Sorry for wakening an old thread, but I've been reading through it and there's invaluable advice here. I made another thread about this but this would be a better place for it I think. From other thread:
Ok so long story short, I've been seeing a girl for 6 months, and her ex has been pestering her to get back with him this whole time.
About a month ago she started acting distant, not
texting and basically disappeared for a while. I asked her what was up but didn't want to push her. She said it's because her grandmum has been in hospital and only has a couple of weeks to live, and her and her mum have gotten really depressed over it. (She suffers from depression and her mum is worse). So she said she's just been antisocial. A few days ago I got her to meet up. This was the first time I'd seen her in a month. We went for a walk in the park, went for a drink, dinner and a movie. Thought things were back to normal. Then I walk her home, she goes for a hug and I go for a kiss. She stops me and says "I don't think it's a good idea... I'll tell you why later". So later she tells me that she doesn't think it's right for us to continue being intimate. Basically she's trying to LJBF me.
What's pissed me off is that when we were out, we took photos together, and usually she puts everything on Facebook. But they never went online. Then the day after she was out with her ex, and all the pictures they took together went up straight away.
This guy has made EVERY mistake in the book, constantly pestering/stalking her, getting angry at her for seeing me, breaking down in front of her and crying MULTIPLE times, saying he still loves her, and then flirting with other girls in front of her two seconds later. He basically intends to make her feel like **** every time they meet (which is 2 or 3 times a week) and she tells me about it every time, telling me how crap he's made her feel. I got bored hearing it. He's being doing this for 6 MONTHS, and she STILL chooses him over me?
So basically in the last texts she said:
"I dont know how to say it, I just don't think we can kiss etc. anymore"
I said: "Ok well in that case we're going to have to meet again to discuss it. It can wait til you're back from your mum's"
She said "Ok we can meet to talk about it. We are always fighting about it because I need to be alone and that isn't fair on you. I just don't think it was right for this to start, or continue"
So now my problem is, do I just go completely NC from here, or do I go round to her house and tell her that it's fine that she wants time alone, but I'm not sticking around to be her emotional tampon and I just don't have time for her anymore? Then tell her I need to get my stuff? She has my laptop and I kind of need it back...
After posting this I thought maybe it's a better idea to just go NC, but wait til she's away and call round to get my stuff when it's just her flatmates in.