Okay, so you fūcked up bad here. Yes this cannot be salvaged. Save yourself some self-respect and just move on. But here's what you can learn from this.
Here are general
texting rules that can prevent you from ever making the texting mistake again.
- Keep texting short
Texting is not the same as talking and should be treated as such. Serious topics (unless its her sending the paragraphs) should always be avoided. If it's not logistics or fun and flirty you should not be texting.
Rule of thumb: Your texts should rarely be longer than three lines. Make everything you say concise and to the point
-Keep texting short
Yes it's here twice. The first one is referring to actual text length, this one refers to the length of time you text. Never text a woman all day. Texting with plates should consist of small short stimulating conversations usually initiated by her. When you get that random midday "hey" humor her for a bit and if you dont see a way to finesse a meet up stop replying. Do not let a woman get into the habit of expecting a good morning/night message or reply. It's okay occasionally but she should never expect it.
Rule of thumb: End on Highnote. Conversations usually reach a point of climax where the main point has been discussed and either someone needs to change the topic or come from a different angle. End conversations here by not replying. There is nothing better than a good joke or playful banter and then vanishing. Her last memory of you will be positive.
-Don't use emojis, "lol" or exclamation marks unless the situation really calls for it. (Which is pretty much never)
You are not some bubbling idiot excited to be talking to a girl. Certainly the conversation is not so entertaining that you are laughing at every text.
Rule of thumb: Don't use "lol" unless you actually laugh out loud. And I don't mean a snicker or chuckle. I mean a
ha ha ha laugh. Most of the time when people type "lol" or use an emoji there isn't a hint of an expression on their face. Just like now, while you read this with that voice in your head, with a straight face... See.
-Match her reply time. 2 hr. Limit
If she takes 5 mins to text back. You take 7. She's takes 10 you take 13. These aren't hardlined rules that need to be followed to the T. Just guides. Obviously if the conversation is freaky and she's talking about how she's gonna blow you reply right away. Basically this rule boils down to don't be the guy who has absolutely nothing going on and replies the second he get's a message. If a woman's messages are coming in at 30-45 mins apart, the time you reply needs to be doubled if you reply at all.
Rule of thumb: If a woman takes longer than 2 hours to reply to your message don't reply at all. She needs to reinitiate. Eventually, she will learn what behavior keeps your attention and behave accordingly.
- Speak like a real human being
I never understood why sometimes you guys are so wordy. Your texts messages shouldn't look like you just got off of diction.com in search of synonyms to
really express your feelings. Keep it short and simple to ensure she knows exactly what you mean. Your vocabulary does not impress a woman, even the geeky ones.
Rule of thumb: 'I am going to fūck you tonight' will always be more of a turn on than '
tonight we'll be passionate' 9 times out of 10. Life isn't a highschool romcom.