I am starting bootcamp monday.......


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Sitting on a nuke in North Korea
Sign me up too, eh.....

You guys are starting the bootycamp on monday, huh? I wanna join too...
I've been coming to this site for some time and trying to learn the principles but haven't gotten my arse to getting out there to approach women.
I made a half-baked attempt at the bootycamp some time before too, but didn't get very far.
This time it's gotta be the real deal.
I've tried doing the eye contact thing a bit before, so it's not too bad. Holding the eye contact is still a little uncomfortable so I could still work on it. But the saying hellos to strangers is gonna be the difficult/awkward thing for me.
By the way I live in Seoul, Korea. Here some people do speak English but most people don't, at least not well. Younger people know English better than older people. I'm not sure if I should try saying 'hi' in English or 'an-young-ha-se-yo' (Korean for 'hello')... I guess I'll try a bit of both. Actually I guess I need to practice my Korean anyway.
It's also gonna be not easy here because Seoul is so crowded with so many people bustling around, but anyway I have to get out of my comfort zone, don't I...
Personally I think I'd like to try the eye-contact/greeting with both males and females.
Alright let's go!


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Sign me up too, eh.....

I made a half-baked attempt at the bootycamp some time before too, but didn't get very far. go!

me too! i got few hi's and then gave up - i was too nervous.

but now i'm prepared for this!

Welcome to the club :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay...Then Add one more to the list. If you guys don't mind, I'm going to keep a tally by everyone's name to show the number of field reports that you have posted. That way, we'll know whose working and who needs to get over the fear and DO IT! :)
BTW, if any of you are in the same city. It would probably be really helpful if you met up and gamed together. It's so much easier to get started with someone there.

BTW, I'm in Montreal. I've already done 4 weeks of the bootcamp, but considering I'm coming out of an LTR, I'm doing the entire thing again. I suggest you guys do the same regardless. :)

scorpio king


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
I sorta started early... kinda but not really :D. I was trying the intense eye contact thing on all the chicks who came in to my store. My last one was the most successful as she was literally dragged out by her boyfriend after staring into my eyes for about 30 seconds with a dumbfounded look on here face... it was pretty sweet :D.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Want to start bootcamp.

Stop jerking off.

Make a promise to yourself that i won't jerk off until I get head and or some *****. I promise you that you will be tapping some **** in a few days.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
lol. :p
Remember, the idea is to attract them. :p It's good to maintain eye contact, so keep doing what you are doing. But next time, if you hold someone's gaze for 5 seconds, make sure you give them a genuine subtle smile! Then watch them play with their hair, or if they are a guy, they'll loosen up.

Intense staring is good because it shows that you don't give a **** what they think, but try and visualize what it would be like if you were using eye contact to generate sexual attraction! :)

Guys I'm throwing in an extra article for you guys to read for week one. Because this is something that we often overlook. Your "Inner state" is VERY important to how your outer state is percieved. In fact, it's the only deciding factor. For that reason, all of us should read the section in this artcle which talks about how to act in a "sexual state". Not the entire thing, cause I think that Gunwitch has different goals than the rest of us.

But read section 10 of this guide. "Sexual state"

When your are eye contacting a girl next time, try to imagine this state. :)
Good luck guys. (What am I talking about...you don't need luck. ;))



Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
O.K., so we are starting in the morning, and here is the list of participants.....

scorpio king

Time to rest up, big day tomorrow. If you haven't done so already, you should read the articles for week one (unless you dont read this until tomorrow morning). We need daily field reports, just to see how we are all diong. Week one field projects should be done by next sunday, then come back here and report on how you did!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys...It's 12:30am as I'm writing this here, and as you've all probably realized, I've been essentially spamming these boards, in an attempt to get over, and to find some closure on my LTR. Well it's all come a culmination here. Tommorrow we start. We take action.
I don't want any pussfooting around, you guys and me ALL deserve better.

Let's do all ourselves a favor, and get the hell out there and change our goddamn perspective. Now for me, whose done this quite a bit in the past. I'm going to get my 50 his. But, that DOESN'T mean that I won't initiate conversations, or that I won't try and get numbers. GO WITH THE FLOW, put your balls on the line, and CHANGE your damn life. Action time recruits. Good luck tommorrow. Report back in the night...that is, unless your not at home. ;)

I leave you with this convo I wrote to myself today...Pook stylez:

I was walking along the road today with a slight smile on my face, when I saw a poor boy sitting on a bench. He had his hands clasped to his mouth, and a single tear crawling down his cheek. I decided to stop and see what was troubling this poor boy.

Me: "What is troubling you friend?"

Poor Nice guy:
"Why is it that the '*******s' get the chicks? And us 'Nice Guys' are left with nothing?"

"Because you have no backbone, you show no stregnth. She is not interested in holding onto a man who does not have direction, confidence and stature. Or one who is indecisive. You are weak, and you submit to her too easily. You spend your time attending to her every need, and fulfilling all her requests. You should be climbing mountains, and fulfilling your goals. You should be crossing rivers, and achieving your dreams with a ferocity that stems from your passion for success in life."

Poor Nice guy:
"Does that mean, you are an '*******'?"

"Me? No. I'm not a "Nice Guy" or an '*******'. I'm a MAN. *******s only get sub-par women. It's the MEN that get the quality chicks. Know this, and you will be free. Live YOUR life, and fulfill YOUR needs, and show strength in yourself. Find and persue your own direction in life, with a passion that can only come from deep within your core. When you do this, you will truly create the person that you are, and your glory be visible to women. Then and only then, are you ready to give a woman what she desires, without sacrificing your own ability to create who you wish to become."

Poor Nice Guy:
"I understand. You must love yourself, before you can truly love another. And you must respect yourself, and your own goals, before you can respect the independance of another. A relationship is not about completing your soul, but rather about it's independance. It is not about living a life together, but enriching the path that each of you take separately, and then experiencing the unity that you share."

"You have understood. You may become a Man."


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by nishbuk
Alright guys...It's 12:30am as I'm writing this here, and as you've all probably realized, I've been essentially spamming these boards, in an attempt to get over, and to find some closure on my LTR. Well it's all come a culmination here. Tommorrow we start. We take action.
I don't want any pussfooting around, you guys and me ALL deserve better.

Let's do all ourselves a favor, and get the hell out there and change our goddamn perspective. Now for me, whose done this quite a bit in the past. I'm going to get my 50 his. But, that DOESN'T mean that I won't initiate conversations, or that I won't try and get numbers. GO WITH THE FLOW, put your balls on the line, and CHANGE your damn life. Action time recruits. Good luck tommorrow. Report back in the night...that is, unless your not at home. ;)

I leave you with this convo I wrote to myself today...Pook stylez:

I was walking along the road today with a slight smile on my face, when I saw a poor boy sitting on a bench. He had his hands clasped to his mouth, and a single tear crawling down his cheek. I decided to stop and see what was troubling this poor boy.

Me: "What is troubling you friend?"

Poor Nice guy:
"Why is it that the '*******s' get the chicks? And us 'Nice Guys' are left with nothing?"

"Because you have no backbone, you show no stregnth. She is not interested in holding onto a man who does not have direction, confidence and stature. Or one who is indecisive. You are weak, and you submit to her too easily. You spend your time attending to her every need, and fulfilling all her requests. You should be climbing mountains, and fulfilling your goals. You should be crossing rivers, and achieving your dreams with a ferocity that stems from your passion for success in life."

Poor Nice guy:
"Does that mean, you are an '*******'?"

"Me? No. I'm not a "Nice Guy" or an '*******'. I'm a MAN. *******s only get sub-par women. It's the MEN that get the quality chicks. Know this, and you will be free. Live YOUR life, and fulfill YOUR needs, and show strength in yourself. Find and persue your own direction in life, with a passion that can only come from deep within your core. When you do this, you will truly create the person that you are, and your glory be visible to women. Then and only then, are you ready to give a woman what she desires, without sacrificing your own ability to create who you wish to become."

Poor Nice Guy:
"I understand. You must love yourself, before you can truly love another. And you must respect yourself, and your own goals, before you can respect the independance of another. A relationship is not about completing your soul, but rather about it's independance. It is not about living a life together, but enriching the path that each of you take separately, and then experiencing the unity that you share."

"You have understood. You may become a Man."

check your emails once in a while, you are here a lot but I never see you on MSN or emails.



Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Is it too late to still join bootcamp? I tried bootcamp before and didn't get past week one, but I feel like giving it another shot because wth i've got nothing to lose and i'm getting sick and tired of not being able to use some of the stuff i've learned from this site. I'm sick of being so scared of everything I do and being a nice guy/afc because it's easy and more comfortable to live life like that. Anyways enough rambling, i'm in if you guys are still accepting people.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Time to get started everybody, I am leaving for school in about 10 minutes, here is the Final list of participants. We need field reports by next sunday night!

scorpio king


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
[BI was walking along the road today with a slight smile on my face, when I saw a poor boy sitting on a bench. He had his hands clasped to his mouth, and a single tear crawling down his cheek. I decided to stop and see what was troubling this poor boy.

Me: "What is troubling you friend?"

Poor Nice guy:
"Why is it that the '*******s' get the chicks? And us 'Nice Guys' are left with nothing?"

"Because you have no backbone, you show no stregnth. She is not interested in holding onto a man who does not have direction, confidence and stature. Or one who is indecisive. You are weak, and you submit to her too easily. You spend your time attending to her every need, and fulfilling all her requests. You should be climbing mountains, and fulfilling your goals. You should be crossing rivers, and achieving your dreams with a ferocity that stems from your passion for success in life."

Poor Nice guy:
"Does that mean, you are an '*******'?"

"Me? No. I'm not a "Nice Guy" or an '*******'. I'm a MAN. *******s only get sub-par women. It's the MEN that get the quality chicks. Know this, and you will be free. Live YOUR life, and fulfill YOUR needs, and show strength in yourself. Find and persue your own direction in life, with a passion that can only come from deep within your core. When you do this, you will truly create the person that you are, and your glory be visible to women. Then and only then, are you ready to give a woman what she desires, without sacrificing your own ability to create who you wish to become."

Poor Nice Guy:
"I understand. You must love yourself, before you can truly love another. And you must respect yourself, and your own goals, before you can respect the independance of another. A relationship is not about completing your soul, but rather about it's independance. It is not about living a life together, but enriching the path that each of you take separately, and then experiencing the unity that you share."

"You have understood. You may become a Man." [/B]
amen brother, amen


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
put me down. I only wanna do the excercise where i talk to any hot chick that is possibly available to talking to.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
So I am heading out to dinner and a movie with a female friend of mine who I ****ed up with a long time ago and never got anywhere with. I am going to be doing the eye contact and hello thing with other women I walk by to see what she does and says. So wish me luck guys :D.

BTW If any of you want to talk to me on MSN: jasonb@dccnet.com


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by scorpio king
howd you do it inquire? did you say hi after the eye contact? did you smile before the hi?
this was cuz i was playin basketball....i think. well i saw a player tat i haven't seen before. a dude, but it was a hi. lol. i went up to him. and looked at him for a little while and said "hey, haven't seen u here before, im thuan(twon), (put my hand out) and yea...
im trying to say get hi's from girls but so far none in sight. dont know why....

tomorrow is registration tho for school. im thinkin, no, knowing tat i will say hi to at least 10-20 chicks. and then im like half way done. haha. wait up, so we doin this sunday is the last day? i could switch mine, i started mine on saturday but i could switch it, didnt really do anythang on saturday, church thang, and i already know everyone there.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by kav_3
Is it too late to still join bootcamp? I tried bootcamp before and didn't get past week one, but I feel like giving it another shot because wth i've got nothing to lose and i'm getting sick and tired of not being able to use some of the stuff i've learned from this site. I'm sick of being so scared of everything I do and being a nice guy/afc because it's easy and more comfortable to live life like that. Anyways enough rambling, i'm in if you guys are still accepting people.
its never too late! yo man, stop being scared. i want u to put this in your mind "YOU'RE BETTER THAN HER, SO HIT THAT!" and who cares what she thinks or anyone else by a matter of fact. just do it, like the nike slogan says.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Here is my first days report.......

So I went to my first day of college today, and one thing I learned is that college chicks are a lot less judgemental than High School girls.

Anyway, onto my first report.

As I walked into the fine arts building (I am a music major, so I spend alot of time in there) My first class started at 8 am, as I got there, there werent too many people there to try the eye contact thing. After my 9:00 class got out, there were many, many, many hb's there (most of them were 7 and up). I tried to hold the eye contact with some of them, but they look away, like they are not used to being looked in the eye. I got about 25 or so today, tomrrow, I will continue the extreme eye contact exercise, and start the "Hi" exercise on wednesday.

ANyone else have any war stories from today?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by Lomi
So I am heading out to dinner and a movie with a female friend of mine who I ****ed up with a long time ago and never got anywhere with. I am going to be doing the eye contact and hello thing with other women

I love doing this, its loads of fun, I do the same thing in the same situation, and would have got some numbers if my female "friend" wasn't being so damn clingy that night!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay Field report time.

Guys! I dont' see anyone's field report for the day!

Here's mine.

I woke up late about 12pm, and did my morning stuff. Went out to the mall with my mother (I'm visiting home, not at my Montreal Apartment), and I got good eye contact with pretty much everyone.

Old grumpy lady:
Old grumpy lady walking around Macy's, with a literal scowl on her face. So I decided to brighten her day. :p Walked up to her, ****ed my head to the side, smiled into her eyes, and said "Hi". Immediately, she smiled, and said Hi back.
"Hot day isn't it?"
"I'm surprised a good-looking woman like yourself isn't wearing a bathing suit". (ROFL...you shoulda seen this grams. She was Hizz-OLD. :crackup: )
Her: Lots of laughter. "It's been a while since a nice young guy like yourself has taken the time to compliment an old woman like me. You have a good day".
"You too!"

HB7 probably in highschool (Eeeewwww...)
Simple smile and "Hi" from me to the girl. She gives a hair flick, mother gives me the evil-eye, I think "That's enough suggestive paedephilism for the day", and I walk off

Salespeople: 7 His from them, but they DO NOT COUNT. They are paid to be friendly to you.

Some dude in Old Navy.
Said hi to three randoms in Jiu-JItsu

Said Hi to random black chick on the street.

Some random HB6 in Smoothie King.

Altogether. Only 7 His. :/
But I had training at 7pm, and those guys don't count since I have at least minimal rapport with them. Also, there weren't many HBs around suprisingly, so I didn't get any convos in today...

Remember. It only counts if the person is a RANDOM. And not a salesperson or a professional in a store that you are at.

Okay, let's see some more field reports!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
like I said; was only working on eye contact 2day, will start "his" 2morrw
