I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by RBB
Keep us posted!!! :D
Ah Goddamnit! I was so busy today I didn't have time...It's getting on to day six. I HAVE to call her tommorrow...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
Ah Goddamnit! I was so busy today I didn't have time...It's getting on to day six. I HAVE to call her tommorrow...
Yeah, might be a good idea, you really should have called her today or yesterday, but, if she still seems interested on the phone, then whatever works, works!

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hey RBB, thank you for the encouraging words!

Well, tomorrow I will really begin BC, and next weekend I´ll post several histories for all you. I wait!

You´ll be proud of me.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
OMFG gentlemen. What has happened to us? this thread has falen to page 3.

ok boot camp week 2 is over.

I talked to a bunch of people. mainly ok looking women. basically everyone i talk to is nice to me and gives me good response.

i guess people just like attention and having people talk to them. i went ahead and got some numbers.

i road with a friend of a friend i just met the other day. she drove a sweet ride so i wanted to ride in it (audi a4 quattro... cheeyuh).

i used my mad conversation skrillz and talked to her for like 30 minutes easy.




Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Man it's tuesday, but work just keeps piling up. And then there's training. I haven't been able to get even one rejection this week!! ****! This is not as easy as it sounds!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
what happened to you guys, the bootcamp thread should be on page one at all times, not on page 3! You guys need to get it together, for serious guys, get out there and find some women for you to mack!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay. I went out today, and I talked to a couple of women. Unfortuantely, none of the convos lasted long enough to ask for the number! :(

On another note, I called the cold approach number that I got on tuesday, and I asked her to coffee on tuesday. This one is teetering on the edge I think, because I'm pretty sure that she may not know that this is date. See, what happened, was that she just happens to be in a class that I took last year, so I offered to show her the work that I have. When I called her, I guess my "finesse" style my not have been direct enough. I said:

"Hey, what's up. (Small tak etc. for about 20 seconds).
"So you need my work from last year, right? (playfully) Well, I'll give them to you, but first we go out for a cup of coffee together."

She said she was too busy this week for thursday, which is understandable, and she offered to go out on tuesday of next. So okay, I accepted, but I'm pretty sure not to expect anything from this.
At the very least, I'm going to make sure she understands that I'm asking her out at coffee. We'll see how it goes.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nishbuk
On another note, I called the cold approach number that I got on tuesday, and I asked her to coffee on tuesday. This one is teetering on the edge I think, because I'm pretty sure that she may not know that this is date. See, what happened, was that she just happens to be in a class that I took last year, so I offered to show her the work that I have. When I called her, I guess my "finesse" style my not have been direct enough. I said:

"Hey, what's up. (Small tak etc. for about 20 seconds).
"So you need my work from last year, right? (playfully) Well, I'll give them to you, but first we go out for a cup of coffee together."

She said she was too busy this week for thursday, which is understandable, and she offered to go out on tuesday of next. So okay, I accepted, but I'm pretty sure not to expect anything from this.
At the very least, I'm going to make sure she understands that I'm asking her out at coffee. We'll see how it goes.
Woah... Hold up. Maybe it's all this green tea I'm drinking but I see another side to this incident. You may wanna look into it, but it looks like a little power struggle. You "tell" her that she's gonna go for coffee to earn it, she then comes back by saying "Yeah, but under my terms. It's gonna be tuesday". What a rebelious little one you have on your hands! I'm sure in the end she'll cave in to you with all your c+f qualities dictating the play, but for now she could be testing you.

Play it how you wanna mate but if she's not receptive on the coffee date, make it short and set up another time to give her your work. Milk it for all it's worth and make sure she plays by your rules. After all you have what she wants. A c0ck. Oh, and that paper work from last yr.

-Look into it tho. It's only my 2 cents. I'll be damned if you f*ckup because of me-


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score

Now I'm back on my saddle I'm gonna make sweet sweet convo with some ugly ugly UGs this weekend to boost my DJ mana. I can't believe this BC is falling into oblivion. I don't know who's in it anymore.

It's always a plus to post your results up here with fellow BCers for the re-enforcement, feedback and a few laughs. It's understandable that some people may be busy, broken PC, no net access but an update from you guys will be great. Just look at the original BC threads, I had a kick reading that stuff! It's a friggin emotional rollercoaster! To see the highs of week one to the lows of week four. There seems to be an imaginary wall when we arrive at week four. I know I got slammed when I got there but who cares. I'll continue slamming myself against it until I get a foot up.

Let's have a reunion of some sought. Like the backstreet boys. Even tho they denied breaking up in the first place, like we would...

So, where are the rest of you guys? Just a little update on your successes would be excellent. Any failures aren't set backs, you do not digress in any way. You may come to a stop but no way in hell are you going backwards. The weekend is coming, and it always will be until you die. Now would be a perfect opportunity to get back into the thick of action.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well I woudln't say that I'm "breaking up", but I would say that "real life" Priorities are taking hold. I have a ton of **** to do. For that reason, I'm goign to elongate this bootcamp.

The same girl I number closed last week, I'm having coffee with tommorrow. I'll tell you guys how it goes, and I'll also try and get a coupld of rejections tommorrow. But I don't think there is anyway in hell that I'll beable to pull that off by the end of the week. Oh well. I can definitely make my absolute best effort though!!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
The girl I met at that party wants to date me now, I think.

She is so pretty but there are so many other women!

Heh - ah well. I need to do this without hurting her...

~Vibe~ (formerly known as Sloopy)
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score

Er.. fvck. I'm drunk. 2:20am friday nite. No, saturday morning. I couldn't find this thread on page one or two so I kept going until page 5. Until I started to look on page one again and it's stickied.

Oh great, this thread is stickied. Now everyone can see my crappy AFC posts.

So. My response on the nights earnings. I went out tonight with just one other mate tonight. We decide to head out of town to a nightclub called "Vic". It was horrible. After 40mins in a line up we leave to go to town. Downtown for you yanks. I felt kinda pumped on the way back to town knowing I HAD to make up for those lost 40mins. Little did we know that town was gonna be dead, and it's a cold friggin' friday night...

We start off at a club called Stag. It was half full, half full of old people and AFCs. Excellentness! We quickly down a pint which I swear are nearly a litre and I'm in sarging mode. I felt bulletproof tonight.. I dress the part, look alpha, and remembered to do everything s-l-o-w-l-y. Fvck, I was a GOD. So there were potential HBs on the floor by themselves and many more AFC older dudes around them doing nothing but keeping to themselves. My mate grabs a seat but I insist on hitting the dancefloor to chat to them a bit. I saw a old dude who was a wallflower and did not want to be that. My friend mentions hating the idea of an old people's club and is really negative. After 10mins of being seat warmers, I head outside for a change in scenario.

While outside, it is fvcken freezing. We grab a seat by the outdoor heater and chat away at what I'm gonna mack, and what he'll accept. He won't participate at all in my dealings. Seriously I didn't care who we chatted up cos I was GOD. Every milf there wanted me. I was drunk, so therefore I was GOOD. It was a great mentality to have except my mate got us another pint of beer.

We chatted away and a HB on another table said "Hi there!". While my mate was talking about motorbikes and all, I gave her EC and I wave. By then I had the whole group of 4 HB's attention. Thinking that we were WAY out numbered, I focused on my friend's boring bike talk and didn't hear what HB said after that. I quite frankly didn't care. I was drunk, I was good.

Nothing else really happened for the rest of the night but I remember at one point after a toilet break two HBs in their 30's ECed me and I EC them back. I didn't smile and I'm sure I looked drunk to them. I don't care. Later on I tried to find them and I noticed a friggin' ring on her hand. How's that for discouragement?

Oh, and at one point of the night I asked an old lady for a light. Also, an Irish guy introduced himself to me. My friend said he probably was into younger guys. That was all for tonight. Fvck this is crap of me.

I'm sure I've said this before, but it is essential for me to not go out drunk. I have no game what so ever.

BUT!!! 2moro is a different day! It's only 2:55am now, I can catch some sleep and head off to the mall in town! I WILL make up for tonight's crappiness and get rejected at least once. That wouldn't be impossible now would it? I'm sure I'll look at this post 2moro and feel ashamed. But right now, I couldn't care less. I am drunk therefore I am good.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet! I went on that coffee date on friday, and it turns out that the girl is really interested in me! Good news, right? You'd think so...

But do you know those movies that you see a couple years before, and thought were really cool, but then you watch them again, and you're like "Ugh. This movie is lame". Yeh well, that's the girl!

Now don't get me wrong, she seems interesting enough, but she's just not my type, nor that attractive. About 6.5. I thought she was an 8 when I met her. Ididn't get a good look at her hips, since she was sitting down, and her face isn't all that attractive either. :p

Oh well, I'll probably try and friend her. She seems cool enough, and probably knows lots of girls.

I also went out yesterday to a party, and was going pretty well with a three-set that was in the room, and then these ****ing obnoxious morons come in and totally **** up my game, while at the same time, making themselves look like retards in front of the girls. The girls were interested, but it got to the point where they were like, "oh ****. Get me out of here", and then the entire vibe I Created was ruined to ****. Goddamn, loud and obnoxious NAMOGs. Got one rejection there.

I Went to this other place called "Le Salon Vert", and saw two smoooking blondes (literally an 8.5 and a 9). They were already with what looked like their boyfriends, but the dudes were being lame, sitting at the bar the entire time, not talking to anyone else, and letting their girls dance on the floor. Eventually I got to talking to them, and I pulled the jealous ex routine that style likes. Worked pretty damn well. But I had already given her too much attention, and there was noone else to divert attention to that the duo was around. She wasn't interested. :p

Two rejections.

On another note, I ****ing saw my ex-girlfriend in the street. Goddamn. She didn't look too good. Her and her friend (my friend too) were walking down the street together, and I had to open, so as not to seem like a total ass. So I talked to my friend for a bit, and basically ignored my ex. Told them about the four parties I went to, and then left. Goddamn. I get sooo angry when a I meet someone that has disrepsected me in the past. What a *****.

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Excuse for not posting during the week, it is that I only get to post in the weekend. And that is test´s week, it is MUCH more difficult to post or to do BC.

Good, like I said, to maintain EC is very easy. To speak HI it is still difficult. I got more 3 HI´s (5 in the total). Two convos: HB3 (ARGH!) and HB7. Short conversation, no phone number.

But, something that learned that week, and with certainty I will get to learn still more: I was impassioned by a HB9+ two years ago, that studies in the same class that me. I dated her once, but I was an AFC, and I didn't get the 2nd date. Two years later, I fell in love again with her (at the beginning of 2005). In spite of already to have learned a lot with SoSuave, I didn´t date her again... with all the other I got to have a DJ mentality, with her, I always was an AFC.

There is more than one month I didn't talk with her, and on this week we had several conversations. I ALWAYS noticed several AFC attitudes in me, but I was not able to stop them.
But, I also noticed several other factors: the reason of me to be always an AFC with her, and to have impassioned me for her. She send mixed signals (I never know if she likes me or not), she is C&F, she HAVE the power, etc: almost an alpha female.

Now, with a DJ mentality, I will use her for learning, and A LOT. Don't worry, I won't fall in love again. I committed many mistakes, but I won't commit them again.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Week 4: -Should be on week 5-..

Hahahha. I musta been drunk before.. :D

Anywho, I didn't end up going to town the next day, I had a really foul taste in my mouth that made me chuck. Exciting stuff huh? I think I might put up some webcams to document my AFC life.

But plans have been made to go to town for lunch tomorrow, a Monday, so I anticipate with eagerness. I think people are on holidays from school now so it'll give me a chance to talk to some HBs. Although my mate is gonna come with me, I don't feel any added pressure. He is quite supportive about breaking the AFCness and will be an excellent rival. Game on!

nishbuk: lol, isn't it weird how they decend from that pedestal after you see them a couple of times? I keep going to the same blockbuster dvd place and I see that HB that rejected me, everytime I go. She's more like a friend now and I don't think she's a HB7 anymore. I guess I 1st saw her and automatically assumed that her personality matched her looks. Plus I wanted some free movies! lol. But she's not so much gf material now. A little dull.

Slade BR: Good job on the convos! HB3s are still good. I'll talk to anything, everything! Heheheh.. Old ladies are encyclopedias of conversations. Topics ranged from bus times to airports around the world! Interesting, although not attractive. Eh.. what I'm I saying. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah RBB I know exactly what you mean. Now, I have to say that I think the bootcamp is a great idea, but I kinda think that it's missing something. The entire bootcamp is compressed to such a short time, that it basically makes it hard to complete bootcamp and still be driven to succeed in your life. I think that the bootcamp should be 4 months long, and it should include specific excersizes and things to do to make sure that you are not just hunting women, but you are also keeping your own life in order, and succeeding at what you do, and are maintaining hobbies and a social life outside of procuring ass. :p

Went to a club yesterday, it was a total bust. I got two rejections. Rejections are too easy at a club...It's almost not worth it. I think that you should have to get rejected by girls that you actually WANT to date. Girls at a club are just meat to me, not women.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
-I guess the bootcamp is set up with a certain timeframe to push you and see results in a short time. After all, most bootcamps are like that. But self improvement is a life long goal-

I know I'm am puzzyfooting around and not completing objectives but that's cos I've lost momentum and that drive.

I'm starting a new job in DVD production on thursday so it is a perfect opportunity to meet new people and resume my BC at full speed. Today I met with the manager, a HB6 in her 40's and all was strictly business until I complimented her hair. After that she was like a little girl. Giggling and thanking me every 10 mins. "I can't believe you like my hair! A gf of mine cut it after a few drinks in the dark.. blah...". During the tour of the workplace she told a few co-workers, "This young man has made my day, he told me he loved my hair". I was naturally embarressed cos she made it look like I fancied her. Me a 21 yr old. :rolleyes:

I've ruled out clubs for PUs. A whole bunch of attention wh*res. As I was lining up the other weekend, I was doing some social behavioural observations. The way people posed, talked and looked. It's a friggin' meat market full of sh*t. They're all sheep with barcodes. Top 40 mtv clones.

I'm turning my attention to bars, where I can use my game to impress. I've read somewhere here that looks and social proof will get you more auditions, but ultimately it comes to your game. You can't keep HBs if you got no game. And in clubs, is it purely based on looks.

But good on ya nishbuk for achieving your objectives. But I don't want to see you resorting to nightclubs to finish this week's BC :nono:

lol. :p


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
stop acting like a ***** and just do a lot of approaches trust me u wont remember that **** anyways.

Make sure your go for a number or something dont just go in for nothing unless its for fun.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Whoopdy fvkken do. FVCK FVCK FVCK!!! I've had mix success this week. I'm sure you all love my late night drunken posts by now.

I'll start off with the bad news. Tonight I got slammed big time in the club by a HB3. Older, uglier and bad, bad, bad, for social proof. She totally ignored what I had to say and I could not pick myself up from the slum I put myself in. Fvck her.

What happened was, I started off by introducing myself to a guy in the group and worked my way to the girls. I probably came across as drunk, weird and intrusive but I don't care. Too bad I was shocked and I didn't have a good comeback. I was gonna use her as a confidence builder but instead it backed fired. It wasn't too bad tho, the other girls in the group were receptive. Smiling and paying attention, but to have the worst one of the group show me up was the worst feeling ever! Fvck. I looked at the dude I 1st chatted to and said cheerio. I left my iron balls there that night. :( Thinking of it now I'm at home, by her rejecting me I guess she was "showing the rest of the girls that she can afford to be picky" cos guys hit on her all the time. Bull crap. Her fukken loss. The other HBs would really be thinking, "Geez HB ug, you are really dumb. When will another chance come your way? I wish he had came to me instead." -:D-

Now the good news. I am a living god at my new job. I hit on every girl in my group. I didn't number close, and I don't expect to. HB story writer kinoed me hanging off my friggin arm, HB shorty followed me around a lot with questions; falling for my mystery angle, HB artist showed me a boob and HB milf -from another section- had a engaging conversation with me. HB milf lit up cigarette after cigarette to chat with me, I guess it would be suss of her to stand there lingering on every word I was saying without looking desperate. I can't wait to see them next week. I'm gonna continue my game on HB artist and HB milf but I'm gonna give HB story writer and HB shorty some silent treatment. Only answering to questions regarding work. It's a great opportunity to try different angles and games on these women.

I can't say that the rest of the guys are AFCs but the women weren't attached to any of them. It seems no one in the group has any rapport. All the boys stick to themselves and don't say much to the wimmin. One dude acknowledge what I was doing, gave a smile and nod. He later introduced himself and we chatted a bit about our work.

The only HB that is in my age group is HB shorty and she's 28. Hopefully older women aren't office flirts because this is new battlegrounds for me. And if they are just playing the younger guy around, then I'll have to play them back.

-I'll post details later, now I can't be bothered (tired and sobering up) trying to remember what happened. Just be happy for me. I'm gonna watch "The Girl Next Door" and fvck off to bed.-


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Great job there Man! Sounds like you are doing great. Man you can't let ugly *****es get in your way. Perhaps you should learn to disarm an UBCB (Ugly ***** **** Block) for next time.
The way I was taught was, if she's your opener (in order to ignore your target), you open her. If she ignores you, you move to another person whose not your target, and completely, and utterly ignore the UB. Then turn to another person who is not your target and continue on...

On another note, tonight I have two parties to attend, so I'll be trying to land numbers left and right. Wish me luck...heh, I guess I don't really need it. :D