I can only imagine that if I were a newbie, not out here meeting/managing women everyday, and ONLY had the information from this website to rely on in terms of information on how to best handle women..........
I would be WORSE OFF than if I never came here at all.
Look at the silly fvcking advice you guys keep giving out.
- When you get a number, don't call/text for 3 - 7 days
- Never text at all
- When you text, never use emojis or "lol", keep it short
- When you call/text, keep communicate short, only push for the date
WHAT in the flying
FVCK kind of advice is this?? You can't tell me you guys are out here dating Millennial women, you can't. This is how the shyt really goes...........
- If you get her number Monday at 2:00 p.m., you better be texting her by 8:00 p.m. the same day if you want her to remember who the hell you are.
- LEARN to
text, text, text, and text your life away because you will be doing a lot of it. Learn to use emojis, "lol", "lmao", and all of the shyt us Millennials say/communicate when texting/speaking on social media.
- Then, make sure you add phone calls in there.......
longgggg phone calls that go 30 - 90 minutes sometimes, where you and her just "kick in" and discuss a variety of things from serious topics, to intelligent topics, to romantic topics, to sexual/phone caking, etc.
After all of that, once you guys start to do the in person dates/live meets, you will already have a great rapport build up with the woman. Plus, you are LESS LIKELY to even get a date/live meet with a chick without going through the telephone/texting process.
That's the truth based from the
field, I have no flying clue what these other guys are talking about.