I am starting bootcamp monday.......

scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
thanks for the advices guys I appreciate it. I think Im taking it seriously. Wait for me coz I might get past you because of the advice. :p


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Cool! I'm officially signed up for BC. I gotta tell you, I'm not a very committing dude. I'm not gonna document all 50 of my Hi's! Just highlights and conversations. It's friday 3am now. I'm gonna catch some ZZZs and head out for a day in the mall. I'll be Hi-ying my way from one end to the other end. I have no shame! lol.

btw, do any of you actually listen to the music picks before BC exercises?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's 5:19am... stil haven't slept. But I PROMISE you dudes I will get out there and say my 50 Hi's. Hopefully all in one day. I mean it's just Hi's, nothing serious!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, your not *required* to track your progress here. Afterall, the only guy that YOU have to answer to is YOURSELF. Your progress doesn't mean anything for us, it only means something for YOU. So if you are going to do it, there's not point not going all the way.

The DJ bible is located at the top of the forum, right hand side. There you can find a plethora of info on reaching your goals. Also, the bootcamp material is there if you ever need a refresher, and you are away from your comp.
GL guys.

On a worse note, I probably won't beable to get anything done today, since I have training camp. There's noone here that I don't know, so it wouldnt' count if I said "Hi" to them. Oh well...THree more days, and I need about 35. Totally doable if I make a day out of it.
Go go!


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
I think I am going to jump ahead to the rejection week, should be interesting to see what kind of interesting ways I can get rejected by women. Will relay some of the more embarassing and interesting ones when I am back early early saturday morning.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lomi
I think I am going to jump ahead to the rejection week, should be interesting to see what kind of interesting ways I can get rejected by women. Will relay some of the more embarassing and interesting ones when I am back early early saturday morning.
Awesome...That's a great week. And it's as far as I got last time. There will be some awesome war stories for us to exchange. It's going to be fun. :D

scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I've finally said the hello. Damn, it felt good! I mean saying it is really no big deal. Now how was I able to say it?

I was with my friend who is by the way still an AFC ( I wont recommend this site to him yet but I would if I become a Real Don Juan). I dared him to say hello for the next chic that will cross our path. We were in the university by the way. He wont agree.(we understand :crackup: ) THen i challenged him to dare me. If I was able to do it he owes me one of our favorite candies. hahaha
Anyways, I began to fill myself with confidence and the advice that my brothers gave me especially the Nishbuk. He said that its okay if i dont initiate eye contact. I saw an HB7 coming towards me. (my friend was far from me because he felt so awkward, how pathetic!) The chic wont initiate eye contact so I just said "hello" . She looked at me and smiled at me which I in return gave her some of my precious smile(heheh C&f cant be avoided even in typing). It was funny because she gave me "whoa I cant believe someone acknowledged my existence" look. hahaaha . My friend was so ashamed of me but still he owes me the candy. I told him that its a way of showing confidence. He said that the girl might feel bad. Bullshi!

I know I wont finish this week but it felt so damn good that I might just.

FOr the late bootcampers you can still go for week 1 Im with you brothers.

for canadian accent, Nishbuk and the others are right, just say hi. AS Djs we dont give even a tiny fuk of what they think. What's important is we are able to do what we want to! That is the essence of ALpha.

I owe my first hello to you Nishbuk. thanks bro.

hello: 1 (for me 100000000000000000000000000)

its game time!


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
You live in the phillipines eh? Those chicks are smoking, only other place I would go to pick up chicks other than sweden :D.

Keep going man, it gets easier every time you do it.


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
well I have definately started doing something i had never really done before......trying to make eye contact.....hahah its fun...and its amazing how many people dont look up.

i was at the university common dining area and it was fun making eye contact with all these people majority being girls. had a few conversations with girls in the line....one at a time.

as far as hi's........umm......maybe tomorrow.........i know i have the balls to do it......i just need to freakin DO IT....haha will post an update on this tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry about my post about me not sleeping. nishbuk's post was probably about that. You didn't need to hear when I crap, laugh or play xbox, but hey, I was really tired and I tend to babble crap. -Note to self: try BC when really tired-

Anyway, I didn't manage 50 Hi's today. Only about 15ish. A lot of people do not make eye contact when passing you in the mall. I got some delayed Hi's but I don't care. I don't have a problem with Hi's.

Conversations 1-4:

I caught a bus on the way to the mall today. I hop on smiling -fresh from listening to the music picks recommended- and make EC with an elderly lady who gave a big smile back. :up:

Near the middle of the bus was a HB7.5, no fashion sense of any kinda but a really REALLY cute face! She was decked out in flair jeans and a 'madman' sweater. I seat myself 3 seats back on the other side. I think to myself I don't see myself dating her, me being punkish, her being hippy. Her hair was puffy and weird. In her hand is the book, "One flew over the Cuckoo's nest". I think of openers and sit quietly delaying it -dumb-. The bus stops and the elderly lady b4 gets off. I see a guy at the bus stop and think, "Now I'm not gonna approach her, not infront of people!!!!" But amazingly he doesn't get on. It is just us 2 on the bus now. As the bus takes off I sit directly behind her. I look at her eyes with a smile being sure if her eyes come up she will make EC. She looks at me and smiles.


Me: Don't mean to bother you but I notice you're reading "One flew over the cuckoo's nest". Is it a good book?
Her: Oh yea! I'm surprised I haven't read it b4.
Me: I haven't read it too. What is it about?
Her: A mental institution.. blah
Me: Hahaha. Is it any good?
Her: Yea I like it.
Me: I think I'ld like it too.
-3seconds silence- <-- seems forever.
Me: Is it for literature class?
Her: Yea! I've been in the class for 1 week and they give us books to read already..
Me: Where do you study?
Her: MSC.
Me: Oh yea? I was there last year! Who is your teacher?
Her: Mr. X
Me: No.. haven't heard of him b4. What other subjects are you doing there?
Her: Maths, physics and english.
Me: Who is your maths teacher?
Her: Mrs. X, she's cool. No work so far. Laughs.
Me: I had her too! Here's a tip. You can copy someone else's work if it's on the PC -blah, blah. tell her how to basically get into the system-
Her: No way!! HAhahaha, cool!

-I don't remember the rest of the convo, but it included from PC hacking to xbox and ps2 games to bonging/weed. I asked all the Qs and she then would not shut up! From here on in I remember nodding and saying "yeah". It was boring.. All these people get on and off on the way including a bunch of high school girls. She finally rang the bell and I knew I would have to try #close now! But she would not shut up!! Weed this, bong that, put weed in butter, leave it and strain it and cook with it. blahh.... The bus stops. I give her a dumbfounded look and she stands up, heads to the doorway, turns around to me and says, "Nice chatting!! Bye!". I thought, "fvck!!", but atleast it was a cute kinda bye.- The high school chicks think I'm some soughta druggie with all the loud talking about weed and stuff. HAhahahahaha, I love the attention.

Easier than I thought. Highlight of the day.


The was weird. I went to a department store looking to pick up some brand name underwear. I approached a dude who worked there and asked what dimensions in inches S, M and L meant? He dribbled crap and I immediately knew he was gay. He even kinoed me!! :cry: I felt so dirty.. He told me to try some on over my undies and see what happens. He told me I was probably a M. I tried a M, L and XL. In the end I bought 2 XLs and told him they fitted nicely. They were hipster hugging boxer briefs. Wateva. He told me I would look better in a M. I told him I had a big bum. The tallish HB8 working there looked at me and smiled. I ECed and laughed back. I ask them what floor music was on and he replyed to me str8 away. I wished she would of said something. Fvck!


HB8.5 - I felt bulletproof now. And I had to prove my manhood! Arrg!
Can't remember much, but it was a 10min chat about Ministry of Sound: Chillout Sessions, her CD collection and the types of music she was interested in (chillout types). She offers to put it in for me to listen to. I agree, but as I say yes, I realise it would cut the convo! I listen to it for like 40 secs and say perfect! I told her I need a CD like this in my collection anyways. She laughs and says I didn't really sample it properly. Chillout songs take a while to warm up.

I could see the other HB8 clerk was totally giving me daggers. Maybe she had a weird way of initiating EC, maybe she wanted to be included in the convo. Maybe she was thinking, "Why does HB8.5 do no work and is always chatting?". I buy the CD, say thanks and she says, "I hope you enjoy listening to MoS. They are really good." A line I don't think she would say to everyone.

Oh, somewhere in our convo she said she had MoS 3 and 4. Blah. This is by far the hottest chick I've seen today.


Elderly lady. Talk for 20mins. Her business, her holidays, her daughter -who is 40-, blah, it was even more so boring than the bus convo. My ears were numbbed out somewhere during the convo.

Hi's = 15?
Convos. = 4
Boredom factor = 8.

Hahaha.. I'm listening to the MoS: Chillout Sessions now. That's probably why I can't be fukt typing properly and sharing my xp properly. Sorry. It's pretty good! Making me relaaxed and mellow. Now where's the weed?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Saturday morning, I'm drunk. 1:49am.

No Hi's tonight but one convo.

Girl behind bar, HB7. Nice killer body, weird face. Me and my mate were at a pool hall. I intiate convo and once again she wouldn't shut up. My mate feels left out so he gets a pool table and plays by himself.

Convo feels like it went on for abourt 20mins. Prob 5 mins. Brintey Spears song "Oh baby, bay." plays on juke box. I leave without word.

I have talked to her b4. She inviteed me to come out and eat pancakes with her bf ad some other friends. After they plan to see Charlie and the chocolate factory. I say I can't go cos it's geek. Now that I'm home and thinking about it. I shoulda sed yes to work on my skillz with her friends.

1:56am. I'm still drunk. Bye!


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Wow what a ****fest today, very very few attractive chicks... and though it may sound weird I am kinda sad cause I didnt't get any rejections :down: . Guess I am going to have to be a little more creative and/or weird with my approaches.


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sitting on a nuke in North Korea
Well,.... it's already Saturday night. I've hardly had any chance to get on the computer this week so I didn't check in with any reports. This week has been fairly busy, and this booty camp thing has been the least of my concerns this week.
Like I said the first few days got off to a slow start. Finally on Thursday/Friday I managed to focus a little more and get some hi's done out on the street. The hardest part is just getting started, and then it's not so bad. I must have gotten about 10 greetings there. A few of those became conversations because the Koreans are pretty friendly once you break the ice. But I still didn't have any specific time to go out for a solid session, so I was just trying to do some eye contact and hi's as I went along. Also I just signed up for a gym membership and I did a few greetings at the gym as well. Actually I never even did any hi's or hello's in English so far, just Korean. So anyway I realized I still had a lot of work to do for the weekend. So I just got out there today (Saturday) and did around 20 or so greetings. (I'm having trouble keeping track exactly.) It still feels weird and awkward, and I'm still nervous but I figure what the hell. So I know I got off to a slow start with this stuff but now it's going alright. I still gotta get out again for the last day tomorrow, and I gotta do at least 20 or so greetings. Also I didn't greet enough attractive girls yet, so I'll have to focus on that tomorrow too.
Tonight I went to a coworker's place because she convinced me to do an Irish dancing lesson thing for some Irish festival (in Korea of all places). I can't dance worth crap but I figure I'll make a fool of myself, no big deal. There was a bunch of us, a mix of Koreans and foreigners, up on the roof of this apartment building, there's no lights so it's dark but there's plenty of beer to go around. That Irish coworker says that's the way the Irish dancing is done -- drunk. So that's alright.
Eventually everyone had enough alcohol in them to actually start doing the dancing. Of course I ended up with a sexy Korean lady as my dance partner for most of the time. Plenty of opportunity to try out some of the things I've been learning on here: eye contact, teasing the girl, joking around with her, and of course a lot of natural physical contact with the dancing. I didn't know this Irish dancing was so physical. I hardly even had to try and I could immediately notice the effect on her. And I'm still just a beginner with this stuff. I'll see her again at the next session next week.....


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
I CANNOT believe the goodluck I've had since starting BC. No F-en way!! 1st the whole bus thing where the old lady got off her stop and I was alone with HB7.5 no fashion sense. And now a involving convo with a HB7.5 at the pub.

Let me explain further. I was already tipsy with 2 drinks in my system at the time. (still tipsy now, sun morning 3am) My mate and I went to a "classyish" pub.

I was already smoking as we entered and he headed to the bar. In Australia we cannot smoke within 1 meter of the bar, so I told him I'ld grab a seat first. I was sitting by myself when a group of people approached and asked if anyone was going to occupy the seats around me (it was really busy). I told them I was waiting for a mate and I would be one seat short. So they thanked me and left.

2mins later my mate stil isn't back. Another group approached me and asked if they could sit down. There were 5 ppl (2girls and 3 guys) and that would still leave one seat for my mate. I told them I only needed one seat and they sat down at the table.

b_d__f g

a - dude
b - dude
c - chick (HB 7.5, cute face, fashion sense, 20ish?, puppy fat)
d - chick (HB 7, sexy face, killer body, old. Maybe 30, hence HB7)
e - welder (edge of table)
f - me (corner of table)
g - my mate (next table)

At first they talked amongst themselves and I was waiting there by myself like a loner. Then I thought about BC, and I couldn't let myself down. I 1st intiated convo with a dude, e. He was cool. I don't remember how the convo went but I got some info from him (did welding class at tafe, lived in town his whole life, the pub was the 1st place they planned to come to, blah, blah..). I asked him if the other people went to the same school as he did and he said they didn't. He told me they knew each other from before.

My mate comes back with 2 drinks and told me some drunk guy at the bar was shouting everyone. I tell welder it's happy hour at the bar with free drinks and he laughs. I introduce my mate with welder and welder introduces me to his mates. My mate and welder are chatting away and the two chicks are talking to one another. The two other guys are talking away about crap so I'm left to myself. Again.

I butt in the chicks convo (tipsy arrogance) and EC HB 7.5

Me: (EC, she takes a glimpse) So do you work or study?
Her: I work and study.
Me: Oh yea? What do you study?
Her: Blah.. (I don't recall)
Me: Cool. What about work?
Her: I work in a cafe.
Me: Oh yea? Me too! Do you like it?
Her: Yea, it's good.
Me: How long have you been working there?
Her: About year now.
Me: Is it hard?
Her: Not really... you just gotta be quick. We have this one girl who is so clumsy and slow. It's annoying.
Me: Hahahah.. I know. You gotta know what you're doing. You serve like 500 people a day!
Her: Yea! And like it's always the same people! Some even come in twice in one day!
Me: Hahahah. I know! I always forget about their names too. I'm bad with names.. (I realise HB7, d, is isolated. I give HB7 EC.) btw, what's your name?
HB7: HB7.
-I extend my hand palm up and shake. I EC HB7.5 and same Q, same thing. HB7 now includes herself into convo and they talk crap, I look toward HB7.5 and ask-
Me: I forgot to ask you where you work?
Her: C***** (I don't recall. FVCK!) Where do you work?
Me: Well, it's actually in the US.
Her: Oh yea?? You don't have an American accent!
Me: Well I was born and raised in here but I went there last dec. Since then a lot of coming and going.
Her: How is it in the US?
Me: Crap. Not like the movies at all.
Her: Yea, I don't think I'ld like it there.
-HB7 butts in-
HB7: You know where I'ld like to go? Hawaii!!
-HB7.5: Yea!!!! and looks to me-
Her: Is Hawaii near America?
Me: No, it's somewhere in the Pacific.
HB7: My friend went to Waikiki and said the surf was great!
Me: Yea, but a big mac meal is 20bucks Aussie. I went there last year. (I didn't)
Her: WHAT?!?!
Me: Yea, second most expensive place after Japan.
-I'm Asian-
Her: What is your background?
Me: Chinese.
Her: You look Singaporean.
Me: Hahahah! I get that a lot. (Huh? BS! As if anyone could tell the difference)

-Now I'm more so tipsy and just nod and say yeah. I MAVEC her and imagine how she'ld look in bed. She is talking more now and makes heavy EC. It is boring and I am stiff. My mate comes back. I didn't even notice he disappeared. He says he shouted the drunk guy at the bar back. As I talk with him, cos he is left out, HB7 and HB7.5 are chatting away. I talk with my mate and welder a bit to be a guy's guy. I return to the convo with HB7.5-

Me: So do you smoke?
Her: Oh yea!
Me: What kinds?
-She looks in her purse to find them but can't-
Her: Blah types. But I'm out. I'm gonna go get some.
Me: Ok.
-HB7 is talking with dude b. HB7.5 tells HB7 she is gonna disappear to buy some cigs. HB7 acknowledges-

-HB7.5 is gone a bit, I even see her standing outside while I talk to HB7. I talk with HB7 not cos I'm interested but because I felt bad by dissin' her. HB7.5 comes in for like 5 secs and leaves again. My mate looks hell bored! I ask him if he wants to cruise and he does not object-

-I do not see HB7.5 anywhere in sight. My mate stands up and jets. I look at HB7 and say I gotta cruise, extend palm, she takes it. And you know what?? I would not do this normally, but I move my head towards her and a kiss on the cheek!!! FVCK! What a victory! I wish you guys were there! I extend palm to welder and say goodbye. He wishes me luck on the coffee business and I wish him luck in welder studies. He says I'll see you around and we gotta go out together some time. I tell him that I'ld see him around and buy a round drinks. We shake again and I leave.-

It was a perfect opportunity for me to have a convo cos the 3 guys they came in were occupied thru out the whole time. My mate and welder were chatting away happily and the other dudes were talking amongst themselves. Teehee!! So much luck!!

Only until my mate pointed it out to me, I realised I probably could of gotten a #/fvck close with HB7.5! He says she was outside by herself smoking a ciggy! How dumb am I!!! Why didn't he point it out!!! (I introduced him to the girls at one point but he never really was in the convo.) She could of smoked inside. I saw a ciggy vendor at the enterance of the pub! FVCK! It was probably her way of saying, I want to get to know you better intimately. Away from the friends and music. But FVCK!! Now I'm gonna go to town 2moro and try and remember where she works I want a reward from all the boring talk. I took a mental note to remember HB7 and HB7.5's names but I forgot welder's. Arh well. I'm only AFC, I'm only in week one of BC! HAHAHAHAHAH!! YESH!!

Misc. Somewhere that night a couple of the group's friends came up and stayed for 15mins. All girls. All HB8ishes.

Arh well. I've improved already in the past 2 days! I love it! I can't believe I had it in me all along! Talking with strangers is easy! Talking with chicks is boring! I want numbers now!! I LOVE DJBC! Muahahahahah!!!!!

Hi's = in the 20's
Convo's = 7

I'm not gonna finish week one by monday, but I'll get week two done! lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Just off topic but do you guys think it's ok to move at your own pace rather than strictly following the DJBC? I wanna be more adventurous!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
western canada
Originally posted by RBB
Just off topic but do you guys think it's ok to move at your own pace rather than strictly following the DJBC? I wanna be more adventurous!
no you must stick to the bootcamp jk

ya it dont matter go with what you feel, that is what the camp is about

those rules are not set in stone, it is just more of a way to motivate yourself


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Here is my final post for the week.........

First off, starting Moday, we are officialy on week 2, so everyone read the matriel, and get ready for the challenge of the second week!

Anyway, here are my final numbers for week one.....

50+ his,

10 convos

NOt bad, considering I was left in the dark about women until a month ago!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Scoiland
ya it dont matter go with what you feel, that is what the camp is about
I feel like taking a break. lol. I know. I've been on it 2 days and feel tired :cry: . You should of seen me last week compared to now! More action in these 2 days than the whole year!

Originally posted by brenbaus
Here is my final post for the week.........

First off, starting Moday, we are officialy on week 2, so everyone read the matriel, and get ready for the challenge of the second week!

Anyway, here are my final numbers for week one.....

50+ his,

10 convos

NOt bad, considering I was left in the dark about women until a month ago!
Congrats mate! :up: Good to see a changed man in ya!


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so I didn't really know about bootcamp but after I read DeAngelo's stuff and a lot of the stuff on the forum, I knew I had to get out there. I live in DC and take the metro to work every day so there are a lot of lone women hanging out going to work, coming from the city - all sorts of things. So that's been my main haunt of late.

Anyway, I found this bootcamp thread yesterday and figured I might as well join up and include a few of my approaches along with you guys.

Approach 1:

I was waiting at my station to go to work and saw this good-looking redhead - about an HB7.5 yo HB8. She went in and sat down and I sat down at the seat across the aisle from her. I caught her eye in the extremely reflective glass of the window and she turned to look at me, at which point I motioned her over. She gave me a blank look and just turned around. Not to be discouraged, I walked over to her and said:

Me: "You know when I first saw you I wouldn't have taken you for someone so rude."
Her: (visibly a little shocked at both my arrival and my comment) "What? I don't understand..."
Me: Well I invited you over for a little chat and you just ignored me.
Her: (a little flustered) "What? I'm really sorry. I didn't realize..."
Me: (slowing down and looking her right in the eyes) "Well, you know. I am a little hurt but I'll tell you what. You live in College Park?"
Her: "yeah, actually"
Me: "Alright - well why don't you give me your number - we'll go out for some drinks and I'll give you a chance to make it up to me. If you do a good job maybe I'll let you be my friend."
Her: (giggling a little) Alright, that sounds good.

So I got her number right before her stop and we bid our goodbyes.


Approach 2:

I was entering the station and saw a really hot girl who was an HB10 for sure. She was looking at me as I approached. I thought she was checking me out but I soon found out it was because she was having a problem. Her credit card was stuck in the slot of the ticket machine. She asked for help, I tried, and couldn't get it out. I was running late for work so I just ran up to the train dock and forgot about her. However, she made it up there before the train came. I looked over at her and said:

Me: "So did you figure out your card situation?"
Her: "Yeah, one of the guys down there figured it out. He'd been trying for like 15 minutes before you came too but it finally just came out after you'd left."
Me: Oh, awesome. Well why did it do that? That's really weird?"
Her: Well, it's kind of messed up. Here, let me show you." she shows me her card which has been split down one side so it catches when she puts it in." It's happened a few other times too.
Me:(smiling) "What the crap? You mean it's happened before?What were you thinking putting that in there? Why haven't you got a new one yet?
Her: "Yeah...I sorta let things get away from me a lot"
Me: "Yeah, I know what you mean. I do that too sometimes. Then you start getting letters from collections..."
Her: "Yeah, but it's pretty amazing how much you can get away with!"
Me: Yeah - well you should really get a new card. It's easy - just call them up and they'll send it to you.

So I asked her if she was from the area and she said she wasn't - that she was from Arizona and came up to live with her best friend who had just gotten a divorce. We talked about what jobs she was looking for, etc. She acted like a real-life version of Willow from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series (also the band geek in American Pie if you haven't seen Buffy).

Her: "So what do you do?"
Me: "I'm a spy."
Her: (taking me totally seriously) Oh, wow! That's so cool!
Me: "yeah...guess I'm not a very good one though - 'cause I told you and all."
Her: (laughing) Yeah...
Me: (figuring I'd tell her my actual job since she seemed like the kind of girl who would dig it) Actually, I'm really a graphic designer.
Her: Oh, WOW! That's even cooler! Some of my friends from back home are graphic design students!

So we talked about art and design a little, and then the train came. So we both got on.

Me: (as she takes her seat) Hey, make room. I'm sitting with you.
Her: Oh! Okay.

She sits down and slides over towards the window and I sit down next to her. Then she gets all flustered and asks if we can switch sides because the sun is coming in through her window. She has extremely light skin.

Me: What - You're gonna make me get back up like that? Alright...we'll switch...but you are just all over the place aren't you.
Her: (laughing and giggling the whole time) Yeah, I am
pretty scatterbrained, I know.

So this goes on for a while - we talk about a lot of stuff. I am very eclectic - I know a little bit about most topics so we talked about linguistics for a while - phonemes, phenomes, etc. That seemed to impress her. We talked about design (I am doing some pro bono freelance work for a non-profit anti-genocide group right now). She was definitely digging me, she gave me a lot of kino and kept moving in closer to me. Long story less long - I talked to her for the entire train ride, got her number and E-mail address, and have talked to her once since then. I am planning to take her out next weekend (It has been two weeks since I met her). All in all, I think I made a pretty good impression on her. I may have been a little too strong on busting her balls - I'm not sure. I probably should have done a little less of giving her a hard time and focused a little more on Kino and bringing her into a sexual state. But that's the way the DJ bounces...

Okay, this last one happened on Thursday afternoon while coming home. It was a bust, unfortunely, but I suppose it's worth recounting for the sake of recounting.

I was standing on the metro - I didn't have a seat and this cute girl came and stood with two of her friends. She was an HB7 to 7.5. Short hair, thin, nice body. I figured what the hell so I made eye-contact and gave her a nice smile. She held eye-contact for a minute but didn't smile and then went back to talking to her friends. She kept looking back up at me but the metro was really crowded and I hesitated for a while. I kept making up excuses as to why it would be a bad idea to go talk to her. I had lots of signals too - so I don't know what came over me. She was wearing a pair of those new sunglasses that have really huge lenses and I thought of a pretty good opening line for her, but still couldn't bring up the guts to go in and do it. The metro came to my stop and she got off at the same stop with her friends. As we were leaving, she visibly slowed down until she was next to me. I figured I couldn't ignore that since it was obvious she was digging me so I looked over at her and said:

Me: So did you just get laser-eye surgery or something?
Her: (confused) No...?
Me: Oh, because your glasses cover up like half your face.
Her: (laughing) Oh yeah...I have to keep my skin protected.
Me: Ahh, your girl-skin.
Her: (still laughing) Yeah.

At this point we hit the turnstiles and got a little separated. And for some reason instead of just catching up with her and doing the number close, I choked and just ejected. I don't know why. I wasn't even scared. It was really odd. Anyway, I regretted it immediately because I KNEW she was interested and I could have gotten her number or more. So who knows why that happened but I know I'm not going to do that again. As Gunwich says "Don't go till the ho says NO!"

So that's it for me. Any comments or advice is totally welcome.



Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I declare Week 1 officially over for me. lol

Well guys I have a good field report for today. hahaha. Random make out session from cold approach in the mall. :p

I'm at about 30 Hi's.

So I'm at the mall, and I see this cute indian chick about to get her lunch in the food court. She seems a little out of place, like anxious. Looks around the mall, kinda apprehensive like. My initial reaction was that this girl didn't want to eat alone. So when she sits down to eat, as expected she's alone. I sit down alone as well at the next table.

I look at her, maintain eye contact, and smile at her. She smiles back, and then looks down. I get up with all of my food and approach. Lol, she had a funny expression when I got up, like, "omg, he's actually coming over here...lol". I just say to her, "You seem like you don't want to eat alone toady. Well neither do I, so what do you say I sit down here and we keep each other company."

(Me not waiting for answer) I simply sit down before she has a chance to deny, and introduce myself.

Honestly guys, I've never had a cold approach like this. It was the most smooth conversation I think I've ever felt from one of these. The entire thing just flowed. From her, and from me.

We talked for a while, I found out a bit about her, and we finished lunch. We got up to leave, and we walked together to the mall entrance. She CLEARLY hesistated leaving, which is a giveaway indicator for "Ask me for my number!"
So I did.
She got out a pen and started writing her name and number down, and I said, "I need to tell you though, I'm leaving for montreal in one week...I live in montreal".
She got dijected REAL quick. And she stopped writing her number...lol.
She told me that she was really dissapointed, and that she's inexperienced, so she didn't want a fling.

I walked her to her car as a courtesy, and I just said, "It was fun having lunch! Always good to have someone to eat with." and then I was like, "One more thing..."
"Will this change your mind"
And I kissed her.
And she kissed me back. Boy did she ever kiss me back. :p
I pulled back after the kiss was done, and she held on to my shirt and came back in for another kiss. So I gave it to her.
Then she basically just said "no" again. And I smiled, and said, "No problem. Thanks for lunch. It was great talking to you".
And walked away. It took her a full 10 seconds to actually get into her car. hahaha.

WOW. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Absolutely a first for me.
YAY for bootcamp!!!

After that, I officially declare week 1 over for me. hahaha.
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