unattractive, but I'm not even referring to just physical qualities. Issues pertaining to narcissism and overinflated egos are a rampant thing you'll find with many women, even unattractive ones. Many lack a feminine nature and lack many qualities that help form strong relationships and even families. There also is a huge problem with self medication and other addictive type behaviors, though you'll also find this in men.
I agree with this, the game has gotten tougher in the last decade. The lack of feminity in American women is appalling. It's truly hard to find feminine women. I've met some of the most vapid, shallow women in my life this year dating to the point that if you were to hear what they were saying you could tell they were delusional

Great post
The posters here who are 40-50+ are still active on your current dating market, dating the women you want to date. Why do they succeed whereas you don't? Maybe they understand the dynamics of the current dating market better than you?
And I agree with this

I think both things are right, I think the guys who have success not just speaking from observation but experience. Succeed because of various factors but the main factor IMO is mindset. I think of my life as "Era's" (I had Revenge Mode era lost a bunch of weight, Seduction era hit/smashed a lotta girls etc). The times where I have done amazingly well with women is because my mindset is more postive, motivated and also optimsitc. Does this mean I got every girl? of course not but it made it easier to bounce back from rejections, flakes, etc. When I look at the guys who do well with women I've seen broke guys or rich guys and they all have a mindset to succeed even if they fail and it speaks through in their actions, body language etc

You ever had a negative friend around you and you stopped taking their calls or hanging out with them? you know why that is, the old saying misery loves company is true. If you ever gone out with guys who really well with women, they don't want to be around someone who complains, whines, etc. This is why I always recommend hanging around naturls, because there is a lot to be learned by observing them if you have never been around one before. A lot of guys are doomed with women not because they are ugly, or short or broke but their mindsets!

Two things can be right, the dating game can be tougher but there are still tons of guys having success the truth is most of those guys ain't posting on sosuave(or watching Redpill dorks on youtube, and if they do watch it's for a laugh like one of my buddies who use to watch that he taught it was trollng then he realized nope these podcasts are serious)they don't need too. Heck the best guys I have talked to (naturals or self-taught) are at a level that they don't have to think about "Game" or "Frame" etc. They exude it naturally, and if they take an "L" (yes even Chad takes "Ls:) they are on to the next
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
What about their mindset?
The shallow women tent to have very judgmental mindsets, typically based around vanity and materialism. Some of these girls have been spoiled all their lives or are use to men spoiling them. The sad part is the women that I went out with offered nothing besides their ***** and wet mouth. IMO that's a waste of my time as I'm looking for LTR. Typically these types of women you will be able to tell on the first date unless they are very good at hiding their intentions.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
I agree with this, the game has gotten tougher in the last decade. The lack of feminity in American women is appalling. It's truly hard to find feminine women. I've met some of the most vapid, shallow women in my life this year dating to the point that if you were to hear what they were saying you could tell they were delusional

Great post

And I agree with this

I think both things are right, I think the guys who have success not just speaking from observation but experience. Succeed because of various factors but the main factor IMO is mindset. I think of my life as "Era's" (I had Revenge Mode era lost a bunch of weight, Seduction era hit/smashed a lotta girls etc). The times where I have done amazingly well with women is because my mindset is more postive, motivated and also optimsitc. Does this mean I got every girl? of course not but it made it easier to bounce back from rejections, flakes, etc. When I look at the guys who do well with women I've seen broke guys or rich guys and they all have a mindset to succeed even if they fail and it speaks through in their actions, body language etc

You ever had a negative friend around you and you stopped taking their calls or hanging out with them? you know why that is, the old saying misery loves company is true. If you ever gone out with guys who really well with women, they don't want to be around someone who complains, whines, etc. This is why I always recommend hanging around naturls, because there is a lot to be learned by observing them if you have never been around one before. A lot of guys are doomed with women not because they are ugly, or short or broke but their mindsets!

Two things can be right, the dating game can be tougher but there are still tons of guys having success the truth is most of those guys ain't posting on sosuave(or watching Redpill dorks on youtube, and if they do watch it's for a laugh like one of my buddies who use to watch that he taught it was trollng then he realized nope these podcasts are serious)they don't need too. Heck the best guys I have talked to (naturals or self-taught) are at a level that they don't have to think about "Game" or "Frame" etc. They exude it naturally, and if they take an "L" (yes even Chad takes "Ls:) they are on to the next
A basketball team that wins 70% (or even 50%) of games bounces back from losses easier than a team that wins 10% of games.

When you lose the vast majority of games, it takes a toll on you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
The shallow women tent to have very judgmental mindsets, typically based around vanity and materialism. Some of these girls have been spoiled all their lives or are use to men spoiling them. The sad part is the women that I went out with offered nothing besides their ***** and wet mouth. IMO that's a waste of my time as I'm looking for LTR. Typically these types of women you will be able to tell on the first date unless they are very good at hiding their intentions.
I'd be ecstatic to find a woman looking to offer me her beaver and mouth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Getting it for free would make me ecstatic because it shows that the woman genuinely wants me.
Ok, so that means there is an aspect of that exchange you cant buy and that aspect makes a big issue with you. Does it undermine the experience. You dont feel she is like a hor?