I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I just got back from my night out with my HB8.5 "friend". It couldn't have gone much better than it did, I could not believe how much skill I was displaying, the witty comments, the alpha maleism I was exuding... it all came together in a cacophany of sexual prevalence. Anyways on to the details:

I met her in front of a book store in the mall, and chatted with a LOT of teasing on the way to the food court, where we got a sandwich each from the Arby's. This part had me laughing audibally simply due to the sheer AFCness that was leaking out of the old fat dude running the counter that night. I made the order and she paid for it, the guy was like:

AFC: "Why don't you pay for the lady? It's the nice thing to do! Ok Why don't you buy some curly fries?"

Me: "I dunno man, I don't think I can afford it, I don't generally carry cash with me when I am out and about. You want some curly fries?"

Girly: "No not really."

Me: "Dunno what to tell you man the girl doesn't want them, what are you going to do?"

AFC: Shook his head and told the dude in the back what we wanted.

Girly: Phone rings and she answers, it is her friend and they talk only briefly. I didn't know who it was and couldn't collect any info while it was happening as to who she was talking to except that she said love ya at the end. So I assumed it was her chump bf.

Me: "Boyfriend checking in on you already?"

Girly: LOL "No it was my friend blah. Chumpboyfriend was being a dork earlier though, when I said I was going to dinner and a movie with you he asked me if I was dating you now. I said no and that Jason is like a big brother to me (ya she has said this on a few occasions and it stings every time)."

Anyways we eat our food and I bust on her about apparently being a bit germaphobic and that I touched her sandwich checking if it was the right one while she was in the bathroom, so she might have to wash it. She laughed and her pupils began on the road to open dilation. After we were done chatting about **** all we went to the theater and I convinced her to see the great raid with me instead of some retarded chick flick that was playing. During the previews we were talking and I was teasing her like crazy, the kino started to rear its little head at this point as she threatened to give me a nipple twister.

Girly: Gently twists my nipple "Did that hurt?"

Me: "No not really."

Girly: "Did it turn you on?"

Me: "Ya a little."

Girly: Bursts out laughing.

Me: "Why don't I twist yours and you tell me if it hurts?"

Girly: "No! You are not grabbing my nipple." She then changed the subject to her boyfriend, which I switched around quickly to the movie just starting.

As the movie was playing she was asking me history questions about world war 2 and what was goin on. After the movie was over we went outside to the bustop.

Me: "I guess (said very annoyedly) I will wait with you till the bus comes."

Girly: Smiles and says thanks.

I don't really remember much of the specifics of what was said for the next half hour while we waited for the bus but here is the general gist of the actions that unfolded:

I tease her a LOT and she laughs and starts kino BIG TIME. She then starts talking about sex and her boyfriend, I steer the sexual banter to myself and she brings out this lip balm and puts some on. She shows me the label and it is apparently called "nipple nibblers". You can guess what sort of conversation this lead to ROFL. Some more kino, lots of laughs, then something I did not expect. She asks me for my phone number; now this may sound weird, because we are already friends, but most of the time it is me calling or emailing her, she almost never calls me. I joke that my number is 911, then I tell her to call 411 and ask them to give you my number, finally I relented and gave it to her, she then programmed it into her cellphone and told me I should get a cell. Eventually the bus comes and she says goodbye, we then hug closer than we ever have before and she tells me to email her. We part ways and she heads home.

Ok now on the way home I had a chance to do some eye contact stuff (there were very few people around while I was with her for some reason and had no chances to pull this trick unfortunately), because I actually walked home (about 30 blocks). I made eye contact with 3 groups of guys and said hello, only getting one sup back from one of the guys. One of the groups actually parted to let me through them, and they were BIG guys as well. I made eye contact with a HB4 (thats being generous) at a stoplight and she checked me out quickly as I walked by her (I was not going to say hi as this girl was the type you just KNOW won't shut up if you show any interest). Then I decided I wanted to rent a couple movies, while in the video store this HB7 checked me out after I made eye contact, smiled, and said hi as I was walking by her at the register. By this time I think I was showing some heavy MAVEC, because I was a little tired and I had just remembered that post about it, so I tried using it as well. On the way out I saw an HB8 walking with her muscular shaved head-muscle shirt wearing boyfriend. So I made eye contact with her, smiled, and said hello. She didn't say hi, but she giggled, and this set off her bf LOL.... As I was walking away he said "**** you *******, don't flirt with my gf!" I just put my middle finger up and kept walking. He mumbled something and they started arguing. About a block away I started laughing so hard the kids riding by on their bikes called me a fruitcake.

And now I am home... so tell me guys, what do you think I did right and wrong, and generally how well do you think the night went?


Eye contact - 18
Hi's - 1
Checked out - 2
Angry Boyfriends - 1


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
o I made eye contact with her, smiled, and said hello. She didn't say hi, but she giggled, and this set off her bf LOL.... As I was walking away he said "**** you *******, don't flirt with my gf!" I just put my middle finger up and kept walking. He mumbled something and they started arguing. About a block away I started laughing so hard the kids riding by on their bikes called me a fruitcake.

Lomi = 1
Muscleguy = 0

scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
damn I need help

The eye contact and the smile is easy for me but I just cant say the hello part. Man I thought of every attitude there is: be a man, be sexual, got to have balls, I read the gunwitch method basically every mental arsenal there is but I cant still say the fukking hello!!!:down:

I walked the mall for 2 hours but I only got eye contacts and smiles.....I dont think its fear that I have. I think that its very uncommon for a stranger to say hi to a stranger.( even though I smile to them, damn Im such an AFC!)

I need help guys for those who are able to say the hellos. I will never start week 2 w/o saying the 50 hellos to women. ( I feel uneasy smiling at dudes)

I welcome your advice whether constructive criticism or rough talk so as to stir up my ass to say hello.


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sitting on a nuke in North Korea

Okay already day 2 has passed. These first two days I was either busy or tired most of the time so I hardly even thought about my training.

I didn't have any specific time to go out, so I just did a little bit of eye contact here and there. It's not easy in most places here in Seoul cause there's just so many people bustling around. Most people don't make eye contact (even though I'm a foreigner and stick out like a sore thumb) or they look away immediately. Some people do though. But I'm having difficulty so far holding the eye contact for longer. My automatic reaction is still to glance away. And I always forget to smile!

Yeah I'm having trouble with the hello's too. Just saying hello to a random stranger on the street or whatever is..... there's just a barrier/mental block with this. So far I only said hello to some store clerks (which doesn't count, usually I already say hello to those kinds of people), and also I did say a few hello's to people in/at the elevator in my building (I don't normally say hello to these kinds of people, but I don't think I can really count those either, since it's not that random).

Tonight I missed a perfect opportunity when I passed a really cute girl on the street and got some eye contact and a real nice smile from her, but I wasn't thinking about it so I missed the chance for a hi and maybe a conversation.... I'd kick myself if I were more flexible.

So not much progress so far for the first 2 days. It sucks but I'm not gonna beat myself up over it. I just need to focus for the rest of the week. Let me read up on the articles again and I'll try harder tomorrow. Nice to see some of you guys are making progress. Keep it up...


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by scorpio king
damn I need help

The eye contact and the smile is easy for me but I just cant say the hello part. Man I thought of every attitude there is: be a man, be sexual, got to have balls, I read the gunwitch method basically every mental arsenal there is but I cant still say the fukking hello!!!:down:

I walked the mall for 2 hours but I only got eye contacts and smiles.....I dont think its fear that I have. I think that its very uncommon for a stranger to say hi to a stranger.( even though I smile to them, damn Im such an AFC!)

I need help guys for those who are able to say the hellos. I will never start week 2 w/o saying the 50 hellos to women. ( I feel uneasy smiling at dudes)

I welcome your advice whether constructive criticism or rough talk so as to stir up my ass to say hello.
Make something up. Smile, and make eye contact just like you have, and then when they are about to walk by MAKE SOMETHING UP TO SAY TO THEM! Anything to get you in the game!

"Excuse me? Do you know where a good casual shoe store is around here?"

"Excuse me? This might be a little out of the blue, but I'm in a rush. Have you ever heard of such and such movie? What did you think?"

Make up anything...it doesn't matter. Right now, you just need to start talking. So it doesn't matter if you are asking for something that you don't really need. Just make something up to say to them!

Eventually when you have buds who are doing the bootcamp with you, it will be hilarious to just be utterly random.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
okayz for my report today only 4. tat sucks. i cant go anywhere today and really only got 4. sucks. it was basically a hi, little chat, and out of there. sucks. and saying hi is hard but overcome it my fellow dons! jsut try to stop thinking and say hi when she's lookin'.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Didn't have much luck today. I managed to get out to a movie theatre and get a couple of smiles and eye-contacts. In the supermarket, I got 3 His, one HB7 28-29 year old. The rest randoms.
Got two more at the movie theater.

5 total. :/


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Look I haven't been committing to BC or any forums but reading these journals/update are inspiring!

Today at Blockbuster I saw a HB6.5 red head who I've chatted to a couple of times before. I decided to casually walk in not knowing what I would get. I've mainly been SNAG and AFC with her since hiring out most of the Mandy Moore movies. lol She even advised me which ones to see.

I pick up Assault on Precinct 13 and Party Monster (a gay Rocky Horror style movie. -I didn't know-). I go to the line and make sure no one is in the line behind me even letting thru an elderly couple to seize my chance of alone time. Yeshh!!

Anyway, she sees me and her eyes light up!

Her: Hi! How are ya?
Me: K. Juz pickin up some movies for tonite. -pause- Haven't seen you in a while.
Her: Yeah, you haven't dropped by lately.
Me: I've been in America, hence not seeing you in a while! Hahaha.
Her: Really? Lucky! How was it?
Me: Crap. So what have you been up to lately?
Her: Still working here.. you going to the US and me working here. How exciting! But I'm going interstate 2moro! Back home. But I'll be back in a few days. (scans DVDs)
Me: Oh yea? You deserve the break.
Her: I know... Anyway what where you doin the US?
Me: Just some business.. -blah- serving 500 people a day. It's crap.
Her: Hahahah, I know..
(she hands the DVDs to me)
Me: Right, I'll see you next week. Kbuh! (Napoleon Dynamite style)
Her: See ya next week!
(I leave)

I grab dinner next door and head into the car which is parked right infront of Blockbuster. As I put the key in the ignition I see her at the window doing her work facing the carpark. I think to myself, what would Pugs (check out his journal for insight) do in this case? So I put down dinner in the passenger side, and make sure no one else is inside Blockbuster.

I walk in.
Her: Oh! Hey.
Me: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Her: Yea!
Me: -hesistation- (thinks to self, stuff it. I came this far) Are you single?
Her: Nooo... I have a bf. (blushes bright red. Her being a pasty red head and all) He's gonna drive me back 2moro..
Me: (thinks to self, do not acknowledge the bf) Well somebody put on a lot of blush today! -stolen from somewhere on SS, maybe Pugs journal-
Her: Well it's embarressing! (giggling and smiling inpulsively)
Me: Hahaha. Well sorry. (shouldn't of apologised)
Her: It's cool.
Me: Well my name is RBB. (extends hand, palm up)
Her: My name's HB6.5 (I point to her name tag and laugh)
Her: Oh! Hahah, I usually don't wear a name tag but there's a new guy working today.
Me: Well thanks for the chat. I'll see you next week for another chat!
Her: (still red as hell) Ok then! Bye!

I get in the car and go home where my mate is spinning the tunes at maximum.

I tell him cold dinner is served and inform him of my rejection with glee. Even boasting! lol. It felt great! It was such a rush at first and then a feeling of satisfaction. Pure satisfaction. I felt free after the 1st time. I think it was all the building up of courage to approach being finally released that gave me the best feeling ever. I felt like doing it again. Infact, I definitely will! Different HB of course!

-Just so proud I had to share wif you guys- getting rejected isn't bad after all! Hahahah..


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Also, I wasn't preparred for it. My confidence wasn't sky high and I was dressed like I was headed to the petrol station! Can't wait to go out with my A game! Now where's my Rocky cd? :rockon:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
western canada
Hey guys

I am a little late but i am going to join the boot camp if it aint too late

I will just work overtime here to get my week one done in time


Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by scorpio king
damn I need help

The eye contact and the smile is easy for me but I just cant say the hello part. Man I thought of every attitude there is: be a man, be sexual, got to have balls, I read the gunwitch method basically every mental arsenal there is but I cant still say the fukking hello!!!:down:

I walked the mall for 2 hours but I only got eye contacts and smiles.....I dont think its fear that I have. I think that its very uncommon for a stranger to say hi to a stranger.( even though I smile to them, damn Im such an AFC!)

I need help guys for those who are able to say the hellos. I will never start week 2 w/o saying the 50 hellos to women. ( I feel uneasy smiling at dudes)

I welcome your advice whether constructive criticism or rough talk so as to stir up my ass to say hello.
Best piece of advice. Just say it. It's not like you're striking up a conversation here, it's just hi or hello. Say it. No big deal. If someone gives you a dirty look, they look like the ****, and you'll probably end up laughing.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
My day 2 was sort of day 2 and 3 as I just worked 24 hours straight... I didn't have any time to do any exercises unfortunately, so I will have to work a lot harder for the rest of the week.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Here is my report for the last two days:

Yesterday i did not post because my internet was down (damed cable company!)

Yesterday, saw lots of HB7-9, as they walk up, made eye contact, as they walk by I say "Hey", most of them say "hi, how are you" (or something along those lines). Normally I would chat them up, but I only had 10 min. inbetween classes, (and at my school, if you are late, you miss the whole day, and University Policy says you can only miss 10% of classes for the semester, or you get dropped) so i say something like "fine, how are you?''
they usually say good or something like that, so after day three, I am up to about 30 for the week, only 20 more to go!!!!

How are you guys doing?


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay. So it's day 3 today. I woke up at 3pm :/
I have training for Mixed Martial Arts/No Holds Barred/ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 6 days a week at 7 pm (Sometimes both at 11 and 7)

I didn't get much done today, but I've been doing as much as I can when I go out. I went to the Sports Authority today, and chatted up an HB6 in the store. I got one other "Hi" on the street.

Then after training ended (10pm), I went out with my training buddies to Applebees, and lo and behold! A cute Waitress. I gave her eye contact and a nice smile and she reciprocated to me with a nice bashful hairflick. She was also friendly with my buds, but it was nice to joke around with her a bit.
"What will you guys have to drink?"
My friends all three: "Water".
I'm like (while still making good smiling eye contact), "Hmmm...You know what? I'm a growing boy, I'm going to have a nice cold glass of milk".
Haha, that got a good laugh from her. It was pretty funny.
We talked her up a bit the entire time, giving her a hard time, and keeping the rapport high.
Then at the end she's like "Would you guys like some desert?"
So were like, "What do you think is good to get".
"We have a chocolate brownie ala mode, which would be good if you want chocolate...but I like the blonde brownie, or the apple cheesecake".
So I'm like "How about this, you pick either the blondie, or the cheesecake, and come back and surprise us."
In retrospect, I really should have asked for her digits even though it prolly wouldnt' have panned out to anything. But just for the xp, or for the mere chance, it would have been a good idea. :)

15 His.
4 convos.
0 digits.

Will have to work extra hard this weekend to make sure I stay on schedule!! I need to get about 15 tommorrow! C'Mon guys! Keep it up! were almost through week1! If you're falling behind, then pick up the slack!! Let's gooooo!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
western canada
Went for a run tonight after work and saw two old people and said hi

2 hellos ..... i will get lots tomorrow though because i am going out

i don't like to count the nights i drink though because i seem i can pick up alot of girls on these nights.... it is just my cold approaches


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
someone please say yes.......cuz I am ready to freakin overcome my fears and finally become a DJ or a master DJ

add me in


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
This is probably the newest BC thread. I'm just gonna post what I hit up unless there's objections. I know I didn't join this BC but I don't wanna start a thread just for me. Happy BCin'!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
guys feel free to track your own progress in this thread. Everyone willing to better themselves is ALWAYS welcome. it's hard though so watch out!

You guys can start whenever you want. Actually, there is probably enough time left in the week for you guys to get 50 "His" and complete week one before sunday. You'll have to work extra hard, but it's doable!



New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nishbuk
guys feel free to track your own progress in this thread. Everyone willing to better themselves is ALWAYS welcome. it's hard though so watch out!

You guys can start whenever you want. Actually, there is probably enough time left in the week for you guys to get 50 "His" and complete week one before sunday. You'll have to work extra hard, but it's doable!


Its OUNN.......for quick reference......what DJ bible is everybody using or what bible do you recommend nishbuk

also....i have 3 days to get 50 eye contacts & his right?