I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
O.K., here goes for day 2, week 2:

Got a convo with a HB 6

I was just hanging outside with a couple of guys from my band class (yeah, I am a band nerd, who gives a fvck). And this HB6 comes up and starts smoking, she offers me a cig, I gladly tell her no, so we get to talking about how smoking is bad for you and why you shouldnt do it

guy: So when are you gonna start smoking?
me:I don't smoke
HB: Dont ever start
guy2: I just started last week, and I am quitting after I finish this pack (Pulls out a half empty pack).
HB: I wish I could quit
me:Why dont you, after all we know its no good for you?
HB: because I have been smoking since i was 12.

the guys go inside because rehersal starts in a few minutes

Me: SO why did you start smoking
HB: I just thought it was the cool thing to do, and now I cant quit
me: that sucks
hb: tell me about it
me: I couldn't because I dont smoke, but the amout of cigs my mom smokes, I may as well.

I would have got to the number close, but I wasnt feelin' it, and I had to go to class anyway.

That's all for me, anyone else have any sucess?


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys, I'm not even doing bootcamp and I'm finding all of this incredibly inspirational. Keep it up!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by TheLibraryGhost
Hey guys, I'm not even doing bootcamp and I'm finding all of this incredibly inspirational. Keep it up!
Any way we can help a fellow DJ in training.....


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by brenbaus
O.K., here goes for day 2, week 2:

Got a convo with a HB 6

I was just hanging outside with a couple of guys from my band class (yeah, I am a band nerd, who gives a fvck). And this HB6 comes up and starts smoking, she offers me a cig, I gladly tell her no, so we get to talking about how smoking is bad for you and why you shouldnt do it

guy: So when are you gonna start smoking?
me:I don't smoke
HB: Dont ever start
guy2: I just started last week, and I am quitting after I finish this pack (Pulls out a half empty pack).
HB: I wish I could quit
me:Why dont you, after all we know its no good for you?
HB: because I have been smoking since i was 12.

the guys go inside because rehersal starts in a few minutes

Me: SO why did you start smoking
HB: I just thought it was the cool thing to do, and now I cant quit
me: that sucks
hb: tell me about it
me: I couldn't because I dont smoke, but the amout of cigs my mom smokes, I may as well.
her: laughs

I would have got to the number close, but I wasnt feelin' it, and I had to go to class anyway.

That's all for me, anyone else have any sucess?
hit the wrong dagum button!!!!

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

a bunch of us who started bootcamp this summer created a blog ring specifically for bootcamp. You're all welcome to join and post their in addition to posting here.

Here's the link: DJ Bootcamp Blog ring


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
i couldn't wait so i started today. week one day one i got 8 hi's. anyone who i saw on the street on my way to Tower Records i said HI too. and not much people on the street for a 1.5 mile run on scooter. no convo's jsut yet.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by brenbaus
O.K., here goes for day 2, week 2:

Got a convo with a HB 6

I was just hanging outside with a couple of guys from my band class (yeah, I am a band nerd, who gives a fvck). And this HB6 comes up and starts smoking, she offers me a cig, I gladly tell her no, so we get to talking about how smoking is bad for you and why you shouldnt do it

guy: So when are you gonna start smoking?
me:I don't smoke
HB: Dont ever start
guy2: I just started last week, and I am quitting after I finish this pack (Pulls out a half empty pack).
HB: I wish I could quit
me:Why dont you, after all we know its no good for you?
HB: because I have been smoking since i was 12.

the guys go inside because rehersal starts in a few minutes

Me: SO why did you start smoking
HB: I just thought it was the cool thing to do, and now I cant quit
me: that sucks
hb: tell me about it
me: I couldn't because I dont smoke, but the amout of cigs my mom smokes, I may as well.

I would have got to the number close, but I wasnt feelin' it, and I had to go to class anyway.

That's all for me, anyone else have any sucess?

Brenbaus, good to see you talking to the girl. Your post reminds me of a pickup I saw my friend Rich do once.

It went like this:

So last halloween, Rich and I are in the car, driving to this party. I'm dressed to the nines and Rich is driving his dad's Cadillac and he's wearing a nice, Italian suit. It's about 11:00 and we are sitting at the intersection outside my apartment. This car pulls up at our right and there are three girls in it. Two HB7s and an HB8. The HB8 is smoking a cigarette. Rich looks over at them and, without saying anything to me first, he rolls down his window and motions for them to do the same. This is what follows:

Rich: Hey, you enjoying your cancer-stick?
Girl: What?
Rich: I said, 'you enjoying that death-dart?'
Girl: Oh! Yeah, I actually am. What of it?
Rich: It's gonna kill you, you know
Girl: Uh - yeah, I hear that a lot.
Rich: Think I could bum one off of you? (He doesn't actually smoke)
Girl: Oh, sure.

So Rich opens the door and casually gets totally out of the car like it's parked. Keep in mind we are at a red light on a busy intersection. He never once looks up to see if the light has changed. He walks over and leans in to grab the cigarette. As he does this, he says:

Rich: So where're you ladies headed?
Girl: We're going to a party on some-road ln.
Rich: Oh yeah? We're actually headed to a party there too. What's the address?
Girl: I dunno - it's at the end of the street. It's my friend's place.
Rich: Ah, we're going someplace different. But I'll tell you what. Give me your number and I'll give you a call if it sucks.
Girl: Okay. she recites her number

As soon as she finishes, the light changes and we start driving away. I look over at him (this is before I started with SoSuave) just dumbfounded. So I say "I can't believe you just did that! That was amazing!" He looks back at me and he's like "Did what? Oh - with the girls? Yeah...actually didn't even realize I was doing it. I don't even think about it anymore. It's just second nature."

So Rich is probably the reason I've gotten such a quick start with bootcamp. I just watch the way he works. There are a few things I prefer to do differently but, for the most part, he knows what he's doing.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Yeah, I am learning from this guy in a couple of my classes, even though he has a g/f, its funny to watch him hit on all the girls in school.

Got a convo with a HB8 today in class, the teacher paired us up with 2 other guys to do some theory stuff. We started talking about how long we've been in music (she has an amazing voice by the way). Basically almost got to the number when calss was over. Cant remember what exactly happened because it was too early this morning......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
week 1 day 2, absolutely NO HI'S! i didn't know what happend. i went to my friend's registration and there were like no people. there was two HB5s but i missed my chance for eye contact or Hi. my friend said somethang and i turned around to see wut he said. He wasn't even talkin to me. i turn back around and they were gone. Good job on the convo brenbaus.

still 8.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
what is this consolidated bootcamp thread? if so... i am almost done with week 1 day 2. made my first 'hey' attempt. the girl responded with a seductive "heey". like an hb6.5.

made eye contact with every girl in the gym. I now figure it isnt a good idea since these guys tend to be huge, and as my sensei told me, do not fight a gorilla.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
like is everyone currently in bootcamp posting their progress in this thread? ive got my own so i dont want to ruin this mans.

no convo. just a casual hey, but she totally turned around. i lack balls at the moment more or less haha


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
like is everyone currently in bootcamp posting their progress in this thread? ive got my own so i dont want to ruin this mans.

no convo. just a casual hey, but she totally turned around. i lack balls at the moment more or less haha
ohs, naw, it started out with brenbaus makin' the thread, but some people were also starting it too around the same time he made it. so we jsut all really decided to do it together in this one thread thang, u can join us too. that's okay i think. the people are brenbaus and nishbuk, me, rbb, sloppy and others postin' in here. i would write a lot more, but when u don't have school like them its kinda harder meetin' new people.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
what? do you homeschool or something?

basically here is my progress so far from my other thead:

started, made lots of eye contact. good results. said one hey. good results.

I think I am going to end up getting into trouble because large guy's girlfriends tend to eye **** me and I tend to eye **** back.

good luck everyone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
what? do you homeschool or something?

basically here is my progress so far from my other thead:

started, made lots of eye contact. good results. said one hey. good results.

I think I am going to end up getting into trouble because large guy's girlfriends tend to eye **** me and I tend to eye **** back.

good luck everyone.
Ah Don't sweat it. You're not going to get in any trouble whatsoever. When they "eye" you, just smile back at them, as genuinely friendly as possible. If the girl picks up on it, she'll realize who the less jealous guy is. :p


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
what? do you homeschool or something?

basically here is my progress so far from my other thead:

started, made lots of eye contact. good results. said one hey. good results.

I think I am going to end up getting into trouble because large guy's girlfriends tend to eye **** me and I tend to eye **** back.

good luck everyone.
naw for me school just hasn't started yet.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
the girl responded with a seductive "heey". like an hb6.5.
Hahahaha.. she's sounds reaally sleezy. Puttin' a "Heeeyy..." on my man. A HB hasn't "Heeeyy"-ed me yet. I'll try an get one! lol :up:

Didn't spend much time in town/downtown today. Just went for a docs app. I had a couple of more convos today, but not worth mentioning. They're really getting boring. I'ld ask a question, she'ld reply in short sentences. I'ld ask another Q, she'ld answer. I ask a Q that we both click with, and then they don't shut up. Girls ramble on a fair bit.

I'm stuck in week 2 mentally. I forget about #closes. I'm thinking of moving on to getting rejections. I wanna share some interesting war stories. 2moro is Friday! Can't wait for the weekend to come by!

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
aaaaaaaaaahaha yesss!!! tonight is a gabby johnson concert!!! you know there is going to be bucketloads of poontang!!!

and also most of the girls i see here are skanky so it will be fairly easy.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
good day today gentlemen.

hb9 in class was turning around looking around like these girls do nowadays. totally caught eyes with her and locked eyes with her for a couple of second. i said "hey" and she blushed and said "hey" and looked at my crotch, at which point instinct took my eyes off hers. dyaaammit!!! waaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

then during a lab my new friend was like, hey look at those over there. I was like, "wow you have low standards dont you?"
2 hb6. either way he liked 1 so i asked him if he wanted me to distract the other. i did. i ended up talking to her for like 10 minutes. im such a great conversationalist as i listened to her talk about her life on a farm. whoopdee****indoo. my new friend didnt even get the other girl's number. sucker.

im on my 3rd hey.

1 was responded with a seductive heeeeyy
1 was responded with a hey, blushing, and a look to the crotch
1 was responded with a disinterested look. **** her. :)

i cant go to that badass concert tonight. too much homework. 21 hours of class. ****!