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I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....


Dec 13, 2007
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Okay Str8up you are about to call me crazy, but in actuality I think you have concluded the wrong beliefs about women.

Your thoughts in your head can always find ANYTHING in the world to reinforce them, then these thoughts become internal STRONG beliefs and CAUSE you to ACT differently.

Now you can't trust a woman? Now you will "never" be in a one-on-one fulfillign relationship with a woman? All of this from talking to the girls and encountering the girls you have over the previous 40 or so years of your life?

How can you conclude such a belief?

Str8up the first thing you have to do is realize that while most women are ATTRACTED and TURNED on in the same format (sexuality + looks + status + effort), this doesn't mean that every girl is on the same LEVEL nor if they are all the SAME partner wise.

Stru8p you UNDERSTAND attraction, so you no longer will be classified as UN-attractive. Okay but that's compared to the Sales Guy who now understands and knows how to sale, this doesn't mean that YOU WANT TO SALE EVERY PROSPECT. Some prospects you can sale, BUT, they just aren't good for business/profit sake.

Anti-Dump said you don't build a relationship you buy one, so if you are seeing the symptoms of a person that's not a great person in general, why not reject THAT person and go to another prospect?

It's like the hardcore women who BELIEVE that all men are dogs and worthless, now Stru8p you know you're not a dog and worthless right? But see the problem is these women NEVER met a guy like you before. They have been with the (sexual, great looks, great status) guys who have been total jerks and dycks.

See, I believe a HEALTHY, MATURE woman's dream is the sexual, great looks, great status guy with an internal nice, charming, and cool personality. Str8up that's YOU, but you are CHOOSING the wrong women.

Trust me. Your beliefs are flawed.

Just as there are RARE men who are attractive (sexual, great looks, great status) ANDDD great guys (nice, charming, cool), there are just as RARE women who are attractive (great looks, great personality, great status), ANDDD great partners (supportive, caring, trustworthy, true companion, love like a mother)

Okay, so don't expect MAJORITY of women to be the high quality ones. Most women are only great for sex because many fit the attractive qualifications but fail the partner ones.

But to get ticked off and say "it's all lost hope?" Are you kidding me?

You have to start looking for symptoms of a higher quality woman, I will write a post on this maybe later this week.


Dec 13, 2007
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I will always use examples from my Sales life in the Romantic areas. When I first started Sales, I was getting rejected all over the place because I couldn't "Sale" (present my program in a way that attracts the customer)

Now that I can "Sale" I realize that I DON'T want to sale every prospect because a lot of them AREN'T HIGH QUALITY, and won't bring in much profit.

So now I take my "ability to sale" to a "higher quality prospect" and now I'm closing sales AND obtaining high returns.

Str8up, the game of romance is about having the ability to "sale" and you have that. But you NEED the preparation and identification process of a "higher quality prospect."

Your prospects haven't achieved nor worked on their "partner" qualifications and thus DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE A GREAT PARTNER.

It's DIFFICULT to work on those areas, but it's easy for a woman to throw on some tight pants and qualify for the "Attraction phase."

So you must go past the "what she looks like" and start to identify external behaviors and cues that this girl in particular as been working on and has the higher quality "partner" traits.

Again, I will make a thread on this later in the week. :up:

Getting women who pass the "Attraction stage" is one thing, but when you have women who are "Attractive" AND "Great Partners" well my friend life is like a floating cloud nine that you can't seem to climb down from.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Rollo Tomassi said:
It's nihilism. It's not the situation itself, it's the powerlessness of having to be a passive observer of the whole thing knowing that neither party would ever fully appreciate your effort to help them.
the secret to overcoming nihilism is to realize that nihilism is tied to idealistm - which is pretty ironic given the two states are polar opposite of each other.

but its idealism that brings about nihilism. when the world can't be the way you think it should 'ideally' be.

its kind of like wishing that woman's p*ssy tasted like apple pie. if you were to hold on to this 'ideal' desire you could find yourself missing out on a good experience because it doesn't live up to your 'ideal' conception of what it should be.

one of hte problems with idealism is that it is almost like a magnifying glass that magnifies all the flaws with things. people will often spend a long time in a state of 'teh grass is greener', but even that eventually fails and they start saying 'the grass sucks everywhere!' - and this is when idealism falls apart and one sinks into nihilism.

and this is also what fuels the matrix. feeding / brainwashing people to want more than they have - more than what is around them. instead of making the best of what is around them and appreciating all that is around them everyone is lead to believe that utopia is out there and if they struggle long and hard enough they will find it. bullocks.

the solution to nihilism is to stop expecting perfection. moreoever, to embrace what is good and let the bad roll off your back like water off a duck's back.

the world is never going to 'make sense' from the idealistic view point. and hey, im talking as probably one of the biggest idealists you'll ever meet. this is also why i argue that people are good - because given the lack of control we each have as individuals its amazing we aren't a barbaric society. 90%+ of people out there have zero desire to do you harm despite the fact that they, just like you, are trapped in an often times frustating, painful world.

and forgive me for being politic for a moment, but take ron paul for instance. he's beeing trying to get people to listen to reason for over 30 years! and its only now that some people are willing to even listen.

you must, absolutely must, learn to find joy in an imperfect world - learn to be y ourself, believe in yourself, and to live by your own rules. when you do this, then you are able to stick to your guns without so much pain adn suffering. you're able to hold to your views for 30 years and when the world is ready your time will come. and even if it doesn't, thats ok, becuase you will still have a great life because you will be at one with yourself.

what creates a lot of people's suffering is that they aren't at peace with themselves. its kind of like they have a broken arms, 3 broken ribs and a broken foot - and every time the car hits the tiniest bump in the road its unbelievably painful.

but for those who find peace within themselves, no matter how bumping life gets they simply go along for the ride. while it may be frustrating at times, it doesn't 'hurt', they never say 'that's it, i can't take this anymore. stop the car im getting out.'


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Hey Str8up,

I can empathize with you.

However, her husband never directed her.

This is what happens when women are not directed and trained.

Even the biggest hoars can be tamed. On the other side of the coin, if you do not direct the best of women, they will wrong you. This is what happens when internal boundaries are not enforced.

I always take an aggressive position with my boundaries. My motto is "Put up or shut up". Respect or I walk away. But living by these rules, women do not cheat on me. They are on a tight leash.

Comfortability?! How could you be comfortable if the woman you spend time with does not play by your rules? You cannot. I would rather be alone than to be with a woman who is not on my leash. This is how I am comfortable.

It is human nature to push on all boundaries to see how much we can get away with. If the leash is tight, there are no worries.

Is this the way I want to be? To feel comfortable, I wouldn't have it any other way , else I stay alone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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guru1000 said:
However, her husband never directed her.

This is what happens when women are not directed and trained.

we talk about directing a woman. but i think its more about setting standards. when a man stands for something, whatever set of beliefs those may be (the most important though being self respect), a woman respects those beliefs because she knows if she doesn't that she's out the door.

but when a man puts the p*ssy before his beliefs, she knows she can get away with anything. she knows that the john / hooker dynamic is operating in full effect. she knows that she has an AFC who, despite getting upset at her behavior, will always crumble before the power of the p*ssy.

a man cannot direct a woman when the p*ssy directs him.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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joekerr31 said:
we talk about directing a woman. but i think its more about setting standards. when a man stands for something, whatever set of beliefs those may be (the most important though being self respect), a woman respects those beliefs because she knows if she doesn't that she's out the door.
Yes! And these standards (beliefs, rules) are enforced with the power of walking away.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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joekerr31 said:
we talk about directing a woman. but i think its more about setting standards. when a man stands for something, whatever set of beliefs those may be (the most important though being self respect), a woman respects those beliefs because she knows if she doesn't that she's out the door.

but when a man puts the p*ssy before his beliefs, she knows she can get away with anything. she knows that the john / hooker dynamic is operating in full effect. she knows that she has an AFC who, despite getting upset at her behavior, will always crumble before the power of the p*ssy.

a man cannot direct a woman when the p*ssy directs him.
Damn, there is so much wisdom leaping from these posts, I really wish more males would read this.

Talk about really empowering males to become Men again.

We still get silly threads like "When should I call?" or "Is this a good move?" "Should I wait?" or "How do I get her back?"


All of that is almost trivial when compared to the duty to become and realize yourSELF as Mature, masculine man.

Who gives a sh*t about getting some disinterested prick teasing AW when you are in an immature Boy fantasy world and time and opportunities are slipping by your fingers? And the females you interact with are MORE MASCULINE than YOU!!!!
See anything wrong with this picture, boys?

Do these guys even know what is at stake?

Wasting time throwing their Life and YOUTH away for some dumb broads.......

And some of them admantly self deluding themselves and denying that they're not trying to get back with some AW or they truly weren't acting AFC...

I feel like slapping them sometimes, and saying "How's it working out for ya?"


I wonder if guys really understand and appreciate what is being written here.

joey, you rock, brother.

Interceptor out.


"Get ready for Heroism"


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I read as much here as I can, I agree it's about learning to be a man. The great thing for me personally is that I can see a basic theme running throughout many of these Mature Man threads of the steps you need to take to not have so many problems with women... and they are the same steps you need to take to not have so many problems in life.... and no they aren't the same steps that all HUMANS have to take (really) but the steps that men have to take because we are biologically different from women and we think in a different way and have different needs.. things like goals, and being assertive in life have different meanings to us as men.

It's so easy to get pessimistic. When you get pesimmistic it means life has beaten you down and as men I think we are wired to learn to defeat whatever obstacles we have in life (in older times it would be hunting or going to war or something) and if life is beating you down and you're staying down you literally are not acting like a "Man", you're acting like a woman who wants a man (or in our case, a woman) to come along and solve the problems for us and make us feel safe and protected... but that's not their job, that's our job--to be the ones that make the women feel safe and protected and we can't do that when life is defeating us. But the matrix made many of us think the roles were flipped, or worse that we should be ashamed of our roles as men. That those roles were from a different era and we live in an equal society, but human nature doesn't change.

What Interceptor said about women being more masculine than a lot of males is true and that really hits home with me. Wow.

Not to get too off topic or ramble.


Dec 13, 2007
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No offense to Rollo, but I think JoeKerr should be writing a book also. Hell, even a little E-book will do lol.

The problem with majority of people is their LACK OF CONTROL of themselves, thus they either want others to control them or they seek to control other people.

I think Str8up doesn't have full self control, and the "women should be this" rantings are symptoms of this as he seeks to control "women."

Instead, control yourselves, and FILTER who you SARGE.

How can we expect all women to be all things? That's insane, and to get bitter over it isn't helping YOURSELF.


Feb 10, 2005
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Gerard, are you the poster formerly know as pvssyeater?

I get the sense that some here are providing theoretical at best solutions to the wrong problem. The simple fact is women have options and can exercise them whenever they choose. Like the girl in this example, how do we know her husband isn't a "DJ" and she's still screwing around on him? The main thing is women are responsibile for their own behavior and how they choose to be and there's very little any one man can do to change that. It is what it is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Joekerr wrote.....

"...the solution to nihilism is to stop expecting perfection. moreoever, to embrace what is good and let the bad roll off your back like water off a duck's back..."


"...you must, absolutely must, learn to find joy in an imperfect world..."

I know these are cherry-picked, and a little self-serving for me to reiterate. But these quotes from Joekerr I like a LOT.

We must accept women, and LIFE, as they ARE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Rollo Tomassi said:
But STR8 isn't looking for answers - he already knows them. It's not a solution he's looking for, or the root causes, or the things he should do to avoid a similar predicament; it's about dread, it's about confronting nihilism.
Is there any man on this board who would claim that relationships today are fundamentaly the same as they were 50-100-300-or 500 years ago?

The fact is we live in a FUKKEd up time. We go to cushy jobs and spend our paychecks on a bunch of bullsh!t we don't need and then wonder why we never have any money. Men have no physical need to become MEN anymore, it's all a big show of who can ACT more manly to attract the woman who is choosing based upon outdated criteria.

You know, if I could look around and see a decent amount of couples who were truly happy, I would shut my mouth right now and start to look toward myself for the reasons why I am failing to attract the right women. But when all I see is failed marriages, rampant infidelity, and complete disregard for the foundation that successful relationships are built upon, I can't help but get a little frustrated that for the most part it really ISN'T me, it's the rest of the screwed up world.

Everyone on here is so damn adamant about how "good women are rare, but they are out there, you just have to find one". Well I for one don't have the time or desire to wade through a ton of sh!t to "search" for a decent woman. that is not my mission. It's just incredibly irritating to have your doubts confirmed on a daily basis.

I run across a wonderful woman from time to time. Very, very rarely are they single. The guy who snagged them up wasn't stupid. It's not hard to spot a diamond in a pile of dirt. Then there are the few who are single. That's all good and fine but you can't attract EVERY woman, and even if she's a great girl it doesn't mean that YOU will have the right chemistry with her anyway.

STR8UP, I think you're experiencing what I call the "why do I bother?" blues.

It's nihilism. It's not the situation itself, it's the powerlessness of having to be a passive observer of the whole thing knowing that neither party would ever fully appreciate your effort to help them.
I don't really care to help anyone, although I would be more than glad to share what I know with anyone willing to listen.

I just never ceases to amaze me that every time I turn around my beliefs about women are confirmed.

Call up my AW friend on a Sunday to say whats up, she asks if I went out the night before. I tell her "yes", and she starts crying. Literally CRYING because I didn't call her, nobody ever calls her, blah, blah.' She recently got dumped by her "fiancee" who happened to be a wealthy jet setter who only came to town once every few weeks or a month. "Do you thin he might be, um, married?" "Oh no.....of course not. I know him better than that...no chance" Nex thing you know she finds a myspace page complete with his WIFE and family.

Then there's another female friend of mine who is an absolute basketcase because of her ex husband and his passive aggressive jabs at her. then next thing you know she's out with him at the bar, trying to see if she can make it work again.

Oh yea, and the lebanese chick i was seeing for awhile. Come to find out she has this crazy idea that her ex husband who left her for another woman is going to leave his new family and come back to her any day now.

Hmmmm.....and the one chick i was seeing last year hooks up with a guy at her high school reunion and the next thing you know they are married.

Oh, and a friend of hers that I hang out with from time to time recently started taking an interest in me, come to find out she's banging a married guy at work.

The there's the sh!t like from the other night. "I have a husband AND a boyfriend and I am happy!"

I could go on all night. This is what we are up against fellas.

And it isn't just that I'm on the one end of the transaction.....no. Talked to the 22 yr old college chick I know on IM today. She's still in Ireland with her fiancee, but is heading back to the states in a couple of weeks, then she's talking about coming to visit me shortly after. We started talking about our "past" and one thing lead to another and she started talking about how she thinks about the sex we used to have and that it was hard for control herself last time she was here. All she needed was an outside source to blame (alcohol, ME) and I could have fukked her silly when she was laying next to me in her panties and silk nighty, no doubt about it. Chick had the option of hanging out at my highrise condo and strolling downtown during the day while she was here, but she chose to go to work with me and hang out in a dirty office for 10 hours for two days. If she does end up coming back here I probably should bang the sh!t out of her. She's even looking into schools here. Maybe I can get in on some of this mischief. this chick is totally in love with me. Why shouldn't I take advantage of it like most other guys would?

Good women, yea, they're a dime a dozen these days.....


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

There's an old saying --- "There's nothing new under the sun."

All this cr*p has been going on forever. Literally THOUSANDS of years.The way things are now is no different than before. Really. It's true. Women are women, and men are men. Nothing's really NEW, now.

We just communicate better now. Internet, tv, radio, etc. And this is a GOOD thing. We can understand what's going on better now.

Lighten up, man. Everything is OK.

You'll be fine.

Keep your eyes open, and look out for yourself. All is well.

Man, look around . There ARE no "WONDERFUL" women. Just the same, there are no "WONDERFUL" men. People are people. Some better, some worse. But there are some really nice chicks that you can be with for a while and have a great time.

STR8UP, just forget about finding some elusive creature from your dreams. She doesn't exist. Accept what the women you know can offer you, and treat them well, and expect little, and know that there are MORE of them out there to satisfy your need for "variety," a need we as men all have.

Stop looking for what doesn't exist, man. Enjoy what DOES.


Feb 10, 2005
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Maybe I can get in on some of this mischief. this chick is totally in love with me. Why shouldn't I take advantage of it like most other guys would?
And that's the worst part of it all IMO Str8up, even if there was a "good" girl to be found she would be acting "good" towards the wrong guy for her. It's like you can't win or attract a decent girl by being a good guy either.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
JOEKERR wrote:
the secret to overcoming nihilism is to realize that nihilism is tied to idealistm - which is pretty ironic given the two states are polar opposite of each other.
Some good posts in here and from ALL the usual suspects, of course.

Nihilism, huh...well...one thing to keep in mind is that as unbelieveable as it may seem to SOME of us, many men seem to enjoy nihilism-----or at least, they'll tell you that they do, in order to justify their seemingly dogged determination to hang on to it so strongly-----at the continuous cost of their inner peace.

Good catch by JOE when he pointed out how even viewpoints that are life-draining, depressing, and fatalistic are ALSO twisted forms of living in a kind of "more acceptable" Idealist Matrix.

When you lookup the word Nihilistic, you usually get definitions like radical, disorderly, rebellious, lawless, or extreme. Hmmm...it would appear to me that those who embrace this mindset would be more prone to fall prey to the temptation of becoming rebellious and disagreeable JUST for the sake of "being" rebellious and disagreeable-----almost to the extent that they behave like flailing drowning men that fight against YOU while you're only trying your best to help save them and/or help them save THEMSELVES.

There is a prevailing SADNESS in such situations. Because these situations reveal that there is an equal amount of numbing naivety in looking at the world as just a "piece of shyt" as it is to look at it as only a "bed of roses". Each carries it's own dilemma. I can't help but think that the truth always lies SOMEWHERE nearer to the middle of these two extremes.

Personally, I believe that defining who you are, and what you want, and what you are willing to accept out of life helps keep me MORE sane (so far...lol).

I've watched quite a few friends of mine fall into the trap of REFUSING to declare ANYTHING right or wrong, or good or bad, or whatever. And those who have fallen into the trap of embracing SITUATIONAL ETHICS only, often bragged about how nothing was black or white, and how life living in "the grey areas" was the shyt.

But one by one, I've watched EACH of them slowly begin to discover that life in the grey zone bred nothing but smugness at first----then apathy, and ultimately indecision and outright CONFUSION.

It would appear that the Tower of BABEL is REAL------and much of it is being built by the Mature Men of SoSuave.

Sometimes, a man has to ask himself:

Is my current mindset WORKING for me? Or is it NOT?

Sometimes a man can reject accepting or adopting ANY absolutes to the point where he finds he has become A REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. And a rebel without a cause eventually transforms into a REBEL WITHOUT A PAUSE, as well.

And that's when he suddenly finds himself careening off the road of self-reflection, self-realization, and self-actualization and INTO the bottomless pit of apathy, depression, emotional exhaustion, and overall confusion that I mentioned earlier.

And this is NOT a slight to anyone in particular, just my views on the dangers of the nihilistic mindset. Because, believe it or not, I have been here before myself. Only my sense of HOPE based on past and present POSITIVE experiences keep me positively (and realistically) grounded.

Because sometimes, focusing on the distasteful, unfruitful, unempowering aspects of dealing with women can work against us-----IF we find ourselves doing it UNCEASINGLY. Sometimes coming on SoSuave analyzing shyt (WOMEN mostly...) is like being a cop working Vice. Sometimes when ALL you focus on is the "scum of the earth" type behavior------that's all you see.

And it darkens your soul. Then we find ourselves "taking it out" on those closest to us...And for any of us who find ourselves about to reach THAT point...a little time away MAY be exactly what we need....



Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
aliasguy said:

There's an old saying --- "There's nothing new under the sun."

All this cr*p has been going on forever. Literally THOUSANDS of years.The way things are now is no different than before. Really. It's true. Women are women, and men are men. Nothing's really NEW, now.

We just communicate better now. Internet, tv, radio, etc. And this is a GOOD thing. We can understand what's going on better now.
I got to kind of disagree. I know things have changed a lot since I was a teen and I'm pretty sure things have changed a lot from where they were as late as the 50's and 60's. But I agree that human nature isn't new. What we have now is the product of society letting women act however they want.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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ketostix said:
I got to kind of disagree. I know things have changed a lot since I was a teen and I'm pretty sure things have changed a lot from where they were as late as the 50's and 60's. But I agree that human nature isn't new. What we have now is the product of society letting women act however they want.

Or letting men AND women act however they want. And how is that NEW? It is how it has always been. People have ALWAYS been able to act as they wish. "Society" cannot truly control an individual.

I know what you will answer to this, and i have an answer for that. And you have an answer for THAT. And we are BOTH right.

The point is, women and men will do as they will.

Enjoy women for what they are and what they can give you. Don't expect too much from them. Love them, f*ck them, live life. It's easy.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Several issues are going on here... I know this thread is getting deep, but I think that's a good thing.

However, the time for the kiddy bullsh!t is over. It's time to pull out the stops and explain what's going on, but that means this may seem way too confusing... oh well.

A good number of posters on this thread woke up from the Matrix... but the job's not done. Brush yourselves off, and look around... have you only woken up to yet another Matrix? Yes that's right: a Matrix within the Matrix.

Many wisdom traditions understand this problem: awakening may not come all at once, and we may find ourselves only at a higher level but still living in a World of Illusions.

Most women live in some lower level of the matrix within a matrix within a matrix, etc. etc. This is the REAL reason they select bad boys over good men: they live in a World of Illusion and have embraced the false values of that world.

The real reason most women and men are evil azzholes are because they are ignorant that they even live in a World of Illusion. Psychology shows us that ignorance makes people more self-confidant than ability/wisdom does (the Dunning-Kruger effect). As though we needed a study to prove this! "A fool thinks he is wise and the wise man knows he is a fool!"

Meanwhile, in the Real World, where Darwinian selection is working it's hand we can see what the so-called 'bad boys' are actually doing - they are Faking Fitness in the mate selection.

Pook might say that 'bad boys pretend to be a Man, and the women fall for it'.

From the Book of Dangerous Ideas:

We don't seek reproductive success directly; we seek tasty foods that tended to promote survival and luscious mates who tended to produce bright, healthy babies. Modern results: fast food and pornography.
Fast food and porn are part of the World of Illusion. As a human being, one's ultimate goal is to make healthy babies... jerking off to porn doesn't help in the slightest.

More from the Book of Dangerous Ideas:

Technology is fairly good at controlling external reality to promote our real biological fitness, but it's even better at delivering fake fitness — subjective cues of survival and reproduction, without the real-world effects. Fresh organic fruit juice costs so much more than nutrition-free soda. Having real friends is so much more effort than watching Friends on TV. Actually colonizing the galaxy would be so much harder than pretending to have done it when filming Star Wars or Serenity.
Fitness faking... aka bullsh!tting people, grows faster than our resistance to it. This is an arms race of illusion versus reality. You're here because in that race, reality is winning out for you.

This is the Great Temptation for many people - to shape their subjective reality to provide the cues of survival and reproductive success without the substance. Why master Shakespeare when I can just zone out in front of the Sci-Fi channel? Even within my own lifetime the worst it will probably do to me is give me a big gut and nagging wife.

We can see in our own time how extinction can happen gradually. In the West the so-called 'intelligent' have fewer babies, and focus more on bullsh!t than on having children. (See the movie Idiocracy.)

But variations in personality might allow some people to resist the Great Temptation and last longer. Those who persist will develop more self-control, conscientiousness, and pragmatism. They will develop a horror of virtual entertainment, psychoactive drugs, and contraception. They will stress the values of hard work, delayed gratification, child-rearing, and environmental stewardship. They will look like some crazy combination of conservative / libertarian / capitalist / who likes trees.*

Thus spake the book of Dangerous Ideas:

(The) dangerous idea-within-an-idea is that this, too, is already happening. Christian and Muslim fundamentalists, and anti-consumerism activists, already understand exactly what the Great Temptation is, and how to avoid it. They insulate themselves from our Creative-Class dream-worlds and our EverQuest economics. They wait patiently for our fitness-faking narcissism to go extinct. Those practical-minded breeders will inherit the earth, as like-minded aliens may have inherited a few other planets. When they finally achieve Contact, it will not be a meeting of novel-readers and game-players. It will be a meeting of dead-serious super-parents who congratulate each other on surviving not just the Bomb, but the Xbox. They will toast each other not in a soft-porn Holodeck, but in a sacred nursery.
The irony of the 21st Century is that those among us who are least likely to believe in Darwinian evolution are those who serve it best. Those conservatives, West and Middle-East, who don't give a sh!t about what Brittany or her slvtty sister are doing will be making babies and setting public policy long after the Slvts in the City or the Desperate HouseWh0res are long gone and forgotten.

*I totally ripped these ideas off this guy: http://www.edge.org/q2006/q06_9.html scroll down to Geoffrey Miller.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
aliasguy said:
Or letting men AND women act however they want. And how is that NEW? It is how it has always been. People have ALWAYS been able to act as they wish. "Society" cannot truly control an individual.

I know what you will answer to this, and i have an answer for that. And you have an answer for THAT. And we are BOTH right.
Your premise is not correct, in actuality human being have been evolving during historical times.

Until recently, anthropologists believed that evolutionary pressures on humans eased after the transition to a more stable agrarian lifestyle. But in the past few years, they realized the opposite was true - diseases swept through societies in which large groups lived in close quarters for a long period.

Altogether, the recent genetic changes account for 7 percent of the human genome, according to the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

The emerging picture of the human race is this: great historical shifts probably had underlying shifts in genetic populations.

So STR8UP is correct - people are different now than in history.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, People ARE different. I concede the point for this thread. I cry "uncle." You win

Now, given that, explain to me what difference that makes in how I relate to women. The post above says that women "get away" with more in this new genomic/social environment. How do I handle this?

How do these newly discovered genetic variabilities affect how I deal with Suzie Wannahubby, or Lucy Slutovka? Do I simply TOSS the wisdom of the past? Are all bets off?

B.S., dude --- women are women. I've read all kindsa stuff: contemporary, renaissance, even ancient Greek and Roman. All sounds the same to me.

Give me specifics -- REAL differences in WOMEN, save the usual variations in social mores.