I agree with you. Quality women are those with RESPECT and quality men are those with an ability to PROVIDE (emotionally, physically, socially).
However, we can't get centered on pre-assumed "gender roles." Like a pumped up religion, most guys here say women SHOULD be this (submissive, humble, caring, nurting) and men SHOULD be this (strong, brave, provider,) and in actuality, those are preassumed gender roles made up by other men then retaught to this generation.
Instead, the focus should be on being a WHOLE PERSON. A whole person with internal peace, joy, and satisification, with an overall appreciation for life. Then an external determination to achieve great things, make the world a better place, and deal with any issues FACE ON.
This WHOLE PERSON should be what any man or woman should strive for.
Then when it comes to a valuable relationship, this WHOLE PERSON should seek another WHOLE PERSON.
So the two come together to ENJOY life and SHARE in its experiences, instead of coming together in a handicapped fashion and expecting the other to CARRY or FILL A GAP in their lives.